4. Weed, LSD and Not All White Powders Are Cocaine
Ahhhhh thank you for 60 votes! Trying to aim high for this fic, and hopefully it will be as popular with votes and comments and I know that Brendon. Is!!
Hoping to get to 100 comments before chapter 10! Can you all make that happen?
Losing Ryan in the sea of drunk and high teenagers isn't the worse thing in the world to happen to Pete, mostly for the fact that Pete seems to do well on their own rather in a crowd ( because as much as Dallon likes to call them a slut, Pete finds flirting in front of a crowd of other people to be extremely uncomfortable ) and if it wasn't for losing Ryan, Pete mightn't have bumped their way into Mikey Ways chest.
As much as Pete has feared that Mikey Way would end up to be some type of unbearable creep that just wants to wiggle himself into Petes pants, or further more shove his tongue down their throat, Mikey is by far the furtherest from that type of person. In fact, from what Pete can piece together on their short encounter is that Mikey Way doesn't exactly have a lot of experience in that department.
Not that he isn't nice looking, because Pete finds themselves oddly attracted to Mikey in ways that they can't even come to describe, and his personality goes miles ahead of his appearance, but all of his actions seem hesitant, steady and careful whenever around Pete and honestly, Pete finds it endearing. The way that Mikey has such a flirty persona around him, but deep down, incredibly shy of touch and affection.
"So explain to me again your situation, again."Mikey is looking incredibly puzzled as he looks down at Pete who has seemed to make their head pretty damn comfortable on Mikeys lap, despite how bony that the lap seems to be. There's a roll of spliff captured by Petes pink lips, barely an fog of smoke escaping as they inhales and passes it back to Mikey.
Pete had allowed themselves to be dragged bs m through the kitchen that they'd just fought through and out the backdoor into the more secluded back garden. Mikey seemed to know the house better, as well as the people occupying the party which seemed a bonus whenever he had made everyone who was in the back garden flee back inside.
The rickety and rusting old bench is on the verge of collapsing and it's incredibly uncomfortable to sit on but it's a good place to smoke weed uninterrupted and chat.
"I don't like using male or female pronouns. There's not much to explain."Pete shrugs at their shoulders, bringing a hand up to scratch at the side of their nose.
"So what way do people address you? What do I refer you as."
"They, them, their. Gender mutual expressions I think the term is. I think I saw it somewhere where you call it non-binary but I could be making it up."The research that Pete has one was dodgy to say the least, mostly for the fact the 2007 isn't the year just to express yourself, but to find yourself as well and that's what people like Pete are doing, which leads to non-binary articles to be very vague from what Pete can find.
"And everyone addresses you as such?"
"My friends do; Dallon, Ryan and Frank. Everyone else just considers me as some type of basket case head-bin, opting to be something special and original."Pete grumbles bitterly, rubbing a hand through longing jet black hair."It's not my fault that's the way that I feel. Nobody can tell me different on who or what I am."
"I agree."Mikey nods his head and taking a drag from the joint between his long fingers."You be you and don't let anyone change that."
"You be you,"Pete repeats the phrase, blinking up at Mikey who brings the joint up to his own thin lips."And that's alright? The whole, I don't like to be addressed by male or female pronouns type of thing?"
"Doesn't bother me at all."Mikey gives him this sort of smile that oddly makes Petes stomach do these weird flips and backflips, something that makes the smaller of the two squirm which goes unnoticed by Mikey whose lips tug with a smirk."And anyway, I've seen much weirder things, and I know much weirder people."
"That reminds me of something,"Pete starts, looking up at Mikey who raises at eyebrow in a sort of way to tell Pete to continue."What's the jist with your brother, because jet me tell you something, I've known Frankie since he was in diapers and your brother is not the type that he often runs after, then all of a sudden he's got a gem like Gee on his arm and his tail between his legs."
"You don't know?"
"I don't know what?"
"Figured you would, seeing you're so close to Frank."
"Mikey, He's been dating Gee for the last 3 months. We didn't even know his name until this afternoon."Pete deadpans in all seriousness because being close with Frank isn't something a lot of people are. Sure, Pete knows him, he hangs with him on the odd occasion and they take turns on the latest sale of Weed or LSD around the high school courtyard, but they aren't close."Go on, tell me what I don't know."
"Oh, I can't tell you that."Mikey smirks, taking a second hit without question before pushing his falling glasses up his nose with a long index finger."That ain't my place to say, but I tell you this, it's a peculiar type of relationship."
"More peculiar-"Pete makes quotation makes in the air with their fingers,"-that Dallon and Breezy's relationship?"
"Don't know them personally, but I've heard the rumours. She's the controlling bitch, Dallon is her little sex slave."
"Bingo."Pete reaches out and pokes Mikey on the nose, an action that would've had their hand swatted at of ot wasn't for the fact that Mikey is so unbelievably smitten for Pete at this moment in time."They're the whole reason why I dread to be in a relationship. I'm not going to let someone have complete control of my life and my dick, nope."
"So you're saying you wouldn't be interested in a relationship?"
"Oh, I am, but I'm not allowing myself to be put into the position that Dallon is in, where he's too scared to speak up for himself but too scared to leave her."The relationship makes Pete cringe all over.
"Would you be a relationship with me?"
"We've just met."Pete deadpans, sitting up from where their head has been rested on Mikey's lap, brushing falling dark hair from their eyes. Their pale cheeks are now tinted to a soft pink blush, one that runs over the bridge of their nose and up at their ears."And besides, you have to take me on a date first. I'm not a whore."
Despite what he growing rumours around their high school are suggesting, Pete isn't no slut, and defiantly not a whore. Sure, Pete is able to snag a couple of good guys into bed on the of night out but just because they've slept with more than a number of people in a span of a month does not mean that they're a slut, it just means everyone else is incredibly prudish and inexperienced.
And fuck Ryan Ross with his bet with Joe Trohman. That doesn't help Petes case either.
"And what about the moment that we're having now, doesn't that count for something?"Mikey raises their eyebrow at Pete, stuffing what's left off the blown out blunt into the front pocket of their jeans.
"Sharing a joint in the back garden of some teenagers house party does not count as a first date. No matter how much of a good time that I'm having with you."Pete admits fondly, eyes darting away from Mikey whenever they see the lanky teen give them a sort of smile that makes their stomach all weird feeling again.
"Well I'm happy to hear that-"
"Pete! Where the fuck have you been? Frank just got caught trying to sell a gram of flour as fucking cocaine to some junior and the guy thought it was the proper stuff and he's called the cops."Ryan is shouting frantically and it's only know that the pair sitting out in the garden are noticing of the lack of music coming from the once booming house, now replaced with frantic feet and shouting to get out of the house.
"Pete."Ryan stresses, giving a panicked look into the house behind him before marching across the small yard and yanking Pete up onto their sneakered covered feet."I'll meet your new butt buddy another time, right now, we have to go."
"I-"Pete opens their mouth to protest against Ryans actions but decides against it. Getting arrested for being associated to Frank Iero isn't on the top of Petes list of things to do tonight. Turning to Mikey,"If you want to take me out on a date, I like seeing really bad romantic comedies and make fun of them from the back of the cinema. Pick me up at 7 at the skatepark on Monday."
And before Mikey can even utter a word of agreement or disagreement, Pete is being dragged back into the house by Ryan and through it. They're grabbing their helmets that had been dumped in a plant pot on their way into the party and onto Ryan's motorbike that had been left half way down the street.
Ryan and Pete are making their way out of the street, flooded by teenagers on their own way home after the urgency to get out just as the police sirens are being heard from behind them. A lucky escape, one that a night at a party with Frank Iero always seems to end in.
"What gave Frank in his state of mind to try and pawn off fucking flour as coke. Is he deranged? The cunt lost me a good roll of spliff."Pete is grumbling loudly into the leather material of Ryan's jacket, incredibly sour with how the night has ended.
"But you snagged yourself a date with Mikey Way, didn't you?"He has to shout over the noise of the motorbike, as well as what traffic is on the road from where the party was being held and Petes house.
"Offered him one, doesn't mean he'll show, does it?"Pete grumbles pathetically into Ryan's back, arms hugging around his middle to stop themselves from falling."He's better off not showing up anyway, could do with better than Pete the slut."
"First, nobody calls you that. Secondly, he'll show up. He's the one that came searching for you, wasn't he? Not all guys go looking for another guy that they'd only saw once without even speaking to them. You're obviously something special to the guy."Ryan says, stopped at a traffic light.
"And thirdly?"
"You're fuckable. Of course any guy would be willing to date your cute ass."Ryan smirks, stopping outside of Petes house."And fuck your cute ass as well."
"Aw stop, you're gonna make me blush, Ryan."Pete is getting off the motorbike, nudging Ryan in the side half heartedly with a playful smirk and wink.
"Fuck off, Pete."
"You coming? Moms working until morning and dad is on a business trip."Pete is motioning at the house that stands behind them, dark and empty from the outside and equally the same on the inside from Petes perspective."I've got root beer in the fridge and I'm pretty sure I've got some weed stashed in my sock drawer. The good kind, not the shit that Frank tries to sell."
"Maybe another time."Ryan gives Pete a sort of sympathetic smile, kicking the motorbike back to life which seems to disturb the quietness of the street that they've upon."I'll see you Monday."
"Yeah, see you Monday."Pete calls after the motorbike, feeling their stomach drop a little in disappointment of Ryan's rejection. They find themselves standing on the edge of their drive way for more than 10 minutes after Ryan has left before turning around and walking into the dark and empty house that waits for them.
Yeoooo a longer chapter! I'm proud of myself for being able to write over 2000 words 😂
Please leave me your opinions on that chapter and how this fic is currently going!
What's your opinion on Pete and Mikey bonding?
Your opinion on Frank?
What's your dream date?
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