
"How is he?How are they?"Harry is running into the hospital room, a scream of terror escaping his lips before he is running back out of the room and slamming the door closed, hearing all of the distressed screams from Louis and the angry shouts from both Quentin and the father of the babies.Harry covers his eyes with his large hands and shakes his head trying to get rid of the imagine that he just witnessed, seriously hoping that what he saw won't scar his memory.

"We told you not to run into the room,"Liam scolds as soon as he and Niall have caught up to the curly haired man who is as pale as ever and hiding behind his hands like a little kid playing a game of hide and seek.Niall coos at his taller boyfriend and cradles him into his arms whenever he is in distance, petting at his wild chocolate brown curls lovingly and he kisses the crown of his head.

"What I saw will never Erase from my memory,"Harry whimpers pathetically as they go to sit down in the hospital chairs,Niall to Harrys right and still hugging him at an angle and Liam on Harrys left who just rolls his eyes at how pathetic Harry is being.No matter how much he loves Harry, he was a total idiot at times; a beautiful Idiot at that who doesn't think before running into a hospital room where a hybrid is giving birth to triplets.Zayn was sure going to kill Harry whenever he gets out in that hallway.

"My poor hazzabear,"

"Oh stop coddling him, he's just being a drama queen,"Liam huffs and then groans whenever he spots a flashing of light from down the hall, obvious that the paparazzi have either found out that Louis has went into labour and someone got into the hospital or there's a crazed fan with a camera.Either one is highly dangerous and Liam just wants to scream for them all to fück off and let Louis be because the poor kitten hybrid is giving birth right now and it's truly terrible for him.

"Is Louis In child birth?How many children is he having?Have Zayn and him picked the names yet?"There's a bombardment of questions flown the trios way as they all stand up from their seats, chairs scraping against tilled floor of the hospital.Niall is wearing a snapback and is already sorta guarding the door of the hospital room like the dog that he is, Liam and Harry with their hands up to stop the two teenage girls that have spotted them to come any closer.

"No comment,"Liam answers, Looking to his side just hoping that paddy or Paul will come out of lift and get these teenagers away from them so that they will leave Louis alone.They have their phones out ready for photos and Liam sighs deeply."If We take photos with you girls, will you leave this area of the hospital and stop with the questions?"He asks hopefully, as the two teenage girls nod their heads excitedly with large smiles on their faces.

"Okay, Away from the room."Harry coaxes and leaves Niall be to guard the door of the hospital room that Louis is in, his sensitive dog hearing catching every piece of sound coming from the other side of the door and it was really hurt him to hear his best friend in so much pain. Louis can't take pain good, and child birth must be agony for him.

"Is it true that Louis' babies may not be Zayns?"There's a shout from Down the hall and Niall is already letting that unnoticeable growl escape his lips. How dare people think like that, Louis is an Innocent kitten hybrid who has never had unprotected sex with anyone outside of his heat. Zayn was the only person to have sex with him while in his heat, and yeah Niall fucked him too it that was weeks after his heat and he wore a condom. No one was going to know about that, it was Niall and Louis' little secret.

Niall is about to bite back at the nosey reporter that has somehow managed to sneak onto the hospital floor when the door he was beside is opening and Zayn is walking out, exhausted looking but a wide smile on his face, it quickly fading whenever he spots the reporter with. Note book and pen ready to hear anything that she can catch."What the fûck do you want?"He snaps at the reporter who takes a step back at the harsh tone in his voice."Can't you just see that I am a new father and I want to enjoy my moment without one of you scumbags ruining it?"He growls

She quickly looks at Niall and then Zayn with worried eyes, obviously a new reporter who has just started her job, scattering off in the opposite direction without anything for her boss but the fact she got shouted at by Zayn Malik himself.

Zayn is breathing in deeply before he turns around, smiling widely at Niall who is smiling back."So?How's the babies?Niall Jr okay?"Niall asks as he bounces on the balls of his feet wanting to know that all of the babies are okay and that his best friend is okay.He would kill himself if there were any complications in childbirth with Louis or one of the babies he was sure going to god father.

"Come see for yourself," Zayn smiles and is leading Niall into the room with a smile on his lips.Niall squeals whenever he spots A very exhausted Louis On the hospital bed, prompt up with pillows as he gently holds a bundle in his arms, a blue blanket wrapped around the figure.

"Hi nialler,"Louis slurs sleepily, making sure to hold the baby close to him but of course gently with a midwife close by to make sure that he doesn't slip into unconsciousness.He was given a lot of morphine and it was making him sleepy along with the giving birth part."Meet Baby Preston,"He giggles and nods his head down to the bundle in his arms.

There's another midwife holding onto figure in a baby pink blanket and the there's Quentin holding onto another figure in a blue blanket which is a lot smaller than the other two.

The babies were all healthy weights for being premature and in multiples.The only one which was small was Jensen which was predictable,and even at that he was fine and was breathing on his own.

A midwife gently hands Payton over to her father, Zayn taking her into her arms and smiling down at the beautiful bundle in his arms."And to baby Payton,"Zayn gently and slowly walks over to Louis bedside to show Louis and Niall the new baby girl to the family. Quentin is handing Niall the last bundle, Niall looking at the baby kind of scared because it has been so lon since he held a baby but takes the last baby into his arms, cooing at how small he was.

"And the littlest and youngest out of the lot, Baby Jensen."Niall isn't sure why he is sniffling, he isn't even the father or the mother and all he is is the best friend of the mother and father but these babies just look so precious and it makes him tear up more than Zayn and Louis. Louis giggles at the Irish lad who looks demon at baby Jensen with full adoration, the same way as Zayn looks down at Payton and Louis down at Preston.

There's no way to tell want their skin colours are as they are still that red blotchy colour, and the eye colours either since most babies are born with blue eyes are only change when they are a couple of weeks or months old.But there is one thing they can know for certain...

"Who's a hybrid and who's a human?"Niall asks timidly, smiling like a goof down at the bundle in his arms.Harry and Liam have finally came into the room,closing the door behind them as the smile at the three babies and Louis who smiles at Harry And Liam just like normal, as if he just didn't go through labour.

"Two hybrids,"Louis coos down at his eldest child,"Preston and Payton."He informs Everyone who doesn't already know.Niall nods and looks down at the only little human out of the three babies, feeling a little sorry for him that he's the odd one out of his siblings.Well at least Zayn wasn't going to be the only human in the household, him and little Jensen could have something in common.

"He's so tiny,"Harry coos and peers over Nialls shoulder to look down at Jensen who is already sleeping just like his siblings."Can I hold him?"He asks with a hopeful glint in his eyes, going to stand in front of his boyfriend with his arms out to take the baby.

"No,"Niall snaps and holds Jensen a little tighter,"get your own baby."He soon goes back to his smiling face when he looks down at his godson because he has claimed as Jensens godson the cutie.Harry frowns and turns to Zayn with a joyful smile.

"No,I am still mad at you for walking in on Lou giving birth,"Zayn growls and looks down at his sleeping daughter in his arms.Harry sniffles and Louis feels sorry for Harry and looks down at Preston before clearing his throat.

"You can hold Preston Hazzy,"He whispers and shifts Preston in his arms before holding him out to Harry. Harry never thought about taking a baby from a new mother, he would feel hectic to even ask but yet Louis with his big heart and handing over the son with a smile, his Hazel fringe sweaty and his kitten ears patted down in his hair in fatigue.

As soon as Preston is safely in Harrys arms, the kitten hybrid is resting his head back and faking straight to sleep which makes Zayn laugh and Harry worry a little.Liam is now holding baby Payton and loving how pretty she already looks, she was going to look just like her daddy, he could tell.

"You have the perfect family circle Zee,"Quentin whispers in Zayns ear from behind as Zayn stands to the side and watches his best friends all coo and aw at his creations.It was a picture perfect moment and Zayn really wished he has his camera with him." You don't have to be blood to be family," he reminds him.

"Yeah, I know."Zayn whispers softly."I couldn't imagine life any other way."



SO baby Jensen is the little odd baby out with being a human and Preston and Payton are hybrids ^~^

How was this chapter?

Who should Liam and Harry be the good father of?

Give me your opinions please!!




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