Warlocks, Shadowhunters, and Dragons-- Oh My!
Magnus and Alec had a rule.
One could go missing for 24 hours without warning, before the other would start panicking.
Magnus had been gone 22 hours, 15 minutes, and 17 seconds when Jace called Alec.
"A werewolf just called saying he saw a Dragon on the Empire State Building. He's trying to eat a gargoyle."
"I'm busy," Alec said.
"Doing what?"
"Not panicking," Alec sighed. "Okay, I'll meet you there."
"What are you not panicking about?" Jace asked.
"Magnus is missing."
"Magnus can handle himself."
"I'm not so sure."
"Well, I am," Jace said. "Get to the Building."
There was a scarlet dragon flying over a nearby warehouse, tied down to the roof by a thick chain.
Jace, Clary, Isabelle, and Alec stood on the sidewalk, watching in horror and awe.
"I've never seen a dragon before," Jace said, "but that is the coolest thing ever."
"You said Empire State Building," Alec said. They were near the building but the Dragon was definitely not on the building. But everyone ignored him, as they usually did when he was in a bad mood.
"How are we going to kill that?" Clary asked.
"I personally think that we should ride it first," Jace said.
"I agree," Isabelle said.
"Can we please just hurry up and kill this thing?" Alec begged.
"Why? What do you have to do that's more important?" Isabelle asked.
Alec was silent.
"His boyfriend is missing," Jace said.
"Has it been 24 hours?"
"No-" Alec started.
"Then calm down," Isabelle said.
"Alec!" Jace screamed. "Any time now!"
The Dragon roared in fury and Jace almost slipped off.
"Jace!" Clary shouted. Alec was still climbing the chain up to the Dragon's neck. There was a chink in it's armour right underneath it's front left arm.
That was the only way to take it out was to stab it right there.
Jace was clinging desperately to it's tail, distracting it. Clary was on the ground as back-up and Isabelle was trying to stab it in the eye.
Alec pulled the seraph blade from his belt, and reached up.
He focused on his balance.
His hands let go of the chain and stabbed up into the small, soft space.
The Dragon cried out, this time in pain.
"Get down from there," Clary shouted.
Alec slid down the chain. He saw Jace jumping down beside him.
Alec fell into a roll as his feet hit the ground.
The Dragon was falling, and falling fast.
He felt Jace pull him just barely out of the way of the Dragon's body, which landed with a thud.
"You killed my Dragon!"
Everyone turned around to see a grey man standing at the ladder to the fire escape.
He looked truly upset.
"Well," Jace said, "you know you can't really have Dragons."
The grey man laughed.
"Silly Shadowhunters," he said, with a sigh. "You'll regret killing my Dragon."
Gold sparks exploded from his outstretched fingertips.
Alec fired an arrow at the warlock in an instant. His body fell back over the edge, back down onto the streets below.
"You killed him," Isabelle realized.
"He was probably the same warlock that summoned the Raveners last month," Alec said.
"The Clave will be pissed," Jace said. Alec shrugged.
"Only if Magnus reports it," Alec said.
"Which he won't," Jace said. "Because you're f-"
"Don't you find it odd though?" Clary asked. "Dragons are rare and powerful. It's one thing to summon some Raveners but a Dragon?"
"What are you saying?" Jace asked.
"I'm saying, I don't think he summoned this Dragon. Someone else did," Clary said.
"Magnus," Alec said, with horrified realization.
"He's probably somewhere around here," Isabelle said.
"We'll search the warehouse," Jace said. "Clary, take care of the body. Isabelle, take the back entrance in."
Everyone nodded.
A minute later, Jace and Alec were preparing to go in.
Jace kicked in the weak wood door.
Then something pulled him back.
"What- Tessa?"
Alec turned around, seraph blade glowing.
"Put your weapons away please," she said. Jace was the only one who noticed that she was always wearing grey. Today it was a grey pantsuit.
The boys listened.
"I understand you're looking for Magnus," Tessa said.
"Do you know where he is?" Alec asked.
"Yes," she said. "He's in that building. But he's not himself."
"What do you mean?" Jace asked.
"He's under the influence of a spell," Tessa said.
"Could you elaborate, Tessa?" Alec asked, hurriedly.
"Calm down, Alexander. He's fine," Tessa said. "He's just not in the right state of mind. He's more- powerful and he's doing the bidding of the warlock that's dead on the sidewalk."
"Clary is cleaning that up," Jace said.
"Good," Tessa said. "There's a counterspell. I don't know it. I was in the process of looking for it when I found out Magnus had summoned a Dragon."
"You knew he was missing?" Alec asked.
"I was hoping to keep it quiet and get him back to you without any trouble," Tessa said. "But yes, I did know."
"So how do we stop him?" Jace asked.
"He's probably going to summon something else," Tessa said. "I'm assuming that's what Kelfur wanted; a demon army."
"Kelfur? That was his name?" Jace asked.
"His name is irrelevant," Tessa said. "What's important is distracting Magnus."
Jace smirked and looked over at Alec.
"He's not physically violent," Tessa said. "That's not what he's programmed to do so I doubt he'll harm you. But, he is vulnerable to his more human desires."
Jace held back a laugh.
"He's in the basement," Tessa said. "Jace, you can assist me in finding the counter spell. And call off Isabelle; we'll need everyone's help."
"Good luck," Jace laughed, clapping Alec on the back.
"Be careful," Tessa said. "Stop him from performing any spells."
They started off down the street.
Alec took a deep breath and started searching for the entrance to the basement.
It didn't take long; the warehouse wasn't big.
He descended the stairs as quietly as possible.
He wasn't sure what to expect.
The basement was dark, lit by a few candles, just enough to see the blood-red pentagram on the floor.
The whole room smelled like fire and smoke.
"Magnus," Alec called. His voice was shaking.
He looked at the rest of the room.
There was a desk, littered with ingredients he had seen laying around the apartment before.
Alec heard a door open.
Red eyes glittered in the open doorway, reflecting the candle light.
"Alexander. What are you doing down here?"
"Looking for you," Alec said.
"At least you're telling the truth," Magnus said.
"Your eyes are red," Alec said. Magnus still hadn't moved out of the doorway.
"You're very observant today," Magnus said. "Do you like it?"
"It's different."
"Different isn't an opinion," Magnus said. "I did ask for you opinion."
"I like the gold better," Alec said.
In an instant, Magnus was standing right in front of Alec.
Magnus' face wrinkled.
"Where's Kelfur?" Magnus asked. It was as if he could sense the other warlock's disappearance.
"He's dead," Alec said.
"You killed him?" Magnus asked; this time it was more like a statement.
Alec was silent.
Magnus raised his hand and Alec turned away instinctively, bracing himself for a slap.
"I'd never hit you, Alexander."
Alec felt Magnus' gentle hand on his cheek.
"Your hands are cold," Alec said.
"Did Tessa send you?" Magnus asked, quietly. Alec looked back up.
"Yes," Alec said, breathlessly.
How would he react?
Magnus just smiled.
"Stop," Alec said. "Whatever you're doing. Just stop."
"I can't, my dear."
"Yes, you can," Alec urged.
"Are you going to tell me I'm not thinking straight?"
"You're not. This isn't you," Alec said. "You're being possessed."
Magnus stepped even closer to Alec.
When Alec tried to step back, he found himself pressed up against a wall, without an escape.
"Is it really possession?" Magnus whispered into Alec's ear. It sent shivers down his spine.
"Yes," Alec said, taking in a sharp breath of air.
"Hmm," Magnus said. "And are you supposed to distract me?"
"Yes," Alec said. Magnus kissed Alec's cheek, softly.
"It feels like I'm distracting myself," Magnus said. "And you just happen to be here."
"Wouldn't it just be easier to come home with me?" Alec asked.
"Little bold there, Alexander-"
"He's dead. Your cause is over," Alec said. "There will be no demon army or whatever this guy wanted."
"There certainly will be if Tessa doesn't find a counter-spell," Magnus said.
"She'll find it," Alec said.
Magnus stepped back. The red in his eyes was furious now.
"I'm going back to work. Try and stop me if you must," Magnus said. "But I doubt you will."
He turned away.
Alec was frozen up against the wall as Magnus started mixing things at the table.
How long would it take for Tessa to find a counter spell?
Alec stormed towards the table.
"Stop," he demanded. "Magnus, I know you're in there."
He just said it because that was what he had heard people say in the movies.
Magnus looked up and smiled in a way that was so unlike him.
"This is me," Magnus said. He sprinkled a powder in a silver bowl and a mushroom cloud of pink smoke emerged from the bowl.
Alec's phone buzzed in his pocket.
He pulled it out. Magnus obviously didn't care.
Jace: Tessa called Cat who remembered a counter spell. We'll be there in ten minutes.
The phone buzzed again.
Jace: There's traffic.
"Did they find a counter spell?" Magnus asked. He was smirking.
"No," Alec said, tucking his phone away.
"Well, only two more ingredients and I will have a Portal to the demon home world."
"You- what?"
Magnus paused.
"Tessa didn't tell you that? The Dragon was only the beginning. The Dragon was what got out in our first attempt. The second attempt will be more fruitful."
Alec stepped in between Magnus and the table.
"Now you're going to try and stop me?" Magnus asked.
"This isn't you," Alec said. "Your eyes are red and if that doesn't say evil, then I don't know what does."
"Green smoke," Magnus said. "Green smoke is almost always an indication of evil."
Alec shook his head in disbelief.
Magnus gave a sad smile.
Alec put his hands on Magnus' cheeks and kissed him with everything he had.
Magnus jumped slightly in shock but leaned back into the kiss.
When Alec stopped, Magnus' eyes opened and they looked more gold than red.
"Magnus-" His eyes widened quickly before falling shut again.
Magnus went limp and Alec scrambled to catch him.
He heard footsteps descending as he laid Magnus down on the floor.
Alec looked up. Tessa was walking towards him.
"What did you do?" Alec asked.
"Counter-spell," Tessa said, without hesitation. "Check for a pulse."
"Alexander!" Tessa snapped.
Alec put two fingers against Magnus' neck.
Every second that ticked by killed Alec.
"Nothing," Alec murmured.
"Give it a minute," Tessa said.
"He's dead!" Alec shouted. Tessa was beginning to doubt herself as well and Alec screaming at her didn't help her confidence.
"Check again," she insisted.
Alec looked back at Magnus' still body. His chest wasn't rising and falling and there was still no pulse.
Tessa knelt beside Magnus, taking his wrist.
"You killed him!" Alec shouted. "He was fine! I- His eyes were normal again! I almost had him!"
Tessa was at a loss for words.
There was a thundering of footsteps coming down the stairs.
Jace, Isabelle, and Clary rushed in.
They stopped, not daring to enter the space any more.
"Tessa! Fix him," Alec begged.
"I don't know what happened," Tessa said. "It should have worked. He should be fine."
"But he's not!"
"I don't know," Tessa said.
"Magnus," Alec whimpered, shaking Magnus. "Come on. Please."
The candles in the room flickered before going out.
"Don't move," Tessa's voice commanded through the darkness. "Jace, do you have witch light?"
"Yes," Jace said.
"Turn it on please," Tessa said.
The room lit up and Magnus' eyes were open.
"That was hot," Magnus said, blinking a couple of times.
"What?" Alec asked.
"That ki- Tessa, why are you holding my hand? And why the hell am I on the ground?" Magnus sat up, looking around.
"I killed you," Tessa said.
"Oh, thank you for that, Tessa," Magnus said, shaking his head. He looked over at Alec. "You're paler than usual."
"You died," Alec growled.
"Well, now I'm not dead," Magnus said, as if it was nothing. "But Tessa is still holding my hand."
Tessa tossed Magnus' hand back and rolled her eyes.
"We'll give you two a minute," Tessa said. She stood up and Jace, Isabelle, and Clary followed her out.
"Are you okay?" Magnus asked.
"No," Alec said.
"You're shaking."
"Stop pointing out my problems," Alec snapped.
"Come here," Magnus said. Alec fell into Magnus' arms. He put his head against Magnus' shoulder and started crying.
"I thought that was it," Alec sobbed.
"Goodness no," Magnus said. "I wouldn't leave you hanging like that. That would have been a very anti-climatic death."
Alec just cried.
"Alexander, I'm fine," Magnus said. It was killing him to see Alec upset over him. It was supposed to be the other way around.
They had always planned on Alec's death.
Never Magnus'.
A/N: Because @Queen_Books_13 was genuinely concerned this was the end of me writing Malec, I decided to publish this sooner than planned. . .
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