Goodbye (Chronostasis X Reader)

Under the luminescence glow of the moonlight, the silver glint of your ring shone brightly on your face as you yearned for his presence. You sighed, leaning your back on the wall, the light of the moon washing over your figure, along with the serenity of the environment. Moments like this would be better if Hari were here. He was never there for you. Even if he promised, all of those would just be crushed. His reassurance sounded more like a lie than a promise. As much as you wanted to believe that he will be with you for just one day, that will never come true.

The start of the relationship was sweet. You were the granddaughter of the Yakuza leader and met Hari through him at the age of five. The white haired boy has captured your heart from the start. Both of you started as playmates, then friends, best friends... And at that day of your fifteenth birthday, you confessed. He accepted. You weren't official, but the relationship worked. Sweet words were said, soft touches were committed, promises were made, a happy relationship... And at sixteen, you both swore to marry each other, under the pale moonlight.

The silver ring still fits perfectly even at the age of twenty two. The mere thought of taking off the ring bothered you and never dreamt of taking it off. It was the promise that you still clung on, even if you weren't sure if this relationship would ever last. You clung onto the small faith and hope you have that someday, someday he'll realize what he is doing and return the relationship you once had.

Then the pressure of being able to beat Kai into the position of Capo came. He became distant. Once sweet words became poisonous and heavy to bare. You asked him what's wrong, but he would just ignore you. If that wasn't enough to tear you apart, he would sometimes snap at you. He isn't usually like this, per se. The silent man you loved became this grudge holding man.

Everyday, you have to endure the times he would come home, speaking no words and proceeding with his own activities as if you were not there. Small talks were difficult to make with him, as he would often shut it down or simply ignore you. When you needed him the most, he was never there. He never was.

A photograph from the past caught your attention. It was a picture of you and Hari when you were seventeen in Valentine's day... Two gleaming couples with a seemingly bright future ahead of them, only for it to become dull and loveless. The bright flame became nothing but burning embers of what remained of your love. Not bearing to see the photograph, you turned it down. You no longer see the Hari in his current self.

If he no longer needs your love, then what is he doing? Why didn't he just threw you away like that? He is far more than capable of doing that, you're certain. You were conflicted. You know too well that you still love him, but you were suffering. This relationship was being torn apart. And you were blaming yourself for being too attached. But was that your fault? You know that it is unhealthy to blame yourself with all this, but what if you are the problem?

You held your left hand, staring at the gleaming silver bond. You still wonder if Chrono is still wearing his. Probably, probably not. You never noticed, or you never see because he was always gone, rather. The bond began to burn, as your eyes proceeded to water.

Was it really your fault? Did he wanted to leave you but didn't wanted to? Did he still loved you? You never knew. Is he perhaps waiting for you to move and break up with him? All those years, those joyful years... Only to be broken because of the lack of communication. Did you wanted to let go? You weren't sure. Did he wanted to let you go? You weren't sure.

The door cracked open, prompting you to wipe the tears away from your cheeks and fix yourself. He's here. You have your chance now. Rekindle your relationship, or leave. Easier than said. Or that's what you thought.

"M-my love, you're home... How was work?" You called, as you greeted him in the kitchen. He simply hummed as he walked pass you, eye brows knitted together as his fists were noticeably clenched. Your lips quivered, your heart dropping on your stomach as you watched him from your shoulder with a frown. "I already cooked dinner. Perhaps we should—"

"I'm not eating," a simple answer silenced you. A glint of annoyance dripped from his voice. He sat on one of the chair, hands clutched tightly on his sides. You sat by his side, finally being able to sit near him. Your eyes wandered on his fists. No silver bond was in sight.

"W-where's your ring?" You asked, glancing up to him with a mortified expression. Chrono held his left hand in front of him confused.

"I must've lost it. No matter," he shortly answered. That ring mattered to him the most, often making sure it would be ruined and now he carelessly disregarded it?

"W-we need to talk," you stammered, as you sat by his side. Nothing really comes out good with that phrase. And believe me, nothing does.

"What is it?" Snaps his head to your direction, with a glare.

Were you really going to? Does he still loves you? This was a rushed decision, are you really going to break up with him? What if he still loves you? You know to yourself that you love him, but this relationship was becoming toxic.

"Well what?" He snapped.

"I-I—" you stammered, hands trembling as your shoulder shook in fear. "I think that w-we should—"

"—Break up?" He finished. "What? You're going to that Overhaul aren't you?" His voice grew louder, his composed manner lost. You have no idea what he is talking about.

"I—I'm not—"

"Go to him for all I care—!"

"Hari, i-it's not that—!"

"It's not like I care—"

"LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE, YOU BASTARD!" You raised your voice, slamming your fist on the table, silencing him. "This relationship is dying, Hari. Either you want to continue this or I'll leave! I don't care about that Chisaki, you can have him for all you want since you always follow him around like a dog and barely pay attention to me! You even lost your ring! OUR ring, like it didn't mattered to you!" Tears rapidly ran through your face, as your face grew redder and redder by the passing time.

"I often blamed myself because I know that I can be clingy— but the problem is the fact that we— no, YOU— that YOU no longer talk to me! You ignored me all the time where all I did was to make an effort to talk to you, yet you always shut me down!" You paused between sobs, as Hari's scowl grew softer as he realized his mistake. "You know what? I'm done!" You expressed, as you stormed off.

"Y/N—" he ran after you in the room.

"NO! You're not stopping me!" You retorted, as you packed your bags "We're over! This—this relationship is over!" You screamed, as you hastily shoved your clothes in your bag while Hari held you in his arms. "Let me go, God damn it!" You cried, trying to shake him off, but he only tightened his grasp around your body. You pressed a kiss to your lips, in which you slipped yourself away from his grasp. The kiss was yearning, yearning for you. As much as you yearned for that kiss, you finally had enough. First he showed you that you were a mere distraction, now he acts like he couldn't live without you? Get out.

"I'm sorry, I—"

"It's too late. You should've realized this earlier. I'm done, I'm finished." You cried, as you shoved him off.

"Y/N please—"

"Forget it, Kuruno." You emphasized, as you zipped your bag off as he helplessly watched you. "We're done, that's final." You dryly spoke, giving no more fucks whatsoever. You turned to him, slipping the silver bond off your finger and shoving it to his chest. As simply looked at you in pain. He couldn't bear to lose you, but you no longer cared. It's his fault and you tried to fix this relationship, but alas.

"Goodbye," and with that final statement, you sealed your fate. And with that, you no longer feel the chains on your shoulders. It was finally lifted... Or so you thought.

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