20. Battle Of The Genders
For this update, I'll be talking about men and women, and whether or not our definitions of those two things differ, I promise you can still read along and enjoy the content.
I think as kids, we've felt a personal connection with what gender we are, (well I hope so anyways.) Kids would make silly rhymes like; girls go to college to get more knowledge. Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider (which isn't nice, by the way!) We even built teams based on gender to see who's better and more superior. And still, this mingling question remains in the minds of many; Who's better?
Are males more dominant or are females?
I'll tell you right now that this is a FALSE QUESTION AND THERE IS NO SUCH THING! But if so, then why do people still want to try and figure this out? Why is it so hard to believe that men and women are equal?
Here's the evidence of why both men and women are both equally important and how both should be treated with the same respect.
(Warning: Some talk of religion ahead! If this offends you, please skip!)
Adam and Eve:
If you don't know the story of Adam and Eve, here's a rundown of the story I'm trying to convey that is important to this update. If you don't know anything at all about what I'm talking about, look the two up for more background info.
Something people don't understand is that Eve was God's original idea. God approached Adam with the blueprints for a male-and-female creation. If it were not for God, Adam would have never realized that it was not good for him to be alone.
He did not know any better. He wasn't lonely, and if he was he didn't know it. In an unfallen world, walking with God is not lonely. Adam did not design Eve's female body or her feminine heart for his own pleasure.
Eve was not made merely to help Adam with the dishes and laundry. Adam is not Eve's ultimate ground and final goal. Eve is the absolute pinnacle of creation, the crown of Adam, "the glory of the man" (1 Cor. 11:7). She was sculpted to "make known the riches of God's glory upon vessels of mercy" (Rom. 9:23). And Eve was made to join Adam in knowing and treasuring and showing the glory of God above all else. Eve was God's idea, made for God's glory.
How did God create her though? Well, God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man (Adam), and took one of his ribs and made it into a woman and brought her to the man. Immediately, as the direct result of God's creation "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."
"This one-fleshness and rich otherness, this cleaving and completing and complementing of being male and female, is paradigmatic of human flourishing. It is essential to worship. It is a foreshadowing of Christ and the Church" (Eph. 5:32).
Eve was made by Adam's rib! In this, it's due to say that a woman is a part of a man and a gift from God. (Yes we are, thank you very much!) This DOES NOT make a woman or a man more superior to one another. A female and a male have different roles in life, and each one is equally important for survival.
"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her." (Ephesians 5:25)
"Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything." (Ephesians 5:24)
These two quotes summarize it all!
It Takes Two To Tango:
This saying is used in many things, but the reality of this phrase is that it takes a man and a woman to create another being, therefore there is no "who's better?"
A man submits his well-being to his lover, and that female lover carries their love for nine months, and in due time a child is born and the love is recreated in a newer, fresh version of admiration. That child is a bond between two. So there's no mitosis going on anywhere in this process!
This being said, it is most common that couples with issues are most likely to stay together if there's a child present or a child on the way because, for the child's sake, they wish to stay together and raise them. (Children save marriages too!)
It takes two to make one!
Different Jobs, Same Respect:
A job of a man is different from that of a woman.
"Yeah, the women stay in the house all day and cook!"
Yeah, that's not always the case. A female has a right to whatever lifestyle she pleases, therefore, if she wants to be a housewife, then that's great! If she wants to get a job, that's equally great!
But what people have a hard time understanding is that a man is and should be dominant.
"Whaaaaat! Mickey I hate you!"
Okay there, watch it! Let me explain.
In this case, dominance does not mean he controls the wife and tells her what to do (that's called abuse!) In his case, the man protects his wife and kids first, meaning when in danger, he sacrifices his life for them. He works extra hard, he fights the bad and he unconditionally loves his family.
Now you may say, "What if a woman does all that? What if there's no dad?"
This is not me to say "Hey ladies, don't fend for yourself. Be weak and let the man do everything." Because that's not fair to either gender.
A woman is a man's support and a man's will. Support, love, and gratification are what a man needs in order to feel accomplished and wanted in any job he does. She is the strength and reason to fight, yet also a man's weakness. The woman calms the beast and tames the bad. A woman is a man's treasure.
And rest assured! Sometimes the roles are flipped. A man stays home while the woman works. There's nothing wrong with that because the same concept applies.
A woman is the heart of the house, and the man is the one who cares for her. They may be different in roles and purpose but you need both to make a perfect combination. That's the way we were created, and if people weren't so stubborn then they'd see exactly what the meaning behind this concept is.
But people have a hard time understanding this reason. Either they feel like nothing and want more rights, or they feel superior and controlling. For many, there's no in between.
If you take everything back to morals, this very statement still remains; Both genders are human and should be treated that way. As humans!
Equal Rights:
I touched base with this idea already, but I'm going to add a perfect example of this, and it's called The Draft. For those who don't know what the draft is, here's a little background before I go off on a typing spree.
When war is around and there are not enough people in the military, men from ages 18 to 40ish are placed in the draft and can be asked to serve in the military (All in all, they have no choice.)
Now that you know this, the question is brought up. "Only men are drafted? Why not women? Are women not strong enough?! Why don't they have equal rights?!"
*Insert eye roll*
Well, thank you feminist for overstepping the line! (Love you... don't hate me!)
People complained so much that hey, now women are being placed in the draft! And you know, I'm sure some women would be great in the military and I have nothing against it, but let's be real, I don't think it's safe to have women drafted too.
"Some men aren't fit for war either, yet they get put in the army! That's not safe either."
Yeah well, that's a part of being a man, I think, and not all run off into battle. There are many roles in the military besides shooting a gun. But the role of fighting is you protect the women and children and the country if needed. It's scary, no doubt. Back then they didn't complain about it or start a riot. In fact, they would beg to serve their country! And only the men were able to fight.
"Why would they do such a horrible thing?!"
Well, if they allowed women to fight, I think a lot more would've gone wrong during the war. Fewer medics, (yes, women healed the men!) less support at home, more orphans, and an increase in death rates for children due to neglect. When the man wasn't around the woman had to do the men's work and her work for the family! During WWII, women were given jobs and even more equality than ever before, since most of the men were away fighting for the cause. If both men and women fought in war then what would've happened? How different would history be? It would've been a mess, that's what!
The behind-the-scenes of the war were no walk-in-the-park for females back then and it still isn't. When one of the pair is missing due to war, the other is missing a big part of their life, no matter what job or gender they are.
"This is great and all, but there are other jobs besides shooting a gun that women can do! Have some equality placed into this system!"
Equality, it's such a funny word.
Yes, there are many jobs that can be done, and I agree. But also that's why they call for volunteers before the draft. If women want to be a part of the action, let them volunteer instead of being forced. That's equality to me.
"But men are still being drafted unwillingly and women aren't. Where's the balance?!"
Like I said before, women also have bigger jobs at home, and young ones to care for and jobs to take over once the men are gone. Society still needs to function! If both parents are set for the army, who helps the kids? Family around town? If too many men and women die, what happens to the population? There's balance in the system, it's just different!
It's not about who's better or who deserves rights. It's about respect, duty, honor, and loyalty. It's very attractive when a man stands up and fights for what he believes in and protects his country. And it is equally noble for women to serve our country too. But there needs to be one who stands back to hold down the fort, and women are the most responsible to take on this task.
That's what makes the two come together and create a balance. That's what makes this equal and that's what makes both a man and woman special.
It has nothing to do with the law and everything to do with morals.
I could go into explicit detail for each one of these topics and statements, but I think I've made my point clear.
We all may be imperfect, but the relationship between a man and a woman, no matter what it may be, was specifically made by God to be treasurable and equal in His eyes.
Male or female, we are a wondrous creation made from above and that should be all the equality you need.
Okay, how many people did I offend? Sorry! I still love you though!
Anyways, thank you all for reading! Comments, questions, and ideas are always welcome here no matter what gender you are!
Mickey's out
*drops microphone with style*
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