Ch77-Maid Cafè


Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up to my phone ringing non-stop. I squint my eyes and I see the caller is Kawaii-chan. I answer it and she screams in relief.

Xx Phone Call Start xX

(A-Aphmau, K-Kawaii-chan)

A-Umm Ow!

K-Kawaii-chan is sorry Aphmau-senpai

A-It's fine, but what do you want this early in the morning?

K-Kawaii-chan's cafè dosn't have enough workers for today and she needs some last minute stand-ins

A-No way

K-Please, Kawaii-chan will do anything

A-Can you watch Celestia this week while I'm in O'Khasis?

K-Kawaii-chan will do it, just please help her

A-Alright then 

K-Thankyou Aphmau-senpai, Thankyou so much

A-When do I need to be there?

K-In half an hour, also Kawaii-chan can give you a uniform so don't worry about that

A-Ok, see you soon

Xx Phone Call End xX

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I hop out of bed and I go to the bathroom. I take a shower and use strawberry body wash. I brush my teeth and spray on perfume. I brush my hair and leave it down. I play one bit of my hair and pull it over my head like a headband. I decorate it with some small purple flowers. I apply mascara, eyeliner and strawberry lipgloss.

I just put on some leggings, a top and some converse. I feed celestia and have breakfast. I look up at the clock and see that I still have fifteen minutes so I decide to get in my car and start driving becuase it takes about fifteen minutes to get there.

I drive to Kawaii-chants cafè and when I get there I enter through the back entry. I really hope no one I know is here. I find Kawaii-chan stand she hugs me tightly.

"Thankyou so much for helping Aphmau-senpai" she says

"Haha no problem, can I get a uniform?" I ask

"Sure follow Kawaii-chan" she says

I follow Kawaii-chan and shelve ads me to a room with hundreds of maid outfits in hundreds of colours. She pulls a purple one off the rack and hands it to me.

"Kawaii-chan knows that Aphmau-senpai likes purple so she can use this uniform" Kawaii-chan says

"Alright I'll go change" I say

"The changing rooms are in the back" Kawaii-chan says

"Thanks" I reply

I head to the changing rooms and I change into the maid outfit. I look at myself in the mirror. I actully look ok in this dress. It's purple white frills that go up to my knees, it has a cute, white, frilly apron on the front and knee-high white socks. I put on some purple flats to match the dress.

 I still hope no one I know sees me though that would be a disaster. I don't want anyone to know because I want people to take me seriously and that could be ruins if the wrong person sees me here. 

No I can't think like that, I'm here helping Kawaii-chan, I can't bail out now, I have already promised her I will be helping. She is looking after Celestia which is good as well. I put my clothes in a locker in the back of the café.

I find Kawaii-chan again and tap her shoulder.

"Kawaii-chan do I look ok?" I ask her

"Aphmau-senpai looks so KAWAII!" She says squealing 

"Haha Thankyou, now what do you want me to do?" I say

"Go and take orders from the customers and basically do anything they want unless it's omething you don't want to do, if you find a Creeper-Kun then come find Kawaii-Chan ok?" She says

"Sure, I'll go now" I reply

I head out into the resteraunt and I begin taking orders. I'm starting to get the hand of this. It's actully kind of fun. Some boys are giving me googyly eyes but I just ignore them. No one I know is here which is good.

Xx Meanwhile xX

Dante's P.O.V.

Travis and I are hanging out today playing Game-crab when someone texts me. It's Kawaii-chan which is weird. When I open it I find a photo of Aphmau in a cute maid outfit. She messages "Come to my cafè if you want to see Aphmau like this". The image automatically deletes and I relise that if I want to see Aphmau looking that cute I'm going to need to go to the cafe.

I tell Travis and he says he got the same message. We decide to go to the café. We drive there and when we get outside we see Garroth, Zane, Laurence and Jeffory.

"You got the message to?" They ask

"Yeah, well should we go in" I say

We all head through the doors and look around for Aphmau.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I noticed the boys just in time and I managed to hide in one of the storage rooms. I can't get to my normal clothes and I'm trapped. I can see them through a crack in the doorway and they are blocking my path.

I'm panicking and I relise that I still have my phone on me. I message the first people that came to my head. Ross and Sky.

Xx Text Start xX

(A-Aphmau, R-Ross, S-Sky)

A-Hey guys I know this is weird but I'm stuck in a maid café, dressed at a maid and I can't get out becuase Garroth, Laurence, Dante, Travis and Zane are here. I need help.

R-Why are they there?

A-I have no idea, I think Kawaii-chan told them I was here 

S-What do you want us to do?

A-Dress up as maids and they'll them that I'm not here




R-I have always wanted to dress up as a maid



S-Alright, Alright. I guess I'll help too

R-Be there soon

A-Ok see you then

Xx Text End xX

Ross' P.O.V.

I am at the maid café with Sky, living my dream. We know that Aphmau is in a storage room and she can't get out.   We tell Kawaii-chan the situation and she says that she didn't sent any photos. She said that it might have been Michi becuase she saw her hanging around Kawaii-chains phone.

She passes some dresses and wigs and we get dressed. She does our makeup and we look so bootyful.   We are ready. We go to the boys table and they don't recognise us.

"How may we help you?" Sky asks

"Well actully we where wondering is there was someone named Aphmau here?" Travis asks

"Umm no sorry" I say

"Really becuase we got a message that she was here" Dante says

"Well someone probably just photoshopped the image" Sky says

"Oh ok" Travis says 

They talk for a bit and order some food and then they leave.

Dante's P.O.V.

I can't stop thinking about what the one maid said, "Well someone probably just photoshopped the image". I don't know why.

Wait... We never said anything about an image. As I turn around I see Aphmau on the kitchen of the restaurant through the window. I tell the guts which was probably a mistake. Travis pulls out his phone and takes a photo.

We end up chasing him down the street so we can delete that photo. Or send it to us, whatever, it dosnt really matter.

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