Chapter 12
Brandon: So, what about that trip?
Jesse: Yeah. We're going to a cavern park. You know, with caves, mining, and zip lines.
At cavern park:
Al: This is so cool! (Hanging from climbing rope )
Sarah: Yeah!
Mike, Joe, and Tess are preparing lunch at a table.
While the kids are enjoying their time, two brothers around the age of Sarah & Al are arguing.
Jesse: Take it easy, guys. We're all attached to the same line.
The boys don't listen and continue to argue, swing around, and tug on the ropes; which they were warned not to do....until one of the pulleys attached to the rope breaks. Jesse is between the two boys. He grabs one of the boys, takes out his pocket knife, cuts the boy's rope, and switches ropes with the boy. The boy is now hanging from Jesse's rope. Then, Jesse attaches the boys together to stay put until help arrives.
Jesse: Don't move!
Unfortunately, Jesse is now hanging from a broken pulley, which starts to give up from the top. Jesse is stuck as he cannot detach himself from the rope, the attachment clamp is stuck. He uses his knife to cut the rope to free himself before the pulley completely breaks.
Boy #1: This is your fault! (tugging the rope)
Boy #2: No, it's not! (tugging back)
As the boys tug the rope, Jesse's rope is pulled upward pulling him towards the rocks and wrapping tightly around his thigh. He hits his head and drops the knife from the impact. Now, the pulley is completely coming off and is taking down part of the rocks.
Emergency team: Help is on the way!
Jesse: Took you long enough.
There is a pond under Jesse. He decides to jump down before the rocks come down on him, taking him down the hard way. The emergency team helps all the kids get down safely and help Jesse out of the water.
Tess: Oh my gosh! Are you ok?
Jesse: I think so. This rope is really tight.
Emergency team: We'll help you get that off and check you for any injuries.
Emergency medical services examine Jesse for any injuries, remove the rope around his thigh, and dress the wound on his head.
Joe: That was....
Jesse: Crazy? Yeah, and I thought last week was bad (holding bag of ice).
Mike: At least everybody is ok.
Park police: Here, we believe this belongs to you (handing Jesse his knife).
Joe: I thought that was staying in your room?
Jesse: It saved the day didn't it?
Park police: We have examined the equipment. It seems that the equipment has been tampered with. This gear was made to withstand harsh treatment in case someone didn't obey the rules, like today.
Joe: Tampered with?
Park police: Yes. Someone messed with the equipment to purposely cause an incident. We are working on figuring out who this is, why they did it, and whom this was meant for.
Joe: Thank you for your service, sir.
Park police: Are you sure you're alright?
Jesse: Yeah, I'm fine. This will be gone in a few days (pointing to his wound), it's not the worst I've had.
Park police: Alright, stay safe.
Brandon: Looks like these days don't have an end anytime soon.
Jesse: I guess not (laughing).
Joe: Are we ready to head home after all this?
Jesse: You bet. Don't tell mom about any of this. She'll freak out and book a ticket back right away.
A few days pass with Jesse and Elizabeth catching up on the years they have missed together. Jesse comes home after camp. Mike & Joe will be at work until later, and Sarah & Al are out with friends after camp.
Elizabeth: So, you're K2_E4? How did you find me?
Jesse: It's a long story.
Elizabeth: How did you make it through that week? You must've had a crazy sleep schedule.
Jesse: Ha, you have no idea. But it was worth it all, because these past few days have made everything better.
Elizabeth: These past few days were the greatest days I've had in such a long time.
Jesse: You'll have greater days soon.
Elizabeth: What do you mean?
Jesse: You're coming to where you belong. Here....with me. I bought you a plane ticket. Your flight departs tomorrow night and arrives the next morning.
Elizabeth: I can't.
Jesse: Why not?
Elizabeth: Marshall made sure I can never come back. That's why I never came for you.
Jesse: He's gone. He can't hold anything against you anymore. There's no reason to be afraid anymore.
Elizabeth: What about everyone at home?
Jesse: I'll explain everything to them a few days after you get here. Then, whether they understand or not, they're just going to have to accept it and get used to you being around.
Elizabeth: I don't know what to say. I never thought this day would come. I don't know what I should do.
Jesse: Pack your bags, mom. You're coming home.
Next Day:
Everyone is sitting in the living room, when the door bell rings. Joe opens the door.
Joe: Hey! What are you doing here? Come in.
Everyone looks to find Roy walking into the house. Sarah & Al run to Roy.
Roy: Hey, guys! (hugging them). Hi, Jesse.
Jesse: Aren't you supposed to be with Hel....I mean my mom?
Joe: Come and have a seat.
Roy: No, I'm actually in a rush and will be leaving now. The reason I'm back is because I have some urgent arrangements to make.
Jesse: Urgent? (sarcastically)
Roy: I know, it just came out of nowhere. Things happen when we don't expect them to, right? Oh and by the way, Helen should be back soon.
Jesse: She didn't tell us.
Roy: She decided to finish things up quicker than planned, you know because she misses you guys. Anyways, I have to go and I'll see you guys later.
Roy leaves and Jesse calls Helen right away, but she doesn't pick up.
Joe: I'm sure she's very busy and will call back when she gets the chance.
Joe's phone rings.
Joe: Hello. Yeah, we're on our way.
Joe hangs up.
Joe: Mike, we gotta go. They need us downtown.
Mike & Joe leave, while Sarah & Al decide to play upstairs. Jesse stays in the living room and decides to watch some tv.
Jesse: Urgent arrangements, huh? (changing channels)
After some time changing channels, Jesse decides on one.
Jesse: Finally, something good.
On tv: We interrupt this program for live breaking news.
Jesse: Great.
On tv: Well-known jewelry shop owner, Frank Owens, found dead in his shop. There is no sign of forced entry or any struggle. Police and FBI are examining the shop for any stolen items, which might help in determining the cause of death. If you have any information, please call the number on your screen immediately as the suspects are still armed and dangerous. Thank you for cooperating with us.
Jesse: Frank Owens? He was a good family friend. His poor family, they must be devastated. Why? He was great with everybody. Some sick people out there would do such a thing.
Mike & Joe come home. Sarah & Al are still upstairs, which is a good time to talk about Frank.
Jesse: How'd he die?
Joe: What?
Jesse: Frank. I saw it on the news.
Mike: Did you know him?
Jesse: He was a good family friend.
Joe: I'm sorry.
Jesse: Did they steal anything?
Joe: Listen, we're not supposed to reveal anything about the case at this time as nothing is certain yet.
Jesse: I know Frank. He wouldn't hurt anybody. They hurt him because they wanted something he has. Did they steal anything?
Joe: No. Nothing was stolen according to current reports.
Jesse: Then, why would they kill him and not take anything?
Joe: Maybe they panicked and ran. Maybe they didn't want anything from his shop and....just wanted revenge for something.
Mike: Look, whoever did this is a professional because there were no signs of forced entry or even struggles. They're still looking into it.
Jesse: What about cameras?
Mike: They were all disabled. It was a clean job.
Jesse: I just can't believe someone would do that. His family was probably waiting for him to come home. He was there, then he was gone. It was....unexpected.
Joe: That's what weapons do when they're in the wrong hands. They're still out there.
Jesse: Well, you better find them before they hurt someone else.
A few hours later:
Jesse: Any updates on the suspects?
Mike: It's like they just disappeared out of this world.
Jesse: If you say it was a clean job done by professionals, you're probably not going to find them.
Joe: I'll make sure I will. No matter how good they are, someone always has to leave something behind that will lead us to the next step. And I'm gonna find that something.
Jesse blushes, remembering his incident.
Jesse's phone rings. It's an unknown number.
Jesse: Hello?
Man on phone: Unexpected things happen when you get in someone's way.
The man shuts the phone.
Jesse: Hello? What?
Joe: Who was that?
Jesse: I don't know. Unknown number.
Mike: Probably just a wrong number.
Jesse: Probably.
Jesse checks the time. Elizabeth should be on her way to the airport now.
Joe: Are you nervous about something? You look like you're waiting for something.
Jesse: Nah. I'm just...(Jesse receives a message)
Message from Elizabeth: My plane is departing now. See you soon!
Jesse smiles.
Mike: Well, he got what he's waiting for.
Joe: What's so funny?
Jesse: Just a joke a friend sent. I'll be back. I'm going to my room.
Jesse enters his room.
Jesse: Yeeeesssss!
Joe: What was that all about?
Sarah & Al come down stairs.
Sarah: What's up with Jesse?
Mike: A friend just made his day?
Jesse comes back down.
Jesse: What are we doing tonight?
Al: Let's watch a movie!
Joe: Sounds good.
They all gather to watch a movie.
During the movie:
Joe: Would you just enjoy the movie?
Mike: What? I didn't ask any questions yet?
Joe: Not you! Jesse.
Jesse: Huh?
Joe: Would you stop checking your phone every 5 seconds?
Jesse: Ok. Fine.
After the movie:
Jesse: Well, that was a nice movie. Time for bed.
Mike: Are you serious?
Joe: Something's not right.
Sarah: Eagerly waiting for something?
Jesse: Maybe. You might just find out soon.
Joe: Please, no more surprises.
Jesse: This one will be different. Goodnight everyone.
All: Goodnight!
Al: Wow, he's really excited about something.
Jesse heads up to his room and gets into bed. He can't sleep right away on how excited he is. Jesse's also anxious about everyone's reaction, but they'll just have to accept it.
At breakfast:
Jesse receives a message. He eagerly picks up his phone to find out it's not Elizabeth.
Message: Bad things happen when you get into someone's business.
Joe: What's up?
Jesse: It's that number again (picking up his plate).
Joe: Where's the number from?
Jesse: Its unknown number.
Mike: Pranks maybe?
Jesse: Whatever, I don't have time for this. I have to drop off Sarah & Al at camp, come back to shower, then meet someone.
Sarah: You're not staying at camp?
Jesse: No, but don't worry it will still be fun. Brandon trying to do something right is always interesting. C'mon let's go if you're ready.
Al: Who are you meeting with? Is it for work? Do we know them?
Jesse: Its not for work and you don't know them, but you will.
Sarah: Is it someone special to you?
Jesse: Very.
Jesse and the kids leave to camp.
Jesse comes down from the shower.
Jesse: I left my phone on the table.
Joe: You got a message.
Jesses checks to see if the message is from Elizabeth.
Message: All things come to an end.....even happy things.
Jesse ignores the message and checks if Elizabeth's flight is on time.
Jesse: Hmmmm, it should land soon. Ugh, there's a delay.
Jesse decides to delete the message and block the number, as another message shows up on his phone.
Message: Its unfortunate how some things can occur (contains an animation of an explosion).
Jesse: What the....?!
Joe: What?
Jesse: Something's going to happen at the airport.
Mike: What do you mean?
Jesse: I just received a message from that number again saying an explosion's going to happen. We have to go right away!
Joe: Whoa! What do you mean we? You're not coming. If what's in that message is true, then we already have enough to deal with.
Jesse: I have to meet someone there.
Joe: You're staying here! This is a serious case.
Jesse: No I have to....(Joe puts Jesse in an arm lock and handcuffs him).
Jesse: Wait! You can't do that!
Mike: He just did.
Joe ties Jesse to a chair.
Jesse: You don't understand. The person I'm meeting is....mmmmm (Joe tapes Jesse's mouth).
Mike: He won't be going anywhere.
Joe (on the phone): We got info on something about to happen at the airport. I need back up right away that's fully prepared for anything. Hopefully we can get there before anything happens.
Mike & Joe leave, while Jesse wiggles around in the chair.
After a while:
Jesse manages to cut himself loose by reaching into his pocket and taking out his knife. He also uses the knife to pick the handcuffs and unlock himself.
Jesse: Damn it! (leaving the house in a hurry).
At the scene:
Jesse arrives and all streets all blocked. He freaks out and leaves his car right away.
Officer: Sorry, there's no way to enter the airport. There has been an incident. Please stand back.
Jesse refuses to listen and runs in anyway, with the officer after him.
Paramedics: We have another one. This one didn't make it (covering casualty's face).
Jesse: Mom?!
The officer grabs Jesse.
Jesse: No, please! Let me go (trying to pass the officer). No!!!!
Jesse comes home absolutely devastated.
Sarah: Jesse, are you ok?
Jesse doesn't answer and continues to his room.
Joe knocks on the door and enters the room.
Joe: Jesse....
Jesse: This is all your fault.
Joe: Everything had already happened by the time we got there.
Jesse: That's all you're good at. You get there when it's too late.
Joe: Our men did their best to save as many lives as they can, but we can't save everyone. We're working on the cause of the incident.
Jesse: Cause? You know the cause! You know about that message! What about that, huh?
Joe: All the evidence leads to an accident right now.
Jesse: Unbelievable.
Joe: There was no evidence that leads to intentional Injury. Whoever caused this made it seem like an accident.
Jesse: Just like Frank's case. The same person caused both incidents.
Joe: We don't know that.
Jesse: I do! Those messages were addressed to me! I should've not ignored them.
Joe: Don't blame yourself. Even if you didn't ignore them it wouldn't be useful because we tried to trace the number, but they used some really advanced technology that blocks tracing the number and location. But why were those messages specifically addressed to you?
Jesse: Many lives were taken today to make it look like an accident, when only one person was their true target....Elizabeth Williams.
Joe: Is she....?
Jesse: Yeah (sniffing). You should've let me go. Things would've been different.
Joe: Nothing would've changed. It was going to happen either way, and you could've been hurt, too.
Jesse: No, they would've not done it if I was there because they don't want me dead now. They want me to die everyday.
Joe: Why would she be a target?
Jesse: I don't know. The same reason Frank was a target?
Joe: I promise you we will find who did this (hugging Jesse).
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