13. Lesbians Can Say The C Word
So MCR is back and that's a thing? Cool.
Welcome to the Roaring 20's bitches
"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz!"
"The third."Frank calls up the stairs after a fast paced Gee, skipping two stairs at a time up the stairs after a brief Hello to a very confused Dale Wentz who had no idea who this Blood Red haired teenager in a pastel skirt was and had no time to query it either before they had stormed into her home and up the stairs. Frank had been abandoned on the door step, forced to smile and apologise for his boyfriends frantic behaviour before following Gee's direction to Petes bedroom.
Dale Wentz has watched as these two teenagers ran up her stairs to her son, the front door left ajar and a hand on her hip. She had only met Frank a handful of times and even when she did it didn't take Pete Wentz long to be shoving their friends out the door. Dale has yet to figure out if Petes frantic pushing was to prevent Dale from embarrassing them in front of their friends or for their friends to prevent embarrassing Pete in front of their mom.
Either way, it wasn't the strangest thing for Dale to have witnessed today.
"The Third!"Gee attaches quickly as he runs into Petes bedroom, leaping at the figure on the bed who stirs and moans at their rudely interrupted sleep. There's a Gee sized weight slumped over their body, hands cautious but curious because Frank had only told him that Pete was hurt badly, he didn't say in what way.
It had taken 2 days for the news to finally to travel to Gee about what had happened and it hasn't came from Frank, or Pete, or even Mikey but from Ryan Ross himself. Gerard had not spoken 2 words to the guy but he did know just how treasured Ryan was to Pete and he seriously wondered how Pete would feel if they had known Ryan went behind their back like this. But it was for good reason.
Gee was utterly perplexed when he had awakened that morning to find a text from an unknown number buzzing his phone, squinting at his screen as he read the messages explaining what had happened to Pete, what Mikey had done, how Pete refused treatment, how disastrous the entire situation was. All signed off by Ryan Ross. To say that Gerard Way was angry was an understatement. He was furious. Gerard Way may be sweet, delicate and sometimes vulnerable but you do not want to mess with his friends.
"Your poor beautiful face, look what he's done with you. That bastard."Gee's voice goes from kind hearted and sympathetic to a venomous spit, his eyes hazel eyes thunderous and Pete has truly seen their friends go through emotions they never thought they would this week. Petes eyes aren't even fully open yet when there's fingers gracing over the bruised skin of their nose, tensing and hissing at the pain. "Why didn't you go to the hospital."
It's not a question. It's a demand. It's a 'if you don't give me a good enough reason, Frank and I will drag you by your ankles to the hospital!'.
"I can't be running to the hospital every time I have a cut or a bruise, I'd never be fucking out of it, Gee."
"It's not just a bruise! It could be broken!"
"If it doesn't feel better in a week, I'll go."Pete shrugs it off, mostly because they don't want to deal with the fuss, another part of them not wanting any more attention to be drawn to their nose. Pete has seen how they look, so battered and bruised and broken. Their nose is bruised and swollen, eyes casted in a shadowy bruise, skin broken out in a rash that's appeared from crying, from blood, from scrubbing at their face too long in the bathroom in hopes that the bruises are nothing more than dirt.
"That's not good enough."Gerard pouts and it's a look that would fool Frank, or maybe Dallon because Dallon is always a sucker for a cute face, but it doesn't fool Pete. And to be honest, it just makes them angry. And they don't know why.
"No offence, Gee, but if I didn't listen to Ryan or Dal about going to the hospital, what makes you think you'll change my mind."It's so unlike Pete, or maybe it is so like Pete, Gee hadn't known them long enough to truly know, but it's not the Pete that they know. This Pete is full of pent up anger, of hurt, of pain, annoyed with being told who they are and what to do, without structure but needing it too. It's a Pete who is bruised.
"Because I know things about you that they don't. That's why."Gerard doesn't even flinch at Petes tone of voice, keeping a stance of solidity and nonsense, not allowing Petes stubborn or rudeness affect him. They stare each other out for a moment, hazel meeting hazel, both with an unruly amount of stubbornness and it's only when Frank finally makes it up the stairs is when Pete looks away.
"Get off of Pete, Dove."Frank sighs upon seeing how Gerard straddles Pete uncaringly, motioning for his boyfriend to roll off of them.
"What took you so long?"Gee makes a show of huffing as he flops off of Pete, landing beside the pink haired teen on the bed, fixing his skirt which rides up with the action.
"I was apologising. You nearly knocked Petes mom flying."Frank explains, throwing his jacket over a chair next to Petes desk. Their bedroom is weirdly very tidy and Frank is surprised, mostly because Pete looks like they would live untidily.
"Sorry."Gee avoids looking at Frank when he apologises, hands clasped on his lap.
"She's use to it. Ryan and I fight all of the time and 9 times out of 10 my mom is in the middle of it."The other 1 out of 10 is when Dale Wentz isn't around and Dallon has to put on his big boy pants and deal with it.
"What did you tell your mom?"Frank asks as he sits on the bed, making sure to keep his distance from Pete but not too far away that it makes Pete feel like they're too fragile or delicate to be next to. He's not stupid, he had seen the way that Pete had tensed when Ryan and Dallon came near them, but he had also seen the tears in their eyes when Frank had talked to them in that gentle, reserved tone and just how close Pete was to breaking.
"That Ryan crashed his motorbike and I was flung onto the road. I wasn't going to tell her the truth so it was easier just to throw Ryan under the bus."She didn't believe it, Pete doesn't just think that, they know that. Dale Wentz may hate that Ryan rides a motorbike and that her son is all too keen to jump on the back of one but she knows just how safe of a driver that Ryan is and how much of a smother that his own mother is.
Pete hadn't told her the truth for numerous different reasons that night that she came home from her shift, exhausted and longing for a bath to rest her aching bones in, and the number one reason was that they couldn't bare for her to look at her the same way that Ryan, Dallon and Frank had looked at them in the bathroom. Eyes full of pity, concern, worry. Petes mom has enough worries and problems to deal with, never mind a troublesome son.
"Mikey's a cunt."Gerard is curt, voice dry.
"What? It's true!"
"I know it's true but that doesn't mean you can call him a cunt."Frank looks over at his boyfriend, shaking his head because as much as it is true, it doesn't give Gerard the right to use such language. And that's coming from someone who swears like a sailor.
"Lindsay says cunt all of the time, why can't I?"He begins to pout because that's just not fair!
"Well, y'know, she's a lesbian, she can say that word."Frank waves his hand awkwardly as if waving his hand will magically allow for his lie to become true. Lesbians can say the word cunt without prosecution, it's law, and you heard it here first.
"I'm sorry but are you confusing lesbians with British people?"Pete questions, sitting up on their elbows now that Gee has climbed off of them, body still sore and bruised but starting to become uncomfortable lying in the same place. Pete is becoming to feel a bit like a pent up lion in a cage. They need out. They need to do something. Something reckless.
"Oh, you'd love Lindsay! She loves to swear, smokes like a train, hates Mikey and we use to date. You really gotta meet her, we could do coffee or go shopping or-"
"Wait- you both use to date?"They interject Gee's rambling, holding up a hand in shock, eyes wide and curious.
"Oh yeah, we were the cutest couple ever. Until of course, I told her I was Gay and she told me she was a Lesbian then we became the cutest friendship ever."He looks proud of himself and he is proud of himself because their relationship was doomed from the start but he was able to retrieve a friendship from it, one so precious and dear to him.
"That's- that's so mature of you both."
"I guess."Gee shrugs his shoulder, eyes casting to have a look around Petes bedroom. He's never been in their room before, hell, he's never been in their house before either. They usually just hang out in his room 'cus it was where all the stuffies and little stuff was, and it was also a good cover up if Mikey came looking for Pete and it just looked like Pete had been waiting on Mikey the entire time. "We were friends before we started dating and I guess there was something in me that wanted to repress my true feelings towards being Gay that made me want to date her, to cover it up, and I guess she felt that same attraction. I still care for her, I still love her, but that's because she was there for me before anyone else was. She's my best friend."
"I know what you mean."
It's all that Pete says because they've truly went through their own mixed bag of emotions over the last couple of days, brain overthinking too much, eyes glossed over with threatening tears. It's been a horrible couple of days and Pete just wishes to curl up into a ball and for someone to rub circles into their back, whisper to them that all their problems, worries and fears will be taken away.
Pete is more angry than sad now. They're not even angry. They're some sort of emotion that Pete can't even begin to explain, one that comes from a deep betrayal, or one that's surfaced after days and weeks and months of feeling degraded, belittled, unloved and is only finally finding their footing in the world after being kicked to the curb. They want to resurface from the ocean floor, find their centre again, be a buoy instead of an anchor, float instead of sink.
But it's not that easy. And that's the worst of it. It's not easy, period. They want it to be easy, to just get up, roll their shoulders and crack their neck and for all of their problems to be dealt with. They want to feel like themselves again, not this emptying husk that Mikey has left behind. They want to feel weightless, to not care about responsibilities or complicated feelings and inflated egos and...and...
"I don't know what to do."Pete finally speaks up after what must've been awhile because Frank has gotten their busted television set to work and Gee is wholeheartedly engrossed in a colouring book that he must've brought with them. Gee is the first to look up, setting down the crayon they were colouring with.
"We can help you, silly."
"I-I don't know what I need."Pete admits quietly and suddenly, it doesn't even feel like they're speaking at all, that their mouth isn't moving, that their voice is not their own. It's as if Pete is watching from the window, or the door frame, standing watching as this person on the bed mutters and sniffles and speaks. So small. So little.
"Hey, it's okay."Frank speaks softly, sitting back onto the bed, his hand half way out to settling on Petes knee before he retracts it again, biting their bottom lip. He gives Gee a questioning look, one that is met with a tentative nod before they continue. "You don't need to do anything, if that's-y'know, what you truly want."
"You can, relax, if you want to."Frank tries to emphasis, looking somewhere between hopeful and desperate for Pete to understand what he is trying to intend. Pete blinks at Frank for a second or two before it finally clicks, recoiling a little as if they've been shot.
"I don't need that. No. I don't."They shake their head rapidly because no thanks, it's okay, they're fine. They don't need to relax, as Frank so kindly put it, and they don't want to either. Just the thought of it makes something in Pete feel so frozen.
"Pete, honey, we all know that you do. It's not healthy to bottle it up, especially after what you've been through."Gerard is gentle with his words, trying to speak from his own experience. He's never had to endure a beating before, but he knows how damaging arguments and words can be.
"I said I don't need that. What part of that don't you understand?"The anger builds, it bubbles and boils and Pete just can't help it. It's coming from somewhere deep, deep within and Pete can't control it.
"Okay, that's fine."Gee is grounding, he's control and soothing as he runs a hand down Petes arm and when he isn't shoved off, proceeds to drape his body across Petes own, holding the teen. Petes body doesn't tense, it doesn't flinch or freeze, but relaxes. It feels good to be held. "We'll just lie here, yeah? And Frankie can go and get us McDonalds, doesn't that sound good?"
Only took me 4 days into 2020 to update so I'm gonna take that as 2020 is my year to finally get my groove back, yeah?!
Please tell me what you thought on the chapter! All comments are loved and welcomed and motivate me greatly!
Peace ✌🏼
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