Candace Loses Her Head

Phineas is sleeping in his bed in their bedroom in the Flynn-Fletcher house.

Alarm Clock: Na, na na

Phineas sits up quickly with a huge smile on his face as he looks over to the calendar to see Candace's face on the calendar, "Yes! Hey, Ferb!" Phineas throws a pillow at Ferb, who catches it with his hand, slowly sitting up, his hair a mess with tired eyes, "It's Candace's birthday! We gotta do better than last year." Phineas walked over to Ferb.


Last year, Candace was smiling at the two pink layered cakes with three candles on it. As a Gorilla comes out cake and roars, scaring Candace.

"AAH!" Candace screams as she runs to the front door, slamming the door.


Phineas crossed his arms, "Not our best work. This time it's gotta be something huge!" He exclaimed.


Candace has a dream in her bedroom as she dreams about being on a throne, staring at a huge three layer cake with the words 'Happy Birthday Candace' in pink fondant with a fully clothed Venus De Milo statue next to a singer.

Singer: She's Candace.

Like the Venus De Milo, except she's not armless and handless.

A random man in a tux hands Candace flowers.

Singer: She's got a big, honking truckload of ship-launching qualities.

And this is the reason she bears no resemblance to a praying mantis!

Another random man in a tux places a huge crown on Candace's head.

Singer: (Candace) A name with 7 letters!

(Candace) Only wears designer sweaters!

(Candace) She's got an allergy to dairy!

(Candace) And she's anything but ordinary!

Perry randomly shows up in Candace's dream and chatters.


Perry chatters once again as Candace wakes up to see Perry on her bed, "Perry?"


In the kitchen, Candace gives Perry to Ferb.

"This is yours, I believe." Candace states, semi annoyed.

Linda turns to her daughter and smiles, "Happy birthday, Candace! I made you a special breakfast!" She shows a pile of pancakes with a birthday candle on top.

Lawrence, the father, holds his coffee mug and smiles, "And after that, we have a surprise!"

The annoyance washed away like a flash as she turned and smiled, "What is it?! Where is it?!"

"We have to drive to it." Lawrence states.

Candace gasps, "Ooooooooooh!!!"


Later, in the family car.

Candace speaks offscreen, "Is it the mall?"

Cut to in the car

"No." Linda states.

"Okay..." Candace looks around, "...but it's the mall, right?"


The car enters Mount Rushmore.

"No, it's not the mall." Lawrence states.

Candace looked out the window as her face suddenly dropped, "Wait. Please don't tell me we're going to Mt. Rushmore..."

"Isn't it great?" Linda looks at a pamphlet, "Four American presidents carved into the side of a mountain."

"It was Phineas and Ferb's idea!" Lawrence gestured to his sons.

Candace gives Phineas an angry glare as Phineas takes it in stride, "You're welcome." He smiles.


In the parking lot.

"Okay. You lot go on ahead. I'll find a parking spot and meet you there!" Lawrence drives off.

Phineas picks up Perry, "We're going up to the monument. Come on, Perry."

"Okay, we'll join you in a minute!" Linda states.


In the gift shop.

"Okay, Candace." Candace didn't seem amused, "It's your birthday, you can pick out anything you want. Ooh, what about the Mt. Rushmore bobble head?" She picks up the bobble head.

Candace sighs, "Mom, that's lame."

"Okay. How about this cute, cuddly Lincoln?" Linda picks up a plush of Lincoln.

Candace looked around and spots her crush behind the counter, "Jeremy?" She runs to counter, "Hi, Jeremy."

Jeremy looked up and smiled, "Hey, Candace."

"What are you doing here?" Candace leans on the counter with a smile.

"Ah, I'm just here on the Mr. Slushy Burger worker exchange program." Jeremy explains.

"Um..." Candace hears some clatters, "Uh, oh, well, it's my birthday today, and...I...uh.." More clattering, "I gotta check something. Back in a flash, 'kay?" She zips off.


Outside of the gift shop, Candace looks around for her brothers.

Candace's eyes narrowed, "Where'd they go?"


Back inside the gift shop, the Fireside Girls and (Y/N) walk over to Linda.

[I'm not making (Y/N) a Fireside Girl because (Y/N) usually puts all her effort towards becoming a babysitter or a fighter, depending.]

"Hi, Mrs. Fletcher." Isabella and (Y/N) greet Linda at the same time.

"Oh, hi, girls. What brings you all here?" Linda questions, smiling at them.

"Fireside Girls field trip." Isabella states.

"I'm accompanying them...also I have a gift for Candace." (Y/N) shows the gift box.

"Um, is Phineas here?" Isabella quickly asks.

"Mmm hmm. He and Ferb are up on the monument." Linda gestured outside.


Meanwhile, Phineas and Ferb are on the monument.

Phineas smiled with amazement, "Possibilities." Ferb gives a thumbs up as Phineas looks around, "Hey, where's Perry?"


Perry dons his fedora and takes a trashcan tunnel, it makes sense in context, back to his main agent entrance at the Flynn-Fletcher household before turning on the monitor to get his mission from Monogram.

"Good morning, Agent P. Dr. Doofenshmirtz is up to no good again. We just discovered his new hideout is located inside Lincoln's head at Mt. Rushmore." Perry scowls, "I-I know. You were just there. Poor planning on our part, actually. Sorry." Perry sighs and rubs his bill.


Candace speaks in a growling voice, "Phineas?! Ferrrrb?! Ohh."

"Hey, honey. What are them kids doing up on the monument?" A man asks his wife.

Candace shoved the man to the side, "Let me see that." She looks through the binoculars, sees Phineas and Ferb on the monument and gasps, "Mom! Mom, you've got to see this now. Here, look!" Candace rushed off, only to come back pushing her mother at the wayviewer.

Linda looked through then smiled, "Oop. Ran out of time."

"Oh..." Candace rummages through her pockets, pulling out a quarter, "Here, look now!"

Linda looks through the telescope, but the water from a geyser blocks the action, "Oh, Old Reliable Geyser. How exciting!" She looked back at Candace, "I'm just gonna go back to the gift shop."

Candace looks through the telescope, the water has stopped gushing. Candace cringes and stomps off, causing the telescope to bounce up to Perry, who enters Lincoln's head to Doofenshmirtz's lair

Doofenshmirtz turned to Perry and smiled, "Ah, Perry the Platypus! Your timing is impeccable. And by impeccable I mean: COMPLETELY PECCABLE!" He laughs, "You are just in time to witness my latest scheme. Behold, my Drill-Inator! I will bore a tunnel to China, build a toll highway, and make millions! So, as they say in China: Arrivederci!" Perry uses his own drill machine to drill into Doof's Drill-inator and starts delivering punches.


Phineas looked at the monument, "Now, where should we start?"

Isabella walks up to them and speaks in a dreamy voice, "Hi, Phineas. What'cha doin'?"

"It's a surprise." Phineas answers, nonchalantly.

"Can I help?" Isabella asked.

"We could use a lookout!" Phineas states.

"You got it!" Isabella rushes to trees, birds squawking.

(Y/N) watches Isabella run off, "Hi Ferb!" (Y/N) smiles and waves.

Ferb freezes and turns his head to (Y/N), cheeks a bit pink as he slowly waves nervously.

"Need any help?" (Y/N) asks as Ferb points to a few tools he needs as (Y/N) smiles, "Got it!" (Y/N) grabs some and starts to walk up to hand them to Ferb.


Back at the gift shop.

"Uh, ma'am, if you handle the big stick, you gotta buy it." The Cashier explains.

Candace pulls on her Mom's arm, "Mom! You gotta see what Phineas and Ferb are doing!"


Ranger speaks on a megaphone, "Uh, excuse me. Aren't you all a little young, for teens, to be restoring a national monument?" He asks.

Ferb holds a megaphone as Phineas speaks, "Yes. Yes, we are."

"Well, it's good to see young people taking an interest in our national heritage." The Ranger smiles and walks off.


Doofenshmirtz was grunting and screaming.

"Hull overheating. Hull overheating." The computer blared red.

"The molten lava at the earth's core completely slipped my mind." They pull away, just as the lava flows above them, "Oh no! THE LAVA IS FOLLOWING US!!!" Perry uses a drill to divert the lava, "The lava is being diverted. You did it, Perry the Platypus! You saved us!" The drill comes back and Perry turns into the upper left and the lava is still chasing them, "I hate to be a stickler, but the lava is coming AGAIN!!! FASTER!"


Candace was pulling Linda towards the stairs, "Wait 'till you see what those two are up to!"

Isabella speaks in a singsong tone, "She's coming!"

Phineas and Ferb are shown quickly doing their work as (Y/N) stood to the side and handed Ferb the tools he needed, in all honesty, he just liked the silence between them at this moment, he enjoyed her presence.

[Sorry if the romance sucks...I'm trying-]

Candace and Linda are coming up the stairs.

"She's getting closer!!" Isabella yells.

Phineas seemed worried but kept calm, "We're running a little behind on schedule. Go to Plan B."

Isabella pulls out a bullhorn, "Plan B, girls!"

The Fireside Girls haul something over to the viewing area. As Candace is still pulling Linda up the stairs.

"You are gonna be shocked by what I'm about to show you, Mom." Candace smiled.

They arrive at the viewing area, but Candace is the one who's shocked, not Linda. What they see is cardboard, Mount Rushmore.

"Hmm. I guess some things look better in photos." Linda's phone rings, "Oh, it's Dad." She walks away.


Cut to Lawrence, who was still in the car.

"Hi, honey! I found an absolutely brilliant parking space!" Lawrence smiled as we widened to reveal a huge parking lot, an arrow showing where the car is, cut back to Linda.

Linda was going down the stairs, "Great! I'll meet you at the gift shop, Dear. I still have to buy that big stick."


Candace still stares shocked at what she saw. A bird knocks the cardboard down revealing the real Mount Rushmore.

Candace seemed confused, "Huh?"

"Now!" Phineas and Ferb swing on ropes, revealing a hideous looking Candace statue as Candace is still shocked with a long pause, "Oops."

Ferb hammers a rock, the hideous statue crumbles, revealing a proper Candace statue. Briefly, Candace is still shocked, but it turns into happiness.

"Huh?" Candace tears up, sobs, "Why it's..." She sobs, "i-it's...IIIIIT'S BEAUUUUTIFULLLL...!" She sobs, "MOOOOOM!!!" She runs off as Candace runs down the stairs, "Mom!" Candace trips, "I've gotta show you something right now!" Candace drags her, "Come on! Follow me!"

"Candace, are you still trying to get the boys in trouble?" Linda questions.

Candace shakes her head, "No! No, no, this is a great thing! Oh, it's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me!"

Linda tries to climb the stairs, "You know, Candace, this is the second time I've climbed up there! I'm already down half a dress size!"

"Come on! Hurry!" Candace exclaims.


Cut to the Drill-inator, it bursts out of the 'nose' on the Candace statue, "AAH!" Perry locks the Drill-inator's target onto the Old Reliable Geyser and jumps off, "Wait, where are you going? AAH!" The Drill-inator lands on the geyser) I'm okay, I–" Doof spins around and gets flung away, "AAH! Fie upon you, Perry the Platypuuuuus!" Perry parachutes down to safety.


Cut back to Candace.

"Hurry, Mom! You won't believe it!" Spots of lava form on the statue, "...Huh?" Lava bursts out of the spots on the statue as Candace gasps, "Ewwwww!"

More lava bursts out, Candace gets shocked. The statue explodes as an orchestra plays music to match the feeling and Phineas and Ferb roast hot dogs on the lava. Ferb shares his with (Y/N) as she smiled at him. Water from the geyser spurts out from under the Drill-inator at the lava, cooling it

Candace's expression changes to depression, Linda makes her perfectly timed entrance.

"Whew! Finally made it, honey! Now, what is it you wanted me to see?" Linda questioned.


Camera shows the lava smoke vanishing, revealing the normal monument, no Candace statue and all.

"You're right! It's beautiful!" Linda hugs her, "Happy birthday, honey." She kisses Candace's cheek, "Now let's go find your father." Linda walks away, the camera zooms in on a saddened Candace.

"Ugh!" Candace bangs her head on the iron rod.

Phineas and Ferb come over, "Did ya like your birthday present?" Phineas asks.

"Uh-huh, uh..." Candace walks away but paused as (Y/N) stood in front of her.

"Happy Birthday, Candace!" (Y/N) held the box out to her, "You're a really good teacher..."

Candace opens the box to see a small bobble head version of the monument but with her face on it like before. Candace smiled and nodded as a thank you, before walking off.

[Candace does know about Ferb's crush on (Y/N), btw...hence now she's thinking that Ferb has picked a good one.]

"Well, it was definitely better than the gorilla in the cake." Ferb states.


Candace is sadly descending the stairs, a bit better due to the gift but it didn't make her feel 100% happy.

Jeremy comes over with a gift box, "Hey, Candace! I had a break, and I, uh, I thought I'd give you this for your birthday." He gives her the box, she opens it, "I saw you looking at it in the gift shop."

[Gift From Student ((Y/N)) <<<< Gift From Crush (Jeremy)]

Candace takes out her present, "A Mt. Rushmore bobblehead." Her cheeks turn pink.

"Eh—You like it?" Jeremy questions.

A pause.

Candace smiles dreamily, "Oh! I absolutely love it..."

"Great. I gotta get back. Happy birthday!" Jeremy walks away waving.

A pause, Candace boxes up her present, "This was the best birthday ever!" She walks away.

Suspense music plays as Perry parachutes in the background and lands, putting his fedora away.

"Oh! There you are Perry!" Phineas smiles as he picks up Perry as the episode ends.

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