Author and Reader relationship (Edited + More scenes)
Scream, if you need to.
Scream bloody murder, even.
Don't worry about you classmates, just scream.
Do NOT run out of the ring while facing Sir Rappa.
Actually, don't scream at all. Don't scream, your classmates are watching and you don't want to embarrass yourself.
As I run away from my collosal teacher, my classmates cheered from outside of the ring. I am not sure whether they're cheering at me, or at Sir Rappa. Or maybe they're laughing at me, who knows?
In Mister Rappa's class, our pop quiz will consist us individually competing with him and him alone. We have fifteen minutes to bring him down, or escape unscathed. As you can see here, all I'm trying to do was to get out alive, not really giving my classmates the form of entertainment they usually have.
Yeah, you see that dark haired maniac with dark brown eyes running around, ripping her vocal chords off by screaming as she desperately ran like she's running away from death but in truth she's running away from their Yakuza teacher who was unimpressed about her performance?
Yeah, that would be me.
Hi, I'm Abby with a B. Call me Abby for short and please excuse me I'm RAMBLING INSIDE MY OWN MIND AS I RUN FOR MY LIFE!
Internal panic was very evident in my eyes as I dodge every attack our PE teacher Rappa did. I am barely dodging his attacks, his fists would nearly brush my skin.
So much for trying to evade the fanfiction AU I created. I didn't even gave myself a quirk to match with their pace.
Just a few more seconds until the fight ends... My body feels oh so sore from a of this and I have been torturing my throat and lungs for a full fifteen minutes and my body was exhausted from all of the running. My vision was dark as heck, and my iron deficiency is being an asshole like usual.
"Time's up! It's a draw!" Y/N announced, as I can no longer stand properly on my feet. And before I collapse on my feet, my PE teacher immediately caught me.
"You dodge good, Reyna, but you need to fend for yourself! Fight like you mean it!" He lectured, helping me out of the ring. "You're permitted to use use your quirks for a reason!"
"I have no quirk..." I replied, as we finally made our way out of the ring.
"Oh, right. I'll give you an A for being able to last long." He sheepishly said. "Next! L/N!" He called, as he got back in the ring.
A student of my age bent down on my side, handing me a bottle of water. A pleasant person to have on my side in all of my journey in this... This madness.
I got stuck in my own fanfiction AU and I have no idea how to get out. I'm just a fifteen year old, man. I have a life outside of this fic, too, you know. But writing really is an escape for me and I guess the fictional world was more appealing to me and I decided to let myself be absorbed in it...
I don't know if I should regret it or not.
L/N Y/N, an identity I created for the readers of my book, is a pleasant person. Supporting, kind, smart, beautiful. Above all, they're a wonderful human being to ever exist. Their votes, their comments... I appreciate them a lot.
"You did a great job, Abby," they pat my shoulder, handing me a towel.
I gladly and sheepishly took it, as I wiped the sweat off my body. I didn't even did well out there, yet they were supporting.
"Good luck," I say to them, watching them climb on the ring to face our PE teacher.
I doubt that they'll lose, they never lose to him. That's the way I wrote them to be. And in no time, they sent Rappa on the ground. It was easy for them, and I envy them.
Mister Overhaul's class was next, and I haven't even done my homework yet... Ahhh, fuck my life.
As students changed out of their black shirts and black pants, they changed into their perfectly pressed uniform, while I squished myself in mine.
During the struggle, a well known clique approached me. I don't really associate with people too often, but I know that they're those mean girls in school. My self esteem was quaking as the outlines of their bodies were more visible under their PE shirts.
The one in the middle spoke, "Oh, the privilege of being quirkless~" she mocked, crossing her arms. "How does it feel being useless?"
"Wow, pathetic, you can't even come up with a better comeback, you second rate?" I chuckled. "Not only are you top in terms of academics, but hating me. Guess who's top one? Me. I'm the only one who can hate me as much as you and your friend hate me. Top that, you second rate!" I childishly stuck my tongue out at them, watching in amusement as their offended looks were just so priceless.
They've been bothering me since I evaded this AU, and I honestly feel my grave being dug right now because I regret what I said when I remember that they quirks that will most likely kill me.
Before she can hit me, Y/N grabs their wrist with a glare. "It's almost time for Mister Overhaul's class. If you won't hurry, one of us is going to get overhauled again." She clicks her tongue, yanking her wrist away from them, before walking away.
Y/N glared at them, before setting her eyes on me, little oh defenceless me who always need rescuing because I don't have a quirk.
"Are you alright?" They asked, patting my back.
I only sighed. At this rate, I feel like I'm the worst person there is, always needing rescue. "Yea, thanks for handling them."
They grin at me, before playfully smacking my back. Me, a quirkless normie, flinched because I don't have any mutated genetics to take their punch like a manly woman.
In all honesty, I appreciate them a lot.
"Pass your homework. Don't make me repeat myself," he stated, voice muffled with the bird mask on.
Students murmured to themselves, as they passed their homeworks. I concealed my face with a book, making a poor attempt to not hear what he said, incoherently mumbling to myself as I wanted to soundlessly bang my head in the table.
A tap from my shoulder distracted my from my supposed ritual and handed me a paper. I took the said note and opened to reveal my forged handwriting and the said homework. In pure delight and bewilderment, I turned to Y/N who was seated behind me and gaped at her. They only gave me a thumbs up and a grin. This person, I swear.
"What about yours?" I whispered to them, worried about their own homework.
"Don't worry, I made two," they say, showing another one.
With nothing to lose, I passed "my" homework to Overhaul, before sheepishly returning to my seat.
When the passing of the homework was done, we were all seated in silence. It was hella awkward, to say the least, and one student tapping their own pen against the table wasn't helping. And then, some of my classmates started to murmur.
And since I was seated in front, as in, DIRECTLY in front of Overhaul, I get to experience his warnings. He would grasp me by the shoulders and overhaul my body to make the class quiet.
I technically died thirty times in this universe.
A scream erupted from my throat the moment he suddenly put his gloved hand on my shoulder, but that voice soon died down when I lost perception over my environment, before I was revived again.
I love Overhaul, man. But with him constantly taking his warnings on me is very distasteful. Like, sir, you look great in glasses — hot even— but that doesn't mean you have the right to overhaul my ass, like seriously.
The evidence of my short death was traceless, as my existence was revived again. The only evidence left was my distress and my panicky self.
My breathe was heavy, tears were rapidly streaming down my face, my throat felt numb from screaming too much that I might as well have a toxic goiter soon.
The first time I was dissemble and revived was actually pleasant, but the longer I'm here, the less effort he puts into assembling me back up again.
All eyes were on me, but I doubt that they care. Even if they care, their pity won't help me at all.
"L/N, get her out of here." He turned to Y/N with a firm look, as they grabbed me by my shoulder.
I just wanna go home, goddamnit.
Ah the trip from the clinic couldn't get more awesome. If you can't tell, I am being sarcastic.
I can't find my sense of balance, my vocabulary came out as slurs and I can't even form a proper sentence, and I was emotionally drained from all of these.
"I can't feel right now my body," I mumbled, as I tumbled forward, but Y/N kept a firm grip on me. I smacked myself for not being able to speak English very well at my state. I'm not even sure if they can understand it.
"Don't worry, maybe Mister Overhaul will send you to your dorm." Y/N said.
I appreciate the fact that they didn't bother to obnoxiously correct me. I appreciate the fact that they tolerate me. I wish I can get to know them more.
And when we opened the clinic, we spotted Mister Kurono by the table. Perhaps he was on schedule to take care of students. He sighs.
"Lemme guess, Overhaul overhauled you again?" I nodded, sitting by one of the bed with Y/N's assistance. "He needs to stop abusing his students to discipline them." He mumbled, before turning to Y/N.
"Well, you aren't called expendables for a reason, now why aren't you complaining?" I sarcastically plopped my bum on the bed.
"It must be the exhaustion speaking," he sighs, turning to Y/N. "Okay, you can skedaddle now, Y/N. I'll take care of Miss Reyna." Chrono said to Y/N. They simply nodded as existed, but not before glancing at me with a concerned look.
"Take care, Abby." They uttered, before leaving.
Oh Y/N, I swear I'll be the death of you. But I appreciate you. I love you, platonically. I am thankful for your existence, thank you for existing.
Thank you for your votes, thank you for your comments, your supports, your jokes. I hope our relationship won't change.
You changed my life for the better... Reader.
I'm most likely the Izuku Midoriya of Shiee Hassaikai academy for getting my ass in the clinic every damn time and I hate it.
After the thirty first incident of me being overhauled by my English teacher/home room teacher, I was sent back to class after a lot of strings of insistence and a little bit of persuasion, I managed to get out of the clinic and to get my slip from him.
I need to figure out how the hell am I supposed to get out of this fic, immediately.
Mister Nemoto's class was next in line. Math isn't my forte, but it's Mister Nemoto teaching the class and he's my third favourite after Mister Kurono and Sir Setsuno. The only problem is I can't lie to him about studying or doing my math homework. But I think I'm too afraid to commit things like that after dying for 31 times as a warning from Overhaul, so I will surely do my math homework.
Hopefully people won't notice me going in the room, I don't the attention given because duh. And I think they've gotten used to seeing me being overhauled by Sir Chisaki....
Crap, I wonder how the hell did I manage to call him by his name, real name that he didn't really like... I somehow felt like getting used to being the nearest warning material he can just touch to warn to whole class while my remains splash in different directions for a few seconds before getting assembled back up again. I might as well reach the point where I decided to rebel. But I know I'm too much of a coward to reach that level.
Once I found myself wandering around, wondering where the hell was Sir Nemoto's classroom again, when I found it. I gently grabbed the knob of the door, twisting it oh so gently as it silently unlatched itself, before I swung it forward.
My efforts were proven to be in vain after I opened the door as Sir Nemoto and my classmates turned their heads towards this wretched soul who no longer feels like giving a fuck, but still gives a fuck.
Judging at how seemingly relaxed my bodily muscles were, I am sure as hell that I am currently internally undergoing to another fit of the day.
You ever have one of those feelings where you just want to crawl under a rock and die?
Yea, that is how I feel.
"Miss Reyna, I thought you's be in your dorm instead of roaming around and disturbing classes," even if he's wearing a mask, I can feel his fiery glare through the lense of his mask.
My answer came out a hesitant, strangled whine. "Mister Kurono said I can return to class?" It came out a a question than an answer.
"Well then, just sit on your assigned seat and we'll resume with the lesson."
I sighed in relief, as I stumbled back to my chair, just beside the clique I dare to talk back to... But they don't seem to mind me. Y/N is nowhere to be seen. They're probably in Mister Setsuno's class.
I have to figure out how the hell Am I gonna get outta here. I can't live here forever, I have a life outside of my fics.
I watched Mister Nemoto jut down numbers on the board, while I just drifted away. It's something I usually do even in my real life. I would either day dream, or maybe write my drafts on my notebook.
Thank the heavenly face of Chronostasis that Mister Nemoto only makes a student recite if they're raising their hands to recite. He doesn't really pick those who doesn't want to.
How the hell did I ended up in this fic anyways? I have no idea. All I know was dosing off in class and—
Wait... Is this a dream?
No it couldn't be, I felt every single pain from ever encounters such as tripping and getting killed and revived by Overslut, I felt being touched by the heavenly touch of CHRONOSTASIS YES—
Oh Goddamnit, Abby. In predicaments like this all you can think about is loathing Overhaul and loving Chrono. Well to be honest, Chrono is more handsome than Overhaul so come at me—
I was distracted from my inner monologue when the bell rung. I got up from my seat, walking to my next class... Which is Mister Mimic's class. Wait... OH SHIT MIMIC'S CLASS—
I basically bolted from my standing ground and into the field for his class, which was Yakuza history. If one is a minute late to his class, expect the most painful punishment there is; 30 minutes planking.
I sprinted to the girl's locker room, squeezing myself in my spare gym clothes and getting my wooden riffle from its shelf, before running out I'm the field where I can already see a neat formation of students in the field holding their riffles to their sides, feet were 45 degrees apart, saluting to Sir Mimic's plush form. All the girls and boys were separated by gender, too and are alphabetically arranged by their last names.
I sneak my way into my line before he can notice, and thank the heavenly face of Chrono I have escaped his fiery wrath.
"TURN TO YOUR LEFT," Swiftly, students slides to face the left side. "TURN TO YOUR LEFT," we followed his instructions.
He walked in a row of students, studying their features. All students must keep a "tiger" look when in this class. Just a little hint of other expressions than this fierce and blank face, he's going to give them a punishment.
He stopped in front of a female student in front of me, which he just glares down at... Well, more that glared up at since he is in his plush form.
I swear, I thought that I can't take him seriously in his plush form but boi was I wrong. He is terrifying in both forms and I hate that I am terrified by this small plush rag doll.
"HIMURA, WHAT IS YAKUZA IN MILITARY CODE NAME," Sir Mimic barked, startling the student in front of me.
"SIR, YANKEE, ALPHA, KILO, UNIFORM, ZULU, ALPha, SIR!" Her vocals cracked upon screeching the answers, which caused the others to burst into snickers. Admittedly, I snickered along as well, but was instantly halted when Mister Mimic glared at all of us.
"ALL OF YOU, GIVE ME THREE WEEKS!" he yelled at us, while we got our backs into it. We gently and swiftly put our riffles down, when I hear a wooden clatter when someone dropped the riffle.
Here's the things about punishments, girls do pumping, boys to push ups. A week is equal to seven pumping/push ups. So three multiplied by seven is twenty one punishment...
Here is another thing about riffles. If we drop it without caution whatsoever, he'll punish us. And we will soon work on real riffles, so if we drop it, it might suddenly go off. And if they can't handle a wooden riffle, how the hell are they going to handle a real one?
"ALL OF YOU, GIVE ME ANOTHER FOUR WEEK!" So we have twenty one plus twenty eight punishment... Fuck my life.
Mentally groaning, I held the tip of my ears, crossed my ankles, and began to out my back into it.
We have something like this in class every friday afternoon, four o'clock to five thirty. Our punishments would exceed to a week or two, or maybe three... Never four weeks. And me, and unathletic nut, would have aching muscles at the end of the day.
Additionally and unfortunately, four weeks is the minimum punishment in this school, apparently.
Again, fuck my life.
My legs were practically shaking after the punishment, causing me to stumble to the side, but not fall. Thank Chrono's heavenly face I did not caught sir Mimic's sight or else I'll have my own punishment.
"REYNA, WHAT IS THE PRIMARY GOAL OF THE SHIEE HASSAIKAI," Oh, fuck, ohfuck, ohfuck, ohfuck!
"UH, REMOVING THE FILTH CALLED QUIRKS, SIR!" I screeched, my face contorting into a panicked look as I answer.
"TO RESTORE THE FORMER GLORY OF THE YAKUZA, SIR," I swear to the heavenly face of Chrono, I must've showered the one in front of me with my drool.
Huh, weird...
"GIVE ME SEVEN WEEKS, L/N." So that would be forty nine pumping...
I slightly turned my head to the side to take a look at Y/N, when I met Sir Mimic's gaze.
Mentally groaning, I put my back onto it. "ONE, SIR. TWO, SIR. THREE, SIR—!"
Next was science class, Mister Kurono's class. I love his class to be honest, just as I love his ass— his given ASSIGNMENTS OF COURSE! I'm not a pervert or anything!
Anyways, I sat on my assigned seat, just relived to rest my aching feet after the agonizing moments in Mimic's class.
"Alright, since I know all of you just finished Mimic's class, I'll let you nap for my whole period."
You know some of those days where you just want to hug everyone because something good happened to you? Yeah, that's how I feel after Mister Kurono's announcement.
"Thank you, Mister Kurono." All of us said in unison, before arranging our seat into the back so that we have more space on the center of the room to lay on.
And since Y/N and I are in the same class, we decided to be bed buddies. They used their hoodie to a makeshift bed sheet, while using their bag as a pillow. It really isn't comfortable, but at least we're chilling.
And the fun doubled when Mister Kurono decided to join us. And when I mean us, he decided to lay in the floor with Y/N and I. I love him a lot I'm considering writing another fic about him after I escape this realm.
There are going to be a thing I'll miss after I figure out how to escape here: That would be Y/N, Kurono and Setsuno and Nemoto. Fuck Overhaul, he can screw himself off.
All fun was ruined when the bell rung and Mister Setsuno's class was next. Well to me, it was still fun knowing it was Mister Setsuno's class.
"So I heard what Mimic did to you and..." Mister Setsuno stumbled with his words. "I decided that all of you should rest instead—" before he can finish his sentence, all students seems to rush in front to give him a hug.
"Thank you, Sir!" All of us screamed in euphoria. Thankfully for me, I was seated in front and had the time to rush forward to hug him by the waist I kneeled.
And so, it was like deja vu when we all out all the chairs and desk by the back and decided to bunker down. Y/N and I were laying together again, when I started dozing off. Man, I never felt this tired....
I feel a pillow hitting my face, on which I responded harshly by tossing it back to the one to who toasedt it on my face, before sitting up in a flash to glare at whoever threw it... My brother.
Wait— wait— it was a dream?!
I grunted, pulling the pillow under my head, before using it to out atop my face to muffle my grunts of frustration.
"IT'S FRICKING SATURDAY, AGNUS! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WAAANT!" I screamed on the pillow, before turning to glare at him.
"Can you make noodles?"
"YOU'RE THIRTEEN YEARS OLD, YOU SHOULD KNOW HOW TO MAKE INSTANT NOODLES, YOU LAZY FRICK!" I screamed, tossing the pillow on his face, in which he dodged. "I was having a great dream when you ruined it!" I whined, banging my head on the headboard of the bed.
"That's fine, can you make us noodles now?"
"FINE! JUST WAIT!" I begrudgingly reached for my phone, when I feel my sore muscles— wait... My whole body aches like this in— wait another minute.
I gently stood up, before walking in front of a mirror, seeing the same bruises I acquired from that... That "dream".
I looked at my phone, tapped that one specific app, and went to my drafts. All the things I wrote remained that way, besides that one fic... That one fic about the Shiee Hassaikai being the teachers... It's weird that I have "dreamt" exactly the same thing I wrote.
Disregarding the thoughts of it, I stretched my painfully aching muscles before going to the kitchen to prepare noodles for breakfast, the thought of what happened still in the back of my mind...
That would make a good one-shot, I'll write it later.
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