1. A Guide On Deep Throating: Deep Throat A Carrot
Well looks at that! It's nearing the end of June and just as a promised, I am starting this wonderful little fanfic/spin-off/Prequel to the on going fic 'Brendon.' And I cannot wait to get started on writing this. So much banter, fluff and tears. Good luck!
While mid writing this, I had to stop and think and realise that writing this with Pete, Ryan and Dallon being 18 means that the year is currently 2007 at this point and like holy shit, that was 10 years ago. I was fucking 8 wtf
My baby is so cute
"Why are you so fucking heavy?"
"I eat too much and shit too little. It's a medical condition."Pete pouts from their position on Ryan's back, pretty comfortable with being carried around by their best friend who is panting for breath at the extra weight that he has to carry.
"Then tell me again why I'm the one that has to carry your fat ass on my back?"
"Because you love me and you couldn't abandon me in the skatepark with a sprained ankle because the crackheads always look extra rapey this time of night and I'm too pretty to die."Which is true, in Petes eyes anyway. Pete may or may not have been trying to impress a bunch of cute guys on the otherside of the skatepark as they tried out a couple of tricks on their board, something which resulted in Pete tripping and spraining their ankle.
"You're too ugly to be fucked by a crackhead."
"Guys! Can we please get back to what we were discussing before I stab myself in the neck with my biro-pen with your constant flirting."Dallon cringes at the pair, his face scrunched up in a sort of disgust because the idea of both of his best friends flirting, nevermind fucking, is an image that will forever stain Dallons unfortunate mind.
"Look, all I'm saying is that you shouldn't tie yourself down to somebody this early in your life. You're young, and handsome and...young!"
"You already said that."
"I'm just emphasising what I'm saying."Pete tries to explain, looking at thier best friend hopelessly with a loud sigh, resting their head on Ryan's shoulder with their arms looped around Ryan's neck. As much as Ryan is finding it rather difficult to breath right now with the extra weight of Pete on his back, Pete is finding the position extra comforting and doesn't mind being carried about like the king that they are.
"You have a great personality?"Ryan tries to help out, huffing out a puff of breath as he hoists Pete further up his back to stop the teenager from falling.
"Thanks."Dallon huffs, stuffing his hands into his pockets in a huff with the way that Pete and Ryan made it out to be that his personality is the worse in the world.
Dallon truly is a wonderful person, with a heart too big for his body and would put anyone's life in front of his own. That was just the problem. He thought to much about other people instead of himself, and with that type of problem, it made him openly vulnerable in ways that people didn't see.
"We aren't saying your personality is bad, because it isn't. We're saying that it's better than Breezy's, which by the way, isn't hard to beat."Pete snorts, gripping tighter around Ryan's shirt whenever the teenager nearly falls as he tries to walk up onto the pavement.
"You both keep attacking her, she has a wonderful personality!"
"Dallon, I saw her yell at a puppy last week. A puppy!"Pete gasps as if he's hurt himself, mourning the poor puppy.
"A golden Retriever puppy."Ryan adds on with a curt nod and a pinched face."She yelled at one of the most loveable dogs in the world, and yet you still defend her!"
"Maybe it crapped on her lawn, you don't know!"Dallon finds himself defending her even though deep down, it makes his heart ache that she had shouted at such a defensive puppy. It's ridiculous the kind of the lengths that Dallon will go to defend his girlfriend, even thought she'd do nothing for him in return.
"Are you kiddin-"
"Look, I need to go to work. I'll see you tomorrow."Dallon makes a show of looking at his watch and shaking his head, handing over the skateboard that he was carrying to Pete to hold. Before either Ryan or Pete can shout for Dallon, the long legged teen has already made his way half way down the street in the opposite direction than Pete and Ryan.
"He's fucked."
"He's in love."
"Same thing."Pete scrunches up their face, shaking their head into Ryan's shoulder. Being fucked and falling in love is the same thing in their mind."He's a numskull. Why would you even choose to fall in love with a wicked sea witch like her?"
"If he wants to be with Breezy, then we're just gonna have to come to accept it. It is his life after all."
"If it's going to affect our friendship with Dallon then it's our life. I don't want to be having guy nights in and for Dallon to either pussy out or bring his pussy with him."
"Okay first of all, guys nights always end up with you crying over the last guy that you slept with and left you in the morning so it might as well be a girls night."Ryan snorts as they reach Petes drive way, walking up the path with Pete still on their back like the loyal as fuck friend that he is."And second of all, never say pussy again in your life. It doesn't sound right coming out of your mouth, homo."
"I can say whatever I want, you're not the boss of me."
"Whatever. Pass me your keys so I can unlock your door."
"It's open. I forgot to lock it this morning."
"You're going to get your house robbed one of these times."
"If you're going to be a dick and jinx it like that, then of course I will. Now hurry up because I want ice cream."Pete whines, doing a little jolt on Ryan's back which nearly causes the taller teen to stumble forward and break his nose on one of the statue ordainments that Mrs.Wentz keeps around the house for decorative purposes.
"You can get it your damn self, I'm not your fucking slave."Ryan huffs, throwing Pete off his back whenever he's next to the sofa in the livingroom. Pete screams as their thrown onto the sofa, a pout defiantly in place for being thrown in the first place.
"Ryan! Please!"
"I'm not a rabbit."Pete glares, slumping onto their side on the sofa and ready to sleep here until dinner time. Both of Pete's parents work late, which in some cases is a good thing as it allows Pete that extra length of freedom than the rest of their friends have, but it always means that Pete has had to grow up a lot quicker than they should've.
"Are you sure? I've seen you deep throat a carrot before."
"One time! Show me a video of a rabbit deep throating a carrot and I'll give you a million bucks."Because they honestly regret having that bet with Dallon a couple of years back on who had the better gag reflex. Pete had of course won that bet.
"That sounds like a challenge that I'm willing to accept."Ryan smirks, making a mental note to find that type of video just so that he can rub it in Petes face not to make stupid bets like that again.
"Just bring me the tub of Ben and Jerry's from the freezer and then you can abandon me."Pete mourns pathetically into the couch cushion, listening with the way that Ryan lets out a frustrated sigh and storms out of the room, returning soon later with a tub of ice cream, 2 spoons and an ice pact.
"You're so dramatic, I hate you."Ryan sighs, handing the ice cream and spoons to Pete who takes them greedily. Ryan is taking off Petes dirty converse and throwing them to the side, being a good enough friend and letting Pete rest their feet on their lap, resting the ice back on Petes swollen ankle.
"You love me really."Pete smiles around a mouthful of ice cream, eyeing Ryan from across the couch. And it's such a genuine smile, one that reaches all the way to Petes eyes and causes the corner of their eyes to crinkle and for their smile marks around their mouth to deepen in that way that Ryan is always fond of.
"I do, but I also hate you for the things that you make me do."
"Love you too, Ry. No homo though."
"Full homo though."
"A little but homo though."
And there's your first chapter!
Please tell me your opinions on the first chapter and what your impressions on everyone is! I know that you already know a lot about the characters from 'Brendon.' But it's good to see a more deeper insight to their friendships and how they interact (:
Your opinion on Dallon and Breezy's relationship?
On Ryan and Petes friendship?
Question: How old were you in 2007?
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