phonetic cont
11: What is consonant?
A consonant is a sound in producing it the airstream coming from the lungs is stoppe, impeded, constricted or otherwise interfered with in its passaage to the outside air.
Consonants are classed as voiced if they are produced with vibration of the vocal cords and voicless if they are produced without vibration.
Consonants are classified according to these 4 standards:
1: places of articulation
2: manner of artichlation: ( +Fricative: the air is constricted, causing friction when passing through the organs of speech.ex:/v,f,đ,8,z,s,3,S,h/ And +Affricate: it is the combination of the plosive and fricative.the air stream is stopped,then released dlowly with friction)
3:Voicing: these is presence or absence of the vibration or the vocal cords.(+ voiced: when the vocal cords open and close rapidly. And +voiceless: when the vocal cords open wide and there is the vibration of the vocal cords)
4: Aspiration(+ Aspirated: a sound is aspirated when it is at the beginning of aword or in a stressed syllabal.ex: paper, pen, people. And + Unaspirated: a sound is unaspirated when it is before an unstressed syllabal, before another stop sound or after/s/. ex: paper, happy,spy
20: Give the definition of minimal pair?
Minimal pair are pair of words in which a difference in meaning depend the difference of the phonemes that accur in the same position or distribution( the 2 are isentical in every way except one sound)
Ex: pin-pan; hat-cat; bar-car
22: What is the stress? What are the main type of stress?
Stress is the degrees of force used in producing a syllable.
There are 3 types of stress in E: word, phrase, and sentence stress.
There are 4 degrees of stress: primary, secondary,tertiary and weak stress
23:What are the function of stress?
Emphasize certain part of an utterance.
This is also refer to accentual function
+Express syntaxtic relationship of word and chaning
-chaning of the word class: 'record_ re'cord / 'present_ pre'sent
-chaning of meaning of word.
24: What is assimination? What are the main kind of assimination?
Assimination is the influence of one phoneme upon another neighbouring phoneme, so that they become more alike
There are 3 kind of assimination
- ass.. of place of articulation
- ass..of manner of articulation
- ass..of voicing in consonants.
Progressive assimination( dong hoa xuoi): when the latter is affected to become the former in some ways: ex: in the
Regressive assimination(dong hoa nguoc): when the former is affected to become the latter in some ways: ex: one more
25: What is ellision? Is the complete disappearance of a sound: Ex: often-ofn; asked- ast
26: What is intonation? What are the main funtion of intonation?
Intonation is the changing pitch of voice: high, medium, low
3 kind basic : + falling , +rising, +sustained intonation(mix falling+rising)
Fuction: - attitudinal function, felling of speak happening, angry, polite...
- the accentual function: concentrate, to pay attention for some people listen, attract, to carry one's hearwith one.
- Grammatical function.
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