Your Not Ready!

Summary: Tony tells Peter he's off the team, when an old friend comes back and takes Peter.

Third Person:

The group just got back from a mission, everyone was fine. A few bruises and broken bones, but no one really made a big deal about it. They all went to the medbay, got everything 'fixed'.

Tony: Hey Pete, could we work in the lab, i want to show you something.

Peter: Um, ok sure.

The two left the group and walked into their own lab. They worked for a little, Peter didn't do much as he had a broken arm. But that should heal in a couple hours.

Tony: Peter, are you ok?

Peter was kind of taken back by the question, but didn't think much of it.

Peter: Im fine. What do you mean?

Tony: I don't know if i want you going on any missions anymore.

Peter: WHAT?! Why??

Tony: Because you got hurt today!

Peter: Yea and so did every one else! He shot back

Tony: But I'm talking about you right now.

Peter: Mr. Stark, i have a broken bone. And because of my speed healing, it will be good in a few hours.

Tony: But what if you were more seriously injured? Pete i can't have you die.

Peter stayed silent, unaware of what to say.

Tony: Im sorry, but i don't want you going out on missions anymore.

A silent tear slid down Peter's face, he couldn't believe it.

Peter: Fine. Kick me off the team because i got a broken arm. Is that really all that its about? Not about the fact that I'm a kid, that I'm 16? Or do you not trust me enough. You know what, i don't care what the other reason is, or if your just being really over protective.

Tony: Pete-

Peter didn't let him finish his sentence, he just walked out of the lab. As he walked to the elevator, to leave the rest of the Avengers noticed him.

Nat: Hey Peter, where you going?

Peter: Home.

Steve: Aren't you staying for dinner?

Peter: Not anymore.

Clint: Why?

Peter: Look, i have to go. But if you want answers, Tony knows all the reasons. pause. Oh and also I'm not an Avenger anymore.

And he left.

The team didn't know what to do or say, they stayed silent for about a minute before Tony walked into the room.

Nat: What did you do?! She said directly at Tony

Tony: What are you talking about?

Clint: Oh I don't know, about the fact that Peter just left saying he's not an Avenger anymore.

Tony: Ohh that.

Tony didn't continue just walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and then walked back in.

Steve: So what did you do?

Tony: Look guys, don't get mad but i told Peter he's not allowed to be going on anymore missions.

Bruce: How come?

Tony: Cause he got hurt today.

Steve: Scoff. Yea who didn't? Tony out of all of us, he's the one with super healing.

Tony: Yea i know, but he's 16. 16?! And.. i just don't want him out there right now.

Nat: Did you tell him that? Or did you just tell him he's off the team?

Tony: Shit.

Steve: Language.

The team rolled their eyes and gave a light chuckle.

Peter Walking Home: (Btw this takes place while the team had their talk)

Peter's POV:

I can't believe it. Mr. Stark just kicked me off the team. For a stupid reason. Why did he? Is he just being protective, i know he cares about me, but id never try to get hurt.

As I'm walking and thinking about Mr. Stark, i feel a sharp pain in my neck. I lift my hand to it, and end up pulling out a dart.

Peter: What the- and then i passed out.

I could feel myself being picked up or dragged but i couldn't see, whoever this is might know I'm Spiderman?! No. No they couldn't, their just being sure. Right?

Darkness consumed me entirely before i could do anything else.

The Tower:

Third Person:

Tony: Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y. could you call Peter please?

Everyone was sitting on the couch together.

FRI: Im sorry sir, but it seems as thought Peter's phone has been turned off.

Everyone was confused.

Tony: Um, do you know if he turned it off.

FRI: Im not sure, but i happen to be very worried for Peter, as to what was last scene happening with him.

Steve: What was the last thing you saw happen with him?

Now everyone is on the edge of their seats.

Friday put up a video, security footage, on the TV.

Tony: Play the video.

The team watched as Peter was walking down the sidewalk, when he stopped abruptly. Putting his hand to his neck, that seemed to grab a dart like object. And then he fell. They watched as a couple figures walk into view and drag Peter out of sight.

Tony: FRI, reverse the video. silent. THERE! Can you identify who that is? Worry evident in his voice.

FRI: Im only able to identify one of the men. His name is Adrian Toomes.

Tony: Dang it.

Clint: Who's Toomes and what does he have to do with Peter.

Tony: Have any of you heard of The Vulture?

They nodded.

Tony: Peter fought him last year, and i guess he managed to escape jail. Hey, FRI can you tack Peter anyway?

FRI: He appears to have his suit with him, i can track that if you'd like.

Tony: Yea please, and hurry who knows what Toomes can do to Peter.

Back of the Van (With Peter):

Peter started waking up, since that drug they used wasn't very powerful.

Toomes: Good the spider is waking up. He's the only one in the back with him.

The van seems to not be moving as well, so their at their destination.

Peter: W-what do you want? After finally coming to and recognizing Toomes.

Toomes: Shh. he said as he placed duct tape on Peter's mouth. I don't need you talking right now.

Toomes grabbed Peter quickly and very roughly as the vans doors opened. The second they were stood infront of the building, Peter knew where they were. The Avengers Tower. They walked in and everyone took action the second they saw Peter. But Toomes quickly cut them off.

Toomes: You guys do anything, and the kid dies. You alert the police or the avengers, and he dies. Everyone got that?

They all nodded slowly. Most of them knew Peter and really wanted to help but they feared that if they did it would only hurt him more. Toomes and Peter went to the elevator, with the pass Toomes took off of Peter, they went to the Avengers level.

The Team:

Tony: Have you found him yet FRI?

Friday: It seems as though Peter is in the elevator on the way up here.

You could all hear them sigh in relief, thinking that Peter had been able to get away. The elevator dinged and they turned around hoping to see just Peter. Their eyes widened with seeing Toomes, holding Peter still with an arm around him, and his other hand holding what looked to be a type of knife to his throat. All while Peter had duct tape over his mouth.

Toomes: Nice to meet you all. sarcastically

Tony: Alright Toomes, what do you want? Let Peter go and we might give it to you.

Toomes: Oh no you can't give me what i want. What i want is to see this kid hurt, like he hurt me last year.

Clint: Look he's just a kid, you said so yourself, let him go.

Toomes: Yea a kid that has super strength and is part spider. He can take so much more than i normal kid.

Steve: That still doesn't make it right!

Toomes: Yea well guess what avengers, your gonna listen to what i say or the little spider gets it. Ok?

Everyone was very hesitant but ended up nodding.

Toomes: Great.

--Time Skip--

Now everyone was tied up, first it was Peter and then the rest of the Avengers. They all really wanted to punch Toomes in the face, but opted not to because of Peter.

Once they were all situated the way Toomes wanted he went back over to Peter and ripped off the piece of duct tape.

Toomes: Now how should we start?

Peter: Look Toomes. I don't know how you got out jail but you can't do this.

Toomes: Why? Im just getting pay back for you making me lose my family.

Peter: I did not make you lose your family.

Toomes: Your the reason my wife and daughter moved to Oregon.

Peter: You did that yourself.

Toomes: I did what i did for my family, not to them. You know i could just take you to another warehouse Pete.

While everyone was confused, they saw/heard Peter shaking his head and whispering 'no please don't'

Toomes: Aww you don't want to experience that again?

Tony: Experience what again? finally breaking his silence

Toomes: Hmm. Seems as though your good buddy Peter didn't tell you everything about our battle last year. I may or may not have dropped a warehouse on him.

Peter saw all the Avengers eyes widen. Great, Peter thought.

Tony: What? he whispered under his breath

Toomes: Hmm i thought you told them everything... Pedro.

Thats what started it, that name, started the panic attack.

Peter felt like he couldn't breath, his throat closed up and couldn't get new air. Everything around him went fuzzy until he felt like he was back there, stuck under the warehouse.

It wasn't until Tony and the others started yelling 'PETER' That he came back to reality. He snapped back and began wheezing for air, feeling relief when he felt it.

Tony: Breath Pete, your ok, your at the Tower. he said soothingly, now in front of him.

Turns out Natasha had a knife hidden with her and was able to cut the ropes she was tied with while Toomes was distracted. She easily knocked him out and then untied the others, who quickly rushed to Peters side and untied him while trying to calm him.

Peter collapsed into Tony's arms and cried. He didn't care how he looked to the others he just cried. And Tony returned the hug and said soothing words to him. Tony also told the others silently to leave and that he'd catch them up later.

Tony: Your ok Pete. Adrain won't hurt you every again alright.

Peter Nodded.

Tony: But i am gonna have to have you explain things to me. Is that ok?

Peter nodded again. And once he calmed down, he started to explain 'homecoming'.

Peter: Well, when i left homecoming i tracked him to a warehouse. And i thought i had him. But of course he was a few steps ahead. His wings came out and i thought they were trying to attack me but instead they were going after the support beams. And i realized it to late, and it collapsed on me.

Tony's eyes widened and were glossy as though he wanted to cry.

Tony: Why didn't Karen, your AI, alert me?

Peter: I didn't have the suit remember? You took after the ferry incident.

Tony: Oh my god, Peter I'm so so sorry.

Peter: Its ok, not your fault.

Tony: Come on, you need to get some sleep.

So Tony helped Peter up to his room and lay him down on his bed. As Tony was going to leave, Peter grabbed his arm last minute.

Peter: Could you maybe stay. At least until i fall asleep?

Tony: soft smile. Of course kiddo.

And Tony played down beside Peter, who was fairly quick to lay his head on his chest and fall asleep. Tony didn't mean to but he also ended up falling asleep.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There we go. Another one shot, hoped you liked it. Until i write again :).

-Samantha <3

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