Chapter 4
A new day had come, Moegi was back at the penthouse, sitting on the roof with Pop, watching a fighting lesson between Knuckleduster and Koichi. Pop was telling Moegi about their night before with three sickos with a similar quirk as Koichi. They were called 'The Three Strum and Drang Brothers. They went around stripping women of their underwear and wearing them.
"Why couldn't you join us again?" asked Pop.
"Working on a project with my club at school," answered Moegi. "Designing a hero costume."
"Something wrong recently, Master?" asked Koichi as he punched away. It had been, the old man seemed milder than before. "It's just ever since that big breakout of instant haven't been talking much...Is it...something to do with...that bee user, maybe?" The old man's demeanor changed, he forced Koichi's hand down and then smacked him across the face.
"Ack!" cried Pop as they watched the boy fall.
"Ow!" Koichi cried; he sat up rubbing his head. "Um...I just don't think I'm suited to fist-fighting.
"You just need more practice," said Moegi. "Don't throw in the towel too soon."
Koichi looked up at her. "Feels kinda pointless to do all this boxing training..."
"You ain't wrong, "said Knuckleduster turning away. "Just leave all the punching to me, you make yourself useful some other way," advised Knuckleduster tossing the punching pad back to Koichi,
"Eh...But...?" began Koichi catching the item. As soon as he put the items on, Knuckleduster went wild, making Koichi skid back.
Pop appeared next to Koichi. "Wanna try holding back a little Gramps? You know Koichi's weak as a bug!" Moegi jumped down, using an ectoplasm platform to guide her to the cement.
"It seemed like he was holding back honestly," said Moegi putting her hands in her pockets.
"She's not wrong," agreed Koichi sitting up.
"Eh?" asked Pop.
"If he were hitting at full power I'd probably be dead, right?" asked Koichi.
"With those villains too. It's always jsut enough not to kill him," added Moegi.
"Almost like he's trying to over overdot it just a little bit," said Koichi.
Pop gave them both a look. "But he's still overdoing it."
A bit while, all of them were in costume and on the streets where they heard screaming.
"Most be another instant villain," said Moegi looking into the sound the terror was coming from. They quickly got to the scene to see people running from a big guy with greasy dark hair.
"A nasty one!" exclaimed Koichi.
"Og crap! crap!" yelped Pop as she landed on the scene. The instant villain charged toward them.
"He's quick!" exclaimed Koichi as they dodged the villain's attacks. "And brutal!"
"W-whoa!" Moegi exclaimed powering up her hands. "Wait!"
"Not a big communicator!" informed Koichi looking forward. "Lock eyes with him, and you're dead!"
"So, basically he's acting as a bull, but anything he lays eyes on," said Moegi.
"Yeah!" exclaimed Koichi sliding to Pop. "Pop get the civilians outta here! Spookie create shields if needed, I'll keep this guy occupied until the pros show up!"
Pop lept up to the street sign with her microphone out. People started to run for their lives. "Everyone, evacuate the area! The villain is extremely dangerous!"
"Oh no!" gasped Koichi noticing a guy get corner. "That guy wasn't quick enough!" He went over to him quickly.
"Leave it to me!" exclaimed Moegi going through the big guy, she stood in front of the civilian. Unknowingly, Koichi also wit "EcotBall." A giant ball of ectoplasm formed around the two as the guy swung down, the ball blocked the attack. This caused the guy to go rapid with his punches.
"Hang in there, Spookie!" shouted Koichi as the shield started to disappear.
"Yeah, yeah," huffed Moegi, she looked back at the guy. "You good?" He nodded. Suddenly, the villain got kicked, and they looked to see Knuckleduster had entered the scene.
"Master!" exclaimed Koichi in relief.
"Ain't done yet," said Knuckleduster holding up his fist as Moegi ended her move. She then ushered the civilian toward the direction everyone else was running.
The villain raised a fist, and his entire arm started to bulk up. "Just...go...down..." He got larger as well. "ALREADY!" He swung down, and Knuckleduster and Koichi were quick to get out of the way.
"That power is nuts!" exclaimed Koichi from the ground.
"Hmph," sounded Knuckleduster. "So he gathers up all his strength and focuses it in his fist at the last second.
"Better not get in range of that," advised Koichi looking at his teacher. "Let's keep our distance and keep feinting..."
"Nah no need," disagreed Knuckleduster with his fists still raised. "FISTS MEET FISTS?"
"Eh?" sounded Koichi not too enthusiastically.
"YOU BASTARD!" raged the villain.
"Hey, his tongue is black!" noted Moegi as Knuckleduster blocked a hit.
"We'll get a picture later," said Koichi.
Knuckleuster went toe to toe with the instant villain. He kept dodging the attacks barely, the enemy kept powering up. As he powered up for another move, Knuckleduster landed a jaw-breaking hit on him. Moegi, Koichi, and Pop were all in shock as the big guy fell unconscious.
"M-Master!" stuttered Kocihi running over.
"This punk..." began Knuckleduster as Moegi ran over to get a picture of the guy and his tongue. "His attacks might've had some speed behind them. But that big finisher had a ridiculous windup. So the moment that monster came crashing was easy to slip in with a counter to his defenseless body." He wiped the blood from his mouth. "Still he was one tough customer. Quick and aggressive. Which is all plenty threatening coming from a guy his size. In the end...when it comes to villains." The old man was panting, he pulled out a big smile. "The bigger the better, I always say!" He clenched his fist.
"We should get moving before the pros show up," advised Moegi; she studied the guy. She recognized him from the alleys, a seems he got preyed on with this Trigger drug because of it. After the fight, they went back to the penthouse, Pop was patching everyone up. Koichi and Knuckleduster continued their fist-fighting.
"Haven't felt like myself lately, with nothing but small fry to pound," admitted Knuckleduster with a big smile. "So that big guy, with those big ol' fists, was a welcome surprise." He went rapid with his punches. "And punks like that don't even complain when you practically kill 'em."
"He might complain lest honestly..." began Koichi, he got cut short by a punch to the face.
"Sorry, kid," said Knuckleduster, he turned around.
"You seem like yourself again," noted Moegi.
"I'm glad," admitted Koichi.
"Do you actually get a kick outta being punched?" asked Pop applying first aid to Koichi. "Your head screwed on straight?"
Moegi was just wrapping up on a meeting she was having with her fashion team. They had just agreed on a design for their costume.
"Great job today guys," said Moegi putting her backpack on her shoulder.
"See you next week Mori!" the one the girls chimed before leaving the room with a few others.
"Maybe we should have a name for our superhero costume?" suggested a girl, she had light green skin and curly green hair. "A lot of heroes tend to make their costumes with their quirk in mind. Then that means we should also give our hero a quirk as well." They walked out of the room.
"Why didn't you mention that in the meeting, Yona?" asked Moegi.
"I was too shy to say anything," Yona answered looking forward. "I'm always scared everyone will just hate my idea."
"You shouldn't be scared," advised Moegi. "Criticism is the best way to improve as well as perseve."
Yona smiled a little. "I'm kind of jealous of you in that always charge ahead, I've never seen you hesitate about anything."
"I wouldn't be too jealous about that," laughed Moegi. "It used to get me into so much trouble when before I moved to Naruhata." Moegi's smile quickly dropped when her mind went to Toya. Yona looked at her oddly. "Next meeting, I want you to pitch what you have in mind, I don't care if that means we start from scratch."
"Right," smiled Yona. They chatted a bit more till they got to the streets.
"See you later," said Moegi.
"See ya," chimed Yona giving her a wave, Moegi looked forward to just colliding with someone.
"Sorry," groaned Moegi stepping back and grabbing her face. She looked up to see a boy with black spiky hair, gnarled, wrinkled purple skin that covered much of his lower face, blow his eyes, and neck, and familiar turquoise eyes. He had several cartilage piercings and staples along his skin. He had several surgical staples along his body along with hoop earrings. "Have we met?"
"Not till you bumped into me," answered the boy putting a hand behind his head.
"Yeah, sorry about that," said Moegi stepping back a little to get a better look at the boy, he seemed about her age. And very familiar. "I'm Moegi Morikawa."
"Dabi," Moego repeated. "Well, you can call me Mori."
"How about Moe?" asked Dabi leaning toward her.
"Absolutely not," denied Moegi. She has not allowed anyone to call her 'Moe' since Toya, became a taboo nickname. "Mori."
"Fine," said the boy. "See you around." He stepped around her, continuing down the street. "Mori."
"See you around," said Moegi as she continued forward. She went to Koichi's place while thinking about Dabi the entire time. She swore she'd seen him before, but if he denied it, then truly they were just strangers who ran into each other. She knocked on the door to the penthouse, he was quick to open.
"I do appreciate that you knock," said Koichi, he had an apron in his hand. "Hey, Mori."
"Oh, you cook?" asked Moegi stepping in.
"Yeah," answered Koichi, he had been smiling since he opened the door. "I was going to make some fried rice for us."
"Oh, that's nice of you," said Moegi. "I like to cook as well...what you smiling about?" asked Moegi sitting at the table, without a word, he put a business card in front of her. IDATEN. Team Lead: Turbo Hero. Ingenium. "Oh." Soon, Pop showed up and Koichi told them all about his morning. Soon Knucklehead came in through the door.
"Heya, Master," greeted Koichi from the stove. "Just whipping up some fried rice."
"What's he smiling about?" Knuckleduster asked the two girls.
"Apparently he got scouted by some pro hero," answered Pop.
"He was given a business card by Ingenium," corrected Moegi, Koichi showed them the card,
"Eh? That all?" asked Knuckleduster. "Lame."
"Those guys print out mountains of those," said Pop. "No better than some trash flyer on the street!"
"Maybe so," said Koichi as he put the food on some plates. "But it still feels good to get recognized."
"Sure, I guess you're right," said Pop, they were all given their plates.
Knuckuster ate a bite. "Not happy with your current Master, then?" he munched more on the food.
"You're from, like, a whole other genre, master..." said Koichi with a mouthful. "When I say 'recognized' I mean actual people in actual society."
"For real," commented Pop.
"Speaking of Ingenium," began Moegi. "I heard he's been having a bit of trouble with this bat villain."
"Oh really?" asked Koichi.
"Yeah, the bat guy keeps causing incidents on the highway," answered Moegi. "Always disappearing into Naruhata." Not long after that, were all back on the streets in vigilante wear. The Idaten team seemed to be having trouble with the same bat villain. Koichi slid out of an alley.
"Hiya!" greeted Koichi tripping the guy.
"EEP?!" yelped the guy asked he got tripped.
"Nice to meet yeah," said Moegi appearing on the other side. She used Ectodisk, which was basically a frisbee. The disk hit the guy sending him down the alley, where Knuckledutser was ready with a punch. After they tied up the guy and checked his tongue, they went to the roof to watch below as Ingenium and his team came upon the scene.
"L-look," stuttered Ingenium in surprise. He took off his helmet, a man with dark blue hair and blue eyes. "Who did this?"
"Not many street lights around here," said Koichi. "And plenty of abandoned buildings makes catching villains kinda tough, yeah?" The Idaten team looked up at them with even more surprise.
"Must be tough not knowing the maze here," said Moegi.
"But once you know these mean streets, it makes it that much easier to predict where the bad guys're gonna run, so you cut them off," added Knuckleduster. "Gotta have a sense for the area."
"You're..." began Ingenium.
"Just a couple of guys who don't mind lending a hand..." began Koichi. "Knuckleduster...and...The Crawler!"
"I'm Spookie!" chimed Moegi looking back, she was sitting on a platform ectoplasm, using it to fly her through the sky. (Like the hovercraft the Green Goblin uses)
"I'm not part of this!" shouted Pop.
A few days passed, Moegi and her fashion club had scrapped their entire plan after Yona spoke up about her idea. They decided to make up a hero on the combination of Best Jeanist and Majestic. She did a lot of grocery runs and cleaned an insurance office. She also spent time doing solo vigilante work. Moegi was leaving the post office when she saw Dabi again.
"Oh it's you," said Moegi, the boy stopped walking and looked back.
"So it is," said Dabi, he continued to walk once she caught up to him. "Moe, was it?"
"Mori!" Moegi quickly corrected.
"What were you doing in there?" asked Dabi.
"Getting stamps," answered Moegi looking up at him. "Are you from around here?"
"Sort of," answered Dabi scratching the back of his head. "A district over." Moegi nodded. "What did you need stamps for?'
"Why do you want to know?" asked Moegi looking forward.
"For the sake of conversation," answered Dabi looking at her, mainly at the red and white polka bow hair clip she used to tie some strands of hair back.
"Uh-huh," sounded Moegi. Up ahead, she saw a crowd forming around Pop, Koichi, and Knuckleuster. The old man had been in a mood since there hadn't been an incident since the bat dude. Suddenly, a giant blob appeared with a white circle face of oval eyes and straight teeth.
"WAHHH!" a civilian cried. "A villain!" People started running, they separated Moegi and Dabi she took the moment to go invisible and slip through the crowd, well more like go through them.
"It's huge!"
"Gotta be 40 meters tall...wait, 50 meters... it's getting bigger by the minute!"
"Lookee there, Koichi!" beamed Knuckleduster as Moegi reappeared by them in her vigilante form. "Now that...that is a massive villain."
"So, what's going on?" asked Moegi.
"AH!" jumped Pop. "We've told you about popping up like that!?" Moegi just held up a hand tilting her head.
The face of a monster that's given up on humanity!" continued Knuckleduster. "And check out that eerie expression. Our peaceful society won't last long with that beast running around. Think of the innocent civilians!"
"The person doesn't seem threatening," said Moegi tilting her head.
"Doesn't look like punches will do much to that body," said Knuckleduster ignoring her comment. "Gonna have to deliver a strong one to that thing it calls a face."
Koichi went to distract the person. "Hey over here!"
Knuckleduster then landed a blow on the person's face. "Hmph. That felt weird!" The giant started to shrink.
"Grows and shrinks at will," noted Moegi, she sat on the edge of the building.
"Must not be the real body," grumbled Knuckleduster,
"It's heading down that street!" called Pop.
"As...might as well leave it alone if it's slinking away," suggested Koichi.
"Nope," denied Knuckleduster. "Let's go after it!"
"Here we go," said Moegi getting down from the building with the EctoForm.
"You can try blending into the crowds...but you won't get away," wanted Knuckleduster as they went down the street. "Which one of you's the villain?"
"Like they'd answer to that!" exclaimed Moegi as they scanned the five people in front of them.
"Something tells me it's number 5," said Knuckleduster with a fist up to his face.
"I gotta agree with you there," said Koichi not entirely convinced. He grabbed number 5, a girl by the shirt.
"Wait!" exclaimed Moegi holding out her hands.
"Gramps!" exclaimed Pop stepping in. "Villain or not, you can't go around punching girls!"
"Ah," sounded Koichi also holding out his hands. "That's right. Be little gentler..."
"I'll wring her neck then," said Knuckleduster wrapping his hands around the girl's throat.
"THAT'S YOUR PLAN B!?" yelped Koichi and Moegi.
"Just step back, sheesh!" Pop ordered once Knuckleduster got pulled away from the girl. "I'll take care of the pat down!"
Pop turned to check on the girl. "Oh?" She held up a card looking at the others in panic.
She's got an official hero license."
"Well, shit," huffed Moegi putting a hand to her face.
"Ehhh?" panicked Koichi. "SHE'S NOT A VILLAIN!?"
The girl then regained consciousness. "Y'see, I'm here to apply to a hero agency in Tokyo. Got a little lost though."
"Oh?" asked Moegi as she put her fingertips together.
"Used my gigantification to take a look-see," explained the girl. "Did that freak you out?"
"S-S-so sorry!" Koichi, Pop, and Moegi apologized, bowing toward the girl. "We thought you were a villain."
The girl held up a hand. " 'Sokay, 'sokay."
"So, which agency were you looking for?" asked Koichi.
"Team Idaten," answered Enigma.
"Team Idaten," repeated Moegi.
"Oh! You mean Ingenium's Agency!" exclaimed Koichi. "Eh, you've got an interview?! Better get you there quick!" Koichi got on all four. "Allow me!"
"'Precciate it," said Enigma getting on his back.
"Once again, we're sorry!" called Moegi as Koichi took off."
"Take care!" said Pop waving them off. The other three went back to Koichi's place out of their disguises. This time Moegi was whipping something up for them, she honestly missed cooking for other people like this. It reminded her of all the times, she made food for her, Natsu, Fuyumi, and Toya. Sometimes they would play house for Fuyumi's sake and Moegi always seemed to get put in the cooking area. Playing house, and making food for Shoto and herself, Moegi became a pretty good cook.
"I'm back," said Koichi walking in.
"Oh, did she make it in time?" asked Moegi looking over.
"Yup more or less she thanked me for the favor," answered Koichi looking over at the stove.
"Pretty sure that attacking heroes like that makes us villains," said Pop putting a hand over her heart
"Seriously," breathed Koichi. "Phew. Just glad she forgave us for all that."
"No kidding," agreed Pop.
"Nah," disagreed Knuckleduster. "A suspicious face like that is just asking to be punched."
"Would you just shut up already, Gramps?!" demanded Pop.
"What are you making?" asked Koichi stepping next to Moegi.
"Yaki Udon," answered Moegi. It was one of Natsu's favorites, though his all-time favorite is sashimi. In a lot of things Moegi does, she always tends to keep the Todorokis on her mind, no matter how much time passed. She was scared she would forget them due to time, yet she doubted she could ever do that. Soon, they all were given a plate of the food Moegi made.
"This is great!" exclaimed Koichi, as he shoved more food into his mouth. "You can cook more for us any time!"
"You have no shame," said Pop eyeing Koichi for the way he was shoving food in his mouth, Knuckleduster was doing the same. "The both are you are pigs."
"Will do," said Moegi with a smile.
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