Groupies (Overhaul vs. Reader)

This chapter is inspired by Tordoholic's book: Paparazzi, an Overhaul X Yandere reader, I highly recommend it!

This chapter is also inspired by a particular event.

Specifically, the true crime community. The rapid fan girls of serial killers, school shooters, etc. Like Ted Bundy, or those 'cute' school shooters that are just 'misunderstood'. Oh don't give me that Bs.

No matter what your past is, a bad action will not be justified.

And a specific event of the fund raising to bail out the 'real life yandere' out of prison because she's cute.

People, they can be sick.

I know that I love villains, but they're fictional.

These types of people are glorifying real people who committed actual crime and it's scary.

Ok, rant over XD

Some people are just sickos, aren't they?

You asked yourself that everyday as you read articles in every media about a Yakuza finally being arrested. It's not that you aren't glad that he finally got arrested, you're quite happy that he did. After all the crimes he committed, you were glad that he is now apprehended.

It's the fan girls that got you sick.

How could a man like him have followers just because he has good looks?

It started as a comment of a one article claiming that he looked hot, then soon, a lot of people came out to express their feelings about him. They began to defend his actions like they were nothing but a simple mistake. They keep defending him, claiming that everyone makes a mistake.

Well, hunny, murder, abuse, robbery isn't a simple mistake. And all you see about him is that he's cute? He's just a misunderstood little cinnamon bun?


And soon, a fundraising campaign to bail him out of prison started! To set that sicko free! What in the actual loving fuck!

"Hey, L/N," a friend of yours called, causing your head to snap forward to face him. "You've been glaring at that article for the past few minutes, you okay?"

You sighed, letting your pen fall against your desk. Your friend Taneo pulled a chair to sit beside you, as he read your written article.

"Wow... He actually has a lot of fan girls," he mumbled, as he read.

"I can't understand why they find him attractive!" You exclaimed. "Oh, he:s just a misunderstood outcast who just wants to loved- Oh-oh! He only wants to make the world better but he doesn't know what he's doing!"

You over exaggerated, voice and tone and all, as you waved your hands to mock the statements you read online about his arrest. Taneo just nods in agreement as you ranted.

"I know that I told you that I'm actually into bad boys- but that's in fiction! But these people-" you gestured a photograph of a groupie waiting outside of the police station with banners as if they were greeting a famous singer. "-these people are insane! It feels like that Ted Bundy groupies!"

"Anyone with half a brain will be glad that he got arrested! These are actual people who adores this- this-" you stumbled on your words, as you pointed at the photos that displayed the crazed fans. "-This fucking PSYCHOPATH!" You exclaimed, your vocals cracking in the process.

"Hey, L/N, calm down." Taneo rubbed your back. "Maybe the hype will die down soon-"

"Hey guys! Chief editor needs you to go to the police station!" You personal assistant exclaimed, her appearance dishevelled.

"Why's that?" You asked, as you stood up to pack the essentials of journalism. Your camera, an audio recorder, your phone, your notebook and a pen.

"The groupie started a riot. You might wanna hear what they're saying."

Needless to say, you rushed there as fast as you can, with Taneo trailing on your heels.

"Petition to free Overhaul! He did nothing wrong!"

"Oh my god! He is sooo soo hot!"

"Ugh, I don't why I'm into bad boys~ can you blame me? They're hot~"

"Ew! Don't touch me! The possibility of germs is high when you're touching me!"

"All of you are sick! I'm the one who deserves to be with him!"

"Hey guys! What if we raised funds to bail him out?!"

You stared at the horror in front of you, as police officers were trying their best to get rid of these people. Their deafening squeals deafened you, as you pushed them aside to interview some of them, and maybe get a statement from the police officers.

"Everybody stay back! Or we have no choice but to call the pro heroes here!"

"Ugh, those diseased people?! This is why we need Overhaul! He's right! A quirk is nothing but a disease!"

It was like the Stain ideals rising again. But this time, these deranged people will think that a quirk is a disease. A plague of society that's killing us slowly.

You shook your head, as you got to work. Your cameraman turned the camera on, as it started recording.

"This is L/N Y/N reporting in front of JPD." You diplomatically spoke, holding the microphone near your lips. "As you can see behind me, chaos ensues as rapid 'Overhaulers' stood behind me trying to break in the police station to catch a glimpse of the convicted crime syndicate."

"Hey, miss! What are you doing here?" You tapped on a teenager's shoulder, as you put the audio recorder to record what she's saying, as your camera man was behind you.

"Ew! Don't touch me!" She seethed, as she smacked you across the face. "Germs..." She mumbled, getting a wet tissue from her bad and wiping the spot you tapped. You groaned in pain, as you rubbed the spot she smacked.

"Ugh! I'm sick now! Overhaul wouldn't like this!" The crazed teen activated her fire quirk to hit you, when a police officer finally intervened and restrained her before she can do anymore damage.

"Don't touch her!" One of the rapid fan girls screeched, defending her fellow fan girl by activating her quirk.

Soon, it was a riot that were glad you didn't got yourself and your crew involved. About 20 people were arrested for harassing a police officer that afternoon after a prohero came to help.

Once you finished your article, you submitted it to your editor and you were now free to go to home. Scratch that, you're going to have to the police station to have a possible interview with them. Or possibly, the man himself.

Entering the police station, you checked yourself in as a journalist asking permission to interview them and Overhaul. They didn't granted you the permission. Which sucked.

Disappointed, you went home. As you walked in your designated apartment building, you were shocked to see writings on your door, as well as your walls.



"I hope you die"

"Overhaul 4 life"

"All hail Overhaul"

"Overhaulers forever"

There were more writings, but these following words immediately caught your eye. Your clenched fist trembled on your side, your knuckles turning pale as your shoulders shook.

There was a CCTV camera pointing at your door, there was definitely a footage. Your walls were a definite proof. Good things you have best friend who's a lawyer.

After finding out who vandalized your apartment, you sued them, who not only intended to vandalize your apartment, but to break in your house to kill you.

From that day forward, death threats were at your door whenever you come home from work, a few harassment online, inconveniences such as a spike on the wheels of your cars, etc.

You were once assaulted by a group of these crazed people, which lead them to be arrested. But that didn't stopped you from bringing awareness about how dangerous Kai is.

You published multiple articles about the crazed fans, as well as their activities. The hype seems to die in a few weeks. The death threats lessened, the harassments online stopped...

Until one day...

"I am sponsoring Overhaul's bail fees"

The article read, as you repeatedly scanned the title. This must be a joke. This has to be a fucking joke! But then again, fan girls were insane to start riot in front of the police station but this?!

The content reads:

Rich socialite Karen Mya sponsors the bail fees of Yakuza leader Chisaki Kai.

"I realized that we were meant to be for each other the first time I saw witnessed him getting arrested. I knew it was true love!" Karen said. "Those who try to ruin his image such as [redacted] will face my wrath!"

Read more in page 3

Surely this article wouldn't be taken seriously, but it is the top one the most popular issue of all time! Even in foreign countries! This crazy bitch actually hired a fucking lawyer to defend this psychopath!

You have met this socialite a few years ago, and they seem smart. But now you change your view on her. You almost tore the paper in half, but thankfully you needed more information about the article, so you turned to the third page.

Miss Karen claimed to have met Chisaki a few years ago when she claimed that he saved her in a group of thugs.

"The one who talked about Chisaki Kai, bringing awareness to the public that he is a dangerous man will be facing consequence," said Miss Karen in the press conference.

The chaos ensues in this issue, and this will not be the end of it.

- Article by Akise Yana

You sure have an idea who that redacted name is. Why, it was already obvious.

Time to make another appointment with your best lawyer friend, I guess.

"An ongoing trial went in the Court of Justice here in Japan today, as Karen's lawyer Mister Takada-"

"Chaos ensues as the trial went on-"

"Rich socialite Karen defends-"

Your head spun as your fellow reporters spoke in their own cameras, for their own channels about the trial. Clearing your throat, you waited for directions in your headset. Once you heard the signal, you spoke to your audience.

"The trial of Chisaki Kai, known as Overhaul, is currently ongoing inside of the court right. Rapid 'Overhaulers' stood outside of the courtroom, holding out their signs and banners, cheering for Overhaul as you can hear right now. We'll update you as soon as possible." You diplomatically spoke. "This is L/N Y/N, reporting live on Channel 26."

You ended your reporting, and began to leave before any of recognizes you. You have been quite the popular person among these Overhaulers. You were more recognised as a 'basher' of Overhaul nowadays instead of your works and articles.

That didn't matter to you.

All you want to do was the raise awareness to how dangerous this man is and should not be stepping out of prison anytime soon.

A new trend for the Overhaulers emerged. They began carving his name's in their arms to show their adoration for him. It started as colourful markers, to knives carving onto their skins and actual branding irons.

They were all truly desperate. And you were as well. For a different reason.

They were desperate for him, whole you were desperate to keep him in prison.

They were desperate for him, that they paid every government officials to set him free. Especially that Karen Mya.

You're aware to how many names you've already rightfully slandered. You, yourself have slandered your own name by doing this. People like you believed in you, others didn't.

All that matters that he stays in that damned prison.

You were extremely ecstatic and anxious at the same time. You finally had the approval to visit Kai himself. You were given a four hour time limit to interview him, which was more than enough get him to answer all questions you have in mind.

And seated across you, through a glass barrier dividing the two of you, was seated Overhaul. You stared back at him, as he did the same to you. The same killer convicted of accounts of murder, robbery, illegal drug trade, and abuse is now seated in front of you. He may look defenceless, but his state could kill. But that didn't intimidated you. Instead, you just keep a firm daze to match his own.

"Chisaki," you nodded at him as a greeting. "I'd like you to clarify these claims about you, okay? And they are plenty of claims."

"Just cut to the chase," he rolled his eyes at you. Nodding, you got out your notebook to read the claims people claimed about him. Most of the claims stated that he saved them from death.  He debunked all of it.

"Do you remember saving this woman from a mugging? She claims that you saved and kissed her," you showed Chisaki a photo of the rich socialite that was insane enough to proclaim her love for him and hired a lawyer for him.

Kai's eyebrows furrowed in disgust.
"And why would I do that? This delusional woman's claim is false. I would never do that." He said in utter disgust. "And isn't she the one who attempted to raise funds to bail me out?"

"She is," you nodded. "I have one final question before I leave." You stated, as you wrote your final notes.

"Do you like all the attention—"

"Let's cut to the chase, I don't like all the attention I'm gaining. I want you to stop it as fast as you can."

Well isn't that unexpected and convenient.

"You heard me right."

You never noticed your jaw hanging low so you closed your mouth.

"Now, leave. Get my statement out."

"This is L/N Y/N reporting exclusively with a proof of the Overhaulers claims being false, debunked by Chisaki Kai himself," the audience gasp. You brought out the recording you had in in your pocket, showing it throughout the studio. "This is a proof."

"I don't like the attention I'm receiving. I couldn't care less about them swooning over me. I would most likely appreciate it if they stop."

The audio player played for a significantly good amount of time, before you made your next statement. 

"And the police office confirmed that no matter how many funds were raised, no matter how clever the lawyers are to attempt to appeal to Chisaki Kai's conviction, he will be prison for life." You spoke. "This is L/N Y/N, reporting exclusively in Channel 26."

The hype slowly died, but there were still Overhaulers out there. Sending you death threats, harassing you. You couldn't care less. All you can care about is the fact that he'll never leave his cell, ever.

This is a happy ending for you and for many.

Even heroes such as Endeavour salutes you what you have done.

You didn't cared for fame, you just wanted to do the right thing.

And that is the end of this tale.


I'd like to thank Tordoholic for helping me again to write this chapter! Check their content out!

And Tordoholic, congrats on the 50k views of your Overhaul X reader one-shot book! You deserve it <3

And know that I will never stop shouting you out because you write well and you're the best human being there is <3 <3 <3

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