School has always been a top priority for me, I really do try my best and especially in what I'm good at. Math? Nope. Music? Yes. I really wish to pursue it as a future career, possibly teach that subject someday and pass on my knowledge to other future students. I've always made it on time to all my classes, passed all of them, and am definitely ready for college. Now it's all about choosing and writing essays to the one's I wish to get in, which is very nerve wracking to say the least. I have started all of mine over the course of the summer and submitted two, I just need one more. I haven't been able to submit this one because I always find myself changing it up and just not feeling incredibly confident in my answer. I sit down at my computer in my room and opened up the document, on the top I wrote the topic of the essay which can be answered in so many ways: Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth. How is an 18 year old supposed to answer that? I could possibly answer that question at the age of thirty, but I haven't even lived half of my life yet! What in the world have I accomplished thus far? Didn't drop out of high school yet, maybe?
I reread what I wrote and delete some sentences, then rewrote them, reread it, repeat. I have no idea what I could write that would make my essay stand out from hundreds and thousands of other students applying. I let out a big puff as I lean back in my chair and just stare at my document; what has sparked a period of personal growth in me? As I sit in my thoughts, I see my phone goes off with a text from Zayn. He has been my friend since freshman year, the only thing we have in common is our passion for music. He is a kind guy, we have never been very close but he keeps me informed on a lot of things. He texted me asking if I can come by during my free period to play a bit, he is on the drums in our little so called "band." I let him know that I'm on my way before grabbing my things and heading out of the house.
Senior year is known to be as "senior slide," which means it's supposed to be the easiest year since it's the last time we will actually be in high school. However, with all these college applications and acceptances/rejections coming through it seems to become more stressful. Will I get into this college that I love? I have no idea what the future holds, I can only hope for the best. Now with Harry and his distractions on top of that, it's hard to keep focus on things that are important. My mother is barely home and with my father supposedly never wanting to know me, the only family I have are Lindsey and Ben. I have been able to count on them on anything, we always support each other no matter what. I have no idea what will happen once everyone goes onto their own separate road, I will definitely miss them.
I find a parking spot near the music theatre entrance and make my way to the rooms to drop my backpack and books off. I search through my folders to find the notes we have been playing together and collect the pages, I have been meaning to tape them all together so I don't lose the pages or get them out of order. I neatly fold them on a stack next to me as I hear Zayn on the drums and Niall on his guitar going off together. I put everything else in the locker and start to make my way to the stage while passing by the practice rooms , there are three of them in total and they're all sound proof so no one can play over one another. It's nice because it helps keep this area more quiet, thank goodness.
"Kate." I hear a familiar voice behind me, I turn around to find Harry standing there with a couple of white folders in his arms.
"Hi, Mister Styles." I respond as he comes up to me with a smile on his face, I don't think I've seen him genuinely smile before.
"Kinky," he mumbles, "why aren't you in class?"
"I have a free period, Zayn and Niall wanted to practice for a bit while we can." I reply as he runs his fingers through his hair. He wore his usual black jeans with a white, button down shirt that made his tattoos visible from underneath.
"I wasn't aware of that, why didn't you tell me?" He asks while stepping into a practice room and placing the folders on the piano.
"Since when am I supposed to tell you my entire schedule?" I say and raise my brows at him, I could tell that slightly irritated him.
Harry quickly grabs my arm and pulls me into the practice room before shutting the door behind us. I picked up a few sheets of notes that fell on the ground before I hear him lock the door behind him. I immediately turn around in a slight panic, why'd he lock the door? He put his keys in his back pocket as he stepped closer to me.
"You know, I don't exactly like that attitude you just gave me." He says while gently taking my notes out of my hands and placing them on the piano as well.
I could feel my heart starting to race as he gently caresses my waist, running a finger near the top of my pants. He leans down and starts to kiss my lips, then my cheek, before stopping at my neck. He slowly leaves sloppy kisses all over my neck as I let out a deep breathe, trying to calm myself.
"As your teacher," he whispers in my ear, "I'm going to have to give you a punishment for that. Do you want to know what it will be?"
He hooks a finger on one of the loops on my jeans as he pulls on it a bit while his other hand squeezes my butt. I let out a small gasp as I let him start to unbutton my pants slowly while staring into my eyes.
"Answer me." He says angrily as he unzips me and gently presses a finger against me.
"Y-Yes," I whisper, my heart is beating out of my chest and I can't seem to catch my breathe.
"Good," he responds and gently nibbles my ear while using two fingers to gently rub me, "you like that, hm?"
I nod in response as I grasp his arm for support, this is a completely new feeling and I am washed over with so many emotions. He quickens his pace as I grasp his arm more tightly, letting out a small moan while closing my eyes. Is this right? Honestly, I don't care at this point. I lean in to kiss him as we make out while he continues to massage me. Everything seemed to speed up, I completely forgot that we are in a practice room in my high school. I wrap my arm around his neck to pull him in deeper, only to have my phone go off. We pull away, both out of breathe, and stare at each other. I quickly grab my phone off the piano and see that Zayn is calling me.
"Hello?" I answer, trying to act calm.
"Hey, where are you? I see your stuff is here." He says, he is probably literally just outside the door. Oh, no.
"Yeah, sorry I, uh, had to use the bathroom." I make up an excuse as Harry quietly laughs at me.
"Oh, that's fine. Well, we're just taking a break but I'm going to see if Audrey is available to play the bass guitar. I let Niall know, but he still on the stage." He responds.
"Awesome, yeah, I'll be there in a second! See you." I say before hanging up. I let out a sigh of relief, that went better than I thought. I button up my jeans and look at Harry who is smiling at me.
"What are you grinning about?" I snap at him, "I almost didn't get away with that!"
He laughs at me again which only makes me more irritated, I grab my notes and go to the door to try and open it only to realize it is still locked. I turn around to look at him, he crossed his arms across his chest.
"Open the door." I demand.
"Why should I?" He gives me a cheeky smile while holding the keys in one hand.
I don't say anything as I stand with my hand on the door handle and stare at him for a good minute before he decides to unlock the door. He doesn't let me leave yet, instead he places his hand on top of mine.
"Let's just say, it was a pleasure to effectively use this practice room," he says, "we will definitely finish this soon."
He lets me open the door to leave and stays behind, thankfully, so no one notices at least. I take a deep breathe before going through the door towards the stage to see Niall tuning and adjusting his guitar. We exchange a greeting and smile before I go to the keyboard to set up my notes and the stand as we wait for Zayn and Audrey. I keep replaying what happened in that practice room and just how much I enjoyed, when I probably shouldn't have even let that happen! I play a couple of chords as I daydream away before Audrey comes up to me and snaps her fingers in my face. I blink a couple of times before looking up at her, the black bass guitar in her other hand.
"Come on, Kate! Please pay attention, you know the talent show is coming up in a few months," she tells me, as if I don't already know, "we need to get this down perfectly!"
"Sorry," I respond before she puts the guitar around her slim body and we start the song all over again.
Honestly, if only I could go back to that practice room again and do that all over again, I would. I look towards the empty seats in the theatre to see Harry standing near one of the doors. His tall, slim figure leaning at the frame with his arms across his chest. We stare at each other before he walks away and closes the door behind him, maybe this is all too good to be true?
Revised January 5, 2019.
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