Little Voices (Setsuno X Ghost Reader) Platonic

So I wanna try something new, and it's like a guardian ghost AU. More explanation will be on the chapter itself, so onwards!

And a warning, this will contain mentions of self harm, domestic abuse, alcoholism, drug use, cheating spouses, deaths and accidents that may not be comfortable for other readers. Please proceed with caution, or if you really can't handle these type of things, feel free to skip this chapter.

Remember that I am here for you, you're precious. You can just PM me if you need someone to talk to and I'll see how I can help :)

Don't do self abuse, that's bad.

Also, angst warning~

"Fear not, fellow mortal adolescent! For I am—"


"... — here." Your excitement and self esteem drained, as you were presented in front of a blond boy who screamed bloody murder at the sight of your translucent form. "I thought everyone loves All Might when he says that..."

"Right." You hummed, as you pinched your chin between your thumb and curled index finger. "I kinda forgot people are scared of ghosts."

Yeah, that would be reasonable. You are wearing a porcelain white mask and white clothes you wore in your burial. Maybe your hair was a little dishevelled and your skin was pale... Maybe you shared a slight resemblance to ghost... Well, because you are one.

You watched the boy quiver in fear, clutching a pillow beside him, as he watches you cautiously approach him.

"Hi, I'm Y/N. I'm fifteen years old when I died— which is yesterday— and I died from—" you were rudely interrupted by the young boy of your age, when he tossed a lamp on your form, which proved his efforts in vain when the lamp phased through your body and hit the wall instead.

You sighed, before putting your palms where it belongs— which is your face— as the impending stupidity increased. And if he just calmed down and stop trying to throw everything at you—!

"Okay! Kid, I get it! I'm a ghost! I'm spoopy! Rawrrrr!" You mocked, raising your arms forward for a pose. "I get it! I died and I'm a ghost now cooperate with me before I decide to possess you!" Lies, you really can't posses someone.

"G-g-g-ghost!" He pointed at you, as you just sighed.

"I know, right?" You sarcastically remarked. "It's like I died and is now roaming around the surface of the earth if you don't cooperate with me! Right?"

"W-what do you need?" The fifteen year old blond quivered all the way up to his lips, as he stared at your dead figure. You tried to walk closer to help him up, but he suddenly interjected. "PLEASE DON'T POSSESS ME!"

"I WON'T FOR FUCK'S SAKE, KID!" You yelled, as you snatched his wrist before hoisting him up to his feet. The malnourished boy stumble forward as you lifted him on his feet.

As a ghost, you possess an unbelievable mass of strength, which is useful. You can pass through solid materials by choice, too!

"So, let's start over," you gracefully cleared your voice, fixing your article of clothing to free fabrics from its wrinkles, before bowing at the clueless boy. "I'm Y/N, I was fifteen when I died, I died a few weeks ago from a car accident, I am buried in Coruscant Memorial Cemetery, and now I need you to make me move on." You summarize your life in a sentence, while the dazed boy just looked at you.

"... Huh?" You swore to a heavenly being, that there is certainly a vein bulging on your temple as this clueless boy just stared up at you.


"O-okay! Stop screaming!" Setsuno cowered, covering his ears, his long sleeves sliding down from his wrist and you froze in horror.

"Wait, hold on kid!" You grasped his wrist, examining it. "You shouldn't be doing this type of stuff, it's self destructive!" You yelled, before dragging him by the bed and forcefully seating him on the soft comforts of the bed, as he just watched you, stunned, as you made your way to his bathroom.

While you made your trip to the bathroom, you found a hefty amount of bandages from his cabinet and grabbed a few disinfectant and cotton from the cabinet, before proceeding out.

Tears streamed down his face, as he watched you dutifully bandage the cuts on his arms, while you lectured him.

"I know I died hella young and I'm not at the place to tell you this, but I know that doing this type of things are bad. You shouldn't abuse yourself because others are doing that to you." You lectured. "Yea, I get that I'm stranger and we just met; but that won't stop me because I died and I regret everything that I've done while I was still alive. Live while you're still young. Don't do self abuse, just don't. You have a life to live and living that life while being toxic to yourself is bad. I can tell you that much, because look at me I died young without achieving anything in my life."

"Wh-what happened to you?" He asked out of curiosity, as he watched you bandage his arms, occasionally wincing at the pain.

"Car crash. I was walking alone at night, when a crazed murder chased me. He was slashing me with his knife fingers while he had me pinned to the ground. That day I though I was gonna die... But too soon." You chuckled. "Then I escaped him and I thought that I escaped the unspeakable, the touch of death, when I ran to what I thought was an empty high way... Then a car hit me, and ran away... Now I'm here— but not in the flesh." You chuckled.

"There, all set." You smiled in delight, before using the bed sheets to wipe the tears off his face. "Don't cry, kid." You sighed.

"I-I'm sorry—" he hiccuped. "I know I shouldn't whine like this— you went through worst things while—"

"Hush, child." You put a finger to his lips. "There is no hierarchy in trauma, or suffering. Your suffering is valid no matter how small it is." You reassured.

"How can I help you?" He asked, examining your excellent handiwork on his arms.

"I want a slushie." You joked. "Just kidding, I need you to help me help you to improve your life so that I can go upstairs—" you pointed up with a smirk. "That's why we'll be making a lot of adjustments in your life. With positivity and less depresso."

"... So you're going to be my therapist?"

"Kinda. But I'll be by your side for 24/7." You nodded. "Let's start by getting rid of these." You held up a razor blade you found his cabinet earlier.

The thin, silver material dangerously glinted under the fluorescent light, as it sparked his desire to satisfy his demons. And upon noticing his reaction, you glared at him.

"Come along, kid." You grabbed him by the wrist, and lead him to the bathroom. "See this?" You held the blade between your thumb and index finger. He nods at you.

"It goes here—" you placed the blade in the toilet bowl, as the thing swam around. "And then you just do this." You pushed the flush button (?) finally ridding the thing off his life. Touya watches the things getting sucked away, as he actually felt a little uneasy.

You turned to him. "I know you have a whole lot of stocks of it, don't think that I didn't see your hidden stash, Mister." You glared at him, as the boy shrunk in shame. You stood on your tip toes, before reaching the cabinet for his stash and presenting it to him.

"We may or may not clog the toilet with these things and to be safe—" you closed the cabinet door. "Get your comfiest jacket, kid. We're going out." You smirked at the boy.

How the hell was he going to hide you from his parents? How the hell is he going to school? Will he leave you in the room while he goes to school? He has nod idea what to do.

"So kid—"

"Please stop calling me that... You're my age and my name is Touya." He timidly spoke, as he followed you from behind, his hands stuffed in his pocket.

"Shh, I know—" you turned to him by looking over your shoulder before proceeding to walk forward. "So kid, what's your quirk?"

Touya simply sighs, knowing that you'll be approaching him that for the longest time. "Larceny." He shortly answered, as he watches the scenery he passes.

"That's cool! I used to have a quirk to grow plants in my hair. Strange thing is, I can no longer access my quirk." You hummed. "Pretty weird, huh?"

"Wh-what's weird?" He was really unsure which was the weird thing you're referring to, whether it was your quirk or the fact that your quirk can no longer be accessed because you're deceased.

"Both. I really love that quirk because I can grow pretty flowers." You hummed, floating from the ground as you finally reached your destination, Coruscant river. "Here we are!" You spread your arms in a theatric manner, presenting the bridge.

"We're not throwing the blades there because 'save the mother nature' and I don't want to pollute any body of water or land whatsoever, so what we're going to do—" you took the box of blades from his grasp, before looking at it. "— I want you to dump this there." You pointed at the trash bin.

He sweat drops at you. He got out of the house in three o'clock of the morning, just to throw his blades on the bridge's trash can when you pass a lot of them in the streets. Dismissing those thoughts, he got the blade from you, before dumping it in the trashcan.

"And we're off to a good start!" You cheered.

"Yea... Great start." He mindlessly whispered to himself. "So are you... Going to follow me around? What if people sees you?"

You stifled a laughter. "I'm a ghost. I can only appear to a few amounts of people if I chose to. They can feel my presence though." You informed him, bopping his nose.

"What else can you do?" He watched your porcelain concealed face be blank and empty, but he feels your excitement radiating out of you... Something he has never felt before because he never really approached people that much.

A few weeks gone by, and you witnessed Touya's cycle.

Wake up, take a shower, eat alone while his parents argued, go to school, get verbally bullied by his classmates, skip lunch, finish classes, go home, skip dinner because his parents are arguing, sleep and repeat.

Surely everything that's happening in his life isn't healthy, per se. So you helped him spice up his day.

Touya groggily woke up from his sleep, and looks around to find you. His brows were knitted together as he can't spot you around his room. You would always sit on the side of his bed, or maybe sitting by his desk, or maybe curled up in the corner.

There were a lot of incidents where you would freak him out. The way you curled on the corner of his room while your hair covered your face, the way you would silently giggled to yourself... You're creepy like a ghost... well, you are one.

He then feels something dripping on his forehead. He looked up, his soul almost left his body when he saw you hanging on the ceiling, sleeping, drooling like a ghost... Well you are one.


You shot up from your slumber by the ceiling, and watched him roll off his bed and land on his side, still tangled in his blanket upon the impact. You winced at the loud thud, feeling that it must've been painful.

"... Good morning, Touya."

After that mishap, he performed his daily healthy hygiene. And after that, he headed down to spot you placing plates on the table.

"What the heck are you doing?! You can't be seen by my parents, they'll freak!" He whispered harshly, snatching the plate from you.

You gave him an 'are you serious' look as your head lightly shook. "I'm a ghost? I can choose to make myself appear to people?" The boy shrunk in embarrassment.

"... Right, sorry." He reddened under your gaze, as he reached out for the plate before giving it to you.

"Cheer up, Touya-man!" You put the plate down. "Eat up while it's quiet." You looked at him over your shoulder, before going to the kitchen to fetch what you made. He gazed at your figure hovering over the floor, and floating towards the kitchen, as he pulled up at chair to sit down.

"Okay, I'm not great at cooking, I never good at it— I tried my best to cook this—" he sarcastically gazed at you when you brought out an obvious cereal box from your back and a carton of milk.

"Thanks." He flatly said, as he reached for the box.

"You're welcome, now eat up." You smirked at him, before examining his choice of clothing. "Hmmm. You shouldn't be wearing that," you pointed his baggy hoodie.

"What's wrong with it?" Touya asked

"I don't know, it just looks weird you're wearing baggy hoodies in the middle of the summer, kid." You emphasized. Then you suddenly remembered... "Oh, right. How your arm holding up?" You asked.

"They're healing." He spoke, through a mouthful of cereal.

"Okay then. Maybe we have to wait for a few weeks for it to heal up. You're not going to wear hoodies for awhile, boyo. It's summer and I can still feel the sticky feeling even if I'm dead." You shuddered. "I wonder how my body is holding up..." You wondered.

Once Touya finished, he packed his bag, while you followed suit.

"Did you reviewed for your test?" You asked, peeking from his shoulders as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"There's no need. It's just English."

"Fuck..." Touya lowly cursed, as he viewed the paper within his grasp, while you just stood beside him.

"Fuck, indeed." You sarcastically remarked, as you read a few questions. "Just use your stock knowledge." You encouraged.

"What stock knowledge? I didn't even listened!" He whispered to you, as his classmates looked over him. Touya nervously chuckled and waved at them. They dismissed him and got back to their work, which was a huge relief for Touya.

"Read me the first question, lemme see if I know that." You looked over his shoulder. He gulps, before reading the question to you.

"Who did Oedipus married?" He read.

"What? Which Oedipus? Like, Oedipus Rex?" You asked. He nodded. "He married his mom. Now write it before the number and make sure to make your handwriting clear. It says on your paper that erasure is not allowed." He nods, as he wrote the answer on his paper.

"Next question..." He lowly whispered to you. "The wife of William Shakespeare."

"Anne Hathaway. Next question..."

After answering his test questions for him, he was sure to buy you a slushie after school.

"Wow... That's good." You sipped on your slushie, savoring the flavour. It was unbelievable how you can consume things even if you're dead and even if it isn't needed. But you're eating nontheless. "Please review next time, I can't be the one answering your work. What if I finally complete my mission and leave you? You won't be able to make decisions! Please review, I'm willing to help but you should help yourself to help me." He nods in response, before sipping from his straw.

"So when will they show your results?"

"Oh..." Touya looked down at his drink, feeling a little cautious around your surroundings as he might seem like he's talking to floating slushie. "Uh, I don't know... Maybe next week?" He shrugged, as he sipped from his drink, before ending up having a brain freeze. He hissed in pain, clutching his head.

"Oh my gosh, you idiot. Drink slowly. We're not rushing or anything." You seethed at him. Huh... You just noticed that even if you drink yours as fast as you can, you really can no longer feel pain. Which was Hella good for you! You finished your drink, before tossing it in the trash bin.

"I'm sorry, I-uh—" he stumbled on his words.

"Oh look! It's that loser with that stealing quirk!" You glanced at the direction of the voice, and saw a group of three boys, before glancing back at Touya, who simply looked down. They must've not notice you, since you are in fact a ghost.

They walked towards him, and the supposed leader shoved a finger to the malnourished boy.

"So how does it feel?" The leader asked. Touya looked clueless.

"Feel what?" You glanced at Touya with a look of pity, as he looked up at the taller boys.

"How does it feel to be a future villain! Ha!" The leader pushed Touya, knocking the boy on his bum, in which you can no longer bare to watch. The way Touya's lips quivered, feeling helpless and vulnerable and it pains you to know that he's used to it.

Abusing the ghostly powers you were given, you made your presence clear by lifting up Touya's unfinished slushie, before chucking it to the direction of the boys. The cold, cheery red drink splattered on the boys, as they grunted upon the impact of the ice hitting their skins. The leader than grabs Touya by his collar in utter bewilderment and rage. The poor Touya was frightened when he was suddenly grabbed by his collar, when you finally made an appearance by shifting your appearance when you died.

Blood poured out from your forehead, blood seeped out of your mouth, your skin was pale and your body was mangled and twisted in directions that a human cannot do (unless it's their quirk). The boys looked at you, ultimately dropping their guard and grip on Touya. You snarled at them, holding a hand forward, as the boys screamed before bring out of there, leaving you and Touya.

You returned to your real form, before helping Touya up. "You should stand up for yourself, Touya." You sighed, helping the poor boy up to his feet as he just stared at you in astonishment.

"That was so cool!" He cheered, gleefully standing on his feet and giving you a pat on the shoulders, that ended up phasing through your ghostly body. "Ooops, hahah." He sheepishly blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"So wanna go home? It's getting late and your exams results will be posted in like... A few days." You said.

"Hell yeah, let's go!" That smile on his face was a big accomplishment you've ever done in your life— Er, ghostly life. You hoped that he can improve more. A small crack formed on your porcelain mask, causing Touya to cease his smiling. "What's happening? Your mask cracked!"

You just giggled under your mask. "It's a good sign, silly~! Whenever a crack forms on a ghost's mask, it's a positive sign that we will soon go up!" You cheered. "You see, these masks aren't easily broken unless we influence people for the better! So I'm going to need you to stay positive for all your life!" You smiled at him, attempting to give him a high five, when you remembered you're a ghost.

"Wanna play video games?" He asked.

"Hell yes!"

Touya has always been accompanied by you for three years. He was now eighteen years old and with your help, he earned a scholarship from a good college to study as a businessman.

You were extremely proud as he puts on his uniform and you can't help but to shed a tear.

"My bb Setsuno Touya is finally grown up~" you faked a sob as Touya rolled his eyes on you.

A lot has changed... To him, at least. He gained a few weights and he no longer looks like a skeleton. He actually looks decent now.

You, however, was still the same. Even if you are the same age as Touya, you were still manifested as the vessel you died as. A fifteen year old child who wore a white porcelain mask with cracks on it and white clothes.

"Don't go falling in love with anyone, okay?" You joked, putting your arm by his shoulder as he busily packed his things.

"I'm here to focus and study, Y/N. Not to smooch with anyone." He chuckled.

"That's my boyo~" you cheered, ruffling his hair, as he grunts in frustration when you ruined his golden locks that he spent time in fixing with extreme care.

"Real mature," he glared at you, as he styles his hair back up again while you laughed your ass off.

"Okay, let's go to school, Touya-man!" You cheered, as you floated behind him.

As you walked behind him, you can't help but to think...

Life is truly beautiful... But why did yours have to be taken so early? You were only fifteen that time and you haven't achieved anything back then.

What if you actually lived? Would you be going to college like Touya? Would you be paranoid for life? Would Touya never change if you never died? You didn't know...

But looking at how bright his future is, you can't help but to think of yours if you didn't died.

You could've been a journalist, a doctor, or maybe a chief, a police, a psychologist, a lawyer... Or maybe even a hero. What would happen if you didn't die? What would happen if you survived?

What happened to your younger sister! What happened to your mom? What happened to your dad? What happened to you pet cat?

You felt guilty at the thought when you realized that you haven't thought about them. You were guilty that there was no time you ever thought of them all those three years.

Maybe Touya will let me visit them?

You stopped in your tracks, as you witnessed Touya colliding with another student with a similar uniform. You would have laughed at his apparent stupidity and flustered form as he sheepishly and frantically apologize, but you can sense a particular emotion from him as he gazed up at the girl he bumped into.

It took you a few glance at the girl as your guts were telling you she was no good. But then again, it's bad to judge people because you just met them. Sometimes guts are inaccurate and you can't let that ruin Touya's happiness.

The boy came a long way to recover, and you wish that he will not endure anything like that again...

"H-Hi! I'm Setsuno— S-Setsuno Touya!" He sheepishly bowed at the girl in front of him.

"I'm Himura— Himura Hana. Nice to meet you, Setsuno-san!"

You can't help but to glance at the girl. You just can feel that she's no good, it agonizingly echoed in the back of your head, but you constantly reminded yourself that you just met her. Rather, Setsuno just met her.

It's been a few weeks since he met that Himura girl. She was actually nice when you get to know her. But your guts still screamed at you not to trust her, but you brushed them aside. Touya has been spending a lot of time with her than you... And for the first time you actually felt isolated... You were like the third wheel, but the thing is, he can't talk to you without being crazy and you can't blame him. So you let him be.

The two were getting closer and closer, as you were slowly being cast aside by your best buddy.

"A-A party? Like, legit party?" You questioned, as you watch Touya simultaneously trying to compare his clothes in front of a mirror.

"Yes! Himura invited me and I really can't risk tapping out of things like that! I might get close to her!" He gleefully smiled.

Wow... He's gone too deep. You frowned. "Am I... Allowed to go?" You questioned.

"Aren't you a minor?" He joked, trying a blue shirt on. You glared at him.

"Hahah funny." You sarcastically replied. "But seriously, can I come?"

"Sure! It's not like you can drink or anything. Just don't do anything weird." He chuckled, before turning to face you. "How do I look?" He asked, spinning around.

"With you eyes." You flatly responded.

He pouts at you, rolling his eyes. "Haha." He flatly laughed. "Just don't drink, it'll be weird to see a floating bottle of something." He chuckled.

"I don't wanna come anymore." He glanced up at you confused.

"O-okay then. Um, just stay home, I guess?" He asked.

"... Mmmhm, sure. Just, don't get drunk. Refuse drugs and remember that you still have classes tomorrow. Promise?"


You watch your reflection— well, more like the reflection of your mask change. A crack from your masked slowly grew fainter and fainter until it faded.

What the hell was Touya doing?

After that party of his, he came home extremely intoxicated and tending to him was difficult. And when he sobered up, he finally told you he and Himura were now dating... You aren't sure whether you should be happy or not, but you didn't let your confusion be evident in your eyes and just smiled supportingly at your best friend.

But for the last few weeks, his activities grew more hectic, you aren't even sure if he was attending class. You didn't followed him around like you used to do, because he informed you that he's and adult and he can handle himself... So you let him be. He insisted that he was school and that he was doing a great job at it... But with the cracks from your mask fading away says otherwise.

You looked down on your lap, shedding a few tears. You just can't take it anymore, you have to follow him around again, even if he doesn't want you to. You stood up from your seat, before proceeding out.

Touya is a great student... Or so you thought. He claimed that he'll be out to attend school, to answer a test... Not to go out shopping with his girlfriend.

Your eyes refused to see that it was in front of you. It was Touya, using his allowance to impress his girlfriend. He was using his allowance given by his sponsors just to impress Himura. The said allowance were given by his sponsors for his hard work, but seeing him irresponsibly spending it... You did not liked how he was acting at all.

You have no problem with their relationship, but the fact that he sets all of his responsibilities aside to tend to her, to entertain her, to put all his attention on her and her alone...

It made your blood boil. You clenched your fists by your side, as you can feel the cracks of your masks disappearing... A sign of you not going to finish your business any time soon if he continues to act like this.

"Oh Touya~ you see that diamond ring?" Himura pathetically clings onto Touya, her eyes set on her price: an expensive diamond ring. "I would kill to have that."

Touya isn't reckless. You know that, you watch him grow up. He would never spend his own money on unnecessary things. Well, he would but he'd know his limits. Your jaw dropped, as you watch Touya impulsively sign a check to get that ring.

"What the fuck..." You mumbled to yourself, watching the girl gush over the ring and kept showering Touya with her disgusting kisses. "What the fuck?!" You cursed, but thankfully cannot be heard by people. In rage, you accidentally broke a mirror near Touya and his girlfriend, that stirred a panic towards the other bystanders.

And before you get yourself involved, you left... But not without breaking another mirror as you stormed out.

"So how was the test?" Touya was stunned to see you in the middle of the room, amidst the dark night. Touya nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. Your arms was crossed under your chest, giving Touya a blank look.

"I-It was a little hard! But I managed..." He nervously chuckled. You raised a brow at him. The man gulps nervously.

"I didn't realize that Science tests would last until 3 o'clock in midnight. Are you sure you're in your campus and not pampering your girlfriend with gifts? Like a diamond ring?" The boy flinched at your tone. His brows starts to knit in irritation.

And look how the tables were turned.

"You were following me around, weren't you?" He glared at you. You glared back at him.

"You're really going to do everything just to avoid my questions aren't you?" You shot back.

"Well you're doing the same thing right now!" He raised his voice... Something he has never done. "You were following us?! I thought you promised not to follow me around anymore, I'm a grown man! You're not my mother! He'll, mother's don't even follow their sons in university!"

"I'm not your mother, I'm a dead person that's tasked to you so I can finish my—"

"Right, right. Why don't you just leave me alone?! I have a life to live! My life is not yours to control!" Touya shot back. "You already lived yours! Now you're dead! Get over it!"

There was a pause. Touya slowly realized what he had done. And before he can apologize, you interjected.




"NO! YOU SHUT UP!" he accusingly points a finger at you. "You know what? I'm done! I'M DONE! I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE GOING TO ROAM EARTH FOR FOR ALL I CARE! YOU'RE NOTHING WITHOUT ME!" He threw his hands up in frustration, yet there was a triumphant smirk on his lips as he was able to hold a leverage over you.

Well, he is right. You can't go to heaven, paradise, whatever that is... You can't have an eternal rest as long as Touya isn't at his best. You understand that not all individuals are perfect, they make mistakes. The problem is, you know that Touya was very aware what he was doing was wrong and was destructive towards his dignity... But he never realized that.

You just looked at him. At this point, all your care in the world just vanished. You no longer have fucks to give and you can't bother to give one anymore.

He wants you out of his life? Fine. It's not like it's your life he's ruining. Well, too soon. Anyways, it's his life he's ruining and you're just telling him what to do to prevent him from spiralling out of control.

You turned your heels away from him, as he wordlessly saw your form fade away until he can no longer see you. At that moment, he felt a spark of achievement as he was able to get rid of you.

He hoped that it was for good. He doesn't need you, he's sure. He's a grown man, he can make his own decisions without you interjecting... He doesn't need you, he's certain. He's living a good life, you're just jealous because you're dead, that's why you keep nagging him.... Or so he thought.

With nowhere else to go, you went to Coruscant Memorial Cemetery, to where you were buried. Maybe you can socialize with your fellow ghosts, too!

As soon as you set a foot in the cemetery, you witnessed a ghost— a woman of her twenties, wearing a wedding dress— standing by her grave. On the said grave, a man was kneeling by her grave with a smile... A sweet smile, as he puts white roses on her grave.

"Hello." You glanced up to the woman, as she smiles gleefully at you. That's when you saw something beautiful... You witnessed how her cracked mask disintegrated into white butterflies, as her face was now present. Her beautiful smile that she wore.

"H-Hi..." You timidly greeted her with a slight wave. She gave you a sweet smile.

"Don't lose hope, okay? You'll go to heaven soon." She waved at you with a smile, as her body slowly disintegrated into butterflies. You watched in awe as butterflies flew up in the pink skies, the image of it in your mind. You glanced at the gravestone of the woman.

Here lies

Akise Ayane
Dec. 31 1989-Mar. 26 2014

You smiled at the sweet sight of her being able to move on to the next stage of life... But you can't help but to feel envy of her for being able to move on. And you know you'll be having trouble reconnecting with Touya.

Ugh, the mere mention of his name made your blood boil.

You sighed, before continuing your journey to see your grave. It was probably not that clean, given that dead people weren't really that much of a bother. I mean, they're dead. Dead people aren't really prioritized because they're no longer alive, unless it was All soul's day or something. Which is unfortunate, but true.

You halted on your tracks to see someone kneeling by your grave. Tears were rapidly shedding from your eyes as the sight of your little sister was in your sight to behold, clad in a pro heroine's suit.

You admired how she's grown. She was matured and is now eighteen. For all you know, that's a big achievement a pro hero can have... Becoming a pro hero at the young age. Twenty two was the youngest, that being pro hero Hawks, but now look at your sister... She beat him to it and you can't get anymore proud of her. Though, you feel guilty for not ever thinking about your family.

You choked on your sobs, as she puts her helmet by your grave, along with her medal with the word "Valedictorian" carved into it.

Your relationship with her wasn't really that great... And this was the first time you thought of it... You never had the chance to repair your relationship with her and you regret not doing that. You regret always having to lower her esteem, you hated yourself for always belittling her... You hated how you treated her back then and you regret that. But look at her, she looks like she doesn't even care about what you have done to her.

"Hi, Y/N... So I'm a pro hero... I hope you're proud." A few tears escaped her eyes. Oh she's wrong, you are more than proud of her. "I made my debut a few days ago... I wished you could've seen it because I did it for you!" A lumped in her throat prevented her from speaking properly.

"Rian..." You sobbed, wanting to embrace the girl, but your transparent body kept phasing through her.

"I became a pro hero for you so that I can capture bad guys. I want to catch whoever killed you and make them pay to what they have done to you..." She wiped the tears off her eyes, shivering at the cold... Or maybe because of your presence.

"Oh Rian... I'm proud of you." Your airy touch brushed her hair aside, as the cracks of your mask slowly faded.

It's been a few months since you saw Touya. The cracks of your mask were slowly disappearing from your mask, and you were unsure how to feel... Was he ruining his life that badly?

All those months, you followed your sister around and she did a great job as she was working under Sir Nighteye's agency and you couldn't get more proud of her. She was great at saving people, saving people with a smile on her face.

A pro hero by the name of Hemlock, with a quirk of manipulating nature within a few yards away from her, that's why she was always assigned to patrol around the park... And one particular stroll in the park while she was patrolling, you saw something.

You weren't sure if you were hallucinating or not, but you can see a man standing on top of a building, dangerously standing by the edge like no man should... Unless it was their intent. And upon closer look, you can see a familiar shade of golden locks.

Your pupils shrunk, a feeling of dread flooding your chest where your heart that no longer beats resided. You glanced at your sister, as she still hasn't notice the apparent commotion.

Frantically, you tried to get her attention by picking up a pebble from the ground and tossing the thing on her head. You couldn't get more relief when she turned to try to see who did that, only to see the man by the building.

And out of instincts, she finally acted out and immediately used the jets planted in her boats to send her there.  You watched in pure dread as she flew there, trying to convince the man not to jump. You bit on your fingers, as you watched them.

"Sir! Please! Whatever you do, don't jump! Sir—!" She tried to convince him not to jump, but her efforts were proven to be in vain when he jumped. With no other choice, she lunged towards him to catch him. There was an apparent scuffle mid air, as Touya used his quirk on her to steal one of her boots, causing her to lose her balance in the air with only one of the boots being powered.

Your heart that no longer beats seem to have been rejuvenated when you saw Touya use his quirk again to steal her other shoe, causing them to fall from of the building that was about 20 stories high... Your eyes were rapidly shedding tears as miracles truly happen when pro hero Hawks came to the rescue of the two of them, catching your sister and ultimately saving both of them from any harm.

A huge wave of relief filled your chest as they landed by the ground, safe and sound... Much to Touya's dismay.

Soon, the press flooded the area and you weren't bothered by them, but the way they flooded your sister with their obnoxious questions bothered you a lot, while Touya was sent to a psychiatric hospital...

It was a miracle how he seem to make an eye contact with you within a few radius away. You watched him getting wheeled in an ambulance, as he was strapped on the stretcher.

He looked... He doesn't look like the way he used to. The boy you helped to grow up was haggard, he looks like he hasn't sleep in days, like he tried all type of drugs... Like he was cheated on. You locked eyes with him, and he did the same, until the ambulance doors closed and he was escorted in a psychiatric hospital.

You have never thought that his life could spiral out this badly within a span of a year after you left him. And you can't help but to feel responsible for that...


Why were you blaming yourself for his downfall? You tried to warn him, but did he listened to you? He did not. It was his fault, but you can't help but to pity him.

After he was released from the psychiatric care, he was released... But he has nowhere to go. You kept your distance from him, but you followed his around to fulfill your guarding duties that you failed... He was fully aware you're there, but he never bothered talking to you. 

He then he encountered a cult of some sort. The man in a bird's mask offered him in place of... A Yakuza? No that can't be good.

"Touya, listen to me— do not join them! Do not—"

"I accept your offer. I have nowhere else to go, anyways." Touya shrugged you off, as if you were the voice at the back of his head. If he listened to you all those time back then, he will simply dismiss you as that little voice in the back of his head. Hell, you were more like an obnoxious voice in his head.

With that being said, he turned to condescendingly gaze at the from the corner of his eyes as if to say, 'I don't need you.'

In with that, he sealed his fate. He went to a route that he can no longer escape... A route that trapped you in earth forever.

As for Touya's first mission to prove his loyalty to Shiee Hassaikai, he was told to kill. And that first thing that came into his mind was the Pro Hero: Hemlock. He can't be bothered to learn what her real name is, she was nothing but a hero who needs a cure; better yet, a 'hero' that needs to vanish from the surface of the Earth to get rid of those people who thinks they can help everyone.

And so, as you screamed, you begged Touya not to do it, he had your little sister strapped by a chair.


"You're nothing." He lowly uttered, dragging the knife around the girl's neck, but not enough to kill her. The girl strapped on the chair whimpered weakly.

A variety of knives were present by the table, and the rest subject just sat by a chair, helpless and vulnerable. And you, you can stop him from doing that, but your ghostly powers were slowly being drained out of your body from using it too much, for abusing it back then.

"TOUYA PLEASE!" you begged, trying to shake him by his wrist, but you would phase through him. You aren't even sure if he can see you. "TOUYA STOP!" you shrieked, as the boy finally ends the girl's life with a stab in the gut.

Rian coughed blood, as it splattered on Touya's cheek. Her head hung low, as her impending doom approached. You were thankful she was dying, because you can't bare to see her being tortured like that. You were thankful that her torture session was short, but that doesn't mean you liked her current state.

Conflicting emotions flooded your head, but was snapped away from those said thoughts when you heard what she said, that stunned Touya.

"Y/N..." She lowly mewled.

"What did you say?" Touya forcefully grabbed the girl by the collar, forcing her to look up at him. She didn't responded. "WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME!" he yelled.

Rian just blinks at him, blood oozing out of her lips as he finally can examine her features well. She looks just like you, but he didn't noticed it sooner. In a state of shock, his grasps weakened, as Rian breathed heavily, she breathed her last breathe.

Touya steps back, before using his quirk to snatch the necklace around Rian's neck. It was a circular locket with your photo inside... He collapsed on his knees in realization... But he doesn't have anything else to do, can he?

"Y-Y/N..." Memories of you flooded in his head. The best friend that cares for him, that helped him get back up from the hole he got himself into. The best friend he threw aside... "Y/N!" He cried.

And before you can respond, the final crack of your mask vanished. The mask soon clasped tightly around your face, chains erupted from the ground to bind you by the wrist. The stinging hot chains pulled you down in hell, as you failed your mission to improve Touya's life... And it was his fault.

"Touya!" You yelled, vocals breaking, before you were finally pulled down in hell successfully.

Life is a fickle thing...

And so is afterlife.

You thought that you won't have to suffer in the afterlife, wallowing in your guilts and past suffering...

But you were surely wrong...


This has to be the longest one-shot I have ever written XD (7480 words, not including this note) so this took me about two days to write and I hope you enjoy it ^^"

So I out a few references there, including Star Wars and Corpse Bride and a Filipino comic I have read.

I got the mask thing from the Filipino comic I read, about a ghost who assists a young boy to find his killer was wearing mask and cannot get rid of the mask until he found his killer and move on...

So yea, i am quite proud of this fic because I love a good angst ^•^

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