

"Good morning, babe." Harry says while placing a plate of food for me. I brush my hair with my fingers before pulling it in a pony tail and sit down. He had made breakfast again, wow. He sits down with his plate of food and looks at me.

"Thank you, for...cooking." I smile. His hair was messy as he tried to tame it by pushing it back.

"No problem, just a little reward for yesterday." He winks before taking a bite. I flush and pick at my food before taking in a good chunk of food. He watches me as I eat, making me feel very uncomfortable as I cut up another piece.

"You like my shirt, don't you?" He motions to the black cloth that is baggy on me.

"Yeah, I like it." I reply, and it smells just like you.

"Good." He smiles and takes his plate to the sink before turning back towards me.

"We need to go somewhere, go get dressed." He tells me.

"Why?" I ask him.

"Just get dressed, Kate." He says more sternly. I oblige and go upstairs, I turn around for a brief moment to see him watching me with his arms crossed across his chest.

I run up the stairs and enter the room, noticing clothes folded on the dresser. I grab the clothes to see a dress. I quickly put it on and grab a sweater to pull over just in case it gets chilly. I hurry down the stairs to see he's not here, I walk out and see the car was already started so I leave the house and get in the car.

"Well don't you look nice today," he smiles, his dimples popping. I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Thank you," I say and buckle myself in. He drove out onto the street and towards the highway. It seems far from where Harry is at. My phone vibrated as I checked to see who it was, mom was asking if everything's fine. I text her back that I'm enjoying my time and rest my head against the seat before dozing off.


"Kate, babe, wake up." I feel Harry shake me gently. I open my eyes to see that we were at a house. I unbuckle myself and follow him out to the house. I fix up my dress and hair as I catch up to Harry. He rings the doorbell and as we wait, he intertwines our fingers together. A small smile made it's way onto my lips before the door opened, a boy with blonde hair appears in front of us.

"Sup bro," Harry says while giving him a hug.

"Hey! Long time no see, man." They let go before the blondes attention turns towards me. "And who is this pretty lady?"

Harry looks over at me, "this is Kate, but she's off limits."

The boy rolls his eyes before opening the door wider, Harry pulls me along as we enter the modern home. Everything was cleaned up as the television was on near the corner.

"Niall," Harry turns back around. "Where's everyone?"

The boy, Niall, comes towards us.

"Uh, I think they're downstairs in the room. The girls are there also I think." He responds.

"Okay," Harry mumbles before turning towards me.

"If they ask you anything personal just say you are a student, as you are, and I'll handle the rest." He tells me. I nod and he lets go of my hand and motions me to follow him. We go down the wooden steps towards a door at the end of the hallway, he opens the door and instantly a horrible smell fills my lungs.

"Who the fuck is it now?!" Someone asks.

"Chill man, it's Styles." Another guy replies. I quietly walk behind Harry the person stands up and hugs Harry.

"Styles, man it's been so long." He smiles.

"Yeah, haven't seen you guys for a while." Harry nods his head at other guys as girls send him a wink, their bodies pressed against other boys. Harry sits down and leans against the wall.

"Wait, and who is this?" The same guy comes up to me and slides an arm around my waist.

"Just a student of mine, hands off Clifford." Harry says in a stern voice but he doesn't budge.

"Aw, come on Styles, can't I have some fun?" He smirks before guiding me to a couch. I look back at Harry who was talking to a different girl which made me feel slightly mad. The guy pulls me onto his lap as I sit there uncomfortably, why did Harry make me wear a dress?

"Louis, pass me the joint." He reaches a hand towards a brown haired boy who hands him it. So that's what smelled bad, I scrunch up my nose when he breathes out a white cloud of the smoke.

"Don't like that, babe?" He asks, I shake my head no as he just chuckles. There was music on which made my head ache.

"So, tell me about yourself. What's your name?" He asks, Harry was completely oblivious to my existence at the moment.

"Kate," I say quietly.

"That's a beautiful name. I'm Michael." He smirks as I blush at his comment and fiddle with my hands.

"Hey! Boys and girls." Someone stands up. "How about we do a round of truth or dare?"

Some cheers were heard as everyone formed a circle, I got off of Michael's lap and sat on the floor with my back against the couch.

"Okay, Hailee you start." Someone says, I look over and notice a girl with blue hair smile lazily.

"Alright," she looks around the room. "Ah, Harry. Truth or dare?"

"Truth," Harry replies quickly.

"Hm," she taps her chin while thinking. "How many girls have you slept with?"

"Too many to count," he shrugs as the guys yell and cheer, but I didn't feel like doing so.

"Okay, truth or dare?" Harry asks me.

"Truth." I reply. A sly smirk was present on his lips.

"Hm, how many guys have you been with?" He asks.

"Well that depends on what you're asking, if I dated or kissed someone." I tell him as he rolls his eyes.

"I meant have sex with them," he laughs, my eyes widen as everyone laughs, making me feel humiliated.

"No one," I say just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Oh, well I'm pretty sure we can fix that." A guy winks.

"Um, Michael. Truth or dare?" I turn towards him.

"Truth," he says. I try to think of something clever but instead I ask him the dumbest question.

"How old are you?" I ask, I could hear snickers coming from people around me from the question.

"Nineteen," he smiles and continues the game. After a couple of hours I was already feeling quite tired and hungry so I left the room and went upstairs to the kitchen, Niall was watching television.

"Hey, Niall?" I say, he turns to look at me.

"Sup," he says while lowering the volume.

"Do you have anything to eat?" I ask.

"Of course, there's some pizza on the stove that was just brought in. Bring it here." He smiles.

"Alright," I reply and exit the room and to the kitchen. I grab the box and walk back to the couch and put it on a table.

"It's not as warm, but it'll do." Niall sighs and takes a bight of pizza as do I.

"When are they done?" I ask while staring at the screen as the ball flies across the field.

"Not sure," I could see him look over at me. "Are you cold?"

I had left my sweater in the car, and Harry has the keys.

"Kind of..." I reply and bring my arms closer to myself.

"Come 'ere then." He wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me against his warm chest. "How 'bout now?"

"It's better now," I smile. He squeezes my shoulders lightly.

"Good." Is all he says.


As we continued watching the game, there was a loud commotion outside before a couple of other guys enter the house without knocking. Two carrying packs of beers and others snacks.

"You guys can put that in the kitchen." Niall says as they make their way past us.

"Let's get this party started!" One screams before cranking the music up all the way. I shut my eyes from how loud it was before Niall got shoved off the couch.

"What the fuck man?!" He yells, the lights were dimmed and more people were coming in. Soon the living room was stuffed with sweaty bodies and alcohol.

"I told you she's fucking off limits!" Harry yells. I stand up as someone almost spills a drink all over me.

"Harry, don't hurt him!" I yell over the music as he picks him up by his shirt and pushes him against the wall. I quickly run over and try to pry Harry off of Niall who was getting several punches.

"Stop!" I scream, but a crowd starts to circle us and cheer the fight on. "Harry!"

He seemed oblivious as I try to grab his arm and pull him off but he pushes me away. More people cheer and chant as blood was starting to poor from Niall's nose.

"Harry! Stop it will you!" I slap his arm as he turns towards me with his knuckle clenched, ready to punch me. My eyes widen as I try to make eye contact with him, he was messed up.

"Harry, don't do this." I say calmly while putting my hands in front of me. He was breathing hard as Niall held a hand over his face. Slowly he put his hand down and let out a large sigh.

I was extremely nervous as he turned to look at crippled up Niall before storming away while pushing people away. The crowd slowly vanishes and everything's back to normal as I crouch next to Niall.

"Hey, let's get you cleaned up." I tell him and help him up towards the nearest bathroom. I shut the door and let him sit down on the closed toilet seat. I look for a kit to clean his bloody face up.

"It's in the cabinet." He exhales. I open up the kit and wet a cloth before carefully wiping away the mess.

"I'm so sorry," I tell him as he sucks in a breathe when I touch his nose.

"It's okay, he's just had too much to smoke and drink. He's always like this." He tries extenuating the situation.

"He's always like, this dangerous?" I ask.

"Yeah, he's scary at those times. So I'd rather not come near him, for safety." He warns me. I don't reply and finish cleaning him up before putting everything away. I lean against the counter and let out a sigh.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen," I tell him. "I'm going to go and speak to him."

"Don't, you don't know what he's like right now." Niall says, his blue eyes pleading me not to go.

"I have to, Niall. I'm sorry." I leave the room and go and search for him through out the house.

"Michael?" I tap his shoulder, he turns around.

"Oh, hey Kate." He smiles.

"Uh, hi. Do you know where Harry is?" I ask.

"I think he's upstairs, I don't know. Saw him with some girl earlier." He shrugs. I felt a sharp sting in my chest before I go up the stairs. Only one room was open slighty, I take a peak and see no one so I walk in.

Where could he be? I sit down on the bed and let out a sigh, everything's so strange. The door shuts and I instantly look.

"Looking for me?" He smirks before taking a sip of his drink. My mouth opens to speak before he cuts me off.

"Because you're what I've been looking for all night as well."


sorry for not updating in like forever. it's summer for me right now and I'm traveling so I barely have time. I'm going to start writing the next chapter right when I have time.

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sorry for takin so long. ily

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