My hands are cold,I need someone's hands to keep my hands warm
Hate being fucking single ew
THANK Phoebemofojunior for this update since the little shit wouldn't leave me alone until I updated
Photo-Isn't even relevant to anything in this fic BUT HAWT DAMN GURL
This is also a major filler chapter
[Warning:Cute ass Nouis and Zouis Fluff]
Enjoy :)
"What's dat Ni?"Louis questioned in a whisper tone,staying close to the fake blonde as much as he could so that he wouldn't get lost,yet again,in the large airport that they were trudging their way through,pushing through paparazzo and taking photos with fans.Louis wandered off looking for the toilet when Zayn was taking photos with a set of twins and had left Louis standing by himself.Louis being the curious kitten he was started to look for the toilet himself which ended with him being cornered by Crazy fans that started to tug and pull at his tail.It wasn't until Nialls dog ears had caught onto the high pitch cry,and knowing who it belonged to,that Louis was safe in familiar arms.He looked up to Niall a lot more now,he was like a big brother to the kitten hybrid even if Niall was a different species,and was kinda of scary at times.
Niall turned his attention to what Louis was pointing at,and yet again it was plane that he was able to see through the window.Niall was being very patient with Louis,he knew that the kiddo hybrid had never experienced what he has,but it was a little annoying that Louis would point and ask about things constantly.He had already explained to him what a plane was,and yet the kitten hybrid just stared at him again blankly before something else would catch his attention and he'd ask another question or try and drag the dog hybrid over to what he saw.Something inside of Niall was sensing something strange about Louis,there was something that his dog instincts hasn't picked up before the meet and greet,and whatever it was it was being out this overly protective side of Niall that he never knew he had.He wouldn't let anyone neat Louis,claiming that Louis just wanted to spend time with him (which Louis did want) and if anyone got too close he'd growl,maybe a little too threatening at times.
Louis' tail swung behind him as he walked,gripping onto Nialls hand tightly as they walked,his kitten ears hidden under his beanie that was a matching colour to his purple jumper that fit him snugly.Nialls ears were hidden easily under his hair,and his tail also was hidden without a problem as he walked with Louis,making sure the kitten hybrid was safe.Zayn,Harry and Liam walked in front,Zayn carrying Louis' Personal light blue suitcase with clouds on it,the same suitcase that Louis has taken all across the United Kingdom.The small kitten hybrid was giddy,Zayn had told him that they were going on holiday(or well he told him that they were going to Australia for work but it was a holiday to Louis) and Louis couldn't wait because he had never been on a holiday nor on a plane.Zayn wasn't sure how Louis would react to the plane,he was hoping he would be fine since it was a very long plane ride.
"I think Louis is pregnant,"Zayn admitted once they were all seated on the plane,Louis' suitcase in the small over head locker that there was in the private jet that they had.The seats were a white leather,all recliner chairs,their were Televisions on the back of chairs and hanging from the ceiling.The jet would be taking all five boys from London to Australia,so there was plenty of room to move around,and food and also a proper bathroom.They had to make sure that the jet wasn't too enclosed and bought the jet since Louis was claustrophobic and would take a panic attack if he was forced in a small jet for hours.Louis' suitcase was packet with all of the items that would keep Louis entertained throughout the flight,it was like looking after a toddler and making sure that he didn't get bored.
"You didn't wear a condom,did you?"Liam sighed,his head resting in his hand as he sat in one of the recliner chairs,Harty sitting in the seat next to him,clapping his hands and squealing and Zayn sitting in the seat in front of him with a look of pure and utter disbelief on his face.Yeah,he was a stupid shit for not wearing any sort of protection while having sex with Louis during his heat,which was mating faze,but admitting it really made Zayn think.If Louis was pregnant then Zayn would have to quit the tour,or at least continue until Louis gives birth.Zayn use to be hesitant about having children,he never hated them just they got on his nerves,but now that the fact that Louis might be pregnant it was making The Bradford man giddy because Zouis children would break a lot of hearts.
With an aloof smile on his face,Zayn shook his head and stared at two of his best friends,Harty looking like he was about to explode with happiness and Liam with that all too serious look on his face that just screamed 'You've fucked this up'.He heard a crash,a squeak and a swear before two hybrids tumbled into the room,Louis running away from Niall who was trying to catch him,who finally did by grabbing onto his tail making Louis scream a little and quickly get out of Nialls grasp.He sat on the floor beside Zayn,hugging his poor tail in his hands with tears in his eyes."I'm sorry Lou.I didn't mean it."Niall pouted,his tail and ears out on show since he didn't need to hide them no more."Was only playing,"Niall poked Louis' cheek which made the kitten giggle and jump onto Niall.
"Careful!"All three 'adults' shouted at the same time,giving each other worried looks at how responsible they were all being.They were a lot more mature now than what they were a couple of years ago when they first started the band,that had the fun times of sleeping about and getting wasted every night and letting other people write their songs.Now they did all of the work,writing the songs,finding people to get the correct music and even having a say in on what hotel they were going to stay in at each location.Yeah,they still for pissed some nights but it wasn't over board and now that there was a possibility that Louis may be pregnant,Zayn has to go into daddy mode.
He's turning into Liam
Once the plane had taken off,things went soothingly.Louis wasn't effected by the plane taking off other than him complaining that his ears were going funny,but other than that he was fine and once he was aloud out of his seat,he went straight for play fighting with Niall as the other three discussed band business.After time,Liam had to break up the play fighting before Niall hurt Louis,meaning that Niall had to do band stuff as well leaving Louis to play around with a wind up mouse that Zayn and bought in the suitcase.Everytime the rat moved Louis would squeak rather loudly and run after it,batting it between his hands with a grin on his face.All four boys had learned to ignore the squeaking and got use to it,check my every so often what Louis was doing before going have to what they were doing.
"Louis,please be quiet,everyone else is keeping,kitten."Zayn whispered,peering over at Louis who kept tossing and turning,trying to wake up everyone who was sleeping on the plane since he didn't like the seat he was forced to sleep in even if it did recline back,it wasn't familiar.Niall,Liam and Harry all slept in their own seats on one side of the plane,while Louis and Zayn remained awake,Zayn doing late night tweeting to fans and a very rare follow spree because he felt oddly nice.He had gotten distracted half way through,thinking about Louis and the most likely pregnancy since during heat is when one is most likely to get pregnant.He wouldn't be able to find out if the kitten was pregnant for another 3 weeks,but he knew that Niall was picking up the fact that he was.Zayn wasn't sure how the fans would react,young,multi-millionaire and I'm a world famous boy band Zayn Malik being a father.
"Louis no sleep,"Louis pouted,turning to look at Zayn with those big blue eyes and a pout on his kissable lips.Zayn signed,looking at the time on his phone and locking it,setting it on the small table beside the recliner chair and patting his lap.Louis brightened up,jumping out of his seat and Jumping onto Zayns lap,snuggling his face into Zayns chest and purred at the warmth as Zayn wrapped them both in the green blanket and wrapped his arms around Louis to keep him safe."N'night Zaynie,"Louis yawned as Zayn pressed a kiss just inbetween Louis' kitten ears making the left one twitch.
"Goodnight Louis,and baby..."
I just wrote and because SOMEONE kept pestering me for an update; here is a terrible filler chapter with just fluff
So how was this?
I actually still die at the all the votes these chapters get
Peace ✌🏼️
[QOTC:So people have kinda commented and messaged about Nouis smut,like I love Nouis and all I would do a one time thing but that all depends on you're vote so; Who wants Nouis smut?]
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