Aphmau's P.O.V.
I wake up and I feel really nervous. I hope Missy dosn't find out out that it me who did that to her house. Oh well. What happens happens. I get up and I have a bowl of cereal. I switch on the news and reporters are at Missy's house. Well looks like we striked everyone's interest with our revenge on Missy.
I head upstairs and I have a shower. I brush my teeth and curl my hair. I leave my hair down. I put on some black pants, a purple t-shirt and a white jumper. I put on my dark blue ankle boots. I put on a purple beanie. I apply mascara, eyeliner and Cake batter flavoured lipgloss.
I head downstairs and I grab everything that I need for school. I turn the TV off and I head off to school. When I get to school there is a lot of talk about what happend to Missy's house. It's kind of funny to listen to it. I grab my stuff from my locker and I head off to my math class.
In math we are told about the school fair this weekend. We need to get into groups and then we are given what our store will be. We are all put into groups. It's annoying how we can't choose our own groups. I get put with Aaron, Jeffory, Lowell amd Nicole.
We all sit around Jefforys desk and we wait for the teacher to come around with all the stalls in a plastic bag Nicole chooses out a slip of paper out of the plastic bag. Ou stall is going to be oragami animals. Great. Who came up with these ideas? Luckily I'm actully really good at oragami. So is Jeffory.
We decide to go to Jefforys house after school to work on our stall. I know the way to Jefforys house but the others don't. Jeffory says that he will show them the way.
*Time skip to after school*
Aphmau's P.O.V.
Right now we are at Jefforys place and Jeffory and I are teaching Lowell, Aaron and Nicole how to make oragami animals. It is really fun. I can make dogs and pneonix's really well and Nicole is just getting the hang of foxes. Lowell can make wolves and Aaron can make birds. Jeffory is really good and he can make almost everything.
Nicole asks how I knew the way to Jefforys house.
"Because I have been here a few times" I say
"Really? Why?" She asks
"Sometimes she comes to see my sister or to just hang out" Jeffory says
"Yeah" I agree
Lowell's P.O.V.
I didn't know that Aphmau and Jeffory where really close. I hope he dosnt try and take her away from me because it won't end well. Warewolves are very protective and they know who they like. And I like Aphmau. I think I might be jealous.
After we have made heaps of animals we pack them all in a cardboard box and we prepare it for school. We also make a few banners for our stall and we discuss the prices. When we are done it is dark outside. It is to late for me to go home and I look kind of worried.
Jeffory's P.O.V.
I look over at Aohmau and I see that she looks worried. I think it's because it's dark outside and it's not safe to go home.
"Aphmau you can stay at my place tonight" I whisper
"Really? Thankyou" she smiles
"You can stay in the guest room, also Abbey wil be coming later on tonight with my mum because my mum had to work" I reply
Lowell also has to stay over because he can't go home. I show Aphmau to one of the guest rooms and Lowell to another. We all go downstairs and we have some dinner. After dinner Aphmau and I go to the kitchen and we wash up all of the dishes. I can tell that Lowell is spying on us. Well he should know better. I think I'll just have to teach him a lesson. Aphmau is mine. I also know that he likes Aphmau. I put the dishes down and I hug Aphmau.
"J-Jeffory?" She says
"Sorry I just wanted to hug you suddenly" I say and I kiss her forehead
Suddenly there is a knock at the front door and I go to answer it. It's my mum and Abbey. I tell my mum that I have two friends staying hone and she says it's fine. Abbey is very happy to see Aphmau and she runs up and gives her a hug.
Aphmau gets to meet my mother and I can tell my mother likes her and my mum dosn't usally like people. Lowell Aphmau and I all head up to my room which thankfully is neat. We talk about the school fair and I accadentally mention Missy's house. I forgot that Lowell dosnt know that it was us.
Lowell's P.O.V.
When Jeffory mentions Missys house I pretend not to hear. I think it was him who did it. I mean he probably would do something like that right? He is bad for a Aphmau. Ok maybe I'm just angry because I saw him kiss Aphmau and hug her.
I won't let Jeffory win.
"So did you mess up Missy's house?" I ask him
"It wasn't his idea, and it wasn't just him" Aphmau says
"W-what?" I say shocked
"Missy's parents paid off the police, my friends came up with a plan to get her back, I feel really bad but I also don't. I almost got arrested. You haven't been at our school long so you don't really know what missy is like" Aphmau says
"She got off easy" Jeffory agrees
"Oh ok" I say
I get why they did it now. I think Missy deserved it. She was horrible to me and Travis on our first day and she picked a fight with Aphmau. I still like Aphmau and that's not going to change. I'm not going to tell anyone because I want Aphmau to trust me. I want her to love me.
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