I'm noticing that everyone is slowly distancing away from his book and it's making me sad
I go from 40 comments plus per chapter to 9 okay...
(SIDE NOTE: I know I do this a lot but like I have a new Ziam, Narry and Nouis book all out so go and check them out ;))
Louis doesn't like this, there's strangers handling his babies and he has to be held back (literally) by Zayn and let them hold and coo at the triplets. It was bothering him, he didn't know these people well enough for him to handle his little babies, he didn't like people who he didn't know holding the humans/Hybrids that he made.
He doesn't mind that Liam,Harry,Niall or even Quentin holding the triplets but that's only because Louis knows them, and he classifies them all as his Family (I mean without them he wouldn't have a family). I mean Quentin and Niall has been just apart of Louis' pregnancy as Zayn has, Niall for one was like a second father, and Quentin was the one that actually helped Louis give birth and have been monitoring the triplets throughout the whole pregnancy.
Louis had sure to rub his scent all over the three babies, they smelt like Louis anyway (Niall had said, and also commented that it was a wonderful smell that he wouldn't mind bottled) But he did it just to make sure that they knew that they belonged to Louis and Zayn.
"Hey,"Zayn places a hand on Louis' lower back and presses a kiss to behind a a velvet kitten ear which makes it twitch."I'm keeping an eye on who is holding who, you should go take a nap."He has been noticing Louis yawning the whole time that Zayns family has been here, watching them with a hard glare.
He doesn't mind Zayns sisters, they are kind enough and welcomed Louis with warm smiles and one even going as far as going to hug him (Which Louis panicked about and ended up dodging because No touchy). There was currently Doniya, Waliyha and Safaa holding the babies, And really Even thought they weren't doing any harm to him whatsoever Louis still has to fight the urge to grab all three of them and keep them away from these strangers.
They don't smell like Zayn, and yes they may look like him, Louis still wasn't comfortable.
"No,"He says stubbornly and crosses his arms over his chest, watching as Preston fusses in Waliyhas arms. Louis won't sit down either, there is no place for him to sit down other than the floor and just because he is a hybrid and Zayns parents think that he should be treated like an animal, doesn't mean he is going to.
Holding his breath, Louis whines whenever he watches Zayns second youngest sister try and settle Preston by bouncing him up and down lightly. Preston Doesn't like that, you need to get up and walk with Preston in your arms for him to calm down. To calm Payton down you sway her side to side and to calm Jensen down your bounce him up and down lightly. Louis knows best, he is the mother after all.
"Waliyha, love, Preston doesn't like that."Zayn coos softly whenever the baby starts to brawl at his aunties actions of bouncing him in her arms. Zayns mum and dad have gone out somewhere, after the first hour of being in the house, Louis was going to claw their eyes out. He was no longer pregnant, and yeah he might still be vulnerable but he could pounce again and was willing to claw and scratch.
Trisha had insulted Louis upon arrival, Kat being behind him when opening the door to he the insult about his feline add ons and was quick to giving a snarky remark to the house guest. It carried on with how she started poking at Preston and Payton like they were going to bite, and commenting how Louis had destroyed what could've been beautiful babies with his feline ways.
Lucky enough Zayn has heard that, and had shooed his mother and father out of the house in no time, telling them they could return to pick up his sisters as they were their ride.
"What do you mean he doesn't like to be bounced? Most babies do."She threads her eyebrows in question because that was one of the only ways she knew how to calm down an infant. She hands the kitten hybrid baby over to her older brother in defeat when her actions result to more tears.
"Well, Preston isn't like most babies."He chuckles and presses a kiss between Prestons Kitten ears. Louis is watching from the side lines, he's hungry and he can tell that so are the babies which is why Preston is fussy (he can tell) but he doesn't want to leave the room to go and get food or milk for himself.
"Who are the godparents Zaynie?"Louis wants to hiss, Even if it was Zayns own littlest Sister calling his Zayn, Zaynie. Safaa is holding Jensen, the littlest baby and every time she jerks her arm or moves Louis can feel the breath leave his body, his eyes to clench shut and trying his hardest not to last out. He just has this awful feeling at the bottom of his tummy that she is going to drop him.
"Liam and Katherine are the godparents for Payton, Harry and Gemma for Preston and Niall and...And well Quentin for Jensen."Louis mumbles and rings his hands together, watching at Four pairs of eyes look around at him. The triplets are a month old right now, a month has passed and it doesn't even feel like a week ago that Louis gave birth to them. It was the end of September, Louis giving birth to the Triplets on the 26th of August.
They were a month and a half away from celebrating a year of Louis being bought
"So Jensen has two god fathers?"Doniya questions with threaded eyebrows, cooing at Baby Payton in her arms. Louis and Zayn both nod their heads, Zayn walking around the livingroom with Preston in his arms, his crying settling down once Zayn had plugged him with a dummy. " That sure is...Different."
Yeah it was different, that's what Zayn and Louis were aiming for. Also the fact that Zayn didn't know a lot of females other than his sisters, and Louis didn't really classify his mum as family no more. Zayn was never someone to obey the rules anyway.
"Yeah, how come I'm not a godmother?"Waliyha huffs, she feels pretty betrayed that her own brother didn't ask her to be a god mother, it was insulting. She was most annoyed that this was the first time she has seen her brother in over a year, as well as the first time seeing his Hybrid Fiancé.
"Or me?"
"Or I?"
There's soon a brawl starting and Zayn sighs in frustration, handing Preston over to his mummy who takes him with opened arms and smiles, pressing kisses to the top of his head softly. Louis' tail sways happily that he's able to hold one of his babies, purring quietly whenever he rubs his cheek on the baby.
"This,"Zayn snaps and motions between the three girls who all stop abruptly to look at their brother speaking."Is why I didn't pick any of you. If I picked one of yous, Then the other two would wonder why I didn't pick them."
Doniya runs her index finger across one of Paytons kitten ears, smiling whenever it twitches at the feeling. She feels like such a proud Aunty right now, she has three little, beautiful Niece and Nephews two of which have small little kitten ears and limp hanging Tails. She also has a new Brother-In-Law to be which is also a kitten hybrid and god, was he a cutie.
"What 'bou Louis' mum or family? Why not them?"Safaa asks and Louis stiffens a little at the mention of his mum, hugging Preston that little bit closer for protection.
"He doesn't really talk to his family,"Zayn answers for him, looking over at Louis and noticing the distant look in his eyes. Something else was bothering him other than the mention of his mum, Zayn could see it and it was bothering him that he couldn't read minds and find out what Louis was thinking.
He hasn't had time to tell his sisters, he knows that Doniya and Waliyha would probably know how Zayn got Louis and the situation he has been in so many times, it would explain all of the sympathetic glances. Safaa though, well she didn't know and Zayn would prefer that she never knows about the stuff that Hybrids like Louis have to go through, he wants to keep her mind pure.
The sound of Louis' tummy rumbling makes eyes look at Louis.
Zayn threads his eyebrows together, Louis can't be that hungry, he has watched him eat a stack of waffles this morning that Jean had made, and yeah they hadn't had lunch yet but it was one hell of a large stack for such a small hybrid.
"Lou, can I talk to you for a second?"Zayn asks softly whenever he passes Louis, telling him to hand Preston to Kat whenever she walks by him. Louis is complying, giving Preston to Kat hesitantly before he follows Zayn to one of the down stair bedrooms.
"What's up Buttercup?"Louis giggles, bouncing on the balls of feet. He seems a lot happier to be away from the surroundings of people, he's actually smiling which Zayn was missing as he hadn't smiled since his family arrived.
"Are you okay baby?You seem and it's scary."He says softly and steps closer,
Running a hand through Louis' Hazel hair and over a velvet kitten ear, continuing this action which makes him our loudly."I know you don't like them holding the triplets, but there's something else that is bothering you."
"S'nothing,"He whispers and looks up to him with big blue eyes.
"Hmm, nice try. You have 3 seconds to tell me or you'll get the hand when we go upstairs."
"No one talk to me,"He whimpers and shuffles on sock covered feet. It was true, no one was leaking directly to him, it was always through Zayn as if Louis wasn't in the room in the first place, and when he did speak they looked at him as if they were shocked he even has a tongue. He does, he has checked.
"Is that what's bothering you?"Zayn frowns and Coos whenever the kitten hybrid nods his head."Aw baby, you just feel left out, yeah?"He sighs and Louis is nodding again as he falls into the older males chest and noses at the black t-shirt he is wearing. Zayn always has that comforting smell around him, he just smells like home.
Louis' home
"They'll be leaving soon, don't worry."He whispers and kisses a kitten ear."Then I'll feed your little Tum Tum and we'll both feed the triplets Tum Tums and then we'll take a well deserved nap."
"I love you Zaynie, never leave please."Zayns breath catches in his throat. Leave? Louis thought Zayn was going leave? Why?
"Never going to leave,"He pulls back and presses a kiss to his cute small nose,"I love you too much."
Ugh I don't know what I'm writing no more but I'm still going to continue
Tell me your favourite part of this chapter?
Opinions on the god parents?
Protective Louis?
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