Ch99-The Mask


Aphmau's P.O.V.





I yawn waking up to the sound of my alarm clock. I close my eyes for a few seconds and all of a sudden Celestia is on my bed licking my face.

"Celestia!" I laugh

She barks happily and attempts to pull me out of bed. I go to the kitchen and I feed Celestia. I the go to the bathroom and have a shower. I get ready as I usally do. Today I'm wearing a black pair of pants, a purple top and hoodie and black ankle boots.

I eat some breakfast. I pack my school stuff in my bag, say goodbye to Celestia and head off to school. It's raining today so I put my umbrella up. The rain looks really pretty but it is coming down really hard.

By the time I get to school I can see all the worms that have come up through the soil. I really don't like worms. I quickly rush to my locker and grab my things. I just don't want to be able to see the worms anymore.

I go to my classroom and I wait outside of it. Zane comes up to me and taps my shoulder.

"Hey Zane" I say cheerfully

"Hey Aphmau, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house tonight, Garroth and Vylad won't be there" he asks me

"Sure, I'd love to" I reply

He is wearing that mask again. He is usally wearing that mask lately. I'm not sure why. Maybe I'll ask him tonight. The teacher comes and opens up the class for us. I go in and I sit down next to Zane. Travis sits next to me and he is trying to flirt with me. Zane and I are laughing becuase he lent to fat back on his chair trying to act cool and he fell.

The teacher tells us that we are going to be doing some experiments and she puts us into pairs. I'm with Travis. I'm getting a few evil glares from some of the girls in the class. They all really like ate is and I know they want to be with him.

We get out all the things we need and start the experiment, Travis is flirting with a few other girls and distracting them. I notice that one group left their experiment along and I think it's going to explode. I duck down under my desk and I hear a Big Bang.

When I look up I see most of the students in shock and half he science lab wall gone. On the bright side we don't need to invest money on an air conditioner. The teacher lets us go to lunch early while she tries to figure out what to do about the hole in the wall.

No one else would be in the cafeteria just yet and the food wouldn't be ready so I decide to go to the library. I want to find out more about this power and to how to control it. The book isn't really helpfull thought. I guess I could ask Emmalyn. She would know about magiks and things like that.

The bell for lunch goes and I head to the cefeteria. I sit down with my friends and we eat together. Someone brings up what we should do about Yun.

"Well he hasn't been at school lately so I guess he might be leaving Aphmau alone" Ross says

"Yeah, I hope he is" I agree

"I don't think he will give up that easily though" Cadenza says concerned

"Come on, let's get off of this topic, Aphmau will be fine" Molly says

It's really nice that they are concerned for me but I really think I'll be fine now. If Yun kidnaps me I know I have people I can rely on for help. And I know that my friends won't let anyone hut me and I won't let him hurt them.

After lunch I go to Gym and I see Aaron there. We talk for a little bit before the teacher arrives. When deacher does come he tells us that we will be playing basket ball. He puts us into teams and I'm on the opposing team to Aaron.

We play really well and the game is tied for most of the time. In the last few minutes Aaorn managed to score a basket and their team won. The popular girls are fangirling so hard and are basically throwing themselves at him.

He ditches them and comes to talk to me. I greet him with a smile. We talk until the final bell of the day and we go home. I wave goodbye to Aaron and I join Zane. Vylad and Garroth have football practise so they won't be home.

Zane's P.O.V.

I am walking Aphmau to my place. I am making sure that no one is following us becuase I don't want Aphmau to be kidnapped again. When we get to my house we have some tea and cake. The real reason I wanted to ask Aphamu over is becuase I'm concerned about how she is doing since the Yandere incident.

"Aphamu, can I ask you something?" I ask her

"Sure what is it?" She replies

"Are you ok? You know, since the whole Yandere thing?" I ask

She looks down and then replies

"Yeah I think I'm doing fine, I'm not really as upset as I was and I can finally sleep properly again" she says

I wrap my arms around her and pull her close to me. She accepts the hug.

"Now can I ask you something?" She says pulling away

"Sure" I reply

"Why have you been wearing that mask lately?" She asks me

"Well... I got into a fight and I have this scar" I say showing her my scar

She looks shocked and her hand begins to glow. She reaches up to touch my scar and it heals. I pull her hand and she falls to me. I press my lips up agains her's and we kiss for a bread second. We pull away and change the subject. I'm just glad that Aphamu is doing alright.

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