phonetic cont

11: What is consonant?

A consonant is a sound in producing it the airstream coming from the lungs is stoppe, impeded, constricted or otherwise interfered with in its passaage to the outside air.

Consonants are classed as voiced if they are produced with vibration of the vocal cords and voicless if they are produced without vibration.

Consonants are classified according to these 4 standards:

1: places of articulation

2: manner of artichlation: ( +Fricative: the air is constricted, causing friction when passing through the organs of speech.ex:/v,f,đ,8,z,s,3,S,h/ And +Affricate: it is the combination of the plosive and fricative.the air stream is stopped,then released dlowly with friction)

3:Voicing: these is presence or absence of the vibration or the vocal cords.(+ voiced: when the vocal cords open and close rapidly. And +voiceless: when the vocal cords open wide and there is the vibration of the vocal cords)

4: Aspiration(+ Aspirated: a sound is aspirated when it is at the beginning of aword or in a stressed syllabal.ex: paper, pen, people. And + Unaspirated: a sound is unaspirated when it is before an unstressed syllabal, before another stop sound or after/s/. ex: paper, happy,spy

20: Give the definition of minimal pair?

Minimal pair are pair of words in which a difference in meaning depend the difference of the phonemes that accur in the same position or distribution( the 2 are isentical in every way except one sound)

Ex: pin-pan; hat-cat; bar-car

22: What is the stress? What are the main type of stress?

Stress is the degrees of force used in producing a syllable.

There are 3 types of stress in E: word, phrase, and sentence stress.

There are 4 degrees of stress: primary, secondary,tertiary and weak stress

23:What are the function of stress?

Emphasize certain part of an utterance.

This is also refer to accentual function

+Express syntaxtic relationship of word and chaning

-chaning of the word class: 'record_ re'cord / 'present_ pre'sent

-chaning of meaning of word.

24: What is assimination? What are the main kind of assimination?

Assimination is the influence of one phoneme upon another neighbouring phoneme, so that they become more alike

There are 3 kind of assimination

- ass.. of place of articulation

- ass..of manner of articulation

- ass..of voicing in consonants.

Progressive assimination( dong hoa xuoi): when the latter is affected to become the former in some ways: ex: in the

Regressive assimination(dong hoa nguoc): when the former is affected to become the latter in some ways: ex: one more

25: What is ellision? Is the complete disappearance of a sound: Ex: often-ofn; asked- ast

26: What is intonation? What are the main funtion of intonation?

Intonation is the changing pitch of voice: high, medium, low

3 kind basic : + falling , +rising, +sustained intonation(mix falling+rising)

Fuction: - attitudinal function, felling of speak happening, angry, polite...

- the accentual function: concentrate, to pay attention for some people listen, attract, to carry one's hearwith one.

- Grammatical function.

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