Chapter 05 || Surprises


"an extra lip peircing and one on the eyebrow," hayeon hums, writing the details down in her notepad and nods, thinking of more potentially attractive things to add in the character. she had seen people being covered in tattoos, their chest, arms, neck and some even got it on their back and abdomen. it looked cool honestly but only to some extent, so she decides to keep it concise.

"tattoos in one arm," she nods with this and moves on to further thinking of a signature mark that make this character stand out, and that one detail would let the readers know that he is not to be mistaken for anyone else in the story. "a scar?" she nibbles on her lip, nodding slowly, "yeah, of course he's a criminal. he could get a scar from some previous fight."

after jotting down some basic eye catching details, she leans back on the chair, staring at the wall, busy brainstorming some great names for the criminal, but nothing appeals to her no matter how much she tried. from the last two days, all hayeon was trying to do was get a good name for the character.

her thinking is interrupted eventually with the ringtone of her phone, making her groan in annoyance, although the disruption turns into a smile when her eyes see her father's contact appearing on the screen. she answers the call instantly, getting up from the chair and lays on the bed, smiling at the screen, "hi dad,"

"hey, how's my little girl doing?"

"i'm good, very good actually! how are you?" she chirps, settling the phone with the support of a pillow and lays on her stomach, resting her elbows on the bed and her chin on the palms.

"i'm doing great, just thought i should talk to you, it's been a while and you didn't seem like missing me." the father says, making her pout and shake her head quickly.

"no, i miss you! i just didn't really get any time to call you,"

"i know, it'a alright," he smiles at her, "where's taehyung?"

"work," hayeon shakes her head, "ah by the way, my birthday is coming, what's my gift?"

"hm, i actually called you for that, sweetheart,"

"really?" hayeon gasps, breaking into a huge grin, "yes! tell me!"

"when will you grow up?" he laughs, shaking his head at his daughter while she shrugs, "listen, i was thinking if you could come home for a few days? y'know celebrate your birthday here and some awesome daddy-daughter days like before?"

hayeon covers her mouth, smiling too wide and nods quickly, "yep! i'd love that! i'm missing you so much dad,"

"i know, hayeonie, that's why i'm saying come home." he says, "and it would be great if taehyung could come with you as well."

"that's pretty hard. he rarely ever stays home, so i don't think he'll come. but i'll definitely ask him."

"sure do," he nods, "anyway, what have you beem up to lately?"

"uhm should i tell you?"

"of course, no secrets between us kiddo,"

"i'm writing a new book," she whispers with a giggle and the father gasps.

"ah that's great! i'm getting the first publication, and no bad stuff."

"no bad stuff, captain!" she grins, saluting to him. before she says anything more, the doorbells rings, bringing a frown to her face for she didn't expect anyone at this time. "dad, i'll talk to you later, someone's at the door."

"ah okay, call me after talking to taehyung. i'll arrange the tickets,"

"okay, bye," she smiles, waving at him, "love you dad,"

"love you too, honey, take care."

she hangs up quickly, heading down the stairs straight to the door. a gasp leaves her lips, stumbling a few steps back on having a big bouquet of flowers jumping right in front of her face along with a bunch of smiling yellow balloons. then there's a crackling sound and confetti is being sprinkled on her from above leaving her nothing but confused.

the flowers and balloons which were initially hiding a person's face behind them, lower now and reveals a smiling taehyung, making hayeon smile too, hugging him tightly, "i thought you have work," she mumbles in his embrace.

"i did," he nods, kissing her lips briefly and hands her the flowers and balloons. "but i had to be here, happy birthday in advance my love."

"what?" she laughs, glancing between his face and the flowers, "but it's still almost two weeks early, tae."

"i know," he enters inside, taking her to the living room and makes her sit on the couch, himself kneeling in front of her, "you're going to busan for a few days, your dad-"

"how do you know that? dad and i were just talking," hayeon frowns, getting a wink from taehyung, letting her know that they already planned this, "ah whyyy? you both always team up and leave me alone!"

"too bad you can't change that," he pats her cheek and smiles, "you'll be leaving in two days, your dad has arranged everything there. have the greatest birthday and be a big girl,"

"twenty-one!" hayeon cheers, "i'm so happy!"

"yeah, and for the big day i have a big gift for you. but since you won't be here, i guess i'll wait for you to come back."

"wait... you're not going with me?" hayeon stares at him, not getting any response from him which makes her sigh deeply, pushing the flowers away and leans closer to hug him, "no, i wanna go with you,"

"i'm sorry, baby. not this time,"

"please...? it's my birthday, and you don't say no to the birthday girl,"

"ah i see, but please try to understand sweetheart. i can't come with you for that long."

hayeon stays quiet for a moment, nodding slowly and pulls away, staring at his face with hopeful eyes and she contemplates before putting forth a little wish, "can i ask you something else then?"

"sure, anything you want," he nods.

"please try to come on the day of my birthday at least, just one day?" she tilts her head, trying to smile a little, but ends up looking down, "...or a few hours maybe?" taehyung stays quiet, just staring at her comprising her wishes, giving a last try, "okay, fine, you can call me at least?"

"you're so cute," he chuckles, kissing her lips and cups her face, "i'll be there, now smile."

"yes! thank you!" she chirps, wrapping her arms around his neck and kisses his cheek several times in excitement. taehyung pats her back before pulling away slowly and fishes out a paper envelope from his pocket, holding for her. "what is this?" hayeon asks, taking the envelope from his hand hesitantly and opens it, glancing at his face once.

she tilts it a little, sliding out two rectangular papers: the tickets to busan, "but you said you're not going?"

"so? the seat next to you sould be empty," he emphasizes, "what if a guy happened to sit with you?"

"tae! you're too much!" hayeon laughs at him, standing up and stares at the tickets in her hand. "i really wanted to see my dad... thank you,"

"i know," taehyung gives her a half hug, sitting on the couch and pulls her to make her sit on his lap. hayeon hugs him gently, resting her head on his shoulder and pecks his neck. "dad wanted to see you too. he told me it's been long since his little girl went home." he teases and hayeon hits his chest, making him laugh. "what? aren't you really a little girl?"

"no, i'm not." she huffs, standing up from his lap and snatches the bouquet and the balloons away. "i'm twenty-one!"

"not yet," the boyfriend teases, suppressing his laugh and points out, "you're not even a legal hayeon!"

"then stop dating me!" she retorts, her hands resting on her hips and eyes glaring at him angrily.

"nope, i like this little girl," taehyung smirks, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulls her closer to his body. he leans down next ro her face with his head tilted and whispers, "big girls get treated like big girls and i don't wanna do that to you yet,"

hayeon looks at him, feeling a cold shiver running up her spine just by his deep voice and warm breath lurking on her skin, "why not? i can be your big girl," she hushes out, licking her lips and taehyung lets out a low chuckle.

"wanna see how that works?"

hayeon hesitates first, her eyes frequently wandering from his eyes to his lips, feeling a tug on her hips where his hands have been planted and just pulling her closer every second.

"but remember," he speaks again with a smirk, "it won't be very gentle y'know?"

"uh what does that mean?"

"means..." taehyung shakes his head, the croner of his lips coying up into a smirk which excites him, knowing that despite being a fan of literature she never necessarily was into erotic stories or movies or anything. and the fact that it's him who will slowly teach her everything drives him crazy.

"means...?" hayeon's waiting for him to return from his trail of thoughts and taehyung bites his lips, turning her around, still in his embrace and pushes his hips against her gently to let her feel how just the thought of it was enough to make him hard.

"i could show you if you want," his husky voice brushes in her ear, smirking when he sees her lips parted slightly and eyes closed, "i guess you want that huh?"

"yes daddy," she nods slowly, glancing at him over shoulder, eyes holding nothing but innocence which felt like a trap to taehyung as it did rile him up each time she had that look on her face, inviting him over to take all of her and corrupt her in every possible way, just for him.

but they're not lucky enough for the next moment, his phone is ringing and even the front door is being opened again. taehyung groans in annoyance, pulling out his phone while hayeon gathers herself back, gasping at the thought of what was about to happen. jimin walks in then, smiling at the girl as he sits on the couch, pointing at the flowers, "do you like them?"

"yes," she nods, pushing her hair back and glances at taehyung, trying to get her racing heart to calm down a little. "how are you here right now?"

"tae said he was off early and told me to buy some flowers because he wanted to surprise you,"

"he... he told you that?" hayeon frowns and jimin nods slowly, glancing around on not finding his friend.

"where is he? did i say something wrong?"

"uh no," she sighs, "he's just taking a call,"

"oh okay," jimin smiles, getting up and heads to the kitchen, taking a glass of water for himself, not minding when hayeon follows after and sits on one of the bar stools in front of him, "wanna say something?"

"you said you'll help me with the criminal character,"

"hm yeah," he nods leaning on the counter with his elbows, "go ahead, what do you wanna know?"

"i'm gonna make my criminal handsome, so-"

"ah of course, not all criminals are bad-lookung y'know? i've personally seen some really attractive criminals and it helps them with their job if you know what i mean?"

hayeon nods slowly, breaking into a mischievous grin and leans closer to him, "so i can do that? as in make him look drop-dead gorgeous?"

"yep, make him look sexy,"

"yes," she nibbles on her lip, pulling out her phone and shows him the detailing she did earlier, getting a smirk from jimin as nods in approval and pats her shoulder in appreciation. "i don't have a name for him yet,"

"you should come up with that yourself, it's your character and the name should hold a meaning for you."

"you're so intelligent officer park," she whispers, staring at him with impressed eyes, getting a chuckle and shrug of his shoulders that says 'i know right?'. she stands up, going next to him and sits on the counter, "can you tell me about their lives or something like why they would become a criminal in the first place?"

jimin hums, thinking about the question carefully, sighing before he speaks, "mostly it's financial issues, maybe they lived most of their life in poverty and wanted to change that; or being in debt. sometimes some people are forced into committing crimes, other times they do it for someone else thinking they're helping that person, not realising that they're just messing things up more. and sometimes it's just how they think, y'know mental conditions of people."

"so... they're not always bad?"

"i'm not saying criminals are nice, but some do have a backstory which we're not aware of. and that, hayeonie, makes them look like a ruthless person when in reality they just can't help it."

"do you know someone like that?"

"ye- what?" jimin frowns, coughing and shakes his head, "i'm a crime investing officer, angel, i come across these on a daily basis."

"so you do know someone?"

jimin sighs softly, chuckling at her words sadly which hayeon notices and decides to wait for him say it himself for she didn't want to push him, knowing it wasn't really any of her business. her eyes however linger curiously at his face, making him look away, "he's dead now..." he releases a breath, turning again to face her as he shrugs his shoulders.


jimin chuckles, nodding as an answer and pats her head, "he was handsome, had pretty much the details you showed me just not piercings then. and he too, had a backstory,"

hayeon gasps, covering her mouth and shifts forward being interested in this dead criminal and whispers, "will you tell me more about him?"

"well, not more than two questions at a time," he tells her, "his name is excluded from the list, i won't tell you that no matter what."

"what, whyyyy?" she frowns, almost whining as she holds his arm, "c'mon jimin, tell me,"

"no, i'm sorry i can't do that,"


"and don't tell this to your boyfriend, he'll kill me if he comes to know i told you about this."


"no buts hayeon, promise me it'll be a secret between us."

"i don't hide anything from tae..."

"he won't let me do this if he comes to know," jimin says, leaning closer as his eyes stare at her with a serious gaze, letting her know he's not joking. hayeon sighs, nodding her head and gives her hand on his, "promise?"

"promise," she hushes out, "just for this book, your criminal can be a big help for mine."

"maybe," jimin smiles at her, "write an amazing story, hayeon. i'll be happy if you do,"

"i'll do it," she smiles back, sliding down from he counter and gives him a brief hug, "you're not that bad officer park,"

"ah really?" another voice whispers in her ear, making her flinch along with a pair of arms, snaking around her from behind, making jimin laugh as she's caught between him and a jealous taehyung.

"tae, i thought he must be feeling bad because i kept blaming him for stealing you from me... so i gave him a hug," she pouts at her boyfriend who nods knowingly. "i swear! me and jiminie are becoming good friends, aren't you happy?"

taehyung looks at jimin who shrugs, making him sigh, "i'm happy," he pulls her away, still keeping her in his backhug, "but don't hug him too much, your hugs are for me."

hayeon nods, kissing his cheek and then looks at jimin, "do you know i'm going to see my dad?"

"that's great," he nods, "where is he?"

"in busan, i'm going there and i'll celebrate my birthday there. you're invited too. please come with tae,"

"i... i don't think i can-"

"oh c'mon, officer park, it's just one day. and aren't you from busan too? you can visit your family there,"

"hayeon," taehyung nudges her lightly, reminding her that jimin is not in good terms with his family.

"uh i'm sorry, ji-"

"it's fine, don't apologise," jimin smiles, "i'll go and change and after that, hayeon, be ready for a match,"

"i'll win,"

"we'll see,"

"i will win for sure, keep seeing,"


a/n- the story's escalating i like it. how about you?

share this book with your friends because i honestly have no idea where to promote 😓 and please vote and comment. keep showing your love, thank you for your time ❤️

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