Romeo and Hamlet (Overhaul X Sibling Reader)
Okay, so this isn't incest (you sick creeps)
This is more of a Mirio X Reader because... You'll see.
Cursing your ancestors was the most appropriate thing you can ever think of after you found yourself being soaked under the rain.
Well, it's the most appropriate thing you can think of rather than fantasizing about Chrono. You can imagine putting your hands on his face, gazing into his eyes... Those beautiful eyes of him would be gazing back at you, all the softness of the world was evident in you eyes, when you would suddenly turn his head to the right angle and break his neck.
Your body shook from the chilling breeze and the fact that you're wearing nothing but a black tank top and sweatpants wasn't helping either. You should've at least sore a hoodie if you had a chance. Maybe you should've borrowed your brother's jacket and soak it with rain before flushing it down his toilet and leave it to clog there.
A simple middle finger would do, but he deserves something more than that. Maybe you'll dispose all his sanitizer. Or maybe you'll leave your muddy foot prints on his ceiling. Or maybe you can sneeze on him and he'll catch a cold or something. Or maybe dose him in bleach and set him on fire...
Somehow the thought of murder won't stop evading your thoughts.
I wonder why—
You shuddered at the cold breeze brushing you. The only heat you can gather in your body was the burning desire to murder Chrono and your asshole brother. Apparently, try as you may, even if that desire was strong, it wasn't enough to provide the heat you wanted.
You were at the verge of disassembling someone, when the rain miraculously stopped... In your spot. You looked up to see a yellow umbrella hovering over your head, being held by a blond male clad in UA uniform.
"Uh... Hi." He greeted, rubbing the back of his head.
By the Gods, he looks divine.
You found yourself, struggling to say something, anything, just to get this sunshine personified person to stay with you—
"Your eyes look like marbles."
You curse at Sakaki for rubbing off his weirdness in you and you swear that you'll kill him once you reach home—
"Thanks! Marbles are cool! My friend and I used to play those when we were younger!" He laughed, a tint of red colouring his cheeks. "I'm Togata Mirio. What's your name?"
Oh gosh, the cute boy is asking for your name! Think of something less weird to say! Say your name, you goddamn heathen!
"I-Uh— Y/N! Y/N L/N You exclaimed, vocals cracking. You can't say your real last name, he might stray away from you. I mean, Chisaki is a name that your brother hid away. But so we're you. Think of a conversation starter... "So you go to UA?" You mentally smacked yourself at that statement. No, he's just wearing UA merch— Of course he goes to UA, he's wearing the uniform!
"Yes! I'm going to graduate in a few months and man, it can get a little difficult!" He rubbed his cheek, as he gazed at you. "It's getting late and I needed to get home. You look cute— do you uh— wanna exchange numbers or something?"
Okay that was sudden but does it look like you don't like it? HELL YEAH, YOU'LL TAKE IT— "UH, SHOOT YEAH!" The sudden burst of excitement might look a little strange for him, so you cleared your throat. "I-Uh, I— sure!" You sheepishly chuckled.
He handed you a pen and paper, as your hands dripped with rain drops, you wrote your number on his paper, while he wrote his on your palm. The bliss was undeniable when he touched your palm with his and it was EXQUISITE!
And with that, you parted ways.
Ah, yes.
Romeo and Juliet, a classic example of one of Shakespeare's masterpiece. A famous theatre play that's been the talk of debates, the topic to be examined, etc. A story about two forbidden lovers, star crossed lovers, if you will. Either another cheesy romantic love story, or an exaggerated satire commentary about the era of Shakespeare. Either way, it's a story with dick jokes and witty banters because a teenage boy just couldn't wait for his Juliet to wake up before poisoning himself.
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is another great example for Shakespeare's works. A mad prince who was visited by his father's spirit and told him to kill his uncle to avenge him because he was killed by him. A mad man who battled with his morals and beliefs, always delaying what he's supposed to do. Either way, everyone in the play dies.
The fact that people would compare their selves is kind of frustrating.
Are they minors who just met and got married? Are they princes who was tasked to kill their uncle?
Never in your life have you ever thought you'd be comparing your situation with them.
You somehow found yourself swooning over a young man studying in UA, and he found himself swooning over you... And you have no idea if he knows who you really are.
And you found yourself devising a plan to kill your older brother after you found out he was the one who "killed" Boss man.
A hopeless romantic boy swooning over a vengeful emo attempting to kill their brother for killing their father figure.
So... Romeo and Hamlet? Romeo and Hamlet it is. Ah, yes. Romeo and Hamlet, a tale you would compare to your situation.
Except, it was slow burn rather than love at first sight. Love at first sight isn't real, you can't convince me otherwise—, maybe attraction at first sight is the word, rather than love.
But back at the topic at hand, the first time you saw him wasn't the pleasant time you have.
You were fuming that day, under the rain, cursing at your ancestors, maybe thinking about murdering someone right now (specifically Chrono, for refusing to open the office door to talk to your asshole brother who was yet again experimenting on the poor girl... Oh and Overhaul), when an umbrella hovered above your head.
You caught a cold under the rain from yesterday, and now Chrono was assigned to be your babysitter, while Overhaul refused to see you until you got well. Some brother he is.
"For the millionth time, I am NOT drinking that monstrosity you made!" You pointed at the... The— the thing—! The thing on Chrono's hand he called 'tea'. The thing was probably laced with poison and you refuse to drink it, tea is not supposed to look NEON BLUE, HARI.
"You whiny child," he sighs, as he handed you the cup. "Quit whining and drink your tea, I still have things to do and you're making it difficult for me."
"You could have at least killed me with your combat skills rather than poisoning me, you coward," you glared at him.
"Why do you think everyone's trying to kill you?" He asked, taking a seat by the end of your bed, taking his mask off.
That's it, take your mask off. Inhale my germs filled air you and catch my disease, you demonic slut—
"You're killing me in your thoughts again, aren't you?" Hari smirked at you, brushing his hair away from his face.
"Shut up," the frog in your throat jumped, causing you to almost spit at Hari. Groaning, you spat in a napkin before throwing it in the bin beside you. "Being sick is HELL—"
As of cue, you suddenly rose from your bed to snatch your phone beside Hari. Mirio did promised to text you and there he is! You really can't let Hari see, because you know...
Unknown: Hi! I'm the guy from yesterday XD
Unknown: So what's up? Hopefully you didn't caught a cold or something, btw
You cheekily grinned, but frowned at the fact that you are indeed bed ridden with a fever.
Sup, I'm fine ^^
And yah, I caught the cold, yeah
So how are you?
Hari tried to catch a glimpse of what you were up to, when you pushed his face away, shielding your phone with you hand, as you turned to glare at him.
"Never thought you'd be the type to fantasize about boy bands." He said, arranging your unorganized things.
"Who the heck said I like boy bands?" You glared at him, putting your phone against your chest as you waited for a reply.
"Oh, right." Hari chuckled. "I forgot that you fantasize about fictional characters."
You dramatically gasped, before tossing a pillow to his direction, in which he doesn't dodge and hit him Square in the face.
"Screw you!" You exclaimed, voice cracking as he just laughs at you, tossing the pillow back at you.
"Whatever. I'll leave you to your set fantasies." He smirked, putting his mask back on and turning to leave.
"Fuck YOU!" you yelled at him, tossing him another pillow, when he dodged it and tosses it back at you, hitting you square in the face, before he closed the door behind his back.
You glared at his absent form, before turning to your phone to see a reply.
Mirio: Ooof, I should've lend you my umbrella ^^" sorey
No! It's okay! It's my fault that I'm outside. Do you're fine
Mirio: Have you drank your medicine? I don't want you sick (⇀‸↼‶)
You glanced at the 'tea' that Hari gave you, before glancing back at your phone. Wow... He wants you to be healed.
And gathering enough strength necessary, you gulped down the 'tea' Hari gave you. Mid gulp, you almost threw it up, but you managed to gulp it all down.
Shuddering at the bitter taste, you immediately attempted to wash it down with water. The dull taste still remained in your mouth, but that's a problem you'll face later.
I just drank the medicine ( : ˘ ∧ ˘ : )
It taste like hell, but I'm okay.
Mirio: What were you doing outside in the rain, anyways?
You stopped for a second. Should you tell him you were plotting to murder people (Hari and Kai)? He's in a prestigious school of heroes and he's most likely one of those hero students
Bracing yourself, you made up a lie.
I was just going out for a walk, when it rained.
Stupid rain ;-;
Mirio: Maybe you shouldn't roam around in that time.
Mirio: You never know when a villain would attack.
Mirio: Not that I'm belittling your skills, but I'm just worried.
Nah, no need to worry ^^
I'm a tuff cookie
Speaking of cookies, do you wanna go out sometimes?
There's a really good bakery that just recently opened and I want to try it.
So... Wanna go out?
Real smooth, Y/N. Real smooth.
Mirio: Shoot, YES!
Mirio: When are you free?
Is tomorrow okay?
Mirio: Yep! We don't have classes tomorrow at Saturday's after all ^^
At 3 in the afternoon, u okay with that?
Mirio: Yep! Same meeting place?
At the alley? Pfft, shre
*Sure, my damn autocorrect
Mirio: (・o・;) you cursed!
Oof, sorry. Bad habit
Mirio: I guess it just slipped, huh?
Yep. I guess my brother's boyfriend rubbed off on me.
Mirio: So... I'll see you tomorrow?
Heck yeah ⟵(๑¯◡¯๑)
Mirio: Aight, I'll see you tomorrow.
Mirio: I'll leave you to rest. Like, rest you need it.
Thanks, Mirio
Mirio: You mean marble eyes, yes?
It was an accident when I said that ಠ_ಠ
Mirio: Okay then, Marble eyes out!
Okay then. Byeeee
You squealed in delight, kicking and squirming around, before putting your pillow atop your face to squeal.
A date sounds about right. Tomorrow, you'll just have to dress up to meet him up.
"So what are your interest, L/N?" He leaned forward, as you shyly shrunk in your seat.
Murdering my brother—
"I love (insert favourite hobby)." You beamed. "How about you?"
"I want to become a hero, I know it's the most common thing you hear among UA students, but I really want to save people with a smile on my face!" He grinned.
Despite being sick, you managed to get your ass up back just to go to this date. He was worried, but you insisted you were a-okay. You lied, but it's worth it.
"Which school do you attend?" He asked.
You didn't attend school... "Oh, uh," you pondered for a while. "I was home schooled by my brother." You shrugged.
"Ohhh, so how's your brother like?" He asked.
He's a delusional, mysophobic, hypocritical fuck—
"He's okay." You lied through gritted teeth.
"Wow, it must be cool growing up with him then!" He grinned.
It wasn't, it was a pain in the butt.
"Yeah... It was..." You averted your gaze. "So how's the food?' you asked, desperately trying to drift the conversation away from your past.
"Oh, it great! Thanks for recommending me this place! Maybe my friend and I would occasionally buy here!" He said. "We should do this more often! It's really cool hanging out with you!"
"Oh, shucks, you're adorable..." You mumbled under your breathe, blushing.
"Hmm? Me? Adorable? Thanks! You are too!" You burned at a thousand degrees when he heard the compliment you were meant to keep to yourself. "Let's meet up again tomorrow! Maybe we could go to the park! It's nice there and I heard they're scheduling a fire works display! I know a lot of spots where we can watch!"
"S-sure! What time?"
"About six o'clock."
Weeks came, and you somehow falling deeply in love with him. Well, not that you're regretting these feelings, it's just that... You're a Yakuza. He's a hero.
A stray pebble hit you by the side of your head, breaking your trance. You rubbed the spot where the pebble hit, glaring at Mimic who tried to hide the fact it was him who tossed it.
"Fuck you." You cursed at him, throwing a bigger pebble at him in retaliation.
"Hey! You brat, where did you learn to say that word?! You're supposed to be docile! Like Overhaul want you to be!" He yelled at you, accusingly pointing a finger at you.
"Oh shut the fuck up, Pinocchio. Overwhore doesn't own me." You turned away from him, before focusing on the task at hand, letting his obnoxious lectures fade in the back of your head.
You want to let him know about your past, but you're not sure how he'd react to it. And you don't want him to be out of your life. Not that you'd assume he'll avoid you, but he might.
Unable to concentrate on your own thoughts because of Mimic being noisy, you used your quirk to create a small room to avoid being disturbed by Mimic.
"You brat!"
"Go awayyy!" You yelled at him.
Mirio is a great guy, but you have no idea how he would react to the news.
"I'm Kai Chisaki's sibling, Y/N Chisaki. I've also killed countless people to please my brother until I found out that he killed boss man and now I'm plotting to kill him."
Now that you thought about what you wanted to say, it made you uneasy. How can you speak about murdering your brother like it was normal? How can you speak about murdering countless of other people in front of a soon to be hero?
Was this relationship doomed?
Was there any relationship?
Maybe it's just a crush... It'll go away.
And that would be part one. Part two will come out soon... I hope.
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