{ unedited :((( so sry }
Silence. For a few moments the only things you could here were the raindrops and the clock ticking. It took you off guard which he noticed too. He seemed very tense and for these few moments you couldn't close your mouth. You were simply too shocked.
Your heartbeat got quicker. It was pumping so fast you were scared it would pump out of your chest. Your arms were itchy, just as usual when you were nervously embarrassed.
Now that you actually got this far, you couldn't simply give up on that.
Taehyung was sitting on the couch looking at you with these unfamiliar dark eyes.
"Why?", were all the words you managed to say.
Taehyung rolled his head back, facing the roof.
"I want to be alone.", his low voice responded, sounding as raspy as usual when he's tired.
Did he really? It didn't sound like it but still he was saying it.
Suddenly you felt bad. Not only had you broken into his apartment, you had also just made him break up with his girlfriend.
But there was one thing disturbing you. If you left him now, you would make the same mistake again, no communication. No matter how he felt right now, you had to talk about what their breakup meant for the two of you and how your future was going to look like.
Being convinced by that thought you joined him on the couch and let yourself fall right next to him.
Somehow Taehyung didn't seem to be too surprised by you not listening to his instructions.
"We should talk.", you sat there facing him.
His face was still facing the roof but when you had finished your sentence his head slowly rolled over to face yours.
"I'm too tired.", he mumbled.
Now you noticed the bags under his eyes again which were seeking for sleep. Taehyung was extremely tired and you had to understand.
"Okay then.", you stood up and were ready to leave.
Suddenly you heard him getting up too. Quickly he grabbed your wrist.
He was standing there looking at your wrist before saying something.
"But I would be even more of an asshole if I let you leave at this time. Stay here for the night.", he looked down onto the floor while shaking his head.
It seemed as if he had noticed that what he just had said was a mistake.
His grip was tight, however you managed to get out of it. Maybe you were naive, but you were a bit angry on him for sending you away in the first place. Now after it seemed that you two had finally reached the happy end, you obviously still didn't.
"No Taehyung it's alright, I don't want to disturb you anymore.", you went over to the door and before he could stop you, you were already running down the stairs.
Tears were streaming down your cheeks as you were walking to the subway station. It was still raining and you regretted everything. Coming here, not taking an umbrella with you. But also leaving him now, again simply giving up. But you felt humiliated. How could he dare just sending you away? In the middle of the night? Even though he had changed his opinion and wanted you to stay it didn't count. The words "you should go home" counted.
Luckily you found a place to sit down. As you were leaning your face against the window you heard someone getting closer. You turned around to see Krystal, she was as wet as you were. She looked horrible, her hair was a mess and she was shivering extremely.
You looked around to see that there were no other people in sight, and the next station on which the subway would stop was about three minutes away.
"See what you've done.", Krystal was laughing.
She looked scary, like a psycho. Well she was one.
You remained calm but internally you were screaming out of fear.
"Now we're all messes, just like you. That was your plan, right? You didn't want to suffer alone anymore so you dragged me and Taehyung into this. How selfish. I can't believe you. How can such a bitch even exist, and then get what she wants? The world is so unfair.", she laughed again but this time even louder.
Her words were scaring you and you regretted leaving Taehyung's place. He had been right by saying it was dangerous at this time. Crazy people like Krystal were around.
"You can't even say sorry? After being so selfish?", Krystal got closer and you noticed her hands balling into fists.
As you had seen it you quickly stood up, walking through the sections to get away from her. She was following you and was calling you thousands of bad names.
Finally you had reached a section with people in it, only that these people were only boys. Their hungry eyes widened as they saw you. You turned around to see if Krystal was still following you but she had disappeared.
One of the boys stood up with an ugly smirk plastered on his face. The subway suddenly stopped and the doors opened. While thanking God you ran out of the station, into the direction of your house which was about 20 minutes away.
You weren't sure if it was the adrenaline but you managed to run continously for these 20 minutes.
When you had finally reached the door of your apartment you saw a figure leaning against it.
As soon as he saw you he ran towards you, pulling you into his embrace.
He was whispering something you couldn't understand but it didn't matter. Because in this moment all you could do was fall into his arms and let him carry you into your apartment after he had taken the keys out of your hands.
He put you on your sofa carefully and stepped back. Obviously he was nervous.
"Did you come by car?", you saw that it was 4 am already on the clock behind him.
He nodded.
"Are you crazy? You had a shot!"
Taehyung looked down, playing with his fingernails.
"I- I just couldn't calm down I felt so sick after just letting you go. It was so stupid, I'm so sorry. I'm glad you got home safely.", he didn't look up the whole time.
A small smile crawled onto your lips. Krystal and the weird men were forgotten just by a blink. Taehyung was here now and this was everything that counted.
"I'm just so tired I couldn't really think about what I was doing nor saying. You should have stayed and I shouldn't have made you leave. I'm sorry.", he kneeled down in front of you, finally looking up.
Quietly you giggled and caressed his cheek.
"It's okay Taehyung. In the end we always find our ways to each other, don't we?"
Finally he was smiling too. That little sparkle in his eyes got prominent again and you seeked his lips on yours. He seemed to feel the same since he put your face into his hands and came closer and closer.
When you were both only inches apart he whispered:"You know that I always loved you and I always will, right?"
Again a little tear fell down onto your cheek, but this tear was not because of sadness. Finally it was because of happiness.
"Taehyung, I love you. And I'm sorry.", you said while the tears were wetting your cheeks.
"Sssh!", he hushed you and wiped the tears away, "Don't cry. I'm sorry too. But we'll start new from now on, okay? Only with the bonus that we know each other better now."
"I love you, Taehyung."
"I love you more.", and with these words he finally locked his lips with yours.
His soft lips which you were seeking all this time were finally only for you now. The kiss was full of passion since it was the kiss the two of you had been seeking for so long now. Finally, after all these struggles, you were his again - and he was yours.
"Come down...", his deep voice still sounded a bit rough but you felt all the love behind it.
He put you on his lap. His arms were embracing you tightly and for a few minutes you were just sitting there. On the floor, hugging each other.
You felt something cold against your neck and noticed that there was something on his chest.
You spotted the necklace and your heartbeat got quick again.
Was this the necklace with your initial? You put the necklace between your fingers when you saw that it was indeed your initial.
Again you were smiling like crazy, feeling touched by him wearing your necklace.
Of course you were wearing it too. You put the necklace out of your shirt to show him that you had been wearing the necklace all along too.
As he saw the necklace his eyes widened. Just like you he took the necklace between his fingers, to see if it was really true.
"Oh my god.", he giggled and hugged you once again, only this time a bit tighter.
His hug was full of energy leading you two to roll on the floor.
After months of only crying and being sad you laughed again. And this laugh felt so freeing, it made you feel alive again. Taehyung - made you feel alive again.
You were laying on the ground in his arms. The two of you looking at the roof. It seemed so surreal, still so familiar.
"Can I stay for the night?", Taehyung asked after a while.
Hitting his chest while laughing was your response.
"No, you should go home.", you were trying to make fun of him but he didn't seem to find it as funny as you.
"Oh my god, don't make jokes about it. It's too early and I really thought I lost you completely for a moment."
His voice was so serious suddenly, it didn't suit the funny atmosphere before. He lifted himself up and looked at you. For a few moments you were just staring at each other.
"You know you won't lose me. Never, no matter what you do.", you smiled a bit.
But you were right. After all what had happened, you were in his arms now. And you would always seek that feeling, of being in his arms. That feeling of being with him.
"I won't do anything to lose you either."
"I love you.", you grabbed his hand.
"I love you more.", he leaned down to touch your lips again.
You were still laying on the ground, too lazy to get up. But it was alright. It was even better than alright. Because you were laying in his arms.
Author's note:
Thank you for your patience!! It really sucks that I can't upload that often anymore :(
Thank you for reading, voting & commenting!!♡♡♡
each read, vote and comment makes me sooooo happy!!
Hope you all have a great week!! Spring is coming *woooooooh*
{ it's not the last chapter yet btw }
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