Cards on the Table
After pulling her car to a stop outside of Lydia's house, Samantha put on a jacket in hopes of hiding the bloody, shredded fabric from the side of her shirt.
The sounds of music and laughing filled her ears as she stared at the house and smiled as she grabbed the gift bag from her passenger seat.
She'd been worried that with everyone thinking Lydia was going crazy, no one would show up for her party.
As she reached the door and rang the doorbell, it only took a few seconds before someone she didn't recognize opened the door and let her in.
Nodding in thanks she entered the house and searched for Lydia to give her the present, but was unable to find her friend.
Finally, she decided to just leave her gift in Lydia's bedroom. After sitting the bag down on her friends bed, she whirled around at the sound of footsteps in the room with her.
"Hey." Matt greeted with a smile.
"What are you doing in here... you followed me?" Sam accused crossing her arms over her chest.
Ignoring her he closed to the door to block out some of the sounds of the party as he cleared his throat and began, "Sam, I get it okay. I took a couple of pictures of you that I should have told you about."
She raised her eyebrows at him, "A couple?"
"C'mon, is it really that bad that I think you're beautiful and I think you should be the subject of a perfect photograph?" He asked as he took a step closer.
"Matt, you had pictures of me that I don't even know how you took them. You were watching me in my room and at work and-"
Letting out a small laugh he explained, "Telephoto lens. I mean, come on, Sam. Photographers call them candids."
His tone was simple and dismissive; he honestly didn't see a problem with what he'd done.
"It's an invasion of my privacy." She adjusted her stance, "Matt, you have been stalking me."
She watched as the friendly expression on his face shifted into something else, verging on rage.
"Stalking, so I'm a stalker now?" He said, his voice dry.
"I think some people might call it that, yes." She admitted as she dropped her arms to her sides.
Taking a step forward he said, "And what would they call you... a werewolf?"
It felt like the air had been knocked out of her.
"I don't understand it. I've known about you for so long, and I don't care what you are. How many guys do you think will be like that?" He asked.
Anger seeped into his voice.
Her head was spinning, if he knew about her then chances were he knew about her pack... maybe even knew about Scott.
"This..." She said motioning between them, "Will never happen. I only saw you as a friend, and I thought that's how you saw me too. And Matt, I don't understand what is wrong with you!"
"Wrong with me?" He scoffed.
"I think you need help." She accused, but there was sadness in her tone.
She had really liked him as a friend, he was always there for her and easy to talk to. But she'd had no idea what was really going on with him.
"Why? Do you honestly think I'm the kind of guy who's gonna say something, well, if I can't have her, no one can." His voice was raised.
Her eyes widened as she wondered what would even make him say that to her.
Unless he was the kind of guy who would say something like that.
"Maybe..." She shrugged. Not sure what to even say to him anymore.
Rolling his eyes he snapped, "Well, you know what? Get over yourself, Sam Because there's another pretty girl walking through the room every five minutes!"
When he saw her expression he sighed and shook his head at himself.
Sam started to walk by him, but he roughly grabbed onto her arm to stop her.
Forgetting for a moment about her super-human strength, she pushed him away from her, but he went flying across the room and slammed in the wall with a gasp of pain.
"What is wrong with you?" He groaned as he slowly sat up.
"You need to stay away from me." She mumbled as she opened the door and rushed out into a group of other party guests.
She hadn't meant to push him that hard. Even if she was in control of her shifting, she was still feeling the effects of the full moon and wasn't quite herself.
She did hope that perhaps the display of strength might be enough to scare him away from pursing her anything further.
Sam made her way outside to the front yard, she pulled her phone out and called Derek, when he didn't answer she assumed he was busy still trying to keep Boyd and Erica under control.
She left him a voice mail, "Derek... I need you to call me back. Something happened... Matt knows what I am, he might even know about the rest of our pack. But something is wrong with him... he's got all these pictures of me that he's wallpapered the inside of his closets with. I... I don't know what to do."
As she ended the call, sound of sirens in the distance filled her ears and she cringed as they drew closer.
She heard someone yelling about the police and soon people were racing out of the front yard, some making a break for their cars and others fleeing on foot.
Her eyes traveled up to the full moon illuminating the sky, as she stared up someone bumped into her.
"Sorry." Scott apologized, "Sam? I didn't know you were here."
"Yeah, I got here pretty late, just wanted to drop Lydia's present off, but couldn't find her." She admitted.
"I haven't seen her for a while..." Scott started to explain, but his voice trailed off.
Following his gaze she saw Matt standing next to his car, soaking wet from being tossed into the pool. She was getting ready to ask Scott what had happened to him, but gasped when she saw the kanima perched on the pavement next to him.
What was more alarming than finding out he was the one controlling the kanima, was the way he stared at them with nothing but rage in his eyes.
She and Scott exchanged looks, both of them knowing they still didn't have anyway to stop the kanima.
"Oh-holy... god..." Stiles mumbled as he came to a stop next to them, and saw the same sight they were staring at.
Within moments both Matt and Jackson, in his kanima form, were gone from eyesight.
"Stiles... we have to get to tell your dad Matt's the one they should be after, not Mr. Harris." Scott said turning to his friend.
Seeing the police were administering breathalyzer tests to teenagers still making their way out of the party Sam said, "I gotta go, I have to call Derek and tell him it's Matt. But I'll catch up with you guys later."
"Hi... I'm Samantha Evans, I'm here to see..." Her voice trailed off as the deputy behind the desk at the police station nodded for her to go on back.
She nodded in thanks and headed farther into the station following the sounds of voices until she found the office they were in.
"Hey guys." She announced as she entered the room to find them all surrounding a computer monitor.
Scott greeted her back and Stiles was too wrapped up in watching the security footage from the hospital on the computer.
"Sheriff Stilinski... hi, I'm..." She started to introduce herself but stopped when he nodded with a warm smile and said, "I remember you Sam."
He wasn't the Sheriff at the time, but he'd been one of the police officers who investigated the attempted murder of her mom.
"Find anything to prove it's Matt, yet?" She questioned as she joined them behind the desk.
Shrugging Stiles' dad responded, "There was a six car pile-up that night."
While Stiles talked to him, Scott looked at her and whispered, "Derek?"
"He might be busy with Erica and Boyd, I don't know... I still can't reach him." She whispered back, an uneasy feeling was starting to overwhelm her.
Looking down Sam saw the image of someone in a black leather jacket stopping at the nurses station on the security footage from the hospital, she could tell it was Matt.
"That's him." She said pointing, then she said, "And that's my aunt behind the desk."
"Maybe she'll remember talking to him." Stiles responded with an excited clap of the hands.
"If we can get a positive ID on him, then we can arrest him. I know it's late, but can you call her and see if she'll come by?" Sheriff Stilinski asked her.
"Sure, she should be getting off work in a little bit." Sam agreed, as she stepped away from the desk and called her.
After a brief conversation her aunt responded, "I'm not sure how much help I'll be... I deal with so many faces on a daily basis. But, sure, after my shift ends, I'll have your mom bring me there."
"My mom?" Sam questioned.
"She's coming to pick me up from work, my car wouldn't start today." Alice explained.
Sam thanked her and got off the phone.
Making her way back to the desk she saw Scott dialing a number on his cellphone.
Seeing her questioning look, he answered, "It looks like my mom stopped him in the hallway."
"The more eye witnesses that can put him at the scene of the crime, the better." The Sheriff responded.
Flipping open a folder, Sheriff Stilinski said, "We've got shoe prints alongside the tire tracks at the trailer site, if they match than we've got him at the site of three murders. And if your mom and your aunt can put him at the hospital that night Jessica was killed... that's more than enough for a warrant."
He then instructed his son to go to the front desk, and tell them to let everyone in.
"On it!" He called over his shoulder as he raced from the room.
Scott was explaining that his mom was going to be there as soon as she could, when Sam's phone rang.
Pulling it from her pocket she saw Derek was calling, "Thank god!" She smiled as she started to answer the call but stopped when she heard Matt say, "I wouldn't do that, Sam."
Her eyes went to the gun in his hand and she knew the night was taking a drastic turn for the worst.
"Okay." She nodded, as she glanced down to her phone, hoping he didn't notice she answered the call before sliding it back in her pocket.
Holding his hands up Stiles' dad said, "Matt? It's Matt right?"
The teenager nodded, his stare focused on Samantha.
"Matt, whatever is going on, I guarantee you there's a solution that doesn't involve a gun." He tried to talk him down.
Letting out a small laugh, he explained, "You know it's funny you say that, because I don't think you're aware of just how right you are."
"I know you don't want to hurt people." The Sheriff continued.
"Actually, I wanna hurt a lot of people. None of you were on my list but I could be persuaded. And one way is try dialing somebody on your cellphone like McCall is doing. That-that could definitely get someone hurt."
"Come on, Matt... you're at the police station... this has to be the worst place to try and hold people at gun point." Sam quickly cut in, hoping Derek was listening from her phone.
Ignoring her, he ordered everyone to put their phone out on the desk. Pulling her cellphone out she saw it wasn't connected to a call. Which either meant Derek had understood and was on his way, or he hadn't heard any of it and they were screwed.
With a sigh, thinking it was probably the latter, she dropped her phone with a thud to the desk.
After having Stiles handcuff his dad to a bar in the holding cell area, he then had the three teens go back to the office with him to destroy the evidence linking him to the murders.
"And we're done. So, Matt, since all the people you brutally murdered deserved it because they killed you first, whatever that means. We're all good here, right? I'll just get my dad and we'll go." Stiles reasoned with the other teenager who sat in a chair facing them, seeming oddly at ease despite the situation.
"Oh McCall, I bet that's your mom... or is it someone Sam called?" Matt asked as a car pulled into the parking lot.
Sam crossed her fingers at her side for good luck that it was Derek, coming to save them.
Worried for his mother's safety, Scott pleaded "Matt don't do this..."
"If you don't move, I'll kill Stiles first... then your mom." He callously threatened.
Sam looked around unsure of what to do, she was terrified if she said or did the wrong thing that he'd kill Stiles.
She and Scott could heal from a bullet - Stiles wouldn't.
Leading them to the door he ordered for Scott to open it.
Slowly pulling the door open Scott breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Derek standing on the other side. "Oh thank god."
But the relief was soon followed by more panic as Derek's body fell with a thud to the floor and they saw Jackson, with half of his body covered in the kanima skin had been standing behind him.
"Derek!" Sam gasped, she dropped to her knees beside him.
"I'm so sorry... I should have never answered that call." She whispered to him, realizing she'd put him in danger. The whole time she thought he'd be coming there to save them, not wind up being overpowered by the enemies.
He looked past Sam to where Matt was leaning down over them, and asked "This is the one controlling him? This kid?"
"Well, Derek, not everyone's lucky enough to be a big, bad werewolf." Matt responded, as he grabbed Sam's arm and jerked her to her feet.
Facing Scott and Stiles he smugly smiled as he filled them in, "Oh yeah, that's right. I've learned a few things lately. Werewolves, hunters, kanimas... it's like a frickin' Halloween party every full moon. Except for you Stiles, what do you turn into?"
"Abominable snowman. But it's more of, like, a wintertime thing... you know seasonal." He sarcastically replied.
Matt scoffed and the kanima being an extension of him, he didn't even have to give an order for Jackson to paralyze him.
Stiles' body fell to the floor, landing partially on top of Derek.
Scott lunged forward to help his friend, but Jackson stepped in his way.
"Get him off of me." Derek growled.
"Oh, I don't know, Derek. I think you two make a pretty good pair. It must kind of suck, though, to have all that power taken away from you with just a little cut to the back of your neck." Matt said, leaning back over him.
"Still got some teeth, why don't you get down here a little closer, huh?" Derek angrily said.
"I bet you're not used to feeling this helpless." Matt taunted him.
Not able to take it anymore Sam yelled, "Stop it."
"What?" Matt asked, surprised by her outburst.
"You are better than this, Matt. You're my friend, and I'll help you do whatever you need to do... but you've got to let everyone else go." She ordered.
Matt used the back of the hand that was holding the gun to rub his forehead as he laughed, "I'm better than this? What, so now I'm good enough?"
"Matt!" Sam yelled, but he kept talking.
"Because I seem to remember a conversation... what was it you said?" He paused, "Oh that's right, that I'm cute and funny... but just not good enough for you, because you have something with him."
Sam watched as Matt pointed the gun to Derek who was still paralyzed on the floor.
He opened his mouth to say something else, but was cut off when two cars pulled into the parking lot.
Scott and Sam exchanged nervous looks, knowing the cars had to be his mom and her aunt and mom.
"Just do what I tell you to and I won't hurt them. Hell, I won't even let Jackson near them."
"Scott, don't trust him!" Stiles yelled.
Reaching down Matt flipped Stiles off of Derek and put his foot on his chest, starting to apply pressure and choke him, he asked "Does this work better for you?"
"Stop!" Sam shrieked as Scott yelled, "Okay, just stop-stop!"
"Then do what I tell you!" Matt yelled, the veins in his forehead and neck protruded as he spoke.
"Fine!" Scott yelled back, helpless.
When Matt finally moved his foot Stiles coughed and sputtered but was finally able to breathe again.
Leading Scott and Sam away as Jackson moved Derek and Stiles' bodies, they waited for the door to open.
They heard voices and laughing as the door opened and the three nurses walked into the station.
Their good mood was immediately shattered then they saw Matt holding a gun to Scott's head.
"Just do what he says... he promised he won't hurt you." Sam pleaded with the three women.
Her gaze locked with her moms' who was staring at her with complete terror in her eyes.
"She's right." Matt said as he pointed the gun and fired a shot into Scott's stomach.
Melissa McCall screamed and started to race forward to come to her son's aid, but Matt turned the gun on her.
"Mom! Mom, stop. Mom." Scott pleaded desperately, knowing he'd heal from the wound, but his mom wouldn't if she got shot.
"He's okay." Sam said as she pulled Scott to his feet, he frantically nodded, "I'm fine."
"Stay back!" Matt ordered.
"Mom, just do what he says." Scott pleaded.
Once they got Melissa, Sam's mother and aunt into one of the holding cells. Melissa pleaded, "Please... he needs to see a doctor."
"You think so?" Matt asked, amused at her not knowing her son is a werewolf.
"Hey! Hey! You listen to me..." Sheriff Stilinski angrily yelled as he pointed his finger to Matt.
Not wanting anyone else to get hurt, Scott loudly said "It's all right, I'm okay."
"No honey... you're not okay." Melissa sobbed.
"It doesn't hurt, mom."
Stepping forward Sam's Aunt Alice, said, "That's the adrenaline. At least let me look at him, I can help slow the bleeding." Her medical training kicked in, in spite of being held hostage at gun point.
Sam watched as her mom moved fearfully to the back of the cell, closing off from everyone and the situation.
She could only imagine her mom was having flash backs of her own husband trying to kill her.
Looking to the other teenagers Matt said, "They have no idea, do they?"
"Please, let me just take a quick look." Melissa pleaded, her one and only concern being for her son.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up! Lady, if you keep talking, I'm gonna..." Matt's voice trailed off as he grabbed Sam's arm and tossed her into the cell.
"You're not serious!" She yelled as he slammed the door shut, trapping all four of them inside.
"It's gonna be tough, huh? Knowing you can break out of there... but that would lead to way too many questions." He smirked, his voice in a whisper as he leaned in close to where she was facing him from the inside of the holding cell.
"Back to the front, McCall." Matt instructed.
"Please!" Melissa screamed, feeling more frantic by the second.
"I said shut up!" Matt yelled at her again, as he pointed the gun and fired a shot.
Scott screamed out for his mom and Stiles' dad tried desperately to get out of the handcuffs and get to Matt, but the entire thing moved in slow motion for Sam as she knocked Scott's mom out of the way and gasped in pain as the bullet went in her side and out of her back.
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she held onto her side and looked up at Matt.
She looked hurt and confused.
The silence of the room was deafening for a few eternal seconds before Matt finally exclaimed, "Don't look at me like that... you're the one who wanted to play the hero."
Scott's mom and her aunt immediately dropped to her side pulled her shirt up and tried to gauge how serious the wound was.
Scott's mom kept saying she was sorry over and over again, she wanted to tell her it wasn't her fault, but she couldn't find words.
Sam's head was buzzing and there was a ringing in her ears as she looked around seemingly stunned by what had just happened, until her eyes locked with Scott's.
"Thank you." He silently mouthed to her, the look in his eyes full of sincerity.
She had just saved his mom's life.
As Matt pushed Scott from the room, he only looked back at Sam for a few moments, looking like he wanted to say something, but kept his silence.
Finally the ringing in her ears stopped and she came to the realization that she'd been shot when there was a sharp pain on her side.
Crying out she looked down to see her aunt pressing her balled up jacket against the wound.
"I don't think it hit any vital organs." Melissa said.
Alice nodded in agreement, as she instructed her niece, "Sam, we need to keep pressure on this wound and slow the bleeding until help gets here. You're going to start feeling very weak from blood loss, but you have to fight it. You've got to stay awake."
Sam nodded and clutched the jacket to the site of the wound, she was going to heal and there was no way she'd be able to explain that to anyone.
Scooting back against the wall, she yelled for them to say back, saying that she needed some air.
She looked to the back of the cell where her mom was sitting on the floor, with her knees up and her arms wrapped around herself, still completely detached from the situation, not even seeming to notice that her own daughter had just been shot.
Keeping the jacket against the wound and refusing to let her aunt look at it again, she focused on the sound of Matt talking as he explained to Scott, how he'd almost drowned at Isaac's house as a child, and how Jackson was his fury. Seeking revenge for what happened.
She watched as Scott's mother encouraged the sheriff to continue to try and break free of the handcuffs.
There was no justifying anything that Matt did, but hearing his story made Sam understand more why he was doing it.
She started looking for a way out, maybe she could break the lock somehow and claim Matt had forgotten to lock it all the way, but she knew they'd never believe that.
But knowing Matt's story now, she felt like she could talk him down from what was happening. She could tell him she knows what it's like to wish with all of your heart that someone was dead.
To be so emotionally scarred by a situation or by a person that it tears your entire world apart.
She didn't agree with how he was getting revenge, but she understood it.
Her thoughts were cut short when the power went out and alarms sounded.
"What's happening?" Melissa asked, racing to the front of the cell and looking to the Sheriff as he was almost able to break out of his restraints.
"I don't know." His voice was strained, as he put a foot against the wall, and pushed trying to weaken the metal bar attached to the wall.
She could hear gunshots and glass shattering, but had no idea what was going on.
"Come on, come on!" Melissa said as Sheriff Stilinski almost managed again to pull the metal bar from the wall.
"You can do this!" Sam's, Aunt Alice joined in.
Neither of them noticed as Sam dropped the blood stained jacket and rose to her feet, ready for whatever was coming their way.
She looked over just in time to see Sheriff Stilinski finally break the metal piece from the wall.
But was immediately stopped when Matt ran up behind him, and used the handle of the gun to knock him unconscious.
"Matt! Matt!" Melissa called the teenager over to the cell.
"Please, listen to me... my son has been shot, I've heard other gunfire, and I don't know what's happening but can you please let me see my son?" She pleaded her words choppy from holding back more tears.
"How totally clueless are you people?" He asked, his eyes wandering over to where Sam stood against the wall.
Their eyes locked, and a look of confusion spread over his face as her lips slowly curved up into a smile.
Then he was able to hear what she'd heard before him, the sound of a deep, guttural growling.
His eyes widened and he turned around to see Derek across the room, his red eyes standing out from the shadows.
One thing was finally going right, Derek was alright... and now he was pissed which meant Matt wouldn't be able to get the upper hand again.
However, that victory came with a high cost as now her mom, aunt and Scott's mom were seeing a werewolf with their own eyes, no way she could explain this way.
"Oh my god... is that... Derek?" Amanda finally spoke as she stood and joined her daughter.
"Uh..." Sam stumbled over an excuse, as her attention was drawn to where Derek was now fighting with Jackson, now fully morphed into his kanima form.
"Sam..." Amanda gasped as she stumbled backwards, terror in her eyes.
"What?" Alice asked her, as she went to her side.
"She's... not bleeding anymore... she's healed."
Sam looked down to her side and back to them as she realized her secret was out too.
"Derek!" Sam yelled when she saw the kanima send him flying over the top of a desk, her eyes immediately started to glow yellow in response to her alpha needing help.
Amanda raised a shaky hand to cover her mouth in a state of shock, as she breathed, "He was right..."
She didn't have time to respond, or who her mom was talking about, as Jackson moved to the holding cell and started to climb the bars.
"Get back!" Sam ordered to the adults in the cell with her as she stepped forward ready to fight him if he got the door open.
But he hissed in pain as Scott sank his claws into his back and jerked him off of the bars.
"Oh god, Scott?" Melissa asked, wondering how bad her son's condition was now.
He raised his head and looked at her, his golden yellow eyes glowing brightly, his face had shifted and his secret was also out on display for everyone to see.
Moving to the front of the cell Sam effortlessly pulled the gate open, and shut it behind her as she joined Scott, her own face now shifted. Revealing her werewolf form, there was no point in hiding now.
The three adults backed fearfully away from the door at the sight of them, as Melissa kept muttering, "No." over and over again.
A/N- Thanks so much for reading!
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