7. The Wrong Door

At this point, I write this out of my own pure enjoyment, whether people read this or not, I have a lot planned for this fic and I'm gonna fucking write it.

"You're going out with him again?"Dallons eyes are wide as he watches Pete rummage through chest of drawers and coming in and out of their wardrobe dressed in different shirts and jeans. Each outfit has looked good on Pete, from classy trousers and a shirt to the defatted shorts and a large hoodie bit no matter if Dallon and Ryan thought good of the outfit, nothing was deemed acceptable enough for Pete.

"Why not again?"Pete frowns, holding out some sort of band t-shirt to their torso, looking at it on themselves in the floor to ceiling mirror that's on the back of their bedroom door. As much as they've been dating Mikey for well over a month now, Pete hasn't gotten to the stage of their relationship where they can just show up on a date wearing sweat pants and some hoodie with a week old pizza stain on the front of it. Pete has to atleast look like they've tried to get a good outfit together.

And thinking about it, it doesn't seem like they've been dating for so long. And it's not even that long in relationship standards but to Pete, it's incredibly long. Mikey is Petes first official boyfriend because sure, they've had flings with a couple of guys and apparently that one guy called Dave from camp whenever Pete was 12 doesn't count as a boyfriend but whatever. So it's a pretty big deal and Pete is making sure that they don't fuck it up.

"Maybe because you've been out with him every day of this week?"Ryan raises his eyebrow from where he is, swinging in Petes desk chair with a leg hooked over one of the arms and a rolled up blunt between his slender fingers.

"I was out with you guys yesterday!"

"Before you cleared off for dinner with your boyfriend."Ryan uses his mocking voice, nose scrunched up as he brings the blunt back to his lips, skilful with it as always.

"Jealous, George?"Pete smirks, eyebrow raised and looking particularly dangerous in a sort of sexy way that makes every every muscle in Ryan's body tense up despite the weed in his system. Dallon cackles from his place on the bed, head tipped back with a laugh at how embarrassingly pink Ryan has went.

"Of course not! I can get any guy or girl I want!"

"He's just upset because he's the only single person in the group now."Dallon smirks, stuffing an Oreo into his mouth.

"As if I'd want to have any of your fucking weird relationships. Your dick is locked up so tight I'm pretty sure breezy makes you wear a cock cage and Pete seems to have been hit in the ass by Cupid. Look! They're sniffing Mikey's jumper right now!"

"I am not!"

"You are, you fucking weirdo!"

"He smells nice, leave me alone."Pete pouts, hugging the jumper back to their chest as they flop down onto the bed because Dallon dramatically."But you wouldn't know that because you've never been in a relationship."

"At least I haven't bent over for every guy that has had a big cock."Ryan snaps, flaring up with embarrassment at being the only one to not have a boyfriend or girlfriend. It's not like he doesn't want one or that he can't get one, the problem is his he just doesn't have the time or the commitment. Or maybe there's something else holding him back.

"Which isn't all that many, but how would you know."Pete snorts, now wearing Mikey's jumper and zipping it up. Pete looks ridiculous in the tight light grey hoodie but they aren't going to let a thing like size get in the way of smelling like Mikey Way.

"We get it; Pete is a slut and Ryan is a virgin-"Dallon starts off, waving his hand in the air as he tries to dismiss the entire conversation because honestly, watching Pete and Ryan argue like an old married couple is not on the top of his list of things he likes to do.

"I'm not a fucking virgin!"Ryan shouts his protests, ready to get up from the desk chair and start a mini riot in the bedroom, or what Pete likes to call, a hissy fit because sometimes Ryan Ross can be the biggest girl out there.

"Sure, and I'm fucking Johnny Depp."Pete snorts with a handful of potato chips into their mouth, speaking with their mouth full in a totally unattractive manner.

"Like he'd fuck you."Ryan snaps, eyes hard with a glare that would make anyone else afraid but Pete knows Ryan too well and they know that the dw that Ryan lays a hand on Pete Wentz is the day that pigs start flying. Because Pete Wentz might be the biggest bitch in the planet but Ryan loves them and Pete takes full advantage of that.

"You'd fuck pe-"Dallon lets out a rather loud screech as a book is suddenly whirled his way, causing the lanky teen to roll off the bed and land hard on the bedroom floor with a groan. Pete is scrambling to the side of the bed, peering at Dallon and then to Ryan who's all wide eyed with shock.

"I didn't mean to do that."because honestly, Ryan aimed for Dallons shoulder, not his face.

"Yes because throwing dictionaries is the normal way to react to confessions, huh?"Pete rolls their eyes, peering down at Dallon and throwing the book off of Dallons slowly bruising face, slapping him in the face."Ryan would fuck who? Tell me."

"Nobody. Ryan would fuck nobody because he's a virgin."Dallon groans, rubbing at the growing bruise on his face, half way between assaulted that Ryan hit him with a book and embarrassment because he should've seen that coming from the moment he opened his mouth.

"You're fucking useless,"Pete slumps back onto the bed with a dramatic sort of groan, chest rising and making the unsteady zip fall down mid chest from the tight strain. Turning their head to the side to look at Ryan,"And you're fucking nobody."

"You're both dicks, I'm leaving."Ryan gets up from the chair so hard that it nearly topples over, leaving the dudded out joint in a make shift ashtray on Petes desk as he grabs his jacket and keys for the motorcycle.

"Wait! Can you drop me off at Mikey's house?"Pete is sitting up, spilling the packet of crisps onto the bed not that they care as they roll off the bed onto Dallon as they look for a pair of shoes that are clean enough to wear over to Mikeys house.

"Move it,"Dallon pushes for Pete to get the fuck off of him.

"You know you love my ass in your face,"Pete wiggles their butt for a second with a smirk before moving, grabbing a pair of black vans that have been hidden under their bed since last year. They're dusty and probably a size too small but Pete doesn't care.

"And why would I do that for?"

"Because Dallon can't drive, I can't skate for shit and I'm also too lazy to walk."Pete grins innocently up at Ryan, hazel eyes big and round and smile wide and pretty. Ryan meets the eyes with a hard, no shit taking glare."And because you love me of course and you can't stand the idea of me waking to Mikeys house on my own."

"I hate you,"Ryan sighs in defeat because it's true.

"Love you too, ryro."


"How did you not cry!"Pete shouts dramatically, looking between the television that's sitting on Mikeys desk and to their boyfriend who is yawning behind them, arm circled at the waist of Pete and looking incredibly bored. Mikey's room is incredibly cramped and fitting them both onto Mikey's single bed means that they're almost sandwiched together, not that either of them seem to mind.

It's not only them in the house, but also Mikey's older brother Gerard, somebody who Pete has seen not a lot of over the last month which they aren't sure is a good or a bad thing. From what Pete has seen and talked of them, Gerard is on the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to personality with Mikey, being shy and reserved rather than talkative and boisterous that Mikey can be.

But they're a good guy and have a sick taste in music which Pete can appreciate no matter who the person is.

"Because I'm a man?"Mikey raises an eyebrow, ejecting the Cd from the player with the remote control, switching to some channel that's showing the latest news reports for background noise.

"Ha!"Pete cackles, peering up at Mikey from beneath their eyelashes, a hand coming out to pinch what little muscle that Mikey has on the bones of their arm."Your lack of muscles makes that heart for me to believe."

"Hey! I work out!"Mikey squawks in offence at the accusation, yanking his arm away from Petes grip with heated cheeks and thunderous eyes.

"Aw babe, sure you do. I believe you."Pete tries for a sympathetic type of voice, patting Mikey on the side of the face with a cheeky grin on their face. When Mikey pouts in return, Pete makes it their effort to roll over and peck Mikey's lips in small affectionate little pecks until they feel Mikey grin against their lips."Happy now?"

"A bit,"Mikey mumbles against soft pink lips, hand sliding down Petes side and under the waist band of their jeans and boxers, resting their hand on Petes butt, pulling them closer to their body."Now, that's better."

"As much as I love that your hand is on my butt,"Pete allows a little smirk to form on their lips, pecking Mikey's lips one more time before saying,"I really need to piss."

"How charming,"Mikey rolls his eyes, patting Petes butt before rolling onto his back. Pete lets out a little laugh, pecking Mikey's lips with a small little hum before rolling off the edge of the bed and out the door, doing a little butt wiggle just for Mikey's amusement and blushing scarlet at the wolf whistle that follows.

Coming back from the bathroom, Pete checks themselves over in the hallway mirror, running a hand through their untidy hair which just messes it up even more, unzipping Mikey's hoodie that they're wearing to reveal the thin top underneath. Yeah, they look good. With one more glance at the mirror, Pete is pushing open the door that they're expecting is Mikeys, stopping dead in their tracks when they find themselves blinded by colour.

The room is larger than Mikey's, a sort of baby blue painted on the walls and a series of different bright and pastel colours around the bedroom, from the carpet to the bedding and anything else that Petes eyes land on in the bedroom. Pete feels as if they've just walked into a child's bedroom from the stuffed toys that are dumped in the middle of the single bed and the colouring books sprawled on the floor, the only thing stopping that thought is Gee, Mikey's older brother sitting at his desk.

"Oh!"Gee exclaims whenever they notice Pete standing in the door frame, mouth slightly ajar and eyes a bit unfocused, not knowing where to look. Gee is closing their art folder hesitantly, turning in their chair."Can I help you with something, Pete?"

"Uh, this isn't Mikey's room."Pete replies dumbly, wanting nothing more but to hit themselves in the head for such a slow reply.

"It's not,"Gee laughs not unkindly, pointing out behind Pete with his index finger."Mikey's room is across the hall. Easily mistaken, we have the same doors of course."He smiles and it's such a small, pretty smile that it makes Pete a little less embarrassed for walking into the wrong bedroom.

"Oh, um, I like your teddies by the way."Pete points out quietly as they're about to leave Gee be and stop bothering the art student, because honestly, some of Gee's teddies look really cool and extra soft, way better than the ones that Pete use to have as a kid.

"You do?"The smile is replaced with a radiant grin, jumping up from his desk chair and racing over to his bed, picking up a stuffed toy at random and showing it to Pete with no embarrassment whatsoever."This is Frankie."

"It's a Hippo."Pete deadpans dully.

"It's Frankie."Gee insists, hazel eyes hard as they shove it forward, making sure that Pete sees he stuffed fat hippo.

"You name them?"

"Don't you?"Gee looks incredibly offended, a little gasp to his voice because how could you not name your stuffie?"

"When I was a kid, I just had a dog called Dog."Pete shrugs their shoulders, bottom lip stuck out as they self-consciously reach out and rub their finger and thumb at one of the soft velvet ears of one of the stuffed toys. It's a bunny rabbit, light brown with a white tummy and pink nose.

"That's unoriginal."He snorts, setting Frankie back down into the pile and straightening a dark green stuffed frog so that it's not leaning into the pink teddy bear and squishing her.

"You called your hippo, Frankie."

"After Frank."Gee points out very defensively.

"That's not very original either."Pete is now the one to snort, picking up the stuffed rabbit and squeezing it around the stomach. It's soft in touch and squishy, big enough to wrap your arms around and something good to cuddle with.

"He bought me him on our first date."Gee says quickly, a sense of pride in his voice because he can remember the day as clear as it was yesterday the day that Frank had went out of his way to buy the stuffed hippo for Gee the minute he seen it in the toy store window. It has made him blush to his ears and still does.

"Oh,"Petes cheeks tint pink in embarrassment once again, ducking their eyes as they set the stuffed bunny rabbit down onto the bed."That's cute, I guess."

"It is cute,"Gee agrees with a proud little smile that makes Pete smile in their own sort of way too. Gee is pretty cute, endearing actually and Pete likes them for the fact of how open that they are with all of their flamboyant colours and stuffed toys laying out in the open of their bedroom.

"Here, me and Mikey were going to order some pizza. You want to join us?"Pete offers, sending a smile over to Gee's way whenever they notice the way that Gee lets out a little sound of surprise at the offer.

"Sure,"Gee smiles,"Let me just finish this small art piece and I'll be down in a second."

"Great,"Pete leaves Gee to finish what it was that they were doing, going to tell Mikey of their new plans for the evening,

Yeah, Pete wants to know more about Gerard Way.

Please tell me what you thought of the chapter!

On Gerard?

What do you think Ryan is hiding?

What's your opinion on Mikey and Pete?



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