
I might add BDSM into this story,it would be mild and only used for small punishments and of the such.Should I?


Happy belated Holiday (whatever you celebrate)

*non edited


By the time the two had reached Zayns house (which was located in the country side just outside of London,away from any commotion)Louis had fallen asleep.During the ride Zayn couldn't help to notice How Louis was struggling to stay awake,his head occasionally drooping down and perking back up when Zayn ran over a speeding bump or breaked unexpectedly.He cooed at his cuteness when he gave up the fight and fell asleep at the click of two fingers,his feathery Hazel fringe falling over his closed eyelids,his lips partly opened as he breathed in and out.

Opening the gates to his home,Zayn drove up the curvey driveway and parked at the entrance of his three story mansion like house.It wasn't that big,it only did have 5 bedrooms,3 bathroom,a kitchen,dining room,livingroom,study and two Gardens (front and back).Not to forget the basement where Zayn had both a Music Booth and all the gadgets placed on one side of the basement and a bar at the other.The musical side of the basement was completely soundproof,just like a majority of the house was for personal reasons.

He also had a garage where he kept his collection of cars and motorbike in.He was fond of Cars,they were so fast and furious [A/N:Heheheh]that Zayn just had to own the finest make.It was also the place where he did most of his art work when he needed to relax,and the occasional workout on his treadmill or punch bag.It was more like a multi-purpose room more than anything else.No one was allowed in there,it was Zayns own personal space,he was free to do what he wanted and when.

With caution,Zayn softly and carefully unbuckled Louis' seat belt, making sure that the seat belt didn't clink against the door frame as he did so.He scooped the kitten boy into his arms and frowned deeply at how light and delicate Louis felt in his arms.It was like carrying a bag of bones with flesh,no muscle or fat.Sighing inwardly,Zayn placed the boy on his hip,keeping a firm hand on the small of Louis' back as he closed the car door and it locking automatically like before.

Louis' head was resting on Zayns shoulder and his legs wrapped as far at they could around Zayns waist.His arms lay limp by his sides and his tail continued to swish in the air behind him as he slept with his mouth partly open.Walking up the steps,Zayn made sure that he didn't lift his legs more than he should so he didn't jolt the boy as he walked up the 10 (counted) white varnished stone steps that lead him to his Glass and light oak front door.Finding his keys and opening the door (with great struggle might I add because carrying a hybrid and also trying to find the key slot is hard),Zayn stepped into his already pre-conditioned house,to the right temperature that suited the tanned man.

"Is this him?"And Zayn couldn't help but jump slightly at the voice from the bottom of his white oak grand staircase (with matching railings).To say that Zayn was fond of White oak was an understatement,he loved it.It was a theme that was carried out among the house with the colours of black and white.He liked everything to be colour Coordinated and matching.

He smiled softly(as he shifted Louis up his hip a little more)at the curious look on Katherines face as she took small steps towards Zayn,a feather duster in hand.Katherine (or Kat as Zayn normally addressed her as) was Zayns maid for his main house in London.She was an old family friend who was only 20 years Zayns senior and had a ravishing figure for such an age that Zayn was truly convicted that she spent her months pay on Botox and plastic surgery.

Zayn had Katherine as his maid,Francis as his gardener and Jean* as his personal cook (when he wasn't out on tour)in his main home.He also had Derek his personal trainer although he was only called in on Zayns or his managements request.He treated his workers as equal,having a very good bond between each of them Zayn never over worked them or treated them as slaves unless needed.

"Yes,this is him Kat,"Zayn smiled,Katherine by his side in no time and admiring Louis without touching him.He looked so cute when sleeping,and Zayn didn't even care that drool was getting onto to his imported blazer."He fell asleep on the journey to here,"He told her as he moved to the left of the house where his livingroom was situated.

It was very opened spaced,with two black three seater sofas,a matching black recliner,dark oak and glass coffee table and white oak hardwood for flooring.Facing the coffee table there was a built in fireplace in which A flat screen HD TV was placed on its breast with wall hinges.On his cream walls where oil paintings by artists that even Zayn didn't know and to be honest,they were just there for decoration.

"Poor thing,he looks exhausted,like he hasn't slept in days,"Katherine frowned,Zayn mimicking her expression after he placed Louis on one of the black leather sofas(making sure not to set him on his tail).Louis' small body seemed to look more relaxed when he was placed down,as if He hadn't laid on a sofa before.Katherine disappeared for a brief minute and returned with a fluffy Purple blanket in her hands.

"Purple?Really?"Zayn looked at the blanket and then to Katherine who just grinned and gently laid the large blanket over Louis' now curled up body.His feathery fringe had fallen over his eyes and he was breathing out and in from his mouth,so little that it looked like he wasn't breathing at all if it isn't for the small rises of his chest.Zayn had noticed the hybrid shivering when he was carrying him and he didn't blame him,the house was cold to anyone who wasn't use to it and he was only wearing a jumper and underwear.

"It isn't for you now is it?"Katherine raised her eyebrow,pushing Zayn lightly on his shoulder,her dyed blonde hair firm with hairspray so it wasn't effected.She was small,taller than Louis but shorter than Zayn small.It wasn't hard to beat Louis' hight might I add,he was only 5'2.5 while Zayn was a close 5'7."Anyway,purple's his colour and he should embrace it."She added,stroking back the boys Hazel fringe out of his closed eyelids.Zayn had to nod in agreement at that statement because he did look good with purple as it matched his paling skin complexion very well.

A little too well

"Those suitcases in that trunk of yours won't appear in the house with a snap of your fingers,now will they?"Kat hummed,her hand out stretched for the keys of Zayns BMW so she could One) get out Louis' belongings and Two) drive the car round to the garage which she only did on requested occasions.

"Suitcase,and file."Zayn corrected,digging through his pockets for his key and placing them in his maids hand.Pulling a face,Katherine nodded as she went to do as she said in no time,Louis' small suitcase was set at the foot of the grand stair case and his file was nearly rested on top just like before.Zayns Car key was in the garage,on a hook just like the rest of his keys and cars (and motorcycle).

"Sir?"Katherine called,getting Zayns attention as he was too busy just staring at his new pet, if he could even call him his pet.He was more like a friend that was staying with him,in the same house,bedroom and bed.Nothing sexual,no,just friendship with little twitches.

"Hmm?What is it Katherine?"Zayn asked,still in deep thought as he examined Louis' delicate and Petite features carefully,from his soft hair to his think pink lips,and even the little dots of freckles that lined his nose and cheek bones.He looked very ill,very weak and it wasn't good.It was obvious that he was badly treated with his busted lower lip,untreated cuts to his face and Bruised cheek.

And he was yet to see his body

"Harry and the rest of the boys called to say they were popping round to meet your new...Friend,"She paused trying to think of the right word to describe Louis without making it sound offensive.She was all for the idea of Hybrids,all of Zayns household workers were.Even The boys liked the idea of Hybrids,thinking they were fascinating and unique,especially Niall.As he was,well,A puppy hybrid?

Well he sort of was,he had the blonde tail and floppy ears to match that hid well in his hair,but he didn't act like one.No,Niall acted like any normal human just going around daily life being an international sex icon to many girls-and guys-.He did however have the tendency to get over excited,playful and hyper when Liam and Harry tickled him,fed him sugary food or let him carry on without being punished by a small tap on the nose.

I forgot to mention that

"What.No.They can't.I told them to come tomorrow,not today."Zayn groaned in frustration as he walked around the sofa so he could talk a little louder without the worry of waking Louis.He told Harry,Liam and Niall not to come round to his house until after he bought the kitten hybrid and got to know him.He wanted to know Louis and tell him about himself a little before he invited his strange group of musical friends round.Not to mention he was a little weary about Louis being frightened by Niall as he was a dog hybrid and cats are afraid of dogs,right?

"And how was I suppose to know that?No one tells me anything around here,"She rolled her eyes with a huff,turning around to go help Jean* with the washing up from the lunch that he made for Zayn and Louis only for it to be thrown away as it became spoilt and no use as Louis was asleep and Zayn wasn't hungry.



It's a week,7 days,and I wrote all of this in one day.

Katherine is just sass but also so big-hearted

Um,surprise on the dog hybrid Niall?




[QOTC:BDSM,yay or nay?]

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