Ch1-The Move
Aphmau's P.O.V.
I'm in the car currently driving to my new house. My parents have mysteriously gone missing and I decided to move so I didn't have to pay as much money for my house and school. I just hope that they have a decent dance studio because I really want to win nationals this year so I can get some money to pay rent.
I also want to work on singing, acting but also my fighting skills so I can protect myself in case anything bad happens.
"Uggghhhh I'm finally here" I say. "Who knew moving would take so much energy?"
I walk up to my new house and look around. It has purple walls and white accents. Purple and pink flowers are scattered around the garden and there is a white picket fence. As I put my key in the key hole a soccerball comes flying out of nowhere and just misses my head.
I grab it and turn around to see who kicked it. I see a boy about seventeen, he has sandy blond hair and deep blue eyes. Next to him is who I assume is his brother who lookes about 16 with his Raven black hair and blue eyes.
"Is this your soccerball?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
The blond haired one nodded and blushed.The black haired one comes up to my house and reaches out for the ball.
"Uh-uh you aren't getting this back until you bring all the boxes out of my moving van" I say moving the ball out of his reach.
No way am I going to let them get off that easily. That ball could of killed me.
Garroth's P.O.V.
Zane and I where peacefully playing with our soccerball out on the street when I accadently kicked it to hard and it went flying off somewhere. I closed my eyes and heard a massive bang. When I open my eyes I see Zane looking over to the house where someone was moving today.
I see a girl with Tan skin, Hair as dark as the night sky, eyes the colour of caramel and a very unhappy facial expression. She actully looked really pretty W-WHAT GARROTH YOU ONLY JUST SAW HER AND YOU ALREADY ALMOST KILLED HER YOU CAN'T LIKE HER!!!
"Is this your soccer ball?" She says in a soft angelic voice.
I blush and nod. I see Zane walk up to her and try to grab the ball. She quickly moves the ball out of his reach and says that she won't give it back until we take all the boxes from her moving van to her house.
"Zane, dad will kill us if we loose another soccer ball,lets just to it" I say to him.
"Ugh fine, but you better give us our ball back afterwards" he replied
"Sure I'll give your ball back after, Maybe" she giggles
"W-WHAT YOU SAID THAT Y-" Zane starts
"Those boxes aren't going to move themselves so hurry up" she says as she walks inside.
*2 hours later*
Zane's P.O.V.
Ugh I'm finally finished bringing in all the boxes from the moving van. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I see some one holding a glass of lemonade out towards me.
"Thank you for bringing all the boxes in" I hear the person say.
I look up and it's the black haired girl. She lookes really pretty and nice but she is probably like all the other girls who only want to get with my brother and I because we have money and look good. I really don't want to associate myself with her.
I reach out and take the lemonade
"Thank you" I mutter. She also passes me my soccer ball
"No thank you if it wasn't for you and your brother I would have spent all day moving my things, you really helped out, here is your soccerball" she replies in that smooth angelic voice.
"I only did it because my dad would kill me if I lost another soccerball, I never asked, what is your name?" I say
"My name is Aphmau what is yours" she giggles
"I'm Zane and that is my brother Garroth" I reply
"Well it's nice to meet you both" She sas smiling
"I guess we will be negbours from now on" Garroth says to her
"Yeah I guess" she smiles
I can't let Garroth fall in love with someone who only wants him for money. He will be so sad and hurt.
"We really should be going, Dad will be angry if we are late for dinner" I say quickly standing up.
"I understand" she says as she walks us to the door "and thank you again for today, goodbye"
She closes the door and Garroth and I begin walking home. When we get home I go to my room and I relise that I can see Aphmau's bedroom from my room which means Garroth whose room is above mine can also see down into her room.
"Well it lookes like we might have a bit of trouble" I say smirking to myself.
Garroth's P.O.V.
Whe I get home I go up to my room and I close the door. My room is so messy with clothes, books and papers everywhere. Aphmau probably doesn't like people with messy rooms. W-WAIT WHY AM I THINKING OF APHMAU?!
"Oh well, I should probably clean up my room before dad sees it and grounds me for a month" I say to myself. My dad is really strict and scary.
As I'm cleaning up I straighten up the medals on my windowsill. I look out and I relise that I can see Aphmau's room from where I'm standing and I can see her unpacking boxes of clothing and decorations.
"Heh she is really pretty"I say to my self.
"But you won't be dating her"a voice behind me says
I turn around and I see Zane
"Why can't I date her" I ask
"Because she will probably just use you like how Stacey did"he replies
"Zane, you don't even know her, you can't judge her" I say trying to reason with him
"Garroth I warn you don't fall in love it won't end well" he says leaving my room
When I look at the time I see its 7:00pm and I decide to finish my room.
By the time I finish its 10:00pm and I feel so tired. I turn off the light and hop into bed. I fall asleep thinking of Apmau with her raven black hair and dreamy caramel eyes.
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