
Get me to 2K comments? (OH MY GOG THIS IS A BIG MILE STONE)

Also, help me reach 2K followers? I'm at 1.98K At the moment...

"Zaynie! Come look how cute they look!"Louis coos as he snaps another photo, then another, and of course like one more just for good luck and incase the other photos came out blurry from how movey Louis is as he takes photos. Louis squeals in adoration, fixing the little bunny headband that he has placed on top of Jensens head, the blue eyed babe smiling behind a fist at his mummy.

"Louis, c'mon. We need to get them into their- aw!"Zayns mood changes as soon as he spots what the cat hybrid has dressed their three children up in. Louis has set them so they are sitting on their diaper cladded bottoms against the long white dresser, Jensen dressed up as a bunny rabbit, Preston as a baby Lamb and Payton as a duckling all in the spirit of Easter."Wait, wait, I need to put this on Instagram."

Zayns Instagram was nothing more than photos of the triplets or selfies of Louis and Him. It was cringe worthy, toothaching sweetness that was sure to cause a cavity if you scrolled through Zayns Instagram for too long. Zayn is rushing back with his own mobile, crouching down so he can snap a photo of them three who are completely oblivious to what their parents are doing and only care for the fact that they're dressed weirdly than normal.

"Okay, that's enough."Zayn is chucking, stashing his phone away into his back pocket and taking Preston out of the shot whenever the eldest is squirming in frustration now. Zayn peppers his face in little kisses."We need to get them into their car seats so we can drive to the Venue."Louis sighs beside him, settling back onto his knees as he sets his phone down onto the wooden floor of the triplets nursery.

"You said we'd spend time together,"Louis huffs, scooping up Payton in one arm and Jensen in the other. His ears twitch as he rubs his nose against both of their cheeks, rubbing his scent over them while he does every time they around about to go out in public.

"We are, After the concert."Louis glares at Zayn because that's like a 3 hour wait Which doesn't include encores and whatever else could happen after the concert."It's a short concert, it's going to be the last for a year or so."It was sad, yeah, but everyone was either parents or parents to be which was a scary thing to think about. They needed to focus on being parents.

They were just taking a break

Zayn grabs the diaper bag which lucky enough parted folded out to be a changing mat, before he, Louis and the triplets were exiting the nursery to go down stairs. Louis is left to click the three into their portable car seats that slot into moulds in the car, while Zayn is collecting his wallet, keys and fresh bottles for the triplets and teething rings for them as well.

Louis sits in the passenger seat, turning around every so often to entertain one of the babies whenever they started to fuss, or climbing into the back rows (against Zayns wishes) to carefully feed one of them a bottle to calm them down. It's a long drive with over night bags just in case they have to stay over in Central London.

Zayn would like to stay, maybe take Louis to see the sights. It would be romantic.

"I know you love me! I know you care! Just shout whatever, and I'll be there!"

"Oh my god, kill me please, God."Zayn swears, stopping at a red light and banging his forehead off of the steering wheel because he'd rather much like to be impaled with a spear then listen to Louis sing Baby by Justin Bieber at the top of his lungs. Louis is still singing as he looks around at the triplets who are all actually simultaneously giggling at their Mummys singing.

Louis looks away and Zayn is changing the radio station quickly to another, Louis whirling his head around to hiss at Zayn for changing the station before the song had finished, eyes turning into slits.

"Louis William, don't you dare make me punish you. I will stop this car and bend you over my my lap."Zayn is threatening, watching as Louis' eyes turn back to his normal blue, crossing his arms over his chest and rolling his blue eyes because all he was doing was having some run and then Zayn had to rain all over his Parade!

"Your Daddy is being such a meanie, isn't he?"Preston smiles behind his dummy at his Mummys words because whatever Mummy says must be funny all of the time."See, Tony agrees with me. You're being a meanie."Louis sticks his tongue out teasingly at Zayn who continues to its drive, soaring a glance at Louis whose tail keeps trailing Zayns side.

Zayn is parking behind the venue for easy access to the backway to avoid any messy business with Fans and for the safety of the triplets who are drifting in and Out of consciousness. Zayn is carrying in two car seats while Louis with another, diaper bag swung over shoulder and ears hidden in his hair as they walk just in case a fan appeared out of nowhere.

Louis was in full Motherly defence mode in case something bad, his hazel cat tail curling around the Handle of Payton's carrier as he walked with her, not wanting anyone to touch his little girl if anyone came near them. Zayn guides them through, nodding his head at security and listening to instructions to get to the changing rooms.

"You know the rules,"Zayn sets the two carries that contain the twin boys onto a long comfy plush setting, turning them outwards so that Preston and Tony can look out into the changing room."You stay in here, you don't leave, you don't open the door to anyone but Me, the guys or Paul or Paddy. There's a bathroom in there,"Zayn points his finger to a second door,"Food over there and also a microwave to heat up the bottles."

"Okay, Zaynie."Louis is giggling, smiling whenever Zayn is pulling the cat hybrid in by the waist to press their lips together in a sweet kiss. Lips tangled, Louis allows his soft tail to wrap around Zayns waist, hugging them both close as they kiss. Zayn is pull away, rubbing his nose against the skin of Louis' neck."Tickles."

Zayn kisses Louis' neck softly, humming against the skin and closing his eyes as they just enjoy one another's embrace. Louis buries his face in the material of Zayns shirt as fingers drum against Louis' hips."Kitten, you have to let me go so I can go and get changed and get my hair done."

"Don't wanna let go. Stay."Louis' words are mumbled, whining whenever Zayn is tugging away, pressing a soft kiss to Louis' pouted lips before he's kissing the triplets foreheads and leaving to go and change into his assigned outfit and for Lou to do his hair.

The hybrid huffs as he sits down, alone in the dressing with only the triplets to keep him company and even at that they've fallen asleep due to all of the driving. Louis yawns, rubbing at his eyes as he peers down at his own pink hoodie, the hood flipping up to reveal bunny ears the match the pink bunny rabbit face.

"Aw! Look at those cuties! Jennybear is a bunny rabbit just like his mummy, and Payton is a little Chickie! Look at Tony! He's a lamb!"Louis looks up at the voice, surprised to see that the door is open and that a heavily pregnant Niall is standing in the door way.

Louis is startled by Niall's appearance, blue eyes wide and ears hidden into his hair as his eyes land on Niall. Niall is walking into the room, pregnancy bump neat and round with a hand rested on it out of habit as he fixes the headband on Jensen as it was drooping off."I saw the photos on Zayns Instagram. The fans are nuts about these guys,"He lightly pushes Prestons Dummy back into the babes mouth.

Louis stays silent, torn between wanting to pounce at Niall with hugs and kisses and to never let go or crying at Niall to leave because he'd rather be on his own than in the same room as the man that got him in trouble and then proceeded to throw their friendship out the window with his nasty words.

"Louis?"Niall calls and he watches as the kitten hybrid looks away and trails his index finger over Payton's knuckles."I've missed you, Y'know? It's been so boring, like I mean I love Liam and Harry and all but God do they talk the biggest load of bullshit!"Niall chuckles to himself, watching as Louis stiffens his own laugh at the dramatic ways of Niall.

Niall circles round so that he's sitting beside Louis, already dressed into his outfit and has his hair styled and fluffed ready for the concert."I know you probably hate me or something, I know that Zayn does, but I want to tell you that I'm sorry for everything that I said over the phone. I was tired, pregnant, grumpy."Louis nods his head, understanding because he was pregnant and he was all of the above.

"I miss my best friend,"Niall pathetically whimpers, ears low as he teasingly lets his nose sniff at Louis' kitten ears, making it tickle the hybrid and for him to giggle.

"I missed 'ou too."Louis whispers, throwing his arms around the dog hybrid beside him, cautious of the baby bump that Niall is holding."Be careful please,"Louis places small hands on Niall's baby bump, looking up at the fake blonde with big worried filled eyes.

"Don't worry about me,"Niall chuckles as he shakes his head,"I'll be sitting for some of the concert and it's only like 7 songs and then the next group is up."Niall is running his fingers through Louis' hazel hair, missing their little touches and talks."This little guy in here is a kicker, I'm telling you that."He grabs for Louis' hand, moving it for the curious kitten hybrid to feel the kicks of the life form growing inside of him.

Louis gasps, eyes lightening up whenever he feels the baby kick and he's instantly smiling."H-he must like me!"Louis giggles whenever there's another kick.

"Hmm, must do."Niall smiles warmly, less guilt in his stomach now that he knows he's forgiven."Stuck on names, well, last name more like. The guys want to get married, but even at that none of us can agree on a last name. The struggle of being in a poly relationship I guess."Louis just nods even if he has no idea what Niall is saying, too focused on the little kicks that he feels.

"C-can I be Godfather?"Louis timidly asks, shying away a little for asking such a question.

"Of course! I wouldn't have it any other way, you're my best friend!"Niall sounds appalled that Louis would even question that."Your speech is excellent now."Louis nods because it was true, his speech had improved so well. Preston fusses in his carrier, Louis reaching over to pick he eldest baby up into his Arms.

"Thank you,"He whispers, kissing Prestons nose whenever he blinks up at his mummy with those blue eyes with golden brown specks around the Pupil.

"Well, I 'ought to go."Niall is sighing, getting up from his seat with struggle but refusing to receive help because he was stubborn like that. The pregnancy was a roller coaster, emotions and worries about the babies health and Niall's was included in that package."We'll talk later, love."Niall kindly presses a kiss do Louis' forehead before he too is leaving to go out on stage.

"Everything is okay, right?"Louis is standing the kitten hybrid dressed up as a lamb onto his lap. Preston looks confused at the new position."Mummy and Daddy are g-good,"Louis tries to tell himself but he isn't all that sure if he's being honest. Zayn is always so busy."Little brother is good,"Which was true, there were no improvements but nothing was worse,"And Niallers baby is good."He hopes.

That was a shitty way to end a chapter, I'm sorry aha but like I wrote this rushed because I fell asleep a slime I'm nearly falling asleep right now.

But Niall and Louis made up! Who's happy about that?

I know that you're all desperate for smut and you'll get it, okay?! Next chapter! I promise!!

Give me your opinions on this chapter




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