
The middle of June (The Triplets are 9 and a half months old)

Niall is at Full Term

Whose been here since the prologue?

Thank you for 12K votes (;

"C'mon baby, come to Daddy."Zayn has Preston standing not even 2 feet in front of him, crouched down and arms open for an invitation hug as he waits for his eldest to take those first baby steps towards him. The perfect mixture of both of his Mummy and Daddy, Preston holds that same look of concentration that Louis holds whenever he's trying to achieve something, but at the same time his lips are pursed like Zayns.

The ten month old is looking down at his feet as if he's surprised that they are there, little kitten ears twitching at the nose coming from his surroundings before he's looking back at his Daddy who is waiting patiently. Cautiously, Preston is taking a step forward, foot and leg shaky before the hybrid is tumbling down the floor like a ton of bricks; right on his poor little face.

Preston is letting out a strangled cry for help and not moments later Zayn is scooping the baby hybrid up into his arms quickly, pressed to his chest and lips pressed to sweet smelling dark hair."Oh poor Tony, it's okay. Shh."Zayn is walking around the living room with the bundle in his arms, whispering sweet nothings into little kitten ears as the eldest Malik child continues to cry heartbreakingly.

Zayn had been trying to get all three babies to take their first steps for weeks now, desperate to witness them taking those shakes first steps and for them to fall into his arms cutely with fits of giggles. So far, it had resorted to Preston falling onto his face numerous times, Payton being a clever kit and just crawling into her Daddies arms and Jensen not even attempting to do anything but smile at his daddy as he tries to encourage movement.

"You are all so stubborn, I have no idea where any of you get it from."Zayn is grumbling, pressing another kiss to the fluffy hazel hair that smelt like baby shampoo. Preston had stopped his crying, blotchy aftermath crying face looking up at his Daddy, his blue and brown eyes wide with pouted out lips.

"Uh-oh,"Zayn can hear Payton speak, the more intelligent of the three. She was a wee smartie pants, knowing a few words and knowing when was the appropriate times to say it."Uh-Oh,"She's repeating, standing beside the sofa with her hands gripping the material.

"What are you 'Uh-Oh'ing about?"Zayn is chuckling, continuing to hold Preston close to his chest as he walks over to where Payton is. She's looking up at him through thick eyelashes, her Raven black tail swaying behind her and dressed in a baby pink dungaree set with little white trainers and ankle socks. Louis had clipped in a pink bow in her Raven black hair that morning which now lay stranded on the Carpet.

"Ohhh, okay yes, I can smell that 'Uh-Oh' now."Zayn is grimacing, his nose scrunching up at the vile smell."Wow. How on earth can you make pancakes into that?"Zayn is setting Preston down onto the carpet, watching the eldest Malik crawl over to his little brother who was mindlessly playing with a few blocks. Preston is grabbing a block out of Jensens hands, the younger whimpering and pouting.

Zayn is managing to change Payton's nappy in no time, blowing a raspberry on her stomach before he's slipping the baby pink dungarees on and clipping them. She giggles at her Daddy's antics, little Raven black kitten ears twitching at the sound and image of her Daddy making funny sounds above her.

"Hey, hey, hey."Louis is scowling, spotting Preston snatching the block from Jensens hands. The younger is confused as he looks at his big brother with watery blue eyes and a pout on his lips. Louis is kneeling in front of the pair, taking the block that Preston snatched out of his hands."No. You do not take things off your little brother. He's fragile."

"No,"Preston huffs.

"Don't No me, mister."Louis is poking Prestons little button nose before he's handing the plastic block back of Jensen who smiles widely at his Mummy. Louis presses a kiss to Jensens fluffy hazel hair before he's lifting Preston up from under his arm pits and moving him away from his younger sibling with his own toys so that he doesn't steal Jensens.

Jensen was a silent baby, he smiled, he gave off small giggles and when he cried it was barely even noticeable; Which were all reasons why he was the fragile child. Preston was the loud and boisterous child and had to have the attention on him in any way possible, and Payton was the little smartie pants that never failed to impress.

"Up."Payton is demanding as soon as she spots her Mummy. She makes grabby hands towards the taller cat hybrid, Louis' tail brushing over her face and making her squeal in laughter at the tickling feeling. Louis is granting her wishes, lifting her into his arms and peppering her face in sweet kisses.

"She's so demanding, Preston is so stubborn and Jensen is so..."Zayn fights for the word as he glances at the little human dressed in a pair of baby jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt and little baby vans. Jensen looks up, a smile on his chubby face before going back to clashing the bricks together, unaware of how loud he was being.

"Reserved?"Louis tries to help out.

"Exactly,"He clicks his tongue, crowding Louis into a hug with Payton sandwiched in the middle. She purrs at the warmth radiating off both parents."That might be because of the lack of hearing,"It was now confirmed that the fluid that had built up in Jensens ears were only a cover up to what the real damage was. The hearing in his left ear was weaker than his right which still enabled him to hear, just not as well.

"There nothing wrong with him. He's fine the way that he is."Louis defends as Zayn places a feather soft kiss to Louis' cheek before placing one in between Payton's kitten ears Which twitch in attention.

"I never said that there was something wrong with Jennybear, he's perfect."Zayn is whispering, just staring into those beautiful blue eyes that Louis has the fortunate to own. The older man has a goofy smile on his face, shaking his head in fondness as he catches the blush that proceeds to coat perfectly crafted cheekbones.

"What? Something on my face?"Louis is asking, an arm still supporting Payton as he moves the other to wipe at his own face.

"No,"Zayn chuckles again, smiling softly now as he looks at Liam."I'm just admiring you. How beautiful that you are even after everything you've been through, a past, arguments and a pregnancy with Triplets and you still mange to surprise me every day."Zayn is leaning in and letting his lips brush against Louis'.

"I love you,"The hybrid is giggling, his tail swaying behind him in comfort and ears high.

"And I love you more,"Zayn is replying, pulling away from the kiss whenever his phone is vibrating in his back pocket. He's pulling it out with a small frown on his lips as he spots the Caller ID."I Gotta take this, one second babe."

As soon as Zayn is out of hybrid hearing, he's answering the call and before he has a chance to even utter a word Harry is beating it him to it."Zayn! Oh god, oh god! Niall is having contractions and Liam isn't here and he won't answer the phone and I don't know what to do and Niall is crying-"

"You're the one whose crying!"Zayn can hear Niall shout in the background.

"See? He's in hysterics."Zayn can hear the panicky tome in Harry's voice and how he's breathing quickly.

"Okay, okay. Harry, deep breathes. In out, in out."Zayn can't believe that finds himself coaxing one of his best friends through breathing techniques because what was the possibility of this? To be honest, he didn't expect anything that has happened over the course of nearly 2 years to be his future, life was just surprising like that."H, take Niall to the hospital, okay?"

"I'm shaking so badly,"Harry breathes out.

"Right, okay."Zayn glances behind him where he stands in the front hallway. A smile graces his face whenever he can hear Louis talking away the triplets."I'll drive you both to the hospital, but I cannot stay."

Zayn is informing Louis that Niall is going to have his baby, telling him that he's going to be back in an hour or so as soon as he drives Niall and Harry to the hospital to return. It takes him that one hour, just in time for dinner Which Jean thankful makes for the small family before he's leaving to go Home.Louis and Zayn both successfully bathe the triplets before managing to feed them nighttime bottles for their bed time and putting them to sleep.

Zayn and Louis shower together which may or may not end up to sexual acts of blow jobs and fingering, making both having to wash down their bodies once again. With soft touches, Zayn dries Louis bone dry, spending extra attention around his cock and bum, leaving a trail of soft kisses around his hips and thighs.

"I love you so much, don't ever think any different."Zayn mumbles against sweet smelling skin."The mother of my children and my bride-to-be."He adds, feeling his heart warm at his own choice of words.

Zayn and Louis fall asleep early that night, wrapped up in one another's limbs and Louis' tail wrapped around Zayn to keep them both close together. It's only when Zayn is receiving a phone call later on that night for an update on Niall and the new baby is when both wake up in anxiety and concern for the Irish man.

"N-Niall's okay,"Liam's breath is shuddery,"He lost a lot of blood but he's okay a-and we have a baby boy..."

I know that this is a very short chapter, once again but I wanted to get this over and done with and i wanted some cute Triplet and Zouis time as well as an update on Niall's baby business

How was this chapter in your opinion? Btw I know it took me ages to update I'm just not feeling it atm

I want your opinions on the triplets. Aren't they so cute with their little personalities that are starting to shine through?

Any name ideas for Niall/Harry/Liam baby?



[SN: I have a new book 'The ultra gay group chat' and it's One Direction, 5sos, P!ATD, MCR and many many more and basically it's just a bunch of gayness between friends and fuckbuddies so please check it out and show me some love]

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