「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
After a hour or so since Medaka Kurokami and Kumagawa Misogi made a 'Temporary Truce', they both did a lot of things inside 'Gotham City', like for the Plus, she saved a lot of Innocent, to which a lot were very thankful, reformed a bunch of Thugs without issues, which honestly made them veiw life in a much better light, and just exploring and admiring everything the City had to offer, though as for the Minus, he also saved a lot of Innocent, but only the cute girls, to which he took their panties as payment, he also mentally broke all the random Things he came across, a few committed suicide from depression, and was also exploring and admiring the City he was in, though he was more into the 'Manga/Comics' stuff, they both had their fun in their own specific way, smiling faces and all that, and there was nothing that was ever gonna stop them from having fun in their own special way

"Oh! Look Kumagawa-Kun! A Carnival!~"
Medaka gasps in excitement as she jumps and points at a very suspicious and abandoned 'Fun House', which looked more like some kind shady evil place, but the Beautiful Monster was too pure to noticed

"「'Joker's FunLand'? Looks totally safe and ok to me~」"
As for Kumagawa, he could probably see that it was most likely dangerous, but the Good Loser could care less and just went along with his 'Frienemy' without any second thoughts or hesitation, the two walk in, and started exploring, though once they were inside the so called 'Funland', they noticed that the inside look run down and broken, all the rides and games were rusted and unplayable, this genuinely made the Abnormal Woman sad and disappointed, was no doubt hopeful and excited to play in a such a place

"「Maybe they are still fixing up the place and we just came in to early?」"
Kumagawa pats his 'Foe-Friend' back and tries to comfort her, to which it worked, her sad mood was suddenly improved and replaced with determination

"If that's the case, then let's help them out and make this 'Funland' into a 'Fun Place'!~"
Medaka was suddenly wearing construction clothing and had a bunch of tools in her hands and in between her breasts, to which the Crawling Chaos wasted no time taking pictures with his phone

Both the Supreme Perfection and the Horrible Kafka looked and saw two more Thugs come around the corner, though this time, they looked like clowns

Before Thug 2 could make a threat, they were both interrupted by the two

"KUMAGAWA-KUN! KUMAGAWA-KUN! There's Clowns Here! I Always Wanted To See A Clown!"
Before the Clown Thugs could act more threatening and probably shoot them, both Medaka and Misogi instantly got in front of them, which made them stumble back from surprise

"「Oh! Oh! Are you two real clowns? Can you do 'Magic Tricks' or make fun Balloon Animals?!~」"
Kumagawa immediately got close to their face and gave them no personal space when asking childish questions, to which Kurokami nods, also wanting to know as well

"Or How About Card's Games?!~"

"「Cotton Candy?!~」"

"Rabbit From A Hat?!~"

"「Red Nose To Squeeze?!~」"

"Coin Behind The Ear?!~"

"「Disappearing Act?!~」"
Kumagawa and Medaka just rambled on and on, asking questions and hopefully wonder if they could do what they've been told on what Clowns can do, this actually overwhelmed the two Thugs so much that they no longer had the will to shoot or even threaten them, mostly because they were so confused, and slightly scared of them

"What the heck is goin' on here, or what?!"
A new voice suddenly snapped everyone out of their thoughts, everyone looked and what they saw was something that made the Minus nose burst with blood and fall in the arms of the Plus, who tilted her heads in confusion

"All this noise is makin' Mistuh J upset, he's already sick as it is, and I doan need yuh all tuh make it worse! Okay?!"
The new arrival that just came in was a a young lovely lady, who seems to dressed up as a sexy biker female Jester, which was the reason on why the Good Loser acted the way he did, though, despite such a obvious appearance, both him, and especially the Beautiful Monster noticed something specific, which was a stress and helpless expression that she was making on her face, which was enough to make them stop their excitement and either look in concern, Medaka, or in curiosity, Kumagawa

"S-Sorry Harley Quinn, but we ran into these random kids and, well, they just won't leave."
Thug 1 nervously spoke to the one known as Harley Quinn, who seemed to be some kind of Boss, or hold some type of authority, something that Crawling Chaos noticed and even more curious on what was going on and where they were truly at

"Hmph, what do yuh two want, or what? Go back tuh mommy and daddy, I'm very busy and have no time tuh deal wit' yuh brats. Yuh got me so far?"
Compared to the Thugs, Harley showed no hostility and was definitely more reasonable compared to them, but was clearly not in the mood to deal with anyone and had little patient, usually the Nightmarish Kafka would love to press such obvious emotional buttons, but was immediately stopped and strangled by the Abnormal Woman

"Please forgive us, we did not wish to cause any trouble, we just thought this was a normal Carnival and wanted to just have fun."
Medaka expressed genuine regret and guilt, clearly never wanting to bother anyone, seeing this face made the Minus smirk in amusement, because to him, it was like watching a child who's been caught taking a cookie from the jar without permission, though as for Miss Quinn, she only lets out a small sigh when seeing this

"It's fine, just go home or somethin', I'm very busy makin' sure my Puddin stays... Healthy..."
Harley saddened face became even more depressed, clearly whoever this Mister J/Puddin was, must've been deathly ill to make her act in such a way

"「..... Would you like us to help?」"
Since it was clear and so very obvious to Kumagawa that his 'For-Now Allie' wants to help instead of causing destruction, he decided to humor the Plus and actually offer his assistant to the Pretty Jester, much to her and Kurokami surprise

"Yuh? Help, or what? What can a brat like yuh do to help my Mistuh J? Do I Look Like I'm In The Mood To Hear A Kid Playin' Doctor?!"
Harley was now angry, thinking that Misogi was taking light of her situation and was making fun of her in some way, was about to grab her cartoonishly large '[Pop-Gun]' that was on her waist and aim it at his head

"No Wait! He Speaks The Truth! He Has The Ability To Fix Everyone That's Hurt! Trust Me I've Seen It With My Own Eyes!"
Medaka quickly tries to explain what the Good Loser meant and stop anything that might result in violence, not to save her Frienemy, obviously, but because she didn't want to ruin any chances to save someone's life... Also she didn't want to see the Crawling Chaos do another massacre right in front of her

Harley glares at them, still had doubt in her eyes, so far she had no reason to trust them and was even thinking about of just killing them for making such hard to believe claims, unfortunately, before she could do that, a sudden violent coughing fit could be heard by everyone, which sounded nasty and very painful, it was the same sound that Quinn was very familiar with and could not forget

"..... Fine, but if yuh both are lyin', I'm feedin' your dirty bodies tuh Bud and Lou..."
Was all Harley had to say before turning away and started to walk away, to which the Nightmarish Kafka was about to follow and get things over with, but was stopped by the Beautiful Monster, who pulled him into a big crushing hug

"I Knew There Was Some Good In You!~"
Medaka felt beyond proud to see Misogi go out of his way to actually help and save a life, it was enough to make her cry

Was all Kumagawa could say to Kurokami, who was quite literally crushing and breaking his ribs and spine, though unfortunately, before he could test his theory on meeting a certain 'Someone', he was saved by a very angry Cute Clown

"Hurry Up Already! Okay?!"
After Harley made sure to show off her impatiens, the Plus let go of the Minus, who has to cough up blood and take a moment to fix himself, both of them quickly hurried up and caught up with Lady Jester, who took them on quite a detour when they got by her side, showing the inner works of the FunLand and all that it had, like a ton more Clown Thugs doing their things, weapons and dangerous toys littered everywhere, and large vat of acid, there was a lot of things that points at this place not being a real 'Carnival'

"Whoa, I've never seen such a unique Circus quite like this before?..."
Sadly though, Medaka was still too pure to pick up the obvious hint and just think it was a normal Fun Fair of some kind

"「Maybe it's some kind of Haunted House instead of a FunLand?~」"
Kumagawa was the only one to know it was probably something much more horrible, especially after seeing and passing by a few unsettling things that would make any normal person pass out, but he decided to not mention any of this and continue to mess with 'Smart Yet So Stupid' Beautiful Monster

"A-Actually, *cough, cough*, T-That's downstairs, near the corpse freezer room and ice cream~"
Their exploration was suddenly interrupted by a certain 'Clown' in a purple suit, struggling to stand and walk up to them, and was pulling some gas tank and a breathing mask, which he use to help his coughing problem, though despite such a sickly act and look, he stills lets out a wide happy smile and giggles, something the Good Loser approves of

"P-PUDDIN! W-What are yuh doin' standin' up and walkin' around, or what?! Y-Yuh need to be restin'!"
Harley wasted no time rushing towards her so called 'Puddin', helping him stand and making sure he's not straining himself more than he needs to

"N-Now now Harley, it would be very rude for the Host to ignore such-"
The one known as Mister J suddenly lets out another violent coughing fit, some blood falls from his mouth and had to use his breathing mask to help him, well, 'Breathe', the Abnormal Woman couldn't help but gasps and almost tear up to see someone so hurt and in pain, but the Crawling Chaos couldn't help but look curious and wonder what kind of disease the Clown was suffering, not that it was important to him, but was still curious

"-Interesting Guests~"
Once he caught his breath and was able to calm down, he looked back at the two that enter his hideout, tilting his head in curiosity and wonder what type of 'Fun' he'll get from them

"Please forgive our intrusion, my name is Medaka Kurokami, and the one that stands beside me is my temporary Friend, Kumagawa Misogi, we are pleased to meet your acquaintance and hope that we can help you with your troubling illness."
Medaka quickly jumps in and introduced herself and the Nightmarish Kafka, who was just about to say something that she wouldn't like, bowing politely and making sure to leave a nice impression to the Clown and Jester

"W-Wow, you o-obviously don't know who I am, if you can be n-nice to me like this, a-almost makes me not want to pull a prank on you~"
Puddin was able to notice and realize the naive nature of the Supreme Perfection, not to mention she seems to be ignorant and too trusting with someone like himself, who honestly interested him and wanted to learn more about her... And maybe find a way to 'Break' such pureness

"「Yup!~ We're very clueless and know nothing about you, would you mind filling us in, 'Mister J'?~」"
Even though Kumagawa didn't show it, there was a slight hidden threat in his fake smile, he seemed to be able to pick up and understand the character of the Clown in front of him, and while the Minus could appreciate and respect a fellow, 'Smiler', he still got a bit defensive when someone threaten to break someone that he himself wants to break first, which made said Clown smile, as he was able to not only see the type of person that Misogi was, but was able to also relate greatly to, to which made him laugh loudly in pure hilarity, which confuses both Kurokami and Quinn

"H-How very rude o-of me, allow me t-to introduce myself~"
Once Mister J caught his breath from all that laughter, he reaches in his Purple Suit and pulled out a card

"The n-names Joker, the Clown P-Prince of Crime, a-and the Jester o-of Genocide, nice to m-meetcha~"
The Plus took the card from the one now known as The Joker, and she and the Minus look and saw that it was a playing card with the Joker/Jester picture on it

"Those are very unsettling titles for a Clown, Sir Joker?"
Medaka was finally started to get suspicious and thinks that something was going on here, though before she could even continue with such thoughts, the Good Loser jumped in and crush any doubts she might have

"「So Mr. Joker, what kind of 'Sickness' or 'Disease' are you suffering from and will most likely be the reason for your demise?~」"
Kumagawa immediately took a closer look and noticed all the nasty bumps and rashes on the Clown Prince Of Crime face, it was horrible and no doubt painful, something that made the Beautiful Monster heart ache and felt sorry for him and his pains he's going through

"O-Oh you know, the u-usual type of sickness, an experimental Venom medicine that's supposed to make a normal person 10x stronger but at the cost of loss of reason and all that stuff, Y-You know basic stuff~"
Joker chuckle and decided he had no reason to lie about how he got this disease, to which the Crawling Chaos nods and acted as if he understood everything

"「Oh course, so obvious, silly of me to think otherwise~」"
Kumagawa also chuckles and seemed to be actually having fun talking to the Jester Of Genocide, which surprised the Abnormal Woman to him get along with someone that didn't involve something horrific, but the Clown Princess was not happy with all this messing around

"HEY! Yuh Said Yuh Can Help My Puddin And His Problem! Not Tease And Make Fun Of Him! SO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING BEFORE I KILL YOU BOTH! OKAY!?"
Harley patient was basically already gone and had pulled out her [Pop Gun] again without hesitation, her threat was very real and noticeable, but despite all that, the Nightmarish Kafka taps his lips and wore a very innocent expression

"「Help him with what? He looks fine to me?~」"
When Kumagawa said this, the Lady Jester Of Pumpkin Pie growls in anger and was about to pull the trigger, but stopped when she heard someone let out very loud laughter

"WOW! I Feel Like A Brand New Man! This Feels Amazing!~"
Quinn quickly turns her head and gasps in extreme shock, with stood before her eyes was a very healthy, clean and basically brand new Joker, who no longer looked sick and acted more alive than ever

Harley wasted no time hugging and deeply kisses her Puddin, who oddly enough return the favor and held her close in the kiss

"Awww~ such a romantic sight to behold~"
Medaka pulls out a tissue and wipes her tears away, glad to see such a happy and wonderful sight

"「Would you like a kiss to?~」"
Kumagawa gave a teasing smile, to which earns him a strong punch to the face, which knocks a few teeth out and made him fall to the ground

"Kumagawa was it? I don't know what you did, but you truly did me a big favor, and while I usually don't thank my helpers, I quite like you~"
Joker then let's go of the Clown Princess and gave his full attention to the Two guests of his, most specifically Misogi himself, who sat up on the ground and looked up at Mister J

"So tell me, from one happy face to another, what can I do to repay you?~"
Once the Joker offered to repay kindness with insanity, the Minus rubs his chin and took a moment to think about the offer he was given

"「Hmmmmm~ Can I see some Magic Tricks please?~」"
What Kumagawa asked for surprised the Two Clowns, but Kurokami gasps and suddenly got excited

"Oh! Oh! I Also Wish To See Some Clown Magic To!~"
Medaka quickly sat nexts to the Good Loser and looked up at the Clown Prince Of Crime with such wide eyes excitement and purity, which made him laughs softly from such a unexpected turn of events, but he didn't complain and decided to oblige the Two

"Pumpkin Pie, bring your Puddin his 'Toys'~"
While romance won't be a big factor of this story, I might still mess with the possibility, like Harley Quinn X Kumagawa Misogi, or maybe Raven or Jinx? Though that might not happen, I'm still thinking about it, Also no one comes to mind for a Medaka love interest, maybe Red Hood, but like I said, romance won't be the main thing for this story.
(BTW I'm gonna list out some things Medaka can't or struggle to copy, you can prove me right or wrong if you like, also keep in mind that I don't know EVERYTHING ok? I ain't no pro or expert)

1. Doesn't include everything, but there might be certain things that require her to either personally learn, interact, or experience first hand to be able to copy it.

2. She can't copy people like the Killer Croc, or Clayface, maybe their skills and fighting style, but she can't become clay or a giant crocodile.

3. She can't copy the abilities of certain items and weapons, like Wonderwoman Bracelets or Green Lanterns ring, of course there are a few exceptions, like the All Blades or the Soul Taker Sword, where she can copy it's abilities but not the weapon itself, obviously it don't imply to all weapons/items, but a few.

4. She can't copy ghost or spirit-like abilities.

5. She can't copy medicine or drugs on it's own, but after taking it, she can, like Bane and his Venom.

6. She can't copy someone's abilities if it was given, shared, blessed, or taken, it must be natural or something similar.

7. She can't copy skills/abilities from people similar to Cyborg, Robot's, A.I, etc.

8. She can't copy venom, poison, gas, radiation or anything similar, unless she meets someone who can, like Poison Ivy or animals.

9. She can and can't learn magic, like she can definitely copy those who use spells, enchantment or symbols, but there are a few that require her to either learn, use or experience first.

10. She can copy reality/cosmic power, evidence from both Kumagawa and Ajimu, BUT it needs to be used on her first before she can copy it.

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