Zayn kisses down Louis' neck, lips as soft as butter as he makes his way down Louis' neck and to the exposed skin on his collarbone. Louis withers underneath the older man, hazel tail wrapped around the older mans waist and a small moan leaving parted lips whenever Zayn decides to nibble and suck on the sensitive spot between his neck and collarbone.
Zayn sucks a beautiful purple bruise onto the skin of Louis, tongue lapping over the sensitive mark. Louis' eyes are closed, head tilted to the side for Zayn to have access to anywhere on his body, top half bare from clothes and nothing but a pair of sleeping shorts cover his crotch and around his ass. They had just woken up, Zayn being the one to wake up the cat hybrid with soft kisses that eventually turned to this.
"My beautiful kitten,"Zayn smiles, pulling away and leaning up so that he was hovering over the hybrid, nose to nose. His jaw was stubbly, and there was a glint in his eyes as he smiled down at Louis who finally opened his eyes to look back up at the older man. Zayns nose wrinkles when he grins, admiring the beauty of Louis."Good morning."He sings.
"Good morning,"Louis smiles sleepily, tail still wrapped around Zayn and arms coming up to snake around Zayns neck lazily where he lays."Let me go back to sleep."He whines, but accepts the Eskimo kiss that Zayn gives him.
"Is it such a crime that I want to spend time with my beautiful kitten?"Zayn tilts his head to the side, the smile still on his face.
"When it's early, yes. Yes it is."Louis lets out a giggle, watching how Zayn frowns. The older man leaning down and resting his face in the crook of Louis' neck, pressing soft kisses where his face is hidden."Stop it, tickles."Louis whines, squirming underneath the older man who chuckles.
"Good,"He smirks, rubbing his stubble up the side of Louis' neck and cheek. This action causes the hybrid to whine in discomfort, tail moving away from Zayn and ears lowering in his hair to show his dislikes. He was tired, just wanting to sleep and Zayn was being way too awake and any too annoying for 6 in the morning."I love you,"
"I love 'ou, too."Louis rests a delicate hand on Zayns check, smiling softly. The older man leans in to press his lips to Louis' but ends up kissing the hybrids smooth cheek instead."Nuh-uh. Morning breath."Louis shakes his head, another small laugh escaping his lips. The house was nice and refreshing, it being the start of August and Zayn having the air conditioning on 24 hours a day, which for once was beneficial to everyone.
Everyone was feeling the heat, the babies especially. Preston and Payton felt the heat a lot more, being hybrids after all, while Jensen was getting the effects of the coldness of the air conditioner, being the smaller of the three and more prone to coldness. Louis wore very little going to bed and during the day, the same sign Zayn who stuck with either swimming shorts or Quarter lengths.
They were doing to introduce the Triplets to the swimming pool today. It has always been there and both Zayn and Louis made use of it, but they had yet to introduce it to the triplets and would like to start now. They had invited the trio and baby Elijah over as well, making the triplets swimming pool adventure into the BBQ for the adults.
"I'm starving,"Zayn announces,"How about, I make us bowls of cereal and we can watch Full house while cuddling downstairs. Sound good?"He asks, Watching how Louis nods and rolls out from underneath him so he can use the loo, wash his hands and brush his teeth in the bathroom, Zayn following suit. The hybrid is grabbing a blanket from the bed just for comfort, grabbing the baby monitor off of the beside table and checking up on the triplets.
He smiles in on them, all fast asleep in their cribs. The only sound being the soft jingle of Payton's mobile that dangles over her crib because she sometimes would wake up in here middle of the night, the soft jingle and clockwise motion normally sending her back to sleep. The cat hybrid looks in on each of them, checking the baby monitors before leaving to join Zayn downstairs.
Louis settles himself on the couch, the baby monitor to his side as he turns on the TV and flicks for Netflix. Zayn has had it for years but never really used it until Louis came along, the cat hybrid catching up on all of the latest television shows and movies that he has missed. Louis curls in beside Zayn whenever the man returns with two big bowls of cereal, handing one to Louis as he sits down.
"I like this,"Louis announces, purring whenever Zayn scratches behind his ear. Louis always liked the most simple things in life, the affection, the cuddling, the soft and kind touches and generosity. Even just curled up on the sofa on a Thursday morning, eating cereal and watching Full house, it was all that Louis could ask for.
"Me too, kitten."Zayn admits. They were both rushed into parenthood so quickly after Louis finally warmed up to the Pakistani man. Zayn loves the Triplets with all of his heart and he would never wish them to not have been born, it was just nice not to be around them 24/7 and o have Louis' full attention every once in awhile.
"I hope Jensen starts speaking soon. It's starting to worry me."Zayn speaks up, his spoon swirling in the now chocolatey milk that is left in his bowl.
"He will."Louis pipes up from where he is tucked under Zayns arm, warm and Cosy."He will soon."He adds because he can feel it. Jensen was just quiet and they've been told by baby specialists that babies progress at different rates, Jennybear just seemed to be a little more behind on the speaking that his older siblings.
"Preston and Payton are doing so well. Payton especially with her speaking."Zayn beams. His little girl was so smart, very intelligent for her age. They could all crawl and they crawled circles around the two young parents, especially Preston who was like lightening and could be on one side of the livingroom to the other in no time.
"My babies growing up. Don't like it."Louis mumbles meekly, his hazel tail brushing against Zayns fallen arm and ears twitching. It was hard to believe that the triplets were going to be 1, it was making Louis all teary eyed just thinking about it. The hybrid didn't want his babies to grow up and face life problems, he just wanted to wrap them up in bubblewrap and look after them forever and ever.
Payton is the first to wake up, both parents making there way upstairs. Louis takes a quick shower while Zayn gets Payton, changes her nappy and takes her downstairs in her sleepwear. Louis follows suit with the same routine when he gets Jensen and Preston, taking them downstairs to the kitchen where Zayn has already prepared the triplets small breakfast for Louis to feed them.
"Open up for the airplane."Louis is coaxing a still sleepy Preston who pouts at his mummy with blue and brown eyes. Louis follows with a bunch of silly airplane noises that seems to entertain a wide awake and alert Payton who giggles, Louis giving her a little smile where she is in her own high chair with a piece of toast and jam that she's gnawing on."C'mon Tony, eat for mummy."
"It's your favourite. Look! Mummy added a lil' bit of syrup. Mmm."Louis brings the spoon up to his own lips, pretending to eat a little bit of it. Preston watches his mummy 'eat' part of his breakfast with eyes that get a little wider because that's his food! Smacking his lips, Louis laughs as he brings the spoon back up to the babes lips."That's a good boy."He praises.
Louis manages to get all three babies tummies filled as Zayn goes and gets his own shower. Louis allows for the three to play in their massive play pen in livingroom to rest their little tums, giving Louis time to fetch their swimsuits that he and Zayn had bought the other say while shopping.
"We have arrived!"Harry calls from the front door where he used his 'emergency' key to open it. There's a followed sound of 'shh' and then what Louis can identify a slap."Ow! What was that for?"Harry pouts, rubbing the back of his head and glaring at Liam who glares back at the curly haired man.
"For shouting. The triplets could be sleeping, not to mention our own baby is too."Liam motions his hands behind him where Niall was walking in behind the taller men, carrying a car seat with a sleeping baby inside. The two month old was sleeping soundly as Niall carried him delicately in the car seat.
"He's still sleeping, keep your knickers on."Harry pouts, moving away from Liam and slipping into the livingroom where he can hear the babbles of his favourite niece and nephews. Liam turns his attention to Niall who shuts the front door, locking it as well.
"Leave him alone, Li. He's being a hyper butterball."Niall smiles. He was over protective of his Harry, especially when it came to the arguing that happened between Liam and Harry, and that happened a lot. Harry was just an innocent bean who said the wrong things and was an awkward bambi."He's done no harm, Eli is still sleeping."
"What have we talked about? His name is Elijah."
"It can be both."Niall argues, watching as Zayn makes his way down the stairs. He was dressed in his swimming trunks and a light t-shirt that was way too tight and way too see through, a pair of flip-flops of his feet."Hey Zee."
"Hey Niall. I see you're doing good."
"I am. Thank you for noticing."The Irish man beaming as he rocks on the balls of his feet gently. Liam huffs beside him, storming his way into the livingroom after Harry, spotting the man blowing bubbles in a giggling Jensens tummy.
"What's wrong with him?"Zayn asks, getting to the bottom of the stairs and crouching down so that he was looking in at the sleeping babe in the car seat. He runs his finger over Elijah's little balled up hand with a smile on his lips.
"Everything. If someone breathes, he freaks out. Harry talks, he freaks out. If I call Elijah Eli, he shouts at me for calling him the wrong name. I mean, I gave birth to the baby and I shall call him whatever I damn want to."Zayn laughs, looking up at the sulking hybrid whose tail wags behind him.
"He's just being a paranoid new father. I went through the same phase, don't worry. He'll chill out soon enough."Probably not, this was Liam that they were talking about but might as well just say that to chill out the mother. Niall just sighs and nods his head, letting himself be escorted by Zayn to a seat, setting the car seat onto the coffee table.
"Look at you! Yes you! You little cutie pie. Mawh!"Harry gushes, blowing a raspberry on Jensens right cheek which makes the youngest Malik child giggle and squeal so loud that it makes all of the adults in the room look over. It was the loudest that Louis or Zayn have heard Jensen make a sound.
Look who finally updated!!! I'm gonna be continuing in the next chapter (:
THIS STORY IS NOT FINISHED. Why did you all think that it was? If I was gonna finish, I would finish with an Epilogue Which I didn't. I've probably lost so many voters now Which has made me really sad and scared
Please tell me what you thought of this chapter. It's really domestic and this book kinda will be now on but I'm gonna cause drama probably (;
Your opinion?
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