Don't shoot me for the long time of an update,okay?!
If I told you guys I'm making this like 40 chapters long,who'd be happy?
Photo-this is the cutest fanart I've ever seen
Idk what I wrote,it's pretty shît sorry
Enjoy :)
"Louis!"Zayn yelled playfully as he felt a snowball hit the back of his head and the coldness of the snow and the melting of it soaking the back of his Head.They had been out in the snow for nearly an hour,the coldness had already go to Louis and his cheeks and make were tinted a cute shade of red and his nose was a little runny,but apart from that he was a ball of energy running around the large back yard that Zayn owned on his lawn.His back garden was always wasted before Louis came into his life,it was large and was filled with flowers and plants of the sort,a gazebo to the back of the garden,a medium in the ground swimming pull and also a decking around it connecting to the glass sliding door at the back of the house.Francis really knew how to keep the garden well and in shape,And Zayn was glad that he had Francis to keep his garden healthy.Before now,it had been ages since Zayn was out the back,the only time he went out I'm to his back garden was to smoke sometimes or when the bus came over and they had a BBQ and a swim with some beers on ice.
They were currently in the middle of a snowball fight,Louis being the more successful one as he was able to hide in small spaces and under the shrubs in the garden while Zayn just stood out in the open,completely oblivious that he had to actually hide and throw snow back.He was never good at snow ball fights,when growing up his younger sisters would always bombard him with snow balls and then jumper and attack him,ending with Zayn on the snow with his sisters all on top of him.They had already built some snowmen (or attempted to) but they were currently just bodies with no face or clothes so they looked very bare much to Louis' disappointment (although Zayn Promised that they would dress them up and give them faces after lunch)."Come out,come out wherever you are,"And really Zayn didn't know the rules to this game,it was more like hide and seek to Him which made Louis continue to giggle from his crouching position behind a rose bush,a badly crafted snowball in both of his mitten covered hands as Zayn paced the garden.
In a flash Louis jumped up and threw the two snowballs at Zayn whose back was to the kitten hybrid as he hit his back and head again,quickly falling back into the snow,rustling the bush a little.Zayn turned on his heels sharply,scanning his eyes around the garden and across the rose bushes when he heard a faint rustle.Louis was quick,that cat part of him giving him the ability to be quick and jumpy which meant that Louis could be at the other side of the garden by now.Without Warning,Louis jumped up once again and threw a big lump of snow at Zayn,making it hit his face which Zayn grunted at and Louis squeaked at,already making a quick get away back towards the back door to get away from Zayn.
Zayn realised what Louis did and ran after the giggling kitten hybrid who was trying to run as fast as he coils whole giggling,which was proven unsuccessful as his sides were starting to hurt.He eventually gave up and fell into a heap on the snow covered grass,his cheek firmly up against the cold snow as he giggled.Zayn chuckled watching the boy laugh in the snow as he collapsed onto the snow beside him,on his back just looking up at the winter sky and listening to Louis' sweet giggles."Zaynie not mad?"Louis asked innocently through a small giggle as he sat up onto his knees and stared at Zayn with wide blue eyes and a pink face,waiting for Zayn to say how naughty that was.
"Of course not!Just a bit of fun s'all,"Zayn chuckled as he reached and fixed Louis' beanie on his head and the scarf around his neck before Louis Climbed on top of Zayn and cuddled his face into the older mans chest,purring in content at the new found warmth of Zayn."Any way,I love seeing you this Happy and Carefree,"He smiled as he ran his hands up and down Louis' back making the kitten hybrid arch into the touch and purr again,lifting his head to show the adorable smile on his face.The Bradford man was in Awe,this is what he wanted and what he was missing in his life,Louis.Louis brought out the best in Zayn,and he wanted to be with the kitten hybrid forever.Before another word was said,Zayn had already leant upwards and pressed his lips sweetly to Louis' thin pretty pale pink ones,making the younger boy squeak in surprise at the sudden feeling of lips upon his own.It wasn't as if he had never been kissed before.he had,but none was this sweet and gentle as the one and was receiving currently.Zayn made sure to make the kiss as kid friendly as possible,since he was basically dealing with a kid as he kissed Louis,tingles and the whole firework-cliché-shit was going on throughout the kiss.
Zayn was the first to pull away,starting into Louis' confused,blue eyes as he cocked his head of the side and smile at Zayn."Zaynie kissy Louis!"he started to giggled out of nowhere,jumping up and down on Zayns Stomach as a blush coated his cheeks."Zaynie love Louis,right?"He questioned quietly after being all happy and flustered at the same time.His mummy always read to him in bedtime stories when two people kiss they love eachothers,but it had to be a slow,steady and meaningful kiss.All of the kisses Louis normally got were full of forcefulness,tongue and teeth,and Louis didn't like how rough they were within him,but kissing Zayn was a different matter.It was as if their lips were meant for eachothers.
Zayn had to think for a second.He did love Louis; even if he only got him around 3 months back,but he had really grown to Zayn and Zayn was willing to go high lengths for the unique kitten Hybrid that he had the right to call his.With his adorable personality,small and sexy figure and just the fact that Zayn was putty every time he swayed his lips unknowingly how sexy and a tease he was being to Zayns poor cock."Yes,"Louis smiled,"I love you,"he added which Louis squealed at and hugged Zayn we tight as he could as his tail swayed in the air happily and a permit smile on his face.
"Louis love Zaynie,"He mumbled against Zayns chest,loving the vibration feeling he felt as Zayh chuckled deeply in his throat.
"Now,"Zayn started,"I don't know about you,but I'm starving,"He muttered as he moved to sit up,his backside wet and damp with snow and so is his back but not as bad."How about some soup,then hot chocolate with cookies and a movie,hmm?"He hummed with a smile smile as Louis pecked his lips in a quick action,a blush still sprinkled on his lips as Zaym wanted him fondly.
"Please and thank you,"
yeah okay that sucked as a last chapter like Idek
I just write things and I know I should've updated quicker but school and life is being a bitch and I have a wedding to go to on Monday (STAR WARS DAY)
What do you want to see happen?If I don't get suggestions you might fish my plot Boring and shit...
Peace ✌🏼️
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