Flowers Of Fragile Friendship

「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
"That traitorous, backstabbing, two timing, BITCH!"
Inside a secret lair, that resembles more of a indoor plant infested jungle, there was a beautiful woman, with curly red hair, red shirt, and a nearly naked green body with leaves covering certain parts of her body, this was Poison Ivy, and she was in the middle of sitting on her plant throne, holding a dead destroyed flower in her hand, and wore a expression of pure rage and grief

"When I see her again, I will kill her... Slowly..."
The before Poison Ivy could continue to be angry or mourned the death of her plant, she suddenly sense something, quickly looking away from her dead flower and sat up

All the vegetations around Poison Ivy started to grow and mutate into something move monstrous when she realized that someone was in her lair, though before she could face said invader with extreme hostility, she quickly stopped herself when she noticed that all her plants began to change, not only from looks, she saw lots of flowers begins to bloom everywhere, but also how they felt, she walked up to a random flower and gently held it in her hands

"T-They're so healthy..."
Poison Ivy was speechless, as she has no way to express what she was seeing, or how to even react to such a strange, but very beautiful phenomenon, though one thing was very clear in the mind of Plant Lady

"I guess I should say hello to my newfound guest."
Meanwhile at the different part of the lair, a very beat up Kumagawa Misogi, to which he received after the Boy Wonder incident, he was in the middle of just standing there and watching Medaka Kurokami admires and adores every single plant that was in the room, viewing them all with equal amount of love and care

"「Can we go now?...」"
Kumagawa was very bored to be here and just kicked the dirt on the ground to entertain himself, though the only response he got from her was a simple upset huff

"You had your fun ruining the potential friendship of that Robin fellow, so now it's my turn to take joy in this world and what it has to offer."
Misogi could only sigh and allowed Medaka to continue, to which she did without needing his permission, turning her attention to a random plant, which seemed to be some kind of very large, monstrous and carnivorous fly trap, she smiles and gently pets it, resulting in it attempting to bite her, though was able to move her hand away and giggles

"You were definitely cared for by a wonderful person no doubt, look how big and strong you are~"
Medaka could tell that all this vegetation was done by someone who obviously cared and she couldn't help but admire the work, then kneels down before the fly trap and stabbed her entire hand into the ground, she then used two of her many copied abilities to help out in this situation, firstly she used Raff-Rafflesia to not only decay the ground, for easier growth and nutrients, but also to rejuvenate and naturally help the fly trap grow, the 2nd ability she used was Weight Words, sending calm electrical signals to calm the fly trap and relieve it of any stress it had, once said fly trap looked more healthy, and get covered in flowers, Kurokami stood back up and cleaned the dirt from her arm

"Though hopefully they don't mind me helping out just a little."
After saying this, both Medaka and her Good Loser frenemy felt a gentle shake throughout the entire lair, not only that, but after a few shaking moments, they saw a very large plant come slithering down from above and stopped before the two, then it's tip started opening up like a blooming flower and revealed the Flower Beauty herself, resulting in a certain Minus having his nose exploded from blood after seeing her

"Those who not only respect, but help my children grow into something more beautiful, will always be welcome to my home of nature."
Poison Ivy got off her throne and walked up to the person in question who shared her interest of nature and her babies, to which said person quickly bows in respect and apology

"I do hope you can forgive me for our intrusion, I just saw your beautiful garden and couldn't resist looking around and admiring all of your hard work that you no doubt put into this field of absolute beauty."
The Flora Mistress couldn't help but smile lightly at Medaka, it's been a while since she met someone who can can understand, respect and even treat her like she wasn't another villain, which honestly did made her wonder if the person never heard of her before, though she ignores such thoughts as she leans forward and lifted up her chin to make her look at her, eye to eye

"Such a kind girl, almost makes me feel guilty for doing this."
Before the Lovely Abnormal could question Poison Ivy in what she meant by that, she was quickly interrupted by a deep kiss to the lips, which made Crawling Chaos have his nose get nuked with blood, the kiss only lasted for a bit before being pulled away

"Y-You stole my first kiss..."
Medaka felt extreme embarrassment, blushing very brightly and didn't know how to respond to this, though the Pretty Plant couldn't help but frown lightly at this reaction

'I guess she's immune...'
Poison Ivy sigh from this, but wasn't to upset about it and just gave out a calm smile and pat Perfect Plus on the head

"I was just saying hello in my own special way, no need to think of it as a me stealing your first love~"
Poison Ivy lets out a small chuckle to see Kurokami blush more from being confused and flustered, though was starting to calm down from the lie she was told

"「 Can I get a special hello to!~」"
Kumagawa quickly stood back up and was very eager to be given a kiss, the Flower Beauty hums when she noticed him, her opinion on him was mixed, as he hasn't earned her respect like what his frenemy did, but has yet to do anything to receive any hostility

"If you want me to say 'Hello' to you to, then you have to do something to earn it~"
This made the Nightmarish Kafka pout when the Poison Ivy said this to him, but then he quickly noticed the dead plant she was holding with absolute care, which made him smirk and the point his finger at it

"「I have made the death of that plant, and others that you own, into nothing~」"
At first, the Flora Mistress raised an eyebrow of what Kumagawa just said, but then she quickly sense newfound but very familiar life, she looks down at her arms and saw the once dead flower suddenly came to life, as if it never died in the first place, she couldn't help but gasps as tears filled her eyes

"I-It lives, my beautiful baby lives..."
Poison Ivy gave the now living plant a careful but very love filled hug, as her heart was no longer grieving, but instead being filled with warm and comfort, as the Pretty Plant did this, Loving Abnormal couldn't help but watch this with a warm smile, forgetting what happened earlier as she was now distracted with a sight similar to a mother seeing her child come back to life

"Huh, I didn't expect that from you Kumagawa-Kun... I'm proud of you?"
It felt weird for Medaka to be proud of Misogi, to which he responded with puffing his cheeks, not happy to receive any approvals of any kind from the likes of her

"「I Only Did It For The Free Kisses!」"

"And you definitely earned it~"
Before Kumagawa could continue to become some kind of 'Minus Tsundere', he was quickly interrupted by Poison Ivy suddenly pulling him close and kissing him in the lips, though much to her surprised, it worked this time, as her 'Poison Lips' started to infect him, she pulls away and lets him go, watching him fall and squirm in extreme pain, everyone had different reactions to this, the Flower Beauty watches with interests to see if it actually worked, Medaka was extremely confused on what was going on, and as for the one who was actually suffering, well, he couldn't help but smile very happily despite what's happening

"「Worth it~...」"
While Kumagawa could use his All Fiction to erase his mind control, I'm not entirely sure if he's immune to it naturally, your thoughts?
(BTW here's some ideas for Kumagawa Romance~)

/Kumagawa Misogi Romance Options\
-Jinx: The Two Most Unluckiest People Meet.

-Raven: A Demon Meets A Minus.

-Zatanna: The Perfect Duo Act.

-Ms. Gspltlnz: Mr. Mxyzptlk Was To Focus On Superman, So She Decided To Find Someone That Will Give Her The Real Love And Attention She Deserves.

-Medaka: Last Resort.
(BTW Arkham Knight was 2nd place for Medaka)

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