Love me (Chrono X Reader) Angst

*Looks at the one shot I wrote for the past few weeks to see majority of them are angst*

Hehe, yeah... it wouldn't hurt to make yourself and possibly the reader to cry, right? Right?

Kurono Hari; age 7

A bitter little lad, he was.

A boy who wanted to lead his own group, when Pops suddenly found Kai to replace him because he was too 'reckless' or too 'emotional'.

For all Hari knows, he doesn't have emotions! Emotions are for cowards! Cowards, I say! And he isn't that reckless, it was a one time thing when he decided to punch Kai when he wanted to use the blue mallet to play croquet.

Jokes on Pops, he doesn't even know what reckless means! Ha!

Pops said to always follow your guts, and his guys specifically told him to punch the hell out of Kai when he snatched the blue mallet from him.

Stupid Kai, always getting Hari in trouble.

And so, the child resorted to running away, maybe starting a new group of his own. Much better than the Yakuza Kai will lead, of course!

The young arrow haired male, packed with clothes and essentials, headed out for the night, hoping not to return again.

Curse all of them, he certainly wouldn't miss them. Hmmp.

And so, he regretted it. He refuse to go home, but at the same time, he misses home. The stubborn kid sat by the park bench, arms crossed, cheeks puffed, his bottom lip sticking upward.

And the day couldn't get any worse when it started to pour.


Young Hari sighs, and uses his hood to cover his head, his body heavily drenched with water.

He misses the warmth of home, but he vowed never to return again.

"Mimimimimi, look at me, I'm Chisaki Kai. I want to restore the Yakuza to its former glory and take Hari's place as leader because I am soo much better," the boy mocked, bitterly crossing his arms to his chest as his face burned in anger. "You suck, Kai. You suck more than a leech sucks." He pouted.

He certainly would not return, stupid Kai. Never ever ever ever ever ever, EVER. Being close to Kai might have gave him cooties despite Kai wanting to be "clean" and "germs free" every time.

The rain suddenly stopped pouring direction in his spot, but it was still raining.

Confused, he looked up to see... You.

You were tilting your head to the side, as you held an umbrella above the arrow haired little boy, letting your raincoat wearing body be drenched in water

"Uhhh, hi," a small and confused voice emits from their throat.

Hari reddens in embarrassment, as to how long they must've been standing beside him, hearing what he say to say about that Kai...

Eh, he sucks anyways.

"H-hello," Hari greeted, giving them a small wave. "What are you doing out here?" He asked.

"I can say the same thing to you, you're letting yourself be drenched in the cold and the rain. You might get sick." You offered him a hand. "Come on. Let's go find your mom... Or dad... Or both."

He looked at you, then at your hand, before shaking his head with a hum.

"Nuh uh," he retorted, shaking his head.

"What? Why?" You asked, taking a seat beside him so that he wouldn't feel alone. "We can at least try and find a shade, you'll get a cold if you don't stop that."

"You're not my mom!" Hari retorts. "I don't need your help! Go away!"

"Well okay then!" You exclaimed, throwing your hands back. "Get ahead, die with hypothermia or something. And don't say I didn't warn ya, pretty boy." You waved back at him, standing up to leave, when he grabbed in your sleeve.

"P-please stay..."

You glanced down at the boy, confused. God, this boy is confusing. First he wanted you off, now he wants you back. But what can you say? People are unpredictable.

"Okay, okay." You sat back down on his side, holding the umbrella above his head. "You're confusing. First you wanted me gone, now you want me back. Wow, just— just wow." You sarcastically remarked, shaking your head.

"I-uh, sorry... I was just... Scared." He lowly uttered. You glanced at him, your bottom lip sticking out.

"Don't be sorry, it's natural to be like that." You assured. "Do you really wanna stay here? It's cold and the weather's unforgiving. Go home while the night's still young."

He glanced at you, confused to what you're talking about. How could a child his age talk like an old philosopher or something?

You looked at him, your face dropped when you remembered that he is just your age and might not know what you're talking about.

"O-oh, I meant that the weather's cold. You might wanna get home while it's early." You shrugged, parting the boy's head. "I'm Y/N, by the way."


"That's a cool name. Who's that Kai you're talking about? You seem to like the guy." Hari burned, as you watched in amusement. You aren't really sure if that red is either embarrassment or rage. Either way, it's amusing and cute. "Not a big fan of him, huh?"

"Well duh! He sucks more than—"

"A leech sucks, got it, got it." You chuckled. "What are you doing out here? Aren't you supposed to be home with your family? They might get worried."

Hari sunk. "I don't wanna."

You glanced at him. "Hmm, why?"

"Because they're always replacing me with that Kai." He played with his hair. "That's why I ran away."

"Hey," you turned to him. "I know I just met you, but I there will be things where you're good at that Kai isn't. Running away means you give up. Why don't you go home and prove them you're more capable than that Kai?" You tilted your head to the side.

Well, you just proved a point. Hari can do better. And he will. Just he wait, that Kai.

"Well?" You glanced at him.

"I think you're right." Hari smiled, standing on his feet. "Thanks, Y/N." He turned to you, bowing.

"You're welcome." You grinned, handing him the umbrella. "You're not going to run home drenched in the cold. Once you get home, immediately take a warm shower and to change your clothes."

He took the umbrella from your grasp, eyeing it. "B-but won't you need thi—"

"Nah, I don't need it. I have a raincoat. A lot of raincoats, actually." You twirled. "You and I can definitely meet in this spot. I always hand around this area, anyways." You shrugged.

"O-okay!" Hari exclaimed, opening the umbrella. "Gotta skedaddle, then. See you soon, Y/N!" He began to walk towards the direction of the Yakuza base.

"You too, Hari! Be careful on your way home!"

"Got it!"

Kurono Hari; age 14

"Wow, aren't you just a hissy sissy right now," you sarcastically remarked, as you watched Hari pace around the bench in anger, venting his anger out on you.

"Pops gave him a group to lead while I am stuck with being his second in command, how am I not going to a hissy sissy fitty moody!" He vented, crossing his arms, kicking the dirt off your pavement.

"You never really told me about this group and leader stuff is all about, but I guess I feel your pain." You analyzed your nails, picking the dirt off. "I was once Vice President of my club, then this year came and no one voted for me and I ended up being tenth grade representative."

"Yea, something like that..." Hari trailed off with a sigh.

L/N and Kurono have been friends since seven years old, and has been friends for seven years. Both pair of friends was an interesting dynamic.

The talkative Hari, and the silent Y/N. The hissy Hari, and the tamed Y/N. The idiot Hari, the smart Y/N.

The most goes on and on of how the two of you are both exact opposites and how you're getting along.

You found yourself falling for the boy throughout the years. His smile, his laugh, the way he puffs his cheeks when he's upset, annoyed or irritated... All the small things he'd notice about you..m you found all of it endearing.

You found yourself being the venting material for Hari, and you don't mind. You like easing his stress about that Kai person he always dislike. You also found yourself insulting Kai despite not knowing him.

From what you've learned, Hari is very honest... Not that honest, though, but you aren't aware. He's very straightforward when it comes to admitting people's flaws.

It can get a little hurtful, but it's the way Hari is and you can't really change that. 

Kurono Hari; age 15

"Hari! What the fu—"


"You have a black eye and you're worried about my choice of words?! What the actual fu—"


"You petty fuck!" You grabbed his collar to inspect the black eye. "What the fuck happened to you?" You asked in concern, examining it while he avert his gaze.

"I fell down the stairs and—"

"Kurono Hari, don't give me that bullshit and tell me what the hell is there a mark on your eye!" You fumed, grabbing his cheek to move his head from left to right and right to left. It was pretty bad and it was swelling. "Tell me the truth." You glared at him.

"I... I s-sneezed o-on Kai."

"I would've believed that, but you stutter when you lie, Hari." You sighed, pressing a cold compress on his eye. "Tell me, please..."

The sad look in Y/N's eyes affected him as well, as his mood drastically dropped like theirs did. Their eyes begged for an answer, an explanation. They were concerned for their friend, their one and only friend after their parents decided to abandon them. And Hari was the only one they had.

"Kai... He said that you're worthless." He clenches his fists on his sides. "So I coughed on him before punching him in the face." He averted his gaze by turning his head away from you.

You smacked him by the shoulders, before harshly pressing the cold compress by his eye, which caused him to yelp oh so cutely.

"All that because he said I'm worthless?" You crossed your arms to your chest. "I told you, you shouldn't steep down to his level. We both know that I'm more than just worthless and yet you acted like a colossal idiot and punched him because of it."

"He was talking shi—"

"Language." you smirked.

"Well he was talking trash about you! And he doesn't even know you—"

"Right, he doesn't know me. So then why do you need to steep down at his level and believe him? A word from another stranger's mouth don't define who I am, Hari. I don't really care, he doesn't know me. His words doesn't matter to me, Hari. It's okay." You embraced him by his waist, the urge to kiss his cheek growing stronger. Heck, the urge to kiss his lips was stronger.

He just embraced you back, resting his chin atop your shoulder. He loves you, that's why he defended your name. He can't take it if your name is being tainted like that. And that Kai doesn't even know you like he knows you. But enough about Kai.

He doesn't have any idea how to proclaim his love for you. Nor does he know if you even feel the same. He wants to confess his love, but he was afraid of rejection. A cliché but he was seriously scared losing you.

Unknown to him, you were in the same dilemma. You have no idea how to express your love, you have no idea how to confess... You have no idea if he even feels the same way. And you can't risk losing him because of that.

Kurono Hari; age 18

"Wow, those are for me?" You exclaimed, pointing yourself as you watch Hari hand you a box of chocolate and flowers. He rolled his eyes with a slight blush, as he handed you his gifts. "Wowww, thank you so much!"

Ah, Valentine's day. The perfect day to confess... If you were both aren't cowards, that is.

"Yea, yea, whatever. Just give me some of that, won't ya?" He asked, sitting beside you and helping himself with the chocolate.

He's been thinking lately... He was approaching the appropriate age of nineteen before he would be an official Yakuza... Before he will leave you. He thought that he should confess right now, he's turning nineteen tomorrow.

He should've done this years ago. But he was too much of a coward back then and now he regrets it.

It pains him to see that smile plastered on your face. The same smile you've been giving him since the first day that always brings a warm feeling in his chest... Now the same smile was just giving him heartaches, knowing it will probably be the last time he'll see those.

"Hari?" He snapped. He never realized he was in a daze after you tapped his shoulder.

"Sorry, I zoned out. What were we talking about?" He sheepishly asked, rubbing the back of his head.

You sighed, running your calloused fingers through your hair. "I-uh, never mind..." You frowned averting your gaze away from him.

He was hesitating whether he should confess or not.

What if you loved him back and he's leaving? He doesn't want to hurt you, but—

What if you don't love him back and he's leaving... Would that be a good thing? But he is your only friend, they say that he was the only one that's been there for them and he doesn't want to leave you.

He's torn between you and his pledge for the Yakuza. Being a Yakuza is his life, and you supported him even if you don't know what he's supposed to be. All these years, he lied to you. And he doesn't want to hurt you now.

He opened his mouth to speak. His vocals seems to speak in its own, as he recklessly spoke without thinking whatsoever. Before he can stop himself, he's already let his words flow out of his throat, rolled in his tongue, pass his lips.

"Hey... I love you."

You looked so stunned... You were... Crying?

A sob escaped your throat, as you tried to muffle your cries with your palms. Tears rapidly cascaded down your face, tears of joy, they were.

"Oh, Hari! I feel the same!" You embraced him by the neck.

He pulled away, but kept you close in his arms, his fingers brushing to your neck and into your chin, pinching it between his thumb and curled index finger. His soft gaze lingered in yours, both of you were in a daze as your lips slowly inched closer and closer, heart's beating faster and faster, and time seems to be slower and slower, until the existence of time disappeared.

Your hands found itself on his cheek, cupping his pale, soft cheeks you always loved when he puffs. Your eyes darted between his eyes and then to his lips, before you made the move and lightly pressed your lips against his.

Hari felt happy. So happy he forgot that he'll be leaving you for forever. He wasn't going to be sure when he can leave to see you, since Yakuza business isn't really welcoming such feelings.

"I'm sorry, Y/N... But this will be the last time I'll ever see you again..."

L/N Y/N; age 18

Valentine's Day was just yesterday, and he confessed to you. It couldn't get more happier, but you had to wonder... Why isn't he showing up?

He would be late sometimes, but not this late. Even if he's late, he'll immediately contact you.

He never missed a day to visit you. In fact, he always visits.

You gulped... Was that just joke? Hopefully not, you love him and he told you that he loves you.

He would certainly not lie something about that.

He'll return. He'll be coming for you. There was no need to be anxious...

Chronostasis; Kurono Hari; age 20

It's been 2 years ever since he saw you.

He misses that smile you give him, he misses that laugh... Now it's gone. Probably gone because of him.

Emotions were highly unforgivable in the Yakuza. He can't bare to let them know about you and he can't risk it.

You supported him about his dreams, even if you didn't knew about his dreams. You didn't hesitate support him, encourage him to be on his best...

And he felt guilty for leaving you like that. He regret leaving you with a hope that he'll come back, and he knows he won't come back.

He loves you, but it's for your own good. If they knew about you, they would exploit this weakness of him and use you.

And he can't bare that.

Try as he might, he will never forget you. It pains him to know you're hurting because of him. And he hates it. He hates that he was attached to you, but at the same time, he was guilty that he hated you.

He can remember the seven year old Y/N telling him he is confusing. And he is up to this day. And he misses them a lot. He would give his everything just to see you again...

But it was now too late for such wishful thinking.


And so I finished this even it was deleted. My first draft was better, but I guess this'll do.

Thanks for reading!

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