11. Ryan Ross Has Issues With Hats and Pete Has Pink Hair Now
What's up my fab5 that read this fic. I come with a shorter chapter because the next chapter is gonna be when things go tits up for our favourite Pete and I needed this wee chapter to build up to things and how Ryan and Dallon are a bunch of assholes but wonderful best friends and all that jazzzzzz
Winter break is almost over, I've a SHIT TON of work to be doing so this may be the last update of winter break. HAVE FUN AND ENJOY MY LOVELIES XX
Look at cute my boy is in this GIF ❤️
"Why are you wearing that hat?"
"What hat?"
"The hat on your head."
"I'm not."
"I'm not fucking blind, Pete."Ryan scoffs as he gives the smaller a hard stare, one that all but makes Pete roll their eyes as they reach for a book from their locker and proceed to stuff it into their open backpack. Pete had started off their morning rather happily, having a toaster waffle for breakfast and being dropped off to school by their mom on the way to work. It was a good start to a hopefully good day.
And then Ryan Ross has spotted them sauntering happily down the corridor and decided that no, Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz, you shall not have a good day, never mind a good morning. How dare you! How dare you think that, and how dare you wear a hat!
"They're also not wearing make up."Dallon also points out rather quietly, almost as if he's trying to whisper the other lack of addition that usually makes up Petes attire.
"Thanks, Dal."Pete turns their head to glare at their very tall friend, wanting to instead question why he isn't skinning puppies for his girlfriends coat but is instead bombarded with more questions by a very hyper looking Ryan Ross.
"Why aren't you wearing make up?"Ryan now questions, his curiosity now turning into one of concern and worry."The last time you didn't wear any make up your dog had died. Holy fuck, did someone die?"
"If someone died, don't you think I'd be planning a funeral?"
"Right, true, true."He nods understandingly, a hand under his chin as he looks away in thought before he gasps out loud, his arm coming out and whacking Dallon in the face as he launches himself at Pete, starling them as they grab their shoulders."Oh my god, are you dying? Is that why you're wearing hat? Do you have cancer? Are you going bald-"
"Holy fuck, shut up!"Pete slams their locker shut, turning to stare at the two idiots that they call their best friends who have both seemed to inch much closer to Pete than they had before, almost pressing them tight into the vivid red lockers."I'm not fucking dying and nobody fucking died. Can't I change my appearance every once in a while without Ryan crying to the fucking Pope to announce the news?"
"But your wearing a hat! You never wear a hat, you call them fashion suicide every time you see me wear one and say that the only people that wear hats are losers or Jazz artists, which is sometimes the same thing-"
"For fuck sake-"Dallon reaches over to end this madness and before the shortest can squawk their protests, the hat has been yanked off the top of Petes head and reveals the bright mess that is their hair, vivid pink. Everything seems to stop for a moment or two, with Dallon and Ryan gawking excessively at Pete and their bright-fucking-pink hair and with Pete and their bright-fucking-pink hair having an almost deer caught in dead lights sort of look.
"Why couldn't you just be bald."Ryan mourns pathetically, his eyes unmoving from staring at the cotton candy hair that Pete Wentz now possesses, unable to understand what would drive his best friend into doing something so outrageously un-Pete like.
"I know your fucking gay but calm down."
"This is not a gay thing, Dal."Pete gives the unreasonably tall teenager a very pointed look, their arms crossing at the chest.
"Are you going to get your nipple pierced next?"Ryan inquires next, leaning in to ask the question as if to keep it private but his voice booming in the unusually quiet hallway, causing heads to turn in their direction and Petes face to heat.
"Is that associated with being gay?"Dallon asks.
"I'm honestly more curious if they'll do it or not, to be honest."
"I'm not getting my nipple pierced!"They seethe, face a roaring red.
"Come on, spice it up a bit. There's only so much you can do with gay sex, dazzle up your nip-"
"Nice hair, faggot. Did your boyfriend dye it while you had faggot sex?"Someone passing jeers, lip turned up in a snarl.
"He did and it was fucking amazing. Tell your dad thanks for last night, sweetheart, he really knows how to have faggot sex."The smirk on Petes lip remains as the expression on their face changes and all of a sudden Pete has themselves pushed into the locker behind them and Ryan Ross is standing in their way, a arm out to stop the teen jumping Pete.
"Whoa- Calm down! Pete was joking, they didn't mean that. You didn't, right Pete?"Ryan is widening his eyes when Pete fails to answer, motioning his head back to where Ryan has his hand out to stop the teen from launching at Pete. Pete shrugs. Ryan rolls his eyes."See? Move along."
"Stop initiating fights, you'll get yourself killed one day."Dallon pushes at Petes shoulder lightly, making them bump their back into the lockers behind them, only adding to the glare they give the taller teen.
"Just put your fucking hat back on, homo."Ryan shoves the beanie into Petes chest, giving the ugliness that is Petes very bright hair one more disgusting stare before he averts his eyes and meets Dallons eyes instead. The two seem to share a look that isn't as discreet as they think it is, causing Pete to cross their arms over their chest once the hat is back on their head and covering the pink mess of hair.
"Are you going through a midlife crisis?"Dallon asks gently, lowering their head to speak to Pete and a genuine look of worry and concern on their face, much different than the one that Ryan had wore just moments ago when freaking out about Petes hat and lack of make up.
"What? No! What makes you think that?"They splutter, hazel eyes widening in alert and a heavy feeling weighing on their chest that Pete hadn't really noticed before until now. And maybe they had noticed it before but Pete is awfully good at pretending that certain things don't exist sometimes, or ignoring things that shouldn't be there, and now that Pete feels it, it makes them feel terrible. Awful. Miserable.
And it's a type of feeling that Pete is familiar with because as much as Pete had ignored it, Pete had still felt it. It's that type of feeling that you only feel darkest depth of the night, where you're tossing and turning and you can't sleep and the bare paint of your bedroom ceiling seems to be the only company you have, and feels like the only company you'll ever have. And my god, Pete has felt that before.
And now it's coming back to them now.
"Exhibit A-"Dallon knocks the hat on Petes head, causing it to slide off.
"Stop knocking off my hat!"
"Exhibit B-"Ryan is coming to point at Petes face and the lack of make up that's on it just as Pete moves their head forward to fix their hat.
"Ow! Are you five?"Pete flinches into the locker behind them when Ryan's finger comes and pokes them in their left eye, a hand flying up to cover the injured pupil as they wince in pain because Jesus, that had hurt more than Pete would like to admit that it did.
"We worry about you. We think there might be something wrong."Ryan seems to mimic the same look of concern of Dallon and it makes the weight on Petes chest seem 10 times heavier now than it had before because to see that type of look of Ryan's face hurts so much more than Pete had ever felt it would.
"You just poked me in the eye!"
"Besides that."
"Look, you and Mikey-"Dallon tries to start with the main problem at hand, besides the point of Pete Wentz and their outrageously pink hair that was a new problem that Dallon had never expected to have to tackle. Ever. A problem for tomorrow.
"Are fine. We're fine. Guys, really."
"When was the last time you saw him?"
"Yesterday."Which was true, in a way because Pete had seen Mikey Way on their way home from school, waiting at a bus stop with a load of his friends who Mikey had never really introduced Pete to and Pete hadn't really wanted to get to know either. The circles that the two ran in were completely different and as much as Petes circle was not elite, it was still of a higher standard to a certain degree. Mikey has seen them, it was clear, they had made eye contact as Pete walked on the other side of the street. They had broke eye contact. Pete had phoned Mikey that night. He hadn't answered. He tried.
First bell begins to ring and the three of them look at one another momentarily, in Dallon and Pete is first period together whereas Ryan is in a different class. Nevertheless, they usually walk in the same direction and Ryan and Dallon are already heading in that direction when Pete speaks up.
"I'm going to the bathroom."
"Pete-"Ryan turns just as Pete does, walking in the opposite direction.
"I don't know where your fingers have been Ryan Ross, I'm not taking any chances."They call over their shoulder.
"You'll miss the start of first period."Ryan frowns.
"And I might loose an eye, which is worse?"Looking down the hallway to where the bathroom is, Pete stops and gives their friends a look, a loose sort of smile on their lips, left eye closed from the poke to it."I'll be 10 minutes at the most, okay? Stop worrying about me!"
And they turn, grabbing the straps of their backpack as they speed down the hallway towards the bathroom just as Ryan and Dallon have each other a look of concern.
Dramallama is the wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and I cant fucking waiiiiiiiiiiiit
Anyway! Please tell me what you thought of this chapter? I really loved writing this because I love all of the banter but it is also a good mix on how things have already really started to change for Pete and how they act and ohmy god I'm fucking excited.
I have so much planned, I have little Pete coming soon again
Your thoughts on Pete and their pink hair? Why do you think they died it?
What is going on with Pete? Any ideas?
On Dallon and Ryan? What are your thoughts on those wee babes?
Peace ✌🏼
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