

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I am currently lining up to get a chicken sandwich in the cafeteria. When I have it I head to my groups table and I sit down.

"Hey guys why is Missy here?" Lucinda asks

"Her parents paid off the police officers" Jedd says

"What! That's not fair!" Cadenza yells

"We need to get her back" Ross says

"Yeah, we should get Garroths group to help us" I say

"You go ask them, they will say yes to you" Lucinda says

I walk over to their table and they look at me.

"Hey guys, we are going to get Missy back, want to help us?" I ask them

They all nod and they come over to my table. We start to go over a plan that Lucimda made  will take place tonight when Missy has to go to the police station one last time to sign some paperwork. Zane is the brains of the operation. Arianna and I are the stunt masters. Kawaii-chan and Lucinda are the actors. Sky and Barney are the animal support.Garroth and Laurence are lookout, Jin and Ross are tec support and Molly and Emma are makeup. Everyone else is an extra.

We all have our positions now we just have wait for the end of the day so we can put our plan into motion. This is going to be so good. 

Arianna and I are on Missy's Bedroom. Kawaii-chan and Lucinda are on the bathrooms. Sky and Barney are on the Living room. Garroth and Laurence are on her parents room. Molly, Emma and Stacey are on the laundry. Dante, Jeffory and Cadenza are on the indoor pool. Jedd, Castor and Zennix are on the kitchen. Zane needs to also set up some cameras around the house so we can catch the reaction.

*Time skip to the end of school*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

We are currently at Lucindas house getting ready for the plan. We all know what we have to do. Molly is just putting the finishing touches on Kawaii-chan and Lucinda for their part in the plan. When they are done we all go to Missys house. Her house is huge. It's like a mansion. Stacey knows all around Mkssys house so she drew a map and gave it to Zane.

We all have headsets on and we are all in position. Arianna and I are the first to go in her house. We grab the plastic bag that has our stuff in it and we climb up a tree. Jin and Ross are right behind us. They disable all of the security cameras so we won't be seen. Arianna and I jump from the tree onto the roof. We see an open window on the second floor and we climb down to it.

We are in Missy's room. It's pink, and I mean really pink. Everything blends because it is exactly the same colour.  Though Kawaii-chains house was pink. Arianna and I look in the bag and we pull out tin foil. We begin to put tinfoil around everything. When we are done we connect to Zane and tell him that Missy's bedroom is completed. Now it's the other groups turn.

Lucindas P.O.V.

Kawaii-chan and I are dressed up in lots of makeup and very expensive dresses. When we are told to go we head up to the front door. There is a security guard.

"Excuse me, is this the home of Miss Missy Perfecta?" I say acting like I'm a rich person and I'm supposed to be here

"Yes it is, the Miss is out right now" The gaurd replies

"Oh well we have an appointment with her" I say

"Please come inside and wait" he says

When we are inside we are shown to the living room. The gaurd leaves and we are there all alone. Zane sends us a map of the house over my phone. Mine and Kawaii-chan's job is to Wreck the bathrooms.

We head to the bathrooms, there is three. One on each floor. Kawaii-chan and I put gelatine in the toilet and we put lipstick on the mirrors. We piu glue in the soap and clear nail polish on the soap bars. We put fake hair on all the hairbrushes and we tie up all the shower curtains. Our job is done.

 Laurence's P.O.V.

Garroth and I sneak into the house Jing a window on the bottom floor. We find Missys parents room and we put some photoshopped images of Missy. She will pay for what she did to Aphmau. The images include some fake photos of her at clubs and nude shots. These are actully really good, I wonder who photoshopped them?

We put them up all around Missy's parents room and that is our job done. Her parents room has been successfully compleated.

Sky's P.O.V.

Barney and I enter the house through the back door. Barney is holding a golden leash. We head to the living room on the first floor and he lets out what was in the golden leash. It is goat. Goat runs around the living room knocking over expensive pottery and vases. He chews the couches and pillows. Haha 

Missy deserves this for trying to frame Aphmau. We do this on the other two floors and then we exit the building. Barney gives Goat a treat for doing a good job.

Molly's P.O.V.

I'm with Stacey and Emma. We are waiting for Zane to tell us that the coast is clear so we can get into the laundry. We

When we get the ok we sneak in using the clothing shoot. We put all of Missys clothing in one quick wash and it mixes al, of her designer-very expensive clothing colours so they all end up brownish black. 

We also clog all the drains with some fabric. The laundry is officially done.

Dante's P.O.V.

Jeffory, Cadenza and I have sneaked into the indoor pool. Cadenza takes some of her dye which she uses to dye clothing with to dye the pool. This won't come out anytime soon. We also August the chlorine level in the pool so that the pool will start to grow algae. The pool room is compleated.

Castors P.O.V.

My people who are the chickens will get revenge on Missy. I lead my people to the kitchen and I tell them that they can do whatever they want. They destroy the kitchen in five minutes. My people are a much superior race to humans.

Zane's P.O.V.

When everyone is done it is my turn, I sneak into the house and I place tiny cameras all around the house so we can catch all of the reactions. When I am done we all head back to Lucindas house. We look at the camera footage and we see that Missy has just arrived home. When she and her parents enters the housethey are in complete shock.

It was really funny. They went from room to ripple locking at everything. I think that Missy deserved it tpfor always picking on Aphmau and then just getting let off Scott-free.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

After watching Missys reaction I head outside to the balcony. I'm just thinking over everything that happens in he past few days when I feel strong arms wrap around my body. I turn around and I see Garroths blond hair and blue eyes.

"Hey Garroth" I say

"I..." Garroth begins

"Hmm?" I say

"I was going to ask you to the dance but it got canceled" he says looking at the ground 

"Hey it's fine" I say smiling

"Yeah, at least let me do this" he says

He suddenly kisses me on the lips. At that moment if felt like everything just stopped. After we kiss we had back to where everyone is and we finish watching Missy and her parents reaction. This day was really good all-and-all.

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