Dr.Ban : Who is the Con artist in your head?
JM : Change.
Strange enough it felt to Jimin, he knew the answer right away. As if there was a spell of magic he couldn't comprehend, the response was prompted without a hesitation.
Dr.Ban : Change, you say. Autumn symbolizes that. The season I like the most.
The singer was intrigued for the reasoning behind his affinity towards that particular season.
Dr.Ban : It reminds us, that no matter how beautifully a flower bloomed in the Spring, it withers in the Fall. It changes. Everything does.
Jimin exhaled with a pout, listening to his words that sounded way too accurate for his liking.
Dr.Ban : For us humans too, it is not possible to bloom all the time. And it is okay to have our Autumns. That's what completes the cycle. It keeps changing.
As much as he was receiving the comfort in his words, the fears dominated.
JM : And that is what scares me. The fact that everything is changing. As if things are slipping from my hand. It makes me anxious and have linking fears that I never had before.
This time, Dr.Ban was quiet. He was silently absorbing his exasperation, as the singer spoke out his heart.
JM : And because of that sole thing, I tend to get very stressed. Since, it can't be helped. Change is bound. I really hate that.
Dr.Ban gently nodded his head, showcasing his resonance.
Dr.Ban : Well, it is, indeed.
It is one of the inherent properties of change. That it is bound and inevitable.
The psychiatrist spared a brief glance at Jimin, before continuing further. In order to follow every little reaction of his patient.
Dr.Ban : But, since it is there in everything, regardless of where we don't appreciate it, we cannot be really biased over disliking it. There are some changes, we like. And some, that we don't. We cannot solely hate them because of some unanticipated ones.
Change by conjecture, is believed to be subjective.
While a certain thing changes for some, it does not necessarily to someone else.
One cannot defy nor debate on it, to win in any fixed direction.
To some, growing an inch of height is a change. To some, moving out of the city is a change. To some, it could be consequential, to some the same might be insignificant.
While some are desirable changes, some are undesirable and much unwelcome. But there is change in every aspect of life and the living.
The simple clock of life—where hours make days, minutes make hours, seconds make minutes—is one of the best sighted examples of change.
It is the most essential part of existence. For without it, time stops. And so does the life on earth. Billions of evolutionary processes, from the tiniest inanimates to one of the smartest human beings of this day and age. Change has been the driving force, the platform of those burgeoning establishments.
Now is it really subjective?
Since more or less, tiny or large, desirable or undesirable, significant or insignificant—change is a must.
Change sustains.
There are different levels, a few dimensions, couple of this and that—but one definition to change : make someone or something alter from its previous form.
Some occurrences might not change one's life forever. But, everything changes in one's life everyday, every minute, every second so on and so forth.
Dr.Ban : How easily we embrace the wanted changes, can't we at least try to accept the unwanted as well? With the unknown abundance, we always tend to offer too much, so time gifts us back with a change.
JM : I don't have any thoughts to accept those presents. Well let's say, I do. But sometimes it is just too hard to fit ourselves into those changes. And the moment we finally adjust to it, things change again.
The psychiatrist felt a relief that Jimin was on the right track. He simply needed a more optimistic vision. That, it was not about fitting ourselves into the changes, but just the opposite.
Dr.Ban : It is integrated into two parts. Some can be changed. Some cannot. Just imagine that you you gave in more than what you had bought. You must receive the change.
JM : What if I don't like them and have the seller to keep the changes, everytime?
Dr.Ban : Well, then let's imagine a hypothetical scenario here. You have a son and your love for him cannot parallel to anyone or anything else.
JM : A-all right.
Dr.Ban : And there's a certain toy in a dispensary machine. Just like your son, there isn't a second one made ever again. He wants it. What will you do?
JM : I will just buy it for him.
Dr.Ban : Of course you would want to. But, since you never accepted changes, the least number you have a bill is of 10,000 won. The toy is worth only a 500 coin. And the machine doesn't accept anything other than the coins either. What are you going to do now? Your only son is pleading you for that little toy.
Just like the lucid question, Jimin tried to answer it in simplicity with utmost honesty.
JM : Well... I would get the change to buy it, if it's for my son.
And just as he pronounced the words himself, he was brought to an epiphany. The one, the doctor voiced it out next.
Dr.Ban : If it's hard to accept it for yourself. Do it for your loved ones. You would've given up if it was for you. But, you bent down to get the changes that you hate so bad, only because of the love for your son.
JM : Sure, but I am spending it right away. I did not keep it to myself.
Dr.Ban : You are right. But, before you spend it away. You must first receive it. Since, change is inevitable. Accept it naturally first, and then you can spend it away. You can just change it again.
The singer could eventually visualize the scenery painted by the doctor before him.
Dr.Ban : Just like in the hypothetical situation, you accepted the 500 won coins first, then you immediately changed them again to the toy. Own it, to change your changes.
The last sentence fell on Jimin with a fancy enchantment, but was soon countered by his inner incertitude.
JM : But, sometimes I would still have some amount that I wouldn't be able to spend.
Dr.Ban : And that is the other face of change. Something that you cannot change. You simply have to keep it with you until something new replaces it again. Or who knows in some years, it can be more valuable. A rare antique. That might infact come to a bigger fortune for you in future.
His optimistic outlook of the negative and hard to accept front of change, dazzled the young man beside him. The psychiatrist further interested the singer into a more explicit spectrum of the brighter side.
Dr.Ban : You have two directions in front of you. Light and Dark. You can see the road with ease when there is a light guiding you in. While there is the Dark that you have no vision into. Which would be the safer option?
JM : The Light.
Dr.Ban smiled, continuing.
Dr.Ban : That light is the positive aspect of anything in our lives. The dark, one that represents the harder road, naturally tempts to us. Because we believe, hard roads by default lead to success.
Yet another time, the proficient psychiatrist touched the pertinent corners very effortlessly. The younger was no more surprised at his verbal power and the amount of parallelism his work has with reality.
Dr.Ban : Easy are often looked down upon, but sometimes choosing the easy path is smart and more practical. Hardships will appear in both directions, it is just that you can brace yourself in the light as you can see it coming beforehand.
Jimin felt an enlightenment that was long unseen. He reflected that something conventional need not be always the truth or the better option. The singer did not realize that he had similar beliefs like the collective mass, until he saw it through the doctor's lenses.
The psychiatrist experienced an accomplishment to gift Jimin of the perspective he needed. There was a visible positive reaction from the singer, that Dr.Ban catched on.
A different day, a different time, a different place corresponding to Jimin, Dan Hwa was not very far apart from the same topic, catching Dr.Ban rather off guard. By how the two had such similar views.
Dan Hwa : Being the director all of a sudden, was a big change for me. I had already apprehended the pressure would be high. But, now with the undertrained self of mine, I feel I am not doing an efficient job directing my team.
The psychiatrist granted her the full command of speech as she was voicing herself for the first time—summarizing all the sessions so far.
Dan Hwa : It doesn't come directly on my face, but I know many are unhappy with my work. I don't care about criticism if I know it is false. But, I am in a point, where I feel like I deserve those hate. Hence, I overwork myself.
Dr.Ban was pleased to listen to her thoughts presented openly before him. Something, he had finally brought in her over the course of a month.
Dan Hwa : But, following your words these last few weeks, I am out of that too. Now, these insecurities are weighing on me more than I can handle.
The psychiatrist perseveringly held on his silence, granting his full attention and accord. He wanted to learn all that flourished inside her, unexpressed and unheard, for so long.
Dan Hwa : I always dreaded change. It had always come to me all of a sudden. And this time, I am unable to cope. I don't think, I can rest the load anymore, Dr.Ban. Even if I am not ready, I have to bear it to distract myself.
Noticing glitters of tears in her eyes and the jittery fingers, Dr.Ban prioritized the relaxation of her anxiety foremost.
Dr.Ban : Dan Hwa-ssi, we will come to the topic in a moment.
She intertwined her palms, squinting her eyes close to force back the meltdown that was threatening over the edge. Her clutched palms quivered lightly, rested on her lap, much to catch the doctor's sharp notice.
Dr.Ban : (-softly-) Dan Hwa-ssi, look at me. Let's take some deep breaths.
Although it appeared to be a weird request from the doctor, Dan Hwa did not put much thoughts into it and immediately complied in the moment of her crisis. Anything to prevent the anxiety attack.
The psychiatrist accompanied her in the little breathing excercise. And very gradually, the Set director felt her heartbeats dial down to normal.
She picked up the untouched glass of water on the table, and sipped from it thoughtlessly.
Dan Hwa soon reflected to her own words and felt a little flushed, expressing her core emotions that precisely to someone. It was foreign yet strangely comforting.
Making sure of her relaxed state, the psychiatrist gently approached her concerns in a steady pace.
Dr.Ban : If you overwork yourself to keep busy, the problem is not solved. But, simply suppressed. Something that the energy drink was doing to you. And how did that turn out? It was an additional factor to your Insomnia.
Director Baek experienced a light awakening into her unconscious attempt to shroud her quandary, instead of seeking for the cure.
Dr.Ban : Instant suppression only helps the instant. But, it adds to the prolonged ailment. And we don't want that, do we?
Perceiving her silence as an aggrement, the doctor grasped the cue to continue his monologue.
Dr.Ban : The dread of this big change made you believe that you are not competent enough to do the job right. Something fear does to us; makes us believe the false. But, fear does not define your calibre or credibility.
She rested the glass back onto the table, taking glances on the spell binder. The bright gleams of sun peaking through the window behind him, appeared as if he was radiating that shine.
Dan Hwa, fascinated by his brevity, was drawn to stare straight into him.
Dr.Ban : Just take a step back and try to reproach the change with the confidence, that you can ace at it if you are willing to. Perspectives make all the difference.
Nevertheless, too bright, Dan Hwa could not keep the eye contact for long and focused more onto absorbing his expound.
Dr.Ban : Fearing the change is natural. Since it is obscure, a part of our brain, perceives the unknown—the uncertain—as a threat and thus induces the production of fear hormones. Which also applies to us feeling anxious towards unfamiliar place or people.
She took a brief glance again, with a heart of appreciation that he had always put efforts to interest her with factual information.
Dan Hwa received the answers to her several questions regarding her social anxiety, without even asking them directly. Something, that
made her feel secure.
Dr.Ban : In that situation, rather than focusing on the negative aspect, it is best to accept whatever may come. The more flexible a gymnast is, the less painful the ups and downs are.
His amiable and momentary examples plainly exhilarated her with the right amount of enthusiasm and optimism.
Dr.Ban : Some changes will come at you in their raw and ugly form. You don't like them, make the best use out of them. The way you like it. Being a designer, you would know it better how to curve boring raw materials into a beautiful and appealing structure.
At his simple address of her as a designer, Dan Hwa experienced an elation. That, even with the heavy director title smashed before her name, there was someone who still acknowledged the designer in her.
Dr.Ban : And yet there will be few remains unable to go into the structure. As the leftover materials in a set production. Just like you leave them in the store to bring them to use when the need arises. You should be able to identify those extras that cannot be changed. Acceptance is the key. The key to the storehouse, where you can rest them until the need entails.
"To accept the things one cannot change; courage to change the things one can. And the wisdom to know the difference."
The serenity prayer resonated to Dan Hwa, the sermon written in the first page of a diary in her custody. The one, that she could not yet muster the courage—to read the contents scripted inside.
She grew silent. And the psychiatrist reclined to his chair, granting her the silent space.
The solutions Dr.Ban gave each one of them were not very distinct from his standpoint. And the psychiatrist highlighted a few more keynotes on their words and phrases. They had different approaches to more or less the same infirmity, he resigned.
Their symptoms appeared different, the roots indicated the doctor to a focal point. He was yet to figure that out.
While on the patient side, Dan Hwa could not see it through her subconscious inclination to visiting the doctor. Not just to revise her prescription and a weekly consultation, but simply to talk.
To seek for the answers she had been looking for without having to ask them out loud. To her belief and trust, Dr.Ban voluntarily did it on his own. And she greatly appreciated that side of him.
In her mind, she was vigilantly guarding her fort of secrets; little did she catch, Dan Hwa was more and more indulged to very subtly soften the cements.
And with increasing days of visits, Dr.Ban had earned himself some remarkable points to be counted as one of her trustees.
Oblivious of the same, the doctor leaned forward, adding Chamomile tea as the mild relaxant aid on her prescription. Which would also help Dan Hwa's anxiety, he reviewed under the additional section of advice on the script.
Dr.Ban : Your homework around this time next week, is to read any prominent figure's success story. Could be anyone, a celebrity, a writer, a scientist, simply any history.
Although, sometimes she also docked out a few decimals when the doctor tasked her on a bothersome list of assignments.
Dan Hwa : What? Why but?
Her tone clearly translated her displeasure, but the psychiatrist played it innocent.
Dr.Ban : Well, I have a seminar to attend this following Sunday. So, I will be out of Seoul and wouldn't see outpatients here. Therefore, I am putting you on this task to keep you busy. And I want you to narrate that to me the next time we meet.
Dan Hwa : Why do I have to narrate?
Dr.Ban : So I know you did your homework.
Dan Hwa looked down in a light disbelief. Having a doctor to relieve stress can be stressful sometimes, she thought to herself. The Set director greeted him unamused as she took off, leaving behind a much enlivened Dr.Ban.
The week spent in regular duties, Dan Hwa and Jimin consciously pondered over the words of the psychiatrist.
Sighs left their mouths, both unable to deduce a way to act on their doctor's advice.
At such times, Dr.Ban's frequently used phrase would ring to them. That his job is merely to give them the lesson; their's, however, is to find the answers to the questions in the test of life.
They twisted and turned to other sides of the their beds, staring into a blank space. And simply walking miles in wonders, before unconsciously drifting away to the ocean of a peaceful sleep.
Finally on the weekend, while the singer occupied himself reading the novel he has been on for a few months now. Dan Hwa, not very familiarized with the Internet services, found herself scrolling through a website on her laptop. Quite literally, the contents were like a web into a world of curiosity she never thought she would be intrigued into.
Very precise and diligent with her homeworks, Dan Hwa carefully studied the personality she decided on to read.
The next morning was Sunday, and with one last thought, Dan Hwa fetched the carkeys and exited her apartment.
Away from the city chaos, away from the busy streets, she set off to a long and peaceful journey on her personal car.
And a tedious ride later, Dan Hwa finally reached her destination. The Honeycomb charity medical center.
Quite in a countryside area, the roads were empty and peaceful as she crossed it to embark the centre.
Following the right directions, she checked the hall number with the ticket slip clutched in her hand.
Once confirmed, Dan Hwa took a deep breath in and entered the serene sound proof auditorium, with a faint and indistinct murmur floating around.
Without much hindrance to anyone, she carefully found her seat and settled down. The stage had a classy visual, with red sheer curtains framing the wings—Dan Hwa observed. And the seats were themed black as if made for the purpose of a hide for the insecure figures guesting on them.
With the soon commencing seminar, the lights dimed down over the audience as the host announced the name of the psychiatrist : the luminary of the very event, Doctor Ban Shim Jang.
All the eyes focused towards the centering platform with the loud applause and cheer for the grand entry of the medical professional.
Dan Hwa, flustered by it all, mumbled to herself, "Wait, that's . . . "
Is it Dr.Ban?
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