

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up in my hotel bed. It is so comfy and warm. I pull myself out of bed and I get into the shower. The  showers here are really clean to. This hotel is so nice. They must clean whenever They can haha. I use some of that body wash that they give you on the small bottles.

I get dressed in purple pants, a white top and a white hoodie with a creeper face and brown calf-high boots. I brush my hair and I pull it into a low side ponytail. I brush my teeth I apply mascara, eyeliner, perfume and pineapple & Lime flavoured lipgloss.

I head out of my room and into the room that joins Garroth, Vylad, Zane and I's rooms. Zane is already up and he smiles at me.

"Hey Aphmau" he says

"Good morning Zane" I reply 

We sit down on the couch and watch some T.V. while we wait for the others to get ready. The hotel has a breakfast buffet so we are going there for breakfast.

When the other guys come downstairs we go to the breakfast room. All the food here is amazing and it tastes so good. We all sit down at a table and talk about what we want to do today.

Vylad suggests that we go to the O'Khasis markets becuase he heard about them and he wants to find out what all the hype is about. We put our dishes on the dirty tray and head off to the markets.

When we get there the first thing I notice is the size, it is really big and there are lots of people. We look around for a little. Garroth and Zane have been here a lot so Vylad and I follow them. Even the store keepers recognise them.

We find all sorts of weird things like rainbow dirt, stuffed animals and edible flowers. It is a lot of fun looking around all the markets. Zane and I find a store that sells cooked bugs. Which is disgusting but we decide to try and trick Garroth into eating them.

When we walk over to Garroth he looks us up and down. 

"What did you do?" He asks Zane

"Oh nothing, hey want to try some delicious meat we found" Zane asks

"No" Garroth says

"Please Garroth" I say batting my eyelashes and giving him puppy dog eyes

"Fine" he says smiling at me

He eats some without looking.

"Wow this is actully really good, what is it?" Garroth asks

I'm almost bursting out laughter and Zane is coughing to cover up his laughter.

"Perhaps it's better if you don't know" Zane says 

"What? Tell me" Garroth says

"Nope" Zane replies and runs off, Garroth close after him

Vylad and I walk behind them and make sure they don't run off to far. While we are looking around I find an adorable stuffed creeper. I decide to get it becuase I think it is so cute. When I turn around Garroth is standing right behind me.

"Did you catch Zane" I ask him gigglilin

"No, I'll get him later" he smirks

"Hey guys Zane just got in trouble with a store keeper" Vylad says

We watch Zane get chased out of the market place towards the park. 

"Do we have to go after him?" Garroth asks

"Oh look, swords" Vylad says changing the topic

I grab my stuffed creeper, grab their arms and we follow Zane.

"We can't leave him alone" I say

"Aww fine" Garroth smiles

We go to the park and find Zane hidden behind a tree. He looks at is relieved and sits down on a bench. Vylad and Garroth go to look at some flyer and I stay with Zane.

"What did you do?" I ask him

"This guy was shoplifting so I tried to grab what he had stolen, he called me a shoplifter and then I got in trouble" Zane replies

Vylad and Garroth rejoin us and tell us what the flyer was about.

"It's about this music festival tomorrow night" they tell us

"Wow that sounds really cool" I reply

"Yeah, we should go" Zane says

After a while of hanging out we decide to go back to the the hotel. Zane and I are hanging out in the living room while Garroth and Vy,ad are talking about something.

Garroth's P.O.V.

I want to get Zane back for not telling me what I ate. Although I'm pretty sure it was bugs. I managed to rope Vylad into doing this with me. What we have done is put a bucket of flower above the door and we called out to Aphmau and Zane.

That's when I relise, Aphmau could come through the door. The door opens and I look to see who it is. It's as I feared.


With a bucket on her head

Covered in flour

And she dosnt look to happy

"Opps" I say nervously

"Garroth..." She says lifting the bucket off of hr head

My feet move on there own and I bolt to my room. Zane is chasing after me and he looks very happy. I lock myself in my room and I can hear Zane banging on the door.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I'm not really angry at Garoth because I know he didn't mean to get me but now I need to go change and have a shower.

I wash off all the flour and I put on blue shorts, a purple top, black hoodie and purple high tops.

When I have finished I walk into my room and Garroth is in there.

"I'm really sorry Aphmau" he says and hugs me

"It's really alright" I reply

"Are you sure?" He asks

"Yes" I reply

He hugs me tightly again and then he leaves my room. I forgive him becuase he apologised. This trip is already very fun.

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