Ch82-Disney Land
Aphmau's P.O.V.
I wake up very excited this morning because we are going to Disney land in O'Khasis today. I love Disney land becuase it is so fun. Disney is my favourite thing in the world, my favourite Disney movie is frozen.
I hop out of bed and take a shower. I brush my teeth. I put on blue and black pants, a blue top and purple ankle boots. I put on mascara, eyeliner and orange lipgloss. I grab my purse and phone and I go out into the living room.
I'm the only one out here because everyone else is still getting ready. I'm fantazizing what this Disney Land will be like. Before I moved to Pheonix drop I lived in Scaleswimd. There was a Disney Lamd there and it was very fun.
I usally went there with my friends. It was small but big at the same time. I miss scales wind but most of my friends have moved here. I hadn't told anyone why people move here, it's becuase be j scales wind there is some feud between the monarchy and it's becoming dangerous.
Although I moved to Pheonix drop becuase of a different reason, the fighting was still part of it. I'm so deep in my thoughts that I don't relise Garroth is ready and he is waving his hand Infront of my face. I relise and I snap out of my thoughts.
"Good morning" I say
"Haha finally, I have been trying to get your attention for five minutes" he says
"Oops sorry" I reply smiling
"Vylad and Zane are almost done so we can go for breakfast and then go to Disney land ok?" He says
"Yay I'm so excited" I say
"Me to, the Disney land in O'Khasis is really good" he says
Vylad and Zane come out of their rooms and we head down to the breakfast buffet. I have some fruit, yogurt and musli. It actully tastes really good.
When we have all finished we head off to Disney land. I can feel the excitement in the air and everyone looks really happy.
When we arrive we pay for out tickets and head into the park. We discuss what we want to do first. We all agree to go on the rides. Garroth and Vylad want to go on the roller coasters but Vylad and I convince them to start with something a little more simple.
They end up winning and here we are waiting in line for a massive roller coaster. I'm not really scared but I am worried that Vylad might be. I look over at him and he looks very pale.
"Are you alright?" I ask him
"Yeah I'm fine, just a little scared" he says
"It will be fine" I reply
"I just hate heights" he replies
It's our turn and we get in the roller coaster. I can't believe they convinced me to do this. Now I feel scared. The roller coaster starts and I feel the air on my face as we go down a slope. My stomach drops as we go through a loop.
When the roller coaster comes to a stop Vylad and I look at eachother.
"Let's agree to never do this again" I say
"I agree" he replies
We decide to go take photos with the mascots. We look around for a while and take photos with Anna & Elsa, Micky & Minnie, Alladin & Jasmine, baymax and I manage to convince Garroth to take a photo with all the Disney princesses.
Zane took a photo of it and sent it to everyone. Garroth dosnt know yet though. Although I think Vylad told Garroth because he looks very angry at Zane.
Before a fight starts we go to the food court. When we have our food we sit down at a table we managed to find and start eating. Zane goes to the toilet and Garroth quickly starts speaking.
"Guys Zane sent that photo to a lot of people so I want to get him back" he says
"How?" I ask
"Trick him into going on the love trail with a girl he dosnt know. Aphmau I need you to help me" he asks me
"Why?" I reply
"I need him to think that he is going on with you" he says
"I don't know" I say unsurely
"I'll pay you twenty dollars" he replies
"I'm in" I say
When Zane comes back we pretend that nothing happend. I then ask Zane to go on the love train with me. He agrees almost instantly . I take him and we go into this dark room to wait for a carriage. There is this couple Infront of us. At the last second I switch with the girl without her realising.
Zane gets in the arrange with the girl and I see them cuddling with her. They don't relise that they don't know eachother. I walk out and I go stand with Garrothand Vylad. I tell them what happend and they are laughing so hard. We go to where the trail ends and we wait for them.
They come out and Zane looks at her and screems. Garroth was filming and Zane looks so angry. Zane ends up chasing Garroth around the park. Vylad and I are almost dying laughing becuase of how funny this is.
When they have settled down we head off to go on some rides when I accadently walk into someone.
"Sor-Reese?" I say shocked
"Aphmau?" He says
It's Reese and Marsh from my old school. I hug them and I introduce them to Garroth, Zane and Vylad.
They tell us that they will be transferring to our school and we all spend the rest of the day together. I'm kind of worried that they won't get along but they seem to be getting along really well.
A/N: Ok, so in one day I got tagged for two of those Q/A things so I'm going to do them here, also I still don't know how to tag people so I'm just going to say everyone who has read this needs to do it.
Q1. Do you know what P!ATD?
Q2.Do you have any friends?
Yes, only a few but they are very good friends
Q3. Favourite youtubers?
Yogscast, Aphmau, Ashleyosity, How to cook that, Domics
Q4. Favourite song?
For a better day- Avicii, Broken Arrows-Avicii
Q5. Jeremy or Mike?
Who is that?
Q6. Ananmine
I don't know what that is.
Q7.How did you find Wattpad?
I was looking for Garmau fanfiction
Q8. How many OC'S do you have?
None lol
Q9. Are you a brony
Again, no idea what that is.
Q10. Draw or nah?
I love drawing
Q11.Do you know what corpse party is?
Q12.Are you crafty?
Q13.How insane are you?
Very insane
Q14.Have you been called insane before?
Yes, many times
Q1.Aarmau or Zanmau? (My Street)
Aarmau, becuase it's funny
Q2. Garmau or Laurmau? (MCD)
Q3. Netflix or Wattpad?
Q4. Percy Jackson or Harry Potter?
Harry Potter
Q5. Sword or Bow?
Q6. Role play or Movies?
Q7. Read or Write?
Q8. White chocolate or milk chocolate?
White chocolate
Q9. Ross or Barney?
Q10.Dance or romance?
Q11. Fight or love?
Q12. Empire or rebellion? (Star wars)
Don't watch Starwars but If I had to choose... Rebelliom
Q13. Aphmau or Wattpad?
Q14. Nemo or The Lion King?
The lion king
Q15. Recieve money or give money?
Give money
Q16. Big house and no money or small house and lots of money?
Small house, Lots of money
Bonus: (these are more personal and you don't need to answer them)
Q1. Favourite food?
Q2.Do you feel lonely?
Usally I do
Q3.. Any mental problems?
Not really, I guess I probably do... IDK
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