Thank you for the votes and comments,luff yous ☺️
Photo-Based on Zayns attire 👖
By the time Louis had reawakened, he was no longer in his crunched up position but sprawled out on the wooden flooring on his tummy, a small pool of drool just under his partly open mouth.He normally slept on his Tummy, thinking in his mind that it was alot more comfortable than his back or side, as when he did sleep on his back or side his bones would ache and he'd be in pain for quite some time, and Louis hated pain.
Before he had been sold by his mother, Louis had never suffered any sort of pain whatsoever,well minus when he caught the stomach bug and he was throwing up,his throat burning from the strain as his previous meal appeared in the toilet bowl or bucket,but his mother was always there to comfort him.Louis missed his mothers cuddles when he threw up after eating something he shouldn't have,he missed his mother's soft hands run through his feathery hair-occasionally hitting his kitten ears-when he had a headache,and he missed his mother's kisses of comfort when he swatted his tail against a cupboard or fell onto it.
Now, pain was a common routine to the young Hybrid, whether he deserved it or not, and he never did deserve the beatings he received.None was gentle with Louis, they treated him as if he was a piece of meat, something to tenderise until he could take no more or had passed out from loss of blood or concoction.This was the opportunity to strip the kitten from his innocence again, and again, and again, until said person had climaxed to the max,leaving Louis naked and quivering in fear and pain.
Louis slowly got up,his whole body weight being help up by his arms as he was in a push up stance.He let out a muffled groan as he arched his back downwards which triggered his left shoulder to pop slightly out of place,the young kitten hybrid falling back into the thin Layer of fabric,face first colliding with the wooden flooring he slept on.He let out a small whimper from the unexpected fall as he pushed himself up onto his knees-that were now placed under his bum-rubbing at his now sore nose as he pouted.
"Louis William!"Louis jumped at the loud noise,jumping up onto his unprotected feet,catching himself on the wall from falling.It was a sudden reaction,something Louis always did when someone shouted his first and middle name,this was a matter of Louis doing some thing bad or was needed as his owner wouldn't use it otherwise.
He quickly padded his way towards his bedroom door,his bare feet slapping against the wooden floorboards as his Oversized sweater hung down to his knees which was overwhelming to Louis as he had nothing but a pair of Cotten undies on.
"Louis bad?"Louis whispered as he reached the archway of his owners-Marks-Kitchen,the smell of bacon,eggs and Toast surprising the hybrids nose as he sniffed around.At the smell he immediately perked his head up,his kitten ears raised as he looked at the unattended food cooking on the Stove which made Louis' curiosity run wild as he shuffled towards it,seeing Mark nowhere in sight.Just as he reached out to touch the burning hot food his hand was slapped away which earned a hiss-not to threaten but to indicate he was hurt-to seethe out between Louis' teeth as he nursed his slapped hand to his chest.
"Don't you hiss at me!"Mark shouted,appearing from behind the opened white door of the refrigerator,a word that Louis has never been able to pronounce and normally just ends up spluttering out Fridge or when he's really tired,Cold box.Louis' eyes widen at the sight of two mugs on top of the counter top,one with visible milk poured into while the other had grains of coffee.
"One for Louis?"Louis asked,pointing his index finger-on the hand that was not slapped-at the round poka dot mug that contained Milk.He stood on his tippy toes to look deeper into the mug,noticing a tea bag bobbing up and down in the milk which made Louis frown and his tail to wrap around his stomach.He wasn't too fond on Tea,unless it was a special type of tea,then he had exceptions.
"No,now sit,"Mark ordered in which Louis quickly sat down on the tiled flooring of the kitchen,not wanting to upset Mark anymore so.He wasn't given instructions on where to sit so in his mind it just meant where ever he was previously at,and that just so happened to be the middle of the flooring.Mark looked down at the hybrid with a roll of his eyes as he shook his head,mumbling a rough;"Stupid Cat,"
Louis' frown deepened as his ears flattened to hide under his Hazel hair as he let his head lower down in shame,He was just trying to please,but he apparently couldn't.It didn't help matters that The cold tiles where freezing the behind of Louis' thighs making the young hybrid shiver."Mister Mark want Louis for something?"Louis dared to ask,flinching ever so slightly as Mark brushed past his body to sit at the small breakfast table that was pressed up against the kitchen wall,only able to sit two.
"Some stupid F*cker is buying you off of me,today at one o'clock.Don't see why he wants you,but he seemed desperate on the phone and he offered a load of dough so you're going to him,"Mark rolled his nearly red eyes,taking a sip of his mug of Coffee.Marks eyes were a strange colour,it was a shade between Brown and red that really suited his jet black hair.
Louis looked up at the analogue clock hanging on the kitchen wall in confusion as he attempted to tell the time.He could tell it was close to 11 as the smaller hand was just past number 11,or maybe it was because of the lady on the radio just announced the 11 o'clock news.Yes,that was it.
"Who to?"Louis questioned earning a harsh slap to the back of the head by Mark for Asking questions.
"None of your f*cking Business,"He sneered,slapping the back of Louis' head,making Louis whimper,rubbing the back of his head in pain.'Great,a sore nose and a sore head,what else?A vampire owner?' Louis thought.His thoughts were always way more clearer than his actual speech which confused him,maybe it was because he spent more time thinking than speaking.
"Sowwy!Louis Sowwy!"Louis shouted scrambling up onto his feet,"Louis go punish himself in room!"Louis was already close to tears,he hated to be shouted at,just as much as he hated to disappoint and to be in pain.Louis rushed away-nearly tripping on his tail as he did so-into his room,shutting it rather quickly before Mark could follow and punish Louis himself.
Louis' self punishments were mostly being locked away in his room,not allowed to touch any of his belongings to comfort him as he cried softly.His soft Lamb that normally laid ontop of his suitcase but it was packet away out of reach for the small Hybrid.It was a treasured plush Toy Louis was given on his 7th birthday(or Christmas,whatever way you looked at it) and it had a very sentimental connection to Louis,meaning he'd be lost without it.
An hour and a half had passed by the time Louis was dragged out of his room by the tail into the livingroom in nothing but his sweater and underwear.He has his tail wrapped around his thighs as he stood up,shaking from the lack of clothing or shoes.He had a pair of vans which Stayed by the door but he never once asked for them.
"Louis wear more clothes,"Louis squeaked,watching Mark as he paced back and forth,occasionally pulling back the curtain of the livingroom window to face out onto the street.Mark lived in the very dingy,crowded and downright terrible part of London,where the streets were lined in rubbish and the residents were eating out of eachothers pockets.Louis was scared of the outside world where Mark Lived,mostly because of where his bedroom was placed just beside an Alley way where numerous fights happened during the night.
"You dare ask for more clothes?"Mark seethed,"don't you know what greedy kitties get?"Mark was now towering over the kitten hybrid who was now shaking in fright.Yes he knew what being greedy got him,and he didn't want that.Mark had raised his hand up to start the punishment but stopped at the noise of a car horn beeping.He looked out the window,grinning widely at the sight of the brand spanking new black BMW which was parked in the apartment car park.
"He's here,"Mark whispered to himself as he picked up Louis' blue suitcase in one hand,opening the door with the other.
Now Louis was Skittish,before he was not,but now it felt like the pit in his stomach was building up inside of him and he felt like he was going to barf,faint and laugh at the same time,which wouldn't have been a good combination.He just had this feeling that his new owner was going to be a lot nicer than his current,and past, owners.Maybe the tables would turn and he'd have someone who was so Much like his imaginary owner (that has yet to be given a name), maybe an owner who doesn't drag you by the tail everywhere.
"Sit!"Mark barked at the younger as he shook from the coldness hitting off his exposed legs and uncovered feet.Louis quickly obliged,falling onto his knees with his tail rapped around his torso as he hugged his body for warmth.Louis was sitting on the Tarmac pavement,Mark standing tall beside him with a smug look on his face as they both stared at the black car.Louis' eyes had widened at how expensive and well kept that cars condition was in,it looked as if it was just built and driven here from the dealer ship.The windows were tinted black so Louis nor Mark was not able to have a peek at the mysterious buyer,which was a sign that this man was important,or famous.
Louis was pretty sure that his insides were going to make an appearance as it felt like his stomach was doing backflips while riding a roller coaster,which wasn't to good if you were scared of heights.Not to mention the lack of food in his system meant that he would just be throwing up bile,which didn't help matters.
The drivers side door opened and Louis' curiosity got the best of him because his ears perked up and he diverted his eyes to the figure getting out of the expensive looking car.He was sure that his breathing hitched so Slightly at the sight of the man dressed so Dashing and finely just to pick up some worthless Hybrid.His raven hair was swooped to the side,his golden brown eyes were full of mischief and mystery and his facial definitions fitted Louis' imaginary owner so perfectly it was unbelievable.He had a thick line of stubble running down either side of his jaw line and Louis had the urge to scratch his cheek against it,the kitten side of him coming out.He was cladded in a formal attire of Formal dress shoes,trousers,coat and shirt,all in black (even including the tie).
He had a sort of grimace on his face as he stepped away from the car,shutting the door and it locking automatically.He turned his attention to Louis rather quickly who was quick to bowing his head down and looking down at the grey flooring he was sat on,the cold getting to him rather quickly.
Don't disappoint
I find this awfully cute manly because of Louis' speech
So what'd yous think?:)
Two+ comments for next chapter
Peace ✌️
[QOTC:How would you react if you were Louis and was treated this way?What would you do to Mark?]
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