
I don't like how this chapter came out either, I had an idea but it was crap then I got an idea and I can't write it correctly and ugh [Thanks to LushLawsOneDirection for the idea]

This is a bad chapter I don't like it it's really messy


Photo-Prestons eye colour

Prompts?Give me some if you have one?

Enjoy :)

"My cute little blobs are born,"Louis giggles as he sits on his and Zayns king sized bed, his legs crossed as he has all three of his babies laid out in front of him dressed in their cute little baby grows for bedtime, the exact ones that Zayn was cooing at just two ago.Preston was wearing the first one, Payton the second and of course little Jensen had the third baby grow on and even at that it was sorta big on him.

It was hard for Louis to believe that they were two weeks old, he had stayed in hospital under the watch of Quentin for three days before he and his three little babies were allowed home. Louis was glad as he was missing his bed very badly and just wanted to go home and sleep cuddled up to Zayn all night. What he didn't know was that you actually had to get up during the night to feet the baby, and he three so that was even more of a struggle of getting up and feeding. Both parents were just glad that the babies were sound sleepers and got to sleep easily.

Louis was already an expert at nappy changes and feedings, burpings and ot course dressing his little precious babies.

Their skin tones have came too, Preston and Payton both with the same skin tone as Zayns and Jensen more like Louis. Payton was already becoming the imagine of her father with her skin tone and jet black mop of hair which she has got, while Preston was the perfect mixture of both parents and Jensen was becoming a Louis which was obvious as he had his face. Payton had Zayns eyes, while Jensen had Louis' baby blues and Finally Prestons eyes were blue but was brown around the Iris which Louis was in love with.

Louis still coos Everytime that he sees Preston and Paytons little ears or Tails, Paytons being jet black and Prestons black with the tips of his ears and the tip of his Hazel a lovely shade of Hazel.

Jensen was his little, tiny human and he loved it because he was different. Louis has always felt different in the world as if he didn't belong because of his tail and ears, but he knew that Niall was just like him and now there were two new additions to the world. Jensen was the odd one out of his little trio with being a human.

"Hey hey hey no cry no cry,"Louis is frowning, his own ears lowering into his hair as he picks up Baby Payton, holding her gently in his arms so that she's resting on his chest with her head on his shoulder, his hands cupping her so that she doesn't slip."That's all you wanted, yeah? A wee cuddle from Mummy."Louis giggles and breaths in the fresh baby scent of baby powder.

Just like body parts, Preston and Payton are unable to use their tails yet so they just hang their basically.

Even with just basing a new father, Zayn couldn't get a break and was called out for an emergency meeting about how the tour would need to be canceled or Zayn would either have to leave the band for a while until the triplets are at least one or two. It was a tough decision really, and either option would mean disappointing the fans.

So Louis was waiting for Liam and Niall to come over and help him with the babies, he couldn't look after them himself as everyone knew that Louis would be incapable of doing that. Harry would be coming over too but he had to go visit back home to see his mum and his sister.

"You three are so pretty, take after your daddy."He hums and brushes a finger down Jensens nose softly and cooing whenever the baby opens his eyes and shows off his bright blue eyes. He smiles widely when a small kitten ear twitches from Prestons direction, Preston being nearly half asleep while Jensen was wide awake and Payton was somewhere between those lines as well.

"No, they take after their mummy."Niall squeals quietly from the door way of the master bedroom, grinning from ear to ear whenever he spots Louis and the three babies on the bed. He had ran from his own house all the way to here, abandoning Liam back at home. He was just too excited to be spending time with Louis and the babies that he couldn't wait for Liam to get out of the shower and instead took matters into his own hands.

"Hi Ni!"Louis half shouts, half whispers, holding Payton a little tighter for protection reasons. He doesn't know why but he feels this sort of protection over his daughter around Niall, maybe it's because Niall is a dog hybrid while Payton and Preston are both kitten hybrids. He knows Niall won't hurt them, but still his maternal side is acting up.

"How's my wee cuties?Hello there." Niall coos, picking up Jensen off of the bed and holding him up a little, pressing a kiss to the babies forehead before holding him similar to Louis.Preston makes sounds that he disapproves; he wants lifted too."Oh, c'ere babe,"Niall is able to scoop the third baby up into his arm and smiles down at the two brothers.

Niall and Louis alone manage to take the three babies down the stairs, setting them all in their own steady baby swings which sit a bit to the side of the livingroom but still in view. Niall is still staring at the three little miracles, he feels like a proud grandmother right now and all he wants to do is coddle Louis and make sure that he is relaxing.

"Niall, I'm fine!"Louis huffs and tries to shake the dog hybrid off of him as he his wrapped in a random dark blue blanket. It's the height of the summer and here Niall is wrapping him up in a large, fluffy blanket.

"I have to wrap you up all nice and warm and cozy and you relax and me and Liam will look after the babies."Niall presses a kiss to his best friends forehead lovingly which makes Louis' blush and giggle." Will draw you a nice, warm bath." He continues just as Liam is opening the front door with his hair still partly damp and a worried look on his face.

"Lou? Have you seen Niall?" He sighs tiredly, shutting the front door before he walks into the living room where he can hear the faint sound of the television playing and Louis giggling.Niall throws the rest of the blanket over his head and hides his face, his face pressed up to Louis' thighs with the blanket over the back of his head.

"Nope,"Louis shakes his head and then giggles whenever he feels Niall lick his naked thigh as he was just wearing shorts and a t-shirt.There's an obvious bump under the blanket and Liam rolls his eyes fondly before suddenly and quickly pressing his hands just where Nialls head is which catches the dog hybrid by surprise.

Niall jumps and shakes the blanket off of his head, a pout on his lips." I was cozy under their, I was so close to being inbetween Louis' legs if you didn't fucking do that and pat down my ears." Niall huffs and grumbles, a hand coming up to stroke at his own dog ears before he glares at his boyfriend, growling a little.

"Niall,"Liam snaps and then aggressively hand gestures behind him to where there is now three sleeping babies in baby swings." The babies? Keep things to PG,"He hisses, already feeling sorry for the three babies that are going to have to grow up in this lifestyle. Niall was a very bad influence on them, he was going to turn their little minds into something evil and dirty and he wasn't going to regret it not one bit.

Louis blushes and excuses himself so that he can go and pee, his blander still feels as if it's being squished by three babies inside of him so he needs to pee every change he can get.

He would never take back the chance of not being pregnant, he loves having his little babies and seeing how small and Adorable with their bright eyes and cute tails or ears. He can't wait for them to start talking and walking, wearing little shoes on their little feet and putting Paytons hair into pig tails and dressing his little boys into cute outfits. He wants to take them to the park, let them see the open world like Louis was unable to, he wants them to be protected from danger.

When he comes back after half an hour or so (he got preoccupied with this book that was on the floor of the bathroom and even if he couldn't read every word of it, he got distracted), Preston is crying. He frowns and then sighs deeply whenever he spots that Niall and Liam have somehow fell asleep, and still mange to sleep even with the high pitch cries of he eldest baby.

Liam was exhausted, He, Harry and Niall have been trying for months now and there's only so many times a guy can cûm before he's officially milked out and without sperm. It was like a constant cycle every night, and Liam was very close with just giving up; but he couldn't as he promised both Harry and Niall that they would try.

"Hey Preston,"Louis coos and gently picks up the crying baby, gently rocking him as he guves his other babies a look to make sure that they are still sleeping as he walks out of the livingroom. He doesn't want to wake Liam or Niall up, they look so tired and so cute all cuddled io the way that they were and he would feel bad if he did.

"Hey, calm down."He tries to soothe him, feeling miserably which makes him want to cry. He is currently walking around the bottom floor of the house, whimpering whenever he tries a calming down technique and it doesn't calm Preston down. He isn't hungry as Louis checked, and he doesn't need a nappy change either.

He as just being fussy today

The little attention seeker

"I'm here, look Mummy is here, shhh."Louis wants to cry, he has never had any of the babies cry this hard or this much whenever it was just him, Zayn was the one that dealt with them whenever they got too out of hand. "Please stop crying or you're gonna make mummy cry..."He bounces him a little in his arms, tears leaking out of the corner of Louis' eyes in frustration and sadness.

"Louis?"Nialls voice is calling through the kitchen where the kitten hybrid is crying, his ears down in his hair and his tail wrapped around his leg. Preston is in the same state and Nialls heart breaks as he rushes over and takes hold of Preston, resting him carefully before he does alot more calming move when he bounces him and rocks him.

Niall could sense there was something wrong as he slept, he could send that there was something wrong and something not right. It was only when he heard the sound of not one but two people crying was when he knew that one of those cries had to belong to Louis.

Louis cries harder whenever Niall is able to calm Preston down easily, shushing him gently and rocking him side to side.

"Louis bad,"Louis mutters to himself, falling into the third person speech due to his distress."Bad mummy,"he splutters and Niall is able to catch Louis' hand before he attracts his claws and slaps at his own skin in self-punishment. Niall has caught Louis doing that before whenever Zayn first bought Louis, he wants going to let him do it again.

"You're not a bad mummy Louis,"Niall smiles a little and holds Preston closer, pulling Louis into a side hug a little and letting the smaller boy burry his head in Nialls chest and sniffle."You're just a new Mummy the just needs to learn, babies cry but that's nothing to worry about."

Louis nods and sniffles again, looking up with those large tear filled blue eyes and then to his eldest son, a small watery smile on his lips.

He has a long way to go


This was as I said an ugh chapter

I hope you like the little descriptions of the babies and stuff and how one is Zayn,One is Louis and the other is Zouis :3

Give me your opinions





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