French Braids
This was written by the great author Aurora2253 ! <Not Edited>
Go follow her and check her out!
Readers POV-
'Ugh' I think as I roll over subconsciously onto my husband. You would think that after being married for 6 years you would know who you share a bed with but I guess not. As I rolled into his back, he fell of the bed and woke up with a start yelling "Where is the dam snack bar!".
"Umm Percy what in the hell were you just dreaming about??" I said as i wondered about his weird statement. "Just an old inside joke from an old quest, No worries" He said with his lopsided grin that gave me butterfly's every time I saw it. " And may I ask why I woke up falling onto the floor and than hitting my head?" "Well you see, I got a cramp and felt i was going to throw up so rolled over for some random reason" I replied as he gave me and understanding look due to my stomach having a eight month old baby inside of it. After I said that he climbed back into bed and pressed his chest up against my back.
"So what do you think little Jackson is going to look like, Baby?"My very own Seaweed Brain asked. "Well, I think he/or she is going to have (E/C) and jet black hair." I said. "Hmm so you think little Jackson is going to look the opposite of Zoe? I wonder where she is right now, she usually-" He was cut off by our very own 6 year old daughter Zoe barging through the door and jumping straight into the middle of us. "Mommy! Daddy! It's time to wake up noooow!!!" She said very happily. "Whyyyy?" Percy whines like another six year old. "Because I want my hair done now!!!" Zoe said. "Whyyy?" Percy yet again whines. " How could you not know daddy?!? Tomorrow is my first day of school for first grade and i want to have wavy hairrrr!" She drags out the r as like a whine. "Fine. You can have your hair done but our daddy is doing it because momma is too tired" I say. "But I want a Fwench Braid and daddy cant do them!!" I internally awe at how cute that was. "Then daddy will have to learn how to. Right?" I say as I nudged Percy. " Yeah I guess soo..."He says. "Well okay than! We should clean you up now, Shouldn't we?" I say toward my little Zoe. "Yay!" She squeals. "Alrighty then! Percy go get her-" I got interrupted when Zoe said "Nooo! I want Mommy not Daddy!" "Ok then. Lets go!" I say as i grab her hand and head toward the door. " You know what? Right now I'm feeling so loved by you Zoe!" Percy said sarcastically. "You are very welcome daddy!" Zoe said oblivious to sarcasm.
After we entered the bathroom, I tried to help Zoe undress and get ready to shower but it was to no avail because of my big stomach. "Percy! I need help!" I yelled over to him, trying to get him over here. "Whats wrong!?"He yelled as he got in here. But, then got confused when there was nothing wrong. "What do you need help with?..." He asked clearly lost. "I need you to help me get Zoe ready. I cannot myself.." I say sheepishly. "Oh ok. Hey Zoe? Can you get undressed ready for bath time while i get the water running and ready?" Percy asked. "But I dont want you to see me and then I will get cooties!!" She said. I try to stop laughing as she said that. "Hey honey, where did you here about cooties? Ad I promise not to look at all" Percy asked her. "Well Esperanza Valdez told me yesterday when we had a playdate. And ok!"Zoe said. Wow! I just thought why does every Valdez have to do this? I mean Leo is crazy along with his wife, Cierra(:)). They really are a quirky family. As Percy was getting every thing ready, Zoe was getting out of her cute PJs. They consisted of a pink shirt with a pink fish blowing an air bubble and rainbow striped bottoms. I mean what can you really expect when being married to the only and only Seaweed Brains himself! "Alrighty I'm done with the water, so Zoe if ready get in the water" He said. "I am! I am!" She said as she ran into the tub and jumped in splashing Percy as she hit the water. "Hey! No fair!" He said like a little kid. Ahh how i love them! "Well I'm going to get dressed" He said. Right before he left, he came over to me and gave me a peck on the lips. As much as I wanted it to continue Zoe just had to ruin that. "Eww daddy! Get off of Mommy! She can get cooties!"She yelled. "Well Zoe if I give your mom cooties just from that, then what did i give you mom when we made you?" He says.
"Percy!?! Are you kidding me? Shes only six!" I scolded at him. "Sorry" He mumbled. And then one of the most feared questions to a parent is asked, "Mommy? How are babies made?" I gave Percy a look as if to say 'Now look what you started!' I racked my mind to find a right way to say it when Percy just has to say "They come from mommies poop" I mentally face palm at that lame excuse but Zoe bought it anyways. "Really? Ok cool!" And with that Percy left the bathroom.
After 10 minute of trying to help Zoe wash her hair and body, we finally finished. When she got out and was already dry due to her getting Percy's power and not getting (G/P Power). She got dressing into a white leopard print sweater, blue leggings and cute little blue socks with a white rim. "Hey mommy can we braid my hair now?" she says getting impatient. " Yeah sure. Lets go in the living room" After I say that she runs into the living room yelling for Percy as I get the brush and hair ties. When I get into the living there both ready to start. "So Percy do you need any help?" I ask him. And right away I get a "I'm fine. I can do this myself." He said with a happy determined face. "Ok... Call if you need me, i am gonna take a nap for a few!" I say as I walked towards our bedroom. "Ok, Sleep well Babe!" I hear as I plop down as best as I could with this belly and and fell asleep.
~~Ten Minutes Later~~
I wake up to Percy saying why wont this work!!Gods!!. So, i take that as a Que to go help my poor lost Percy. When i enter I see Percy very frustrated and a not so amused Zoe. "Do you need help Percy?" I ask as I walk over to him and sit down onto his right. "No, I am fine." He says trying to down play his fail at hair. "Really? Because it looks like you cannot figure out how to do a braid. So, since you are too manly to admit you cant braid and it will probably will your ever high ego, I, being the nice wife I am will play a game to help. For every time you get it wrong, I will give you one kiss and for every time you improve i will give you two. Deal?" As I finished saying that Percy nodded eagerly. And said, "Deal!".
The first try Percy failed by not starting it off right so I gave him one kiss. As I kissed him, I could obviously tell he wanted more but that's not part of the game. I pulled away and he pouted. "Why did you stop kissing me? Don't you love me?" He said with his best puppy eyes. "Hey, I do but a game is game, so continue on" He grunted and tried again.
The second try Percy yet again failed by not remembering how to cross over the strand of hair. So I only gave him one kiss again. He got even more pouty after that and he was making it harder to resist him. He knew it to, so I could not let it happen.
The third all the way to tenth all failed. "Hey Percy?" I asked. "What?" He said with a voice full of frustration. "Did you even search up how to do a French Braid?" I wondered to him. "Umm.... No..." He said. As he said that I physically face palmed. "Are you kidding me? No wonder your nick name is Seaweed Brain!" I say with a laugh. " Hey shut up!" He says back clearly embarrassed. "Oh Noo! Daddy just swore!Daddy just swore! Bad Boy!" Zoe says as she turns around and smacks Percy's chest. " Ok well for the sake of you I will search it up!" I say as i take out my phone and go to google and type in How to do a french braid? and then it popped up.
"Hey Percy read this and watch at least 2 YouTube videos then do it ok?"I ask. "Ok. fine..." Percy first watched two 10 minute videos and then read this:
Follow These Steps: Brush hair. Before braiding, brush hair to smooth out any knots or tangles.Gather hair at top of head; divide into three sections. ...Cross the sections. ...Add hair to the section. ...Add hair to the section on the other side. ...Repeat adding hair and crossing sections. ...Secure the braid at the end with a band.
"Ohhhh ok! I think I get it now!" Percy says with enthusiasm. He did it as in the videos and like what the instructions say and he did it!! "Percy you did it! You did it!" I say so happy! "Wait i did? Wait I did!! Woohoo!! Yeah beat that world!!"He says way too happy but I'm just glad he finally did it right. "Zoe, Your hair is all done! Look daddy did it!!"I say to my daughter. "HE DID!! Finally it took foreverrrr! But yay daddy!"
(Imagine it as your hair color!)
As I looked at he time it was 7:30 and Zoe's bedtime "Hey Zoe its time to go to bed ok sweety?" I ask her quietly as seeing shes not far from sleeping. "Hey Percy can you tuck Zoe in for me?" I whisper to him and he agrees by nodding. So then I went to our bedroom and lied down, ready for sleep to come.
When Percy came into our room, he took of his shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers, and lays down next to me and brought me into his embrace. I was about to fall asleep when Percy said, "You don't know how lucky I am to have you both in my life and plus another one soon... Just make sure to never ever leave me because without you my purpose is gone..." As i heard that I realized, just how much we meant to him and so i said, "I promise we will never leave you. Percy, you are the love of my life, and Zoe and little Jackson are the light in my darkness... If i ever left you, I would just be as lost in life." After I said that i drifted to sleep. My dreams were full of past times with Percy. Like when we first met at Camp Half-Blood all the way to where he proposed to me at Camp Half-Blood, When we got married by the Long Island Sound at the beach and when i gave birth to Zoe at the Johnson Memorial Hospital nearby our house.
~~A couple of weeks later~~
Zoe wanted her hair braided again so I offered to try to do it since I was soon to being in Labor. But, she said no to me and asked Percy, "Hey daddy can you braid my hair? Please you do it way better than mommy!!" And when she said that I realized because of me she was turning into a Daddy's Girl. And when she said that Percy just laughed and agrees.
~~Three Weeks Later~~
I had a cute little boy named Charles Luke Jackson. He has, as i predicted, (E/C) and jet black hair and has the opposite of Zoe who has sea green eyes and (H/C). Her full name is Zoe Silena Jackson.
How do you think she did?
I think she did spectacular for writing her first one shot!
Love you Piløts💙❤️
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