Same Old Story (Second Dungeon)
Author's Note: I have decided to write the main plot rather than the Social Links for now. As to help the Social Links fit the story better and match thematically.
Whenever player enters the Tale:
Hemika: So this is it. A beachside mansion? What's up with that anyways?
Alice: Imma be honest I don't know. Maybe it's like, a dream that the person has? This is kinda their dream. After all we appeared in Chiako's dream.
Kiku: So we get to the top and we stop my dad from hurting anyone ever again?
Mie: Pretty much.
Hideo: It's OK kiddo we've done this once before.
(Kiku Turns towards James.)
Kiku: Is that true?
Protagonist: A: It's all gonna be OK.
B: I know it's scary but we'll protect you.
C: We'll do what it takes.
Kiku (A): I know it's just...
Hideo (A): It's OK kiddo. We can do this.
Kiku (B): Ya promise?
Hemika (B): You almost say that as if you've dealt with something like this before James.
(Protagonist sighs. Understanding increase.)
Hideo (C): Again we've dealt with this before. We'll see it through.
Kiku (C): OK I just...
Hemika (C): Hey. Hey. It's OK. They handled a crooked sheriff. We can handle one fat asshole.
Mie: Anyways, we should try to reach the first saferoom. Right?
Alice: Yeah. Let's go guys.
(The crew enter the mansion. The player plays through the dungeon until the first Safe Room appears. There's also a tutorial for Kiku's Persona but that that's gameplay not plot.)
At First Safe Room:
Alice: OK looks like a safe room.
Kiku: So we're safe here?
Hideo: That's debatable.
Mie: I mean we are unless your dad's Shadow rolls in.
Hemika: Hey guys is there always a screen here?
Alice: Oh yeah. Everyone quiet! This should tell us about... actually I dunno why these are here.
(Camera pans to the screen which shows a young Tomi arguing with an older man whom bears a resemblance to him.)
Young Tomi: I said I don't want to inherit the family business!
Older Man: Raibu. This business has been passed down for three generations. I killed my father. He killed his. It has been this way for as long as the Tomi line has been dealing. You're weak.
(The older man knees Young Tomi in the stomach causing him to fall to his knees and cough up blood.)
Tobi's Father (Older Man): I'm giving you one last month, Raimu. You don't wanna end up like your big brother do you?
Young Tomi: (Clenches his fist.) No...
Tobi's Father: Very good. Now, a month. Prove you're strong enough to inherit the business.
(The screen cuts to black. The camera pans back to the party.)
Hemika: My God... that's...
Alice: I'm picking up on a theme here...
Kiku: Did grandpa really do that?
(Kiku appears disturbed and afraid. James comforts her with a head pat. He himself however, starres into his reflection in the computer, death in his eyes.)
Mie: James? You OK?
(James starres into the screen. Clenching his fists. Nevermore appears behind him.)
Nevermore: This all feels so familiar doesn't it?
Text Box: Familiar...
You came here to escape them.
Hideo: Dude?
(James suddenly vomits from stress.)
Alice: James!
(Hideo rushes over to James as Kiku jumps back.)
Hideo: Yo dude! Breath! Come on man!
Nevermore: Well James, looks like even here...
Text Box: Even here...
See it through.
Hemika: James are you OK?
(James collects himself and nods.)
Mie (If it's the last day before assassination): I know it's hard but we have to keep going. We don't have enough time.
Mie (If there is still time before assassination): We don't have to do the rest of this right now. We can rest now that we've reached a Safe Room and come back tomorrow.
James: (Shakes his head and moved forward. Hemika and Alice stay in the back and talk.)
Hemika: What did you mean by a common theme?
Alice: Oh so far both tales have involved some kid getting beat by their parents. I dunno it's probably nothing.
Hemika: Hmmm...
(With that the party proceeds.)
At Second Safe Room:
Hideo: Fianlly I can rest my legs. Jeez my dogs are barking!
Hemika: What did you go running before this?
Hideo: ...
Mie: (Chuckles). No you idiot!
Hideo: (In a joking tone.) I never claimed to be a smart man.
Alice: Everyone quiet. The screen's on!
(All turn towards the screen. Camera pans to it to show young Tomi visiting a grave.)
Young Tomi: Hey big bro.
(There is no response.)
It's been a while. Hasn't it?
Soooooo... dad's presenting the same kill or be killed thing he presented a year ago.
(Silence. This time longer. Young Tomi then goes on a long rant, pacing and growing angrier as he speaks.)
I don't get you man. You always claimed you had to "do the right thing no matter what." That you were better. That we were better and would get away from all this! Then you died! Your "moral compass" did fuck all for us! Now I have to kill or be killed because of some fucked tradition! But see bro, that's the difference between us. I'm willing to survive. I'm willing to kill...
(Young Tomi sighs as he sets some flowers down at the grave.)
You were a good man, and I hope there's some Heaven, some life after this one, where you're happy, but as for me, I think imma stick around...
(Young Tomi walks away holding a gun.)
I'm not the one dying today...
(The screen goes blank, cutting back to the party. James is shaking with rage as he starres at the screen.)
Mie: This is... holy shit.
Hemika: I knew it would be fucked but...
Kiku: Grandpa was just as bad as papa wasn't he?
Hideo: (Offers a hug to Kiku.) It's OK kid. It's gonna be OK.
Text Box: All so familar...
All so...
Nevermore: You couldn't save her. I hate reruns. Don't you?
(James punches the screen in a frenzied rage. Shattering it into tiny shards. Hideo shields Kiku from the shrapnel even though none reaches him.)
Mie: James! Calm down man!
(James collects himself after he finished and sits down.)
Hideo: Dude chill. It's gonna be OK.
Kiku: Big bro...
(Everyone appears shocked as Kiku looks at James and asks.)
Why didn't you save me?
(Kiku's face changes into a skull, the flesh melting off.)
(James rubs his eyes to see Kiku again, safe and sound.)
Kiku: Are you OK big bro?
Nevermore: Lie.
Protagonist: (Nods and speaks.)
Hideo: OK should be one more set of floors from here. We're close to the top now.
Mie: We can do this.
Kiku: And then it's over right?
Alice: Yeah.
Kiku: I'm scared. Alice?
Alice: Yeah?
Kiku: Can I hold you?
Alice: I'm not a cute doll you-
(Kiku starts shaking. Looking like she's scared.)
Alice: Fine.
(Kiku picks up Alice and holds her tightly.)
Hemika: The shadow is ahead right?
Mie: Should be yeah.
Hemika (If it's the last day before assassination.): It's now or never. We have to see this through.
Hemika (If there is still time before assassination): It might be wise to rest. We don't know what the Shadow is planning...
(Party proceeds. James stays back looking at the screen which sparks with electricity. Nevermore appears beside him.)
Nevermore: You gonna kill this time or are you gonna chicken out?
Protagonist: A: Shut up.
B: I can't in front of Kiku.
C: I don't know...
Nevermore (A/B): Same coward as always I see.
Nevermore (C): Why not let me do it then? It'll be easy...
Hideo: James! You coming?
(James shakes his head, causing Nevermore to disappear and nods before following the group.)
At Boss Room:
(The room is a rooftop pool, the stage is set under the setting Sun as Shadow Tobi sits in a floaty, a cigar in his mouth and a drink in his hand as he leans back and relaxes. Looking up at the party as they enter.)
Shadow Tomi: Ah! Finally! Took you long enough! I see the brat is with you.
(Kiku hides behind James who shields her.)
Hemika: I don't understand. If you hated you father why did you become just like him?
Shadow Tomi: Ah yes. There's one more part to my tale. Roll the footage!
(A massive screen at the other end of the pool turns on to show Young Tomi standing over his father's corpse.)
Young Tomi: It's over... Now I'm in control...
(Young Tomi stands and thinks for a moment.)
Huh... Now what?
(He starres at his father's corpse and thinks aloud.)
Huh. Well let's see. He only killed my bro because my bro was weak, and I only killer him because he had a kid.
So it stands to reason the solution to all this is to create a world where I am strong and kill any children I have.
I won't be in pain anymore that way.
I'll become as strong, no, stronger than my father and slaughter my kin.
Then no one will ever beat me like he did ever again!
(The screen goes blank. Shadow Tomi speaks.)
Shadow Tomi: So there you have it. I become what ever it took to never face such abuse again.
Hideo: You became a monster.
Mie: Yeah! Even worse than your father!
Alice: And what of your big bro? He would be revolted!
(Shadow Tomi snaps into a rage and glares, the pool begins to bubble.)
Shadow Tomi: I loved my brother more than anything! How fucking dare you speak for him! He was the only one who did the right thing and look what happened! I won't end up like him! I'll tear you apart!
(Shadow Tomi dives into the water and emerges as a massive sea serpent. Cue boss battle. This continues until the boss falls. Shadow Tobi reverts back to his human form after the boss fight.)
Shadow Tomi: I yield! I yield!
(Nevermore appears behind James.)
Nevermore: We don't do that here.
Hemika: OK guys that's it right?
Alice: Yeah that- Good lord James! No!
(James grabs Shadow Tomi by the shirt collar.)
Shadow Tomi: You fool.
(Shadow Tomi sneers.)
You actually fell for it.
(The pool suddenly erupts like a gyser.)
Alice: James!
(Alice rushes forward only to be pushed back by the walk of water.)
Agh! It's scalding!
Hideo: James! James! Can you hear us James?
Kiku: Big bro! Big bro no!
(James turns his attention to Shadow Tomi who sneers.)
Shadow Tomi: It's funny. You've caused all this trouble but I've never learned your name.
Protagonist: (Appears to speak.)
Shadow Tomi: James? James West?
(Shadow Tomi appears shocked.)
No... it can't be... my boss said you were dead!
(Nevermore appears behind James.)
Nevermore: Actually, the only dead one...
(James transforms into Nevermore.)
Nevermore: Is gonna be you.
Shadow Tomi: I think we both know stopping me changes nothing then. I'm just a local guy! I'm not the head honcho! But you would already know that wouldn't you West?
Nevermore: Well all the same, like father like son.
Shadow Tomi: What do you mean?
Nevermore: You shall share the same fate Tomi.
Shadow Tomi: Wait. Wait!
(Shadow Tomi backs away, afraid as he pleads.)
I yield! For real this time! I'll confess! Please! I won't hurt Kiku! I won't tell anyone about you! I don't wanna die!
(Shadow Tomi stands at the edge of the roof, crying. Nevermore grabs him by the shirt collar and holds him over the edge. Sad music begins to play.)
Nevermore: I don't care what you want. I just want her back! You and yours took her away from me!
Shadow Tomi: I can give you anything! Please!
Nevermore: Can you bring the dead back?
Shadow Tomi: You think I wouldn't have brought my brother back?
Nevermore: Then you're useless to me!
(Nevermore begins to push Shadow Tomi over.)
Shadow Tomi: Kiku!
(Nevermore hesitates.)
Nevermore: What?
Shadow Tomi: She called you big bro right? Imagine what seeing you kill someone would do to her!
(Nevermore pauses for a moment before screaming as Shadow Tomi closes his eyes. He then slams Shadow Tomi down on the ground in a rage.)
Nevermore: Dammit! Dammit dammit dammit!
(Nevermore sighs and collects himself. He sneers as he explains.)
You're lucky you know. You guessed the exact nerve James and I are sensitive to. After all, I came to be because she was killed. Right before James's eyes.
(Nevermore elaborates as he sighs.)
It's funny in a way. We are similar in certain ways Tomi. More than you can imagine. James and I know well the traditions of this cartel. To say the least...
Next one.
I'll just kill the next one.
Drop the water, Tomi.
(The wall of water falls as Nevermore approaches the group. Kiku appears afraid and hides behind the others.)
Nevermore: The job is done.
Hemika: So this is Nevermore?
Hideo: Yeah. That's him.
Hemika: OK so it's not just schizophrenia got it.
Mie: What do you-
Kiku: Big bro...
(Everyone falls silent as Kiku glares at Nevermore.)
Give back big bro.
(Nevermore smiles.)
Nevermore: Fair enough. Yknow you're all great folk. Better than James and I. I would advise you to remember that.
(James returns to normal and looks around confused.)
Protagonist: (Appears to speak.)
Mie: Yeah... we... we won but...
Hemika: James you have D.I.D.
Protagonist: (Appears confused.)
(The ground shakes.)
Alice: That's all well and good but we can discuss this later! We gotta go!
(The building tips over and water pours down the side of it.)
Hideo: Water slide anyone?
Mie: Looks like the quickest way! Let's go!
Kiku: I'm scared. It's to high up!
Protagonist: (Lifts Kiku up and speaks to her.)
Kiku: OK. OK. Just don't look down right?
Protagonist: (Nods.)
Hemika: Alice let's go!
Alice: On it!
(The group slide down the side of the building with the flow of the water. They end up back in the real world, falling a few feet down on the ground.)
Hemika: Ow! My ankle!
Hideo: Everyone OK? Any injuries?
Alice: I stubbed my toe.
Hideo: Any SERIOUS injuries?
Alice: Hey stubbing your toe hurts!
Mie: No no. We're good. Drenched though.
Hemika: OK James, before we all head home, we need to talk about this.
Hideo: Yeah uhhhh... you're not OK.
Nevermore: Lie. Lie! Lie lie lie!
Protagonist: (Appears to speak.)
Hemika: Yes yes you have schizophrenia but you also have D.I.D. Dissociative Identity Disorder. Or in layman's terms. Split personality disorder. It often shows up after several psychological trauma and can be associated with repressed memories or desires. In many cases it is a defense mechanism from whatever hurt the person in the first. It can be treated with time therapy and in most cases medication. You can heal your mental wounds and be happy but... you need help James. This isn't part of my request anymore. I'm asking you as a friend.
Get help.
Mie: Dude it's OK. We don't think any less of you for it. You can heal. It's OK.
Hideo: Dude I know it's scary but kazue won't like, disown you.
Nevermore: Don't!
Protagonist: (Nods in agreement.)
Alice: I'll make sure he does.
Hideo: Good. It's gonna be OK man.
Mie: Let's meet up when he confesses OK? I'll take Kiku home for ya James. You seem like you need to think.
(All nod and part ways. Alice talks to James as they walk.)
Alice: We're doing good work. I know it's hard but... we can do this.
If you ever like, need a hug or whatever, I'm here for you.
(Magician arcana rank up!)
(Alice can now baton pass!)
(James returns home and heads to his room where Nevermore sits on his bed.)
Nevermore: You.
An absolute.
(A song resembling the song "Alone" (which plays when the Yu is home alone cause Nanako and Dojima are in the hospital) from Persona 4 Plays. The song is a nod for thematic reasons and is titled "Lonley Distrust")
OK fine. You can tell Kazue about me and probably get away with it but if she knows about who we really are. Who YOU really are.
Protagonist: A: She wouldn't know even if we told her.
B: We will avenge her with or without Kazue's help.
C: She cares about us... right?
Nevermore (A): Yeah the cop wouldn't know about what they did. They're infiltrating Japan dude. It may already be to late.
Nevermore (B): And if you tell her about our past it'll be without.
Nevermore (C): Only because she doesn't know the truth.
Nevermore: You are the child of scum and filth. Evil runs through your very veins.
(Nevermore grabs James's face and smiles madly.)
We've seen everyone become their parents. We are on the clock James. Soon we will begin to become evil as well so we must do as much good as we can before then. Then when we do, we must die.
You're alone, West.
Never forget that.
(Nevermore disappears.)
Text Box: Even in this house full of people you care about. You're still alone.
How long do you have?
A week?
A month?
A year if you're lucky?
Everyone you've fought was a victim of abuse.
You're gonna become evil too.
You're going to destory them.
And then you'll die.
This chain ends with you.
You decide to go to sleep.
If Tale Isn't Completed
Day of Assisnation:
(James, Kiku, and Kazue are seen eating breakfast. There's a knock on the door.)
Kazue: James could you get that please?
(James answers the door. Shock fills his eyes and the world turn monochromatic as a gunshot is heard and he falls over dead. Tomi's voice is heard.)
Tomi: Your story is over, kid.
Ice em.
(Gunshots and screams are heard as the screen fades to a Game Over.)
If Tale Is Completed:
(James, Kiku, and Kazue are seen eating breakfast. The atmosphere is calm and welcoming as James sits there. Alice whispers to him.)
Alice: James you have to tell her.
Protagonist: (Gets up and begins to speak.)
Kazue: Wait hold that thought. There's no way...
(Kazue turns to the T.V. where Tomi is confessing. The camera pans to it.)
Tomi: My name is Raibu Tomi. I am a local drug lord who attempted to murder my daughter. I have been selling my products from across the ocean to local teens across the nearby area. After being threatened with death by the Dawnbreakers in a dream, whom I didn't believe in until this time frankly, I have decided to come forward and...
Kazue: It can't be...
(Kazue begins to mutter to herself.)
Text Box: Kazue is deep in thought.
Now is not a good time to discuss your mental state.
You should meet the others at the diner for now.
You'll tell her after.
(James, Alice, and Kiku exit and head to the diner where Hideo, Hemika, and Mie greet them.)
Hideo: Hey guys!
Hemika: Yo!
Mie: Hey guys you see the confession?
Kiku: So I'm safe now right?
(Alice jumps from James's backpack onto Kiku's head.)
Alice: Yeah kid! You're free now!
Kiku: So who's next?
Hemika: Next? Kid, you don't have to do this anymore. You're safe now.
Kiku: But there's others like me right? Others who need help? Can't I help them?
Mie: Kid I dunno...
Kiku: Please I wanna make sure men like my father don't hurt anyone else.
(Nevermore appears, walking around the street corner to stand next to James.)
Nevermore: Little late for that one eh?
Hideo: OK so guys?
Hemika: Yeah?
Hideo: Bad news I might be a kleptomaniac but good news I swiped some stuff from that mansion. A fair bit of money and I thought we should celebrate somehow. Ideas?
Alice: Well I can't eat so...
Hemika: What about we head to the amusement park? There's one about half an hour from here.
Kiku: Oh can mom come?
(Everyone looks at Kiku confused.)
Mie: Mom?
Kiku: Oh right uhhhh... I... kinda see you guys as my family now. Since I... don't... have one now.
Hemika: Wrong.
(Hemika hugs Kiku.)
You have us.
Hideo: So Kazue is your mom then?
Kiku: Pretty much I mean she did adopt me. That makes James big bro too!
Alice: So that's why you started calling him big bro. I was wondering about that.
Hideo: Yeah so all that sounds good. Y'all see if Kazue is free. We'll meet back here in an hour.
(The group breaks off. James and Kiku enter the house to see Kazue doing paperwork in her office.)
Kiku: Mama!
(Kazue turns to see the duo, and smiles. She hugs Kiku who rushes over to her.)
Kazue: Oh hey kiddo! Hey James! You're back early.
Protagonist: (Appears to speak.)
Kazue: I mean yeah sounds fun but... where did you get the money?
Alice: OK now lie.
(Nevermore appears from James's room.)
Nevermore: For once I agree. My advice is good this time. Lie.
Protagonist: A: Part time job.
B: I got lucky at the arcade and won a phone I sold.
C: Uhhhh... internet?
Kazue (A): Hmmmm.
Kazue (B/C/Normal): Did you get it legally?
Protagonist: (Nods.)
(Kazue smiles.)
Kazue: Then I trust you well enough. Let's go!
(Cue animated scenes of the group having fun at an amusement park. Riding roller coasters and eating carnival food. Time passes in this wholesome montage which shows the group bonding until evening falls. Kazue and James, still animated, are shown talking at a table as Kiku runs off.)
Kiku: I'm going on the Burning Loop with Hemika again!
Kazue: What about Hideo?
Kiku: He got sick so Mie is with him! I'll be back! Cya mom!
Kazue: OK. Keep an eye on her Hemika.
Hemika: Will do madam.
(Kiku drags Hemika along as Kazue laughs.)
Kazue: Such a sweet kid. I love her. I truly do. Glad I could be the mother she wouldn't otherwise have.
(Kazue turns towards James.)
Now you wanted to talk?
Protagonist: (Nervously.) Yes.
Kazue: What's wrong? You seem... stressed.
Protagonist: I'm not OK Kazue. I suffer from these horrible hallucinations. Today's been great but I still need to be truthful with you even if it means this is the last good day I'm gonna have. I-
(Screen flashes red. James is shown hyperventilating.)
Kazue: Easy. Easy. You can tell me.
Protagonist: I'll skip the cause and cut to the effect. I suffer from schizophrenia and D.I.D. and I understand if you hate me but... I couldn't lie to you anymore I just...
(James looks like he's about to cry when Kazue hugs him.)
Kazue: Kiddo... It's OK. I understand you've been through a lot. It's not your fault you have mental wounds. Look, I'll set up for you to see a therapist OK? It's all gonna be OK.
Protagonist: (Nods in understanding.)
Kazue: You OK?
Protagonist: Honestly? Feels a lot better to get that off my chest yeah.
Kazue: (Smiles.) Good. You can be honest with me. You mean a lot to me. OK?
Protagonist: (Nods.)
Kazue: Now, you go have fun. That's why we're here after all!
(Protagonist nods and runs off. He passes by a young women with poofy brown hair in a jacket not unlike his own. His eyes go wide with shock and fear as he turns aroune. She whispers to him, her face hidden.)
???: You let me die you know. You really think you deserve to be happy?
(James turns around but the women is gone. He sighs and brushes it off and keeps running. Ending the animated scene. Kazue walks with James and Kiku to the car as the group begins to part ways.)
Hideo: That was fun. See y'all at school alright?
Mie: Cya there! Hemika you don't go to our school do you.
Hemika: Nah buy we can hangout after. I'll see you guys later!
Text Box: You feel the bond between all of you has grown.
(Fool arcana rank up!)
(The group parts ways. Kazue gets in the car with Alice, Kiku, and James. Alice and Kiku sitting in the back and James in the front. Kiku dozes off. After which Kazue speaks to James.)
Kazue: (Whispering.) I did mean that. I do care about you James and I can help you see a therapist. Just say when. OK?
Author's Note: Yes there will be a therapy social link.
Protagonist: (Nods.)
Kazue: It's all gonna be OK. I am worried about the Dawnbreakers though. Whoever they are they might be in over their heads. You know? Reminds me of the Phantom Thieves a while back.
Do you believe in the Phantom Thieves?
Protagonist: A: Yes.
B: No.
Kazue (A): Huh. Well I didn't until recently.
Kazue (B): If you had asked me a week ago I would have agreed.
Kazue: I used to think they were a fluke but now... I don't know James. It makes me wonder. Yknow It's a perfect 50/50 in the public eye. Half believe the Phantom Thieves existed, half don't. Right down the middle. But these Dawnbreakers... There's a resemblance...
If only I could talk to one. Learn the truth or if I already knew one and just didn't realize...
(Kazue brushes it off.)
Agh. Whatever. Third time's the charm as they say. I wouldn't worry unless it happens a third time...
(Justice arcana rank up!)
(Fade to black as Kazue keeps driving and cut back to James in his room. He sits on his bed rubbing his eyes.)
Text Box: You're very tired.
You should sleep soon.
(The door creeks open and Alice enters.)
Alice: Hey.
You got a second?
Protagonist: (Nods.)
(Alice sits next to James.)
Alice: That took a lot of courage man.
I'm proud of you.
I think about Aimi yknow?
I was in her Tale when I first awoke with no memory.
I wondered at first what she saw in you.
You're a good friend.
Never forget that.
You mean a lot to me dude.
That's all.
I'm gonna go back to bed. Kiku likes to hold me when she sleeps. I hate being a doll but... Yknow it makes her happy and she's kinda like a little sister to me.
Cya later.
(Alice leaves.)
Text Box: You feel the bond between you and Alice has grown.
(Magician arcana rank up!)
Text Box: You've had arguably the best day of your life.
If only because you spent it with people you care about.
But now it's time to go to sleep.
(Fade to black. Open on a new scene. A young women in a white skirt and pigtails tied with ribbons in her blonde hair walks past a T.V. store in an animated cutscene where she stops. Her face hidden as she looks at the many T.V.s which play the news.)
News Anchor: Teen idol Gaku Utsu is still missing three days after her partner's death. The Duo "Electric Overdose" collapsed after Eiko died tragically of an overdose. How tragically ironic her name. In other news the Dawnbreakers strike again! This time taking out a drug lord. In a case resembling the Phantom Thieves myth of a few years ago they have struck again in the same town of...
Young Women: So that's where they are...
(The women smiles and keeps walking, her face mostly hidden but her smile clear as day. It is full of malice and hatred as she speaks.)
Young Women: I'll avenge you, Eiko, and if anyone can help me, these Dawnbreakers can...
(End of animated cutscene.)
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