Crossdressing (Chronostasis X Reader) Platonic
You thank Overhaul, your ass of a brother for leaving you in charge, free to do whatever you want with the Shie Hassakai while he was overseas. You thank all the stars for aligning to make this happen... For you, have the power to command anything you want... Especially Chronostasis, your top pick to be your brother-in-law, Kai's husband. And he's gone for about two months.
Kai recently mentioned about the new people he was dealing with, but there were no records of them. Since it was three months before Kai's birthday, you decided to have a 'gift' shopping for him, with Chrono, of course.
"Okay," you cleared your throat, as you stepped off your seat, admiring your handiwork, that is Hari's face. A resting cringing face was on his face as he pouted and glared at you. "For once, you actually look fantastic," you commented, as you brushed the liquid eyeliner on his eye with a laugh, but kept a steady grip.
"Stay still now, it isn't that easy to apply these things," your hands lightly shook as you applied the liquid eyeliner on Hari's eyelids, creating a small and elegant wing. His eyelids lightly stirred, causing you to almost smack him across the face. "Don't open your eyes until I said so," you puffed your cheek, as you did the other eye.
Holding a fan to his face, you gently and vigorously dried the thing on his face. And once it finally dried, you smiled in satisfaction. "Okay, you can open them, Hari," he opens his eyes, glaring at you, while you just innocently smiled back.
"So, can you cross your eyes for me?" You asked, as you opened the case of false eyelashes, glancing at him. He gazes at you in scrutiny.
"And why would I do that?"
"Just do it," you encouraged. "It'll make the process of sticking the falsies easier." He doubted you, but he doesn't know any of this crap, so he obliged. He crossed his eyes, as you snickered.
"Y/N, I swear to God—"
"You were doing just fine! Try fully sticking your tongue out to dry your lipstick." You urged, fanning the eyeliner dry. "That eyeliner is slightly still wet. Try fanning your face too."
Her rolls his eyes, before complying. Before you can even burst out laughing, you immediately slapped a hand over your mouth, holding your waist as he does so.
"I can't believe I actually got to make Hari do the ahegao face,"
Secretly, to took your phone out and snapped a quick photo of him doing so. Well, you snapped quick photos to keep for later.
"Okay, you're good to go," you said with a laugh, and finally worked on his false eyelashes. "Stop squirming," you whined, as his eye lids twitched.
"It's itchy," he complained, trying his best not to move around.
"Trust me, it'll be worth it. You'll look pretty in no time!" You confidently spoke, as the glue of the false eyelashes dried off. "Okay, you can open your eyes. But do it slowly." He complies.
You clasped your hands together, smiling mischievously. "Great! That's a step!" You examined him, circling around him as you observed his build. He was muscular, but quite lanky. A perfect figure. "I don't have clothes your size, so we'll be going out. So go change! We'll do some shopping!"
"W-wait, what?"
"No worries, we're using Kai's money. He doesn't really know about that, so hush," you held your index finger against your lips with a sheepish smile.
"I-I won't do that but—"
"I am fully aware that you guys aren't really loved by public. I'll just lend you one of Kai's trench coat." You shrugged, dragging him outside. "I'll wash it later. Just don't let him know that you wore it. I know that you know that we know that we all know that Kai isn't a big fan of germs."
Chrono just sighed, as he followed suit. This will be a long day.
A sun glasses covered his eyes, and a black mouth guard over his lips and nose concealed his appearance, his hair hidden in a hood as he examined the dress racks.
He looked from across the rack, and saw you gushing over an adorable dress. The problem is, it wasn't your size. It was too big to fit you.
"Wait, don't tell me I'm wearing tha—"
"Haru! Haru come over here for a second!" He grunted in frustration, as he treads forward.
You started just started calling him Haruka after you left the base. It was getting on his nerves, but he needed to follow you around.
He is the right hand man, after all. Why was he not chosen the lead the group for awhile? Why this fourteen year old kid? This defenceless fourteen year old kid that should be in high school studying to become a doctor or something, not stealing highly confidential files of a dangerous crime syndicate! To make matters worst, this is their plan? Really? Has Kai somehow lost his mind to leave them in control?
When the thinks about it, you aren't usually like this. You were more timid, submissive. You barely smiled. Chrono ways. Noticed you looking down, afraid. Like mouse. A docile mouse in a room full of killers.
So why the sudden change?
You went from this submissive, docile doll hanging from Kai's fingertips, to this outgoing and cheerful child. Perhaps it was Kai's presence that bothered you. Hari noticed the way Kai looked at you with a stern expression whenever you reacted to certain things.
The Yakuza is everything. Being this outgoing and naïve isn't one of them.
"-now I really can't find a colour for you besides white— I think white suits you a lot like—" your voice faded in his mind as he pondered.
Hari can still remember the time he arrived from his walk. Carrying you. The ten year old Chrono was confused to were he found this five year old child with him and begged Pops to keep them. Like how a child begs to keep a stray dog. Or cat.
Where did Kai found you again? Oh right. He can recall what Pops told Hari about Y/N. It wasn't vivid, but he can still remember it.
L/N Y/N is registered as dead in their legal documents. The reasons were unknown up to this day. Their past didn't mattered to Pops, nor to Kai.
Kai seems to be found of them, keeping them around despite having no purpose to the Yakuza at all. Perhaps they would make a great bate to opponents.
It doesn't matter to Chrono anyways. They just have to make sure that they don't get in his way.
"—although I'm not sure if you'll like this because it's quite fitted and I'm not sure if you're comfortable with your body being— like— traced or something." You rambled, as you chose between a white dress and another white dress. It just both looked the same to Hari, so why did you have a hard time choosing? "What do you think?" You presented both clothes.
Before Hari can respond, you interrupted him.
"How about if you try it on? There's the fitting room right there," you pointed, before dragging Chrono by his elbow, as he let himself be dragged by you.
15 years old
Quirk: Mind erasure and telepathy; The ability to read minds within the limit of five kilometres and to erase emotions by simply making skin contact. Drawbacks include nausea, migraines and slight hallucinations
"Wow, if I were a guy, I'd have a boner right now," / "Wow, if I were a girl, I'd be dripping wet right now." You joked, as you examined Hari's assets, as he uncomfortably stood.
"Hurry up! This is getting weird!" He complained.
"Wait a second, I'm still observing," you smirked.
Putting a curled finger under your chin, you hummed. His dress was fitted, his butt was popping confidently, his waist was about 27 inches by circumference, but there was something missing...
"You don't have tits."
"Obviously!" Chrono fumed irritatingly. At this point, he lost his level headedness from all of this shenanigans.
"Yes, that's why you need to hurry up and get changed so we can pay for it. We'll go to the bra department next."
"Are you serious?!"
Chrono sighs, as he watches you exit the room. Rolling his eyes, he slammed his head in the nearby wall, mumbling incoherently to himself.
Everywhere Chrono looked, women's undergarments were everywhere. Bras, underwear, even lingeries! Chrono was thankful he was wearing a mouthguard, or else he had a lot to hear from Y/N.
"So what's your cup?" You asked, holding up a pair of bra.
"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?"
"What's the size of your chest in terms of circumference and in inches?" You asked.
"How the fuck am I supposed to know?" Chrono complained.
"How may I help you ladies?" The sales lady approached with a white gleaming smile.
"Hi, my sister and I were just finding her right size. But Haru here doesn't know her measurements," you stalled, looping your arms with you "sister".
"Ma'am, we can measure them for you, just follow me—"
"Oh no, she doesn't usually let other people touch her," you falsely chuckled. You cupped the side of your mouth to whisper to the saleslady, "She's a huge germaphobe."
"Ohhh... We'll just lend you out measuring tape and you'll have to measure yourself then, Ma'am." She smiled, clasping her hands together.
"Thanks, that'll be fine." You waved, before turning to Chrono after the saleslady left. "Yea, so that happened," you snickered. He just rolled his eyes at you.
Bra shopping was enjoyable. That is, to you. Shoe shopping was next and Chrono's eyes grew in pure bewilderment as you presented this 6 foot guy a three inched heeled shoes.
"There is actually no way in hell I'm wearing that!" Chrono pointed at the pair of white ankle strap pump you held.
"It's the shortest heels I can find your size!" You whined. "Now come on, we still have a lot to do, coopera—"
"No! I've actually had enough of your shenanigans!" He snaps.
Okay, so this precious arrowhead is usually calm and composed. Never in your life have you ever saw him snap. Like he is confuse with your sudden change of personality, you were shocked as well.
The expression in your face was void of anything. Just blank.
Like I have been saying, you were usually a submissive doll. This current day, you were cheerful. And to be honest, Chrono was irritated with it. But seeing your undecipherable face... He'll be honest, he was kind of afraid of the aura you're radiating. If he were to choose, he prefer your cheery mood than this— this faceless ghost. And upon hearing his thoughts, you smiled. A blank smile, and oh god that scared him more. Your lips widely stretched across your lips, as your eyes remained the same blank stare. Soon, tears fell out of those soulless eyes.
"I-I-I'm sorry— I'm sorry!" He profusely apologized, putting his hands on your shoulders as he begged for forgiveness. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" At this point, he doesn't really know what to feel anymore.
"Just try the darn shoes on," you wiped the tears off your face, as he immediately obliged. No questions. And slowly, your mood began to come back. A smile, an actual smile etched into your lips and eyes as Hari stood with the shoes on, stumbling and trying to find his balance, in which you can't help but to laugh at.
"This isn't funny!"
"Well it is, to me!" Hari noticed how your laugh was contagious. Something he has never seen in the base. You were actually happy and not restricting your emotions... You looked... Lovely. Hari unconsciously smiled, but struggled to walk with the shoes on.
"Hey, I know that I said that we'll be on our way back, but—" Hari turned to you, calmer and more comfortable than before. He hummed in confusion, as he let the handles of the bags he carried dig into his forearms, while you held one yourself. "Your hair..." You pointed at his hair.
"We can just go back and buy a wig—"
"I-uh, no. I promised that after the shoe shopping we'll go home. We'll just find a way to hide it—"
"I insist." Hari smiled. You smiled back, looping your arm in his.
"Mmkay, mah boi," you started. "Lezz go."
The night was the night.
After resting for three hours from that trip, you made Hari shave, exfoliate and moisturise his legs before applying make up on his face. Again. This time, he was less whiny and twitchy.
A simple make up did the trick. A winged eyeliner, a small light pink hue on his cheeks, dark red lipstick, the mascara and false eyelashes did the trick for him.
He wore the white dress. A simple, short white dress that reaches his mid thighs, trimmed with thin white laces around the hem of the skirting. The off shoulder neckline hung lowly, but not enough to reveal a "cleavage". The dress was tight around his assets, and his tissue and cotton stuffed bra. It was convincing to say the least.
A black, flower patterned choker was around his neck because chokers are hot—
He was still not used walking around with high heels, so he would stumble and trip at the slightest.
And the wig you bought for him completed the look. A long, white haired wig tied in a high ponytail with the fringes brushed to the left.
He was... Alluring, to say the least.
You bit your lip, as you found yourself awkwardly gazing at him from up and down, in which he almost smacked you across the face for that.
"Don't look at me like that!" He fumed, face red as he held his self to cover his chest and exposed shoulders.
"Well sorry! It's not my fault that you, a man, look prettier than I am!" You retorted, as you wiped the blood off your nose that you didn't know that was dripping to begin with.
Hari sighs. "Let's just get on with it,"
One word: Ouch.
Pretending to be female was painful. He can feel his vocals rip as he continued talking in a high pitched voice that wasn't really convincing, but somehow managed to seduce this desperate old man, who is in fact, a mafia leader. The shoes he was wearing was blistering his feet every passing seconds and it stings like a bit—
"My dearest, you look uncomfortable... Is there something?" The old man purred, stroking Hari— or should I say Haru— Haru's "hair" to the side, his curled fingers trailing alongside his face. Hari had to urge to barf and pull the gun hidden under his dress to shoot his face off. Instead of standing up for himself, he leaned into the man's shoulder, putting his head on his shoulder.
Hari chuckled, falsely that is. "Nothing, dear..."
Somewhere in the bar, you chilled in the office, with a glass of a drink, monitoring a specific camera footage in Hari's place. You already found the document, but you wanted to have your fun by watching Chrono suffer in embarrassment as he hoped and wished that you just hurry up. But alas.
Laughing to yourself, as you recall snapping as many pictures of Hari as you can. You can't wait to view all of them later, it'll be hilarious. You might show the other guys the pictures, but you're sure as hell that you won't hear the end of Mimic's lectures ever.
You silently giggled to yourself, as your seat swiveled around, spotting three dead bodies by the floor. You didn't mind though. What bothered you is the blood that stained your newly washed clothes. No matter. You sipped from the straw of your drink, as you pouted in boredom.
Nothing really interesting is happening between Hari and the guy, so you decided to view the files you confiscated. Propping your feet by the table, you leaned back to your chair as you opened the folder, lightly tapping it. A frown was evident in your face when you read the title.
Operation: Kill Overhaul
The title was dreaded as fuck. I mean, can't they come up with a creative title? Disgusting, unoriginal, probably offensive to Overhaul himself.
You glanced back at the tablet, seeing Chrono seated on the guy's lap. You faked barfed, as you saw it, laughing at how uncomfortable Chrono is. Although, you feel slightly sorry for him enduring all this.
Deciding to end the mission, you turned all the power off. You can practically hear people murmuring in the bar as lights went out. You held your phone and turned the flashlight on, making your way towards the door, stepping on dead bodies. Dialing Hari's number, he picked up almost immediately.
"Feel free to leave a bullet in his head. I know you're hiding that damned gun under your dress," the next thing you hear was a gun shot, followed by screams.
"Okay, let's go."
"Where the hell did you go?!" Mimic exclaimed, as you entered the gate, dismissing him. "Hey! I'm talking to you, you brat!"
"You're questioning your leader?" You nonchalantly spoke, as you plopped yourself on the couch, beside Setsuno as he drank a can of beer. You ignored Mimic's lectures, as you stared deeply in his eyes. "Can I have some?" You asked, turning to him.
"YOU BRAT! YOU'RE A MINOR!" You flipped Mimic a gesture, suggesting that he should do something anatomically improbable with himself, before you took the beer can from Setsuno and taking a sip, before gagging it spitting out. Mimic, in shock, let his anger take control and was about to smack some senses into you when a familiar arrow hair shot forward, restraining Mimic to ever lay a single finger on you.
"That's enough," all eyes turned to Chrono, who seems to forget to change out of his attire from earlier. He has his wig off, though. The make up on his face was smudged around, the black liquid eyeliner from his eyes were cascading down his eyes like black tears, one of his false eyelashes was missing and one was barely hanging on his eyelashes, his lipstick was smeared on his cheek and chin, as his dress was stained with blood and sweat and dirt.
Instead of taking him seriously, Rappa burst into laughter as he pointed at the flustered Chrono, Setsuno joined in as well, while the others just concealed their laughter before breaking down... Except Mimic, though. He's unimpressed, but he has a good way of concealing his smile. Chrono's shoulders were raised, as a warm feeling spread across his face.
"Hey guys! Look at this! I took a lot of pictures!" You raised your phone, as the others gathered around you. Once you unlocked your phone, as photo of Chrono almost falling on his face while wearing his heels was displayed on the screen, which prompted them to laugh.
"It was for a mission! It's extremely necessary!" Chrono said, stomping way towards you, in his high heels, which almost tripped him in the process, which caused them to laugh. "S-stop laughing!"
"This won't be the last time we'll do this, Chrono!" You laughed, as you viewers more photos of him struggling with these girly stuffs.
"Wow... I'm glad I won't be doing this," you heard Setsuno murmur beside you. Smirking, you slowly turned to face him. With a low, sweet, and threatening voice, you spoke,
"You're next."
"E-eh?!" Setsuno flinched like the precious child he is, an obvious blush around his cheeks, spreading at the tip of his ears.
"HAH! I'm glad I won't be doing those things!" Rappa burst into laughter, as he smacked his knee.
"Yeah, probably not. You're too ugly to manage," you said, as you viewed your nails.
"Huh?! Is that an invitation to fight?!" He stood up, getting on a fighting stance. "You're just like your brother Overwhore! Thinking you can defeat me!" He raises his fist, and as it was about to hit you, the same arrow hair restrained him.
"I said NO LAYING A FINGER ON THE BOSS' SIBLING!" Chrono restrains him with his arrow hair, his fist barely brushing your face.
"Sorry, I only fight handsome guys." You smirked, as you watched in amusement as he tried to yank his hand off.
BIG, BIG, BIG, GIANT, COLOSSAL THANKS FOR Tordoholic for helping me in this chapter! I owe you lots, boo (♡ω♡ ) ~♪
So next will be Setsuno one shot, serving as a part two of this one shot. Precious boy needs all love from the world and happiness as well.
This is by far the longest one shot I wrote here, about 3,526. And just, wow. I hope I'll be able to beat that again.
Well, that's all for now, thanks for reading!!!
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