Chapter 8
Next Day: (Move-In Day)
Al: Are you ready to go? It's going to be fun! (to Jesse)
Sarah: Come on, Jesse! Mike & Joe are waiting for us outside!
Joe Walks in.
Joe: Ready to go?
Jesse: Are you sure this is a good idea? (to Helen)
Helen: Honey, don't worry you'll have lots of fun. Besides, Mike & Joe like you.
Jesse: I can tell.
Helen: See, you'll get along just fine. Behave, ok? I love you.
Jesse: Bye, mom.
Mike: Put all your stuff in my car guys and go with Joe.
Jesse throws his bag into Mike's car. As he is about to close the door, Mike stops the door.
Mike: Don't ruin this for anyone.
Jesse looks away, slams the door, and leaves to Joe's car.
Joe: Everyone, put your seat belts on.
Sarah: How long will it take to get there, Joe?
Joe: Not too long.
Al: Come on Jesse. Have some fun. Hey, turn on the radio.
Sarah: Yeah.
Jesse: Fine.
Jesse turns on the radio.
Al: Jesse, you love this song.
Sarah: Sing! You always sing when it's on.
Joe looks at Jesse.
Jesse: I'm not in the mood.
Joe: Ah, don't be a party pooper.
Sarah & Al start singing.
Sarah: Sing Joe!
Joe starts singing.
Jesse laughs and sings, too.
After a while:
Joe: Alright we're here.
He parks the car in the driveway.
Jesse: Great. We're going to have soooo much fun (sarcastically)
Joe goes down and opens the house,
Joe: You guys can put your stuff inside and unpack later once the rooms are ready.
Jesse throws his things inside and takes his skateboard from Mike's car.
Jesse: Then I guess I'll see you all later.
Joe: Where are you going?
Jesse: To the skatepark.
Joe: No one is going anywhere.
Jesse: Why not?
Joe: Because I said so (crossing his arms)
Jesse: Who are you to tell me what to do? You're not my father. Just because you have a badge doesn't mean I have to listen to you.
Joe: If you leave this house I'll....
Jesse: You'll what? Arrest me? The one thing you're good at. Go ahead, but you'll have to come find me first.
He leaves (Mike & Joe both watching)
Mike: Are you going to just let him go?
Joe: We'll deal with him later.
At the skatepark:
A green car stops by, Mike's car.
Brandon: Look who's here to see you (to Jesse).
Mike & Joe step out of the car.
Jesse: You've got to be kidding me....Are you seriously....whoa!
Joe pushes him against the fence.
Joe: I have reasonable grounds for making a search.
Jesse: And what is that reason?....ow (slaps Jesse on the butt)
Joe: Now, keep your hands on the fence.
Jesse's face blushes.
Mike: And you have the right to remain silent (Laughing).
Joe pats Jesse down (Everyone laughing).
Jesse's face blushes even more.
Jesse: Did you find what you're looking for? (sarcastically)
Joe: Everything's....fine (laughing).
Jesse: You left Sarah & Al home alone for this?
Mike: We'll see you at dinner (both smiling).
Joe pats Jesse on the shoulder and leaves.
Jesse and Brandon watch them leave.
Brandon: I know that look on your face.
Jesse: What look?
Brandon: This can't be good. That look....that look means you're about to do something crazy.
Jesse smiles.
At Home:
Jesse walks into the house (Mike & Joe crossing their arms). He is about to walk upstairs when....
Joe: Where do you think you're going?
Jesse: To my room, or am I not allowed to go there?
Joe: Actually, you're in my house and what I say happens.
Jesse: Or what? (Walking away).
Joe: Don't walk away while I'm talking to you.
Jesse: Arrest me.
Mike: Do you have any manners?
Jesse turns around and walks back with a blushed face.
Jesse: I have manners, Ok?
Joe: That's not what I'm seeing.
Jesse: You don't know me well enough.
Mike & Joe look at him (crossing their arms and raising one brow).
Jesse: Fine. I'm listening.
Joe: What you did was rude. Nothing happens without my permission (Jesse rolling his eyes and shaking his head like he doesn't care).
Jesse: Yeah, sure. Are you done? Do I have permission to go up to my room?
Joe: I'm done. You can go (crossing his arms).
Jesse goes upstairs, walks into his room, and puts his skateboard by the door. He looks to see his bag on his bed and starts unpacking. While he was unpacking, he felt something in one of his pants. It was the flash drive he left in his pocket. He takes the flash drive, turns on his laptop, and inserts the flash drive. Jesse continues to unpack his bag while the flash drive downloads what's inside. Jesse then finishes unpacking and finally opens the flash drive. The flash drive contains many photos of newspaper articles. He opens one and it reads: "Mr. Williams....", when Joe walks in.
Jesse immediately closes his laptop with a blushed face.
Joe: What are you doing?
Jesse: Um....nothing.
Joe: Really? Then why are you blushing.
Jesse: I was just unpacking my clothes and got a little hot in here.
Joe: Are you sure? (Looking at the laptop).
Jesse: Would I lie to you?
Joe: Well, come down for dinner it's much cooler down there.
Jesse: Right behind you.
Joe leaves.
Jesse removes the flash drive still not knowing what's on there, and doesn't want anyone else to know what's on there either. He throws it in to the desk's drawer and locks it. Then, he goes down to the kitchen.
Jesse: What's for dinner?
Sarah: Spaghetti!
Jesse: My favorite.
Jesse eats his dinner quickly and leaves to brush his teeth.
Jesse: Thanks for dinner.
Mike: Does he always eat that fast?
Joe: Or so little....Is he on a nutrition plan or something?
Sarah: No! Jesse hates spaghetti !
Joe: He said it was his favorite.
Al: Don't you know when someone is being sarcastic?
Sarah: You should get to know Jesse better.
Jesse was brushing his teeth when....
Al: Guess what Jesse, we're going to the pool.
Jesse: Now!? (coughing out toothpaste)
Sarah: Yeah! Are you coming!?
Jesse: Yeah, but you guys just ate.
Al: We'll be fine! Let's go!
Sarah & Al race down the stairs while Jesse finishes brushing his teeth.
Jesse goes downstairs and sits on the couch.
Joe walks to Jesse.
Joe: Why didn't you tell me you don't like spaghetti?
Jesse: It doesn't matter. You already made it so I just ate it. If there was something else I would have eaten the other food, but there wasn't, so spaghetti was fine.
Joe looks at Jesse realizing he had misjudged him.
Jesse: What?
Joe: Nothing. I just....I didn't expect that answer.
Jesse: Yeah. There's more to know about'll be surprised.
Sarah & Al run across the room and to the backyard.
Joe leaves to the kitchen to help Mike clean up.
Jesse stands up and puts his phone on the table in the living room knowing he might get wet.
Then, Jesse spots Mike & Joe's phones on the other table in the kitchen.
He just had an idea. Jesse wants to grab the phones but needs to distract them first. He looks around to see what might he use as a distraction....he finds a small bouncy ball near the couch. Jesse looks at Mike & Joe to make sure they aren't paying attention to him. There are a few glass cups and an open bottle of juice on the counter. Jesse throws the ball at the bottle of juice causing it to knock the cups off the counter and spill the juice.
Mike: Great! How many times do I have to tell you to not leave things near the edge of the counter. Do you ever listen to me? (to Joe).
Joe: Ok, a few broken glasses. I'll clean it up.
Mike: It could've been much worse because you refuse to listen to me. You think you always know what you're doing.
Joe: Oh now you're exaggerating. I....
Jesse grabs the phones while they are arguing and walks to the pool.
Jesse: Let's see if they'll remember that their phones are waterproof (to himself).
Jesse: Having fun guys?
Al: Are you coming in with us?
Jesse: No, but Mike & Joe might.
Mike & Joe walk out.
Joe: How's the water?
Jesse: You'll soon find out (to himself).
Jesse walks to the opposite side of the pool.
Jesse: Ring, ring, ring....Oh Joe, looks like it's for you.
Mike: Joe, he's got your phone.
Jesse: I've got yours, too.
Mike: Wonderful. He has both our phones.
Joe: I gotta hand it to ya. You were as devious as a thief, but those have really important information.
Mike: Great! A liar and a thief. What else can you do?
Jesse: Don't worry, they're in good....whoa (pretending to drop them in the water).
Mike & Joe flinch.
Joe: Don't do that. Just give them back.
Jesse: Sure.
Mike: Well, that was easy.
Jesse: Heads up!
Jesse throws the phones barely reaching Mike & Joe. Mike & Joe both reach to their phones and fall into the pool. Jesse laughs as their heads come out of the water.
Jesse: Seriously. What kind of cops are you?
Joe: You really wanna know?
Joe swims over to Sarah & Al, and Mike follows.
Joe whispers something to Sarah & Al while Jesse is watching.
Jesse: What....what did he say?
Sarah: It's a secret (laughing).
Sarah & Al swim around, then get out of the pool.
Jesse: Done already?
Al: Not really.
Jesse: Then what....
Sarah & Al grab Jesse's arms.
Sarah & Al: Can't go anywhere now!
Mike & Joe step out of the pool.
Jesse: I get the secret now. Real clever how you used them to get to me.
Jesse can't pull away from Sarah & Al in fear of harming them trying to get away.
Jesse: I give up, you two got me (to Sarah & Al).
Mike & Joe walk to Jesse.
Jesse: What are you....
They push Jesse into the pool with the help of Sarah & Al.
Jesse's head comes out of the water.
Joe: Now you know (laughing).
Jesse: Oh no! I'm wet. What shall I do? I promise I'll be a good boy (sarcastically).
Mike: Don't worry....there's more to come.
Jesse looks at Sarah & Al. Then, swims over to Al.
Al: Ahhh. He's coming.
Jesse grabs Al and throws him up in the air, then Al lands back in the water.
Brandon & Nicole walk out to the pool.
Brandon: Look's like you're all having fun.
Jesse: What brings you guys here?
Nicole: We stopped by your house and Leonard said you were here.
Jesse climbs out of the pool.
Nicole: Tomorrow's the first day!
Jesse: First day?
Nicole: Camp. Remember you said you would help?
Jesse: Right.
Nicole: Are you ready?
Jesse: Of course I am.
Nicole: Good. 'Cause tomorrow's soccer practice.
Jesse: I like soccer.
Nicole: Even if it's at 7am?
Jesse: That's a little too early for camp, don't you think?
Nicole: We have lots to do in such little time. We can use all the time we can get. Are you not up for it?
Jesse: I guess I'll have to learn to like soccer at 7am.
Nicole: Perfect!
Nicole walks to Sarah & Al.
Nicole: Hey guys!
Jesse gestures to Brandon to talk to a side.
Brandon: How's the first day going?
Jesse: They already turned Sarah & Al against me (sarcastically).
They both laugh.
Nicole walks to Jesse & Brandon.
Nicole: Dress comfortably (presses his wet shirt against his chest).
Jesse: That's cold.
Nicole: Me, or the shirt?
Jesse: Both.
Nicole: See you tomorrow morning (smiling).
Brandon: See ya.
Jesse: Later guys.
They leave.
Jesse: Aren't you two done soaking in there?
Sarah: Almost.
Jesse: Well, I'm going up to change my clothes.
Jesse leaves upstairs to change.
While Jesse was putting on his shirt, he remembered the flash drive.
He looks out the window to make sure everyone's still outside. He can hear them laughing. He walks towards the door and locks it.
He takes it out of the drawer and inserts it into his laptop. He opens it and reads "Mr. Williams, devastated about his wife's actions. Elizabeth Williams, sent to London for psychological treatment for attempting to murder her husband, Marshall Williams, and take his money. Mr. Williams has decided to not press charges against his wife as he understands her condition and has decided to send her to be treated overseas and reside in the house that he left for her in London, but under the condition that she not return to Mr. Williams, his property, or even their son. Mr. Williams has also asked that this remain private to protect the reputation of his family and his business." All articles on the flash drive were never published according to Mr. William's orders.
Jesse was shocked to find out about this news. He was told that his mother had stolen a great deal of money and fled from the country, abandoning him at the age of four. Marshall met Helen a year after that and were soon married. That's when Helen became Jesse's mother. Jesse loves Helen like his real mother. Marshall & Helen always kept Jesse busy so he won't miss Elizabeth and ask too many questions. Although he was told that she had abandoned him, Jesse still felt that there was something wrong and never changed the way he felt about his real mother. However, he never showed it or brought it up ever again in fear of hurting Helen's feelings. Jesse now knows why nothing would come up when he searched for the details about the incident and his mother. It was always kept private and well hidden from the public.
Jesse thought to himself: Why would they keep it a secret? Why would she even do that? She already had everything. Something's not right. I have to find her, but nobody must find out about this.
Jesse thought about what else could be hidden after his father's death. He pulls the flash drive out of the laptop and locks the drawer. He slowly opens the door to not draw attention. Jesse leaves the room about to take the stairs when Joe pops up out of nowhere.
Joe: Where you going?
Jesse: Down to see Sarah & Al.
Joe: It only takes two minutes to change clothes.
Jesse: I was cleaning up a bit. Am I being timed?
Jesse leaves as Joe watches him.
Jesse was coming down the stairs when he heard Sarah & Al whispering.
Sarah: He would never let us come.
Al: Yes he will!
Jesse barges in and surprises them.
Sarah: Hey, Jesse.
Jesse: I've been wondering if you guys would like to come with me tomorrow.
Sarah: Really?
Jesse: Of course. Why not?
Al: Told you.
Sarah: Whatever.
Jesse: So, what do you guys wanna do for the rest of the night?
Al: Let's all play some board games.
Sarah: Good idea!
Al: I'll go get them from my room.
Jesse: We'll meet you downstairs.
They go downstairs.
Mike: What do you have planned for tonight?
Sarah: Al went to get some board games.
Al comes down.
They begin playing a board game.
After a few board games:
Al: Jesse! Jesse!
Jesse: Yeah?
Al: It's your turn!
Jesse: Sorry. I'm feeling a bit tired. It's been a long day and we have to get up early tomorrow.
Sarah: I'm feeling tired, too.
Joe: Then, I guess it's bedtime.
Mike: I'll see you tomorrow.
Mike leaves the house.
Joe: Mike and I won't be able to be with you guys tomorrow until later in the day. We have a few cases to catch up on.
Jesse: I'll call in for a ride.
Jesse (on the phone): I need you to bring in the car tomorrow morning at around 6am. Thanks.
They each leave to their own room.
Jesse passes by Sarah & Al's room.
Jesse: Goodnight.
Al: Goodnight!
Sarah: Ah....goodnight.
Jesse: What's wrong?
Sarah: Nothing.
Jesse: It sure doesn't sound like nothing.
Sarah: I'm worried.
Jesse: About what?
Sarah: About our stay.
Jesse: I though you like Joe?
Sarah: I do. But it's the first time we stay away with him. I mean, at this house.
Jesse: Do you remember your first sleepover away from home?
Sarah: Yeah.
Jesse: It's just like that. Scared at first, but still excited.
Sarah: It's different. I've known my friends' parents for a long time, and Joe doesn't have any kids so I don't think he'll know how to deal with us alone. We don't even know what's off limits in this house.
Jesse: Believe me, there's nothing off limits if Joe never mentioned it. So, feel like you're home. Besides, Joe wouldn't offer to have us here if he couldn't handle us and didn't want us walking around his house. We're here to have fun, I promise.
Sarah: I feel much better. Now I'm sure we're going to have a great time. Goodnight.
Jesse: Goodnight.
Jesse leaves to his room.
As Jesse is getting his bed ready, Joe walks in.
Joe: I heard what you said to Sarah.
Jesse: So you were eavesdropping on us (sits on the bed).
Joe: You're not the only one who can break the rules (laughing).
Jesse: There are plenty coming on the way (laughing).
Joe: Save some for another day. You know, you're not that bad after all.
Jesse: You're still getting to know me. I'm not a spoiled rich kid like you think.
Joe: I saw that you're not, but I still think you're a trouble maker and a smart mouth.
Jesse: Are you going to watch me?
Joe: All the time.
Jesse: You sure about that?
Joe: Are you testing me?
Jesse: Do what you have to do.
Joe: Don't think I forgot about the shooting that happened the other day. My team is working on it to find the third shooter.
Jesse: What does that have to do with me?
Joe: Just thought you should know. Goodnight. Oh and here's a key to the house so you can lock it after you leave tomorrow morning.
Jesse: Goodnight (sarcastically smiling).
Jesse gets into bed. He begins to think about what he had read earlier. Jesse wonders where his mother is now and how to contact her. He has to find out if she is still in London and if what happened was true.
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