note and something?
hi its been so long omg
im very grateful for that one person who asked to update because i feel like someone is actually reading what i wrote which was now that ive re read it absolute shite
but im in my junior year now , no fucking clue what i want to do still figuring sutff out , kind of stressed, on my period , irritated tho that will go away lmao
i realise what i wrote isnt really aligning with the characteristics of canon percy and annabeth.
also if you need fanfic recs i highly rec foreverfangirlwrites on archive of our own. captain jacksons great too and thier writing is chefs kiss.
what im writing rn , this is definately a quantity thing over a quality thing because holy fuck i havent written in a long time and i just dont expect that of myself . still remember the time when i wanted to be a writer ahhh
ignore typos pls thank you its 2 am
i have a half written oneshot so if you want me to upload that i will.
thank you
so im a huge shubman gill fan, have been since his ranji days... so ive kind of moulded my fantasies and this dream i had about him and adapting it to percabeth .
neither of them are demigods here.
It was percy's first swim meet after 3 months . he hadnt been performing that well. he wasted to and he tried but sometimes life just doesnt go your way. over the years performance pressure got the best of him as he excelled and started emerging as a child prodigy. one would think since he'd spent his entire life, his childhood and his teen days dedicating his time to swimming, he'd know how to handle it but whenever he'd start pushing and pushing and pushing for specific results, it went against him .
he was nervous , to say the least , but a quiet calm. he'd listened to his favourite songs when he woke up and now had shifted to intense classical to get him in the zone.
he stood on his platform , having gone through all his routine, pep talk with the coach, a kiss from sally, pumping up by the boys .
the whistle blew and dove , giving it his all. this is it , this is it, he'd chant in his mind . just do this, get through it, do it . you can do it .
all the while annabeth, anxiously sat in the stands with her fingers crossed , as always . she was entranced, in awe of the one and only percy jackson, though she wasnt stupid enough to think she was the only girl there rooting for him . she didnt know him , he didnt know her . they werent from the same city, she was from san francisco and he was from new york but she knew of him.
she'd loved swimming herself , something about the water, felt calming , she knew what power and what secrets water held. 'water has memory' she recalled . she got into swimming with her dad. he loved watching it on tv . he'd watched the sillient smallest meets, telecasted with the worst camera quality ever, and maybe was probably the only one watching. who knows?
from the start, she'd noticed this one boy, with his jet black hair, mischevious smile, his beautiful deep tan and adorable dimple . oh and his eyes, how they'd crinkle when he smiled. andhis eyes, they were probably the dreamiest eyes she'd eer seen , just like the sea .
she'd deemed herself as his biggest fan and as she sat there, her mind coming back to the meet, defended herself to herself in her mind and entertaining the crazy thought of her having a chance with im hy says ' oh i know him the best , or ive followed his career the longest or ive known about his existence the longest' but she knew in real life she'd never approach him . she was ordinary , maybe smart and an ordinary type of pretty but his rumored girlfriend b=was just so much prettier. ofcourse she followed her on instagram , saw the way she posed, did her hair, her makeup and tried to imitate it . but oh she was just so pretty and annabeth, annabeth was just not enough.
it wasnt that she wasnt interesting or wasnt funny, she was own person . it was just that how could the percy jackson , the boy or rather now, the man she saw once when she was 15 on tv grinning at the camera ever be interested in her? especially since she was a fan ? but one thing she knew for sure. the moment she saw him smiling at the camera that one time when she was 15, she knew her heart would never be hers again.
she didnt want to talk to him voluntarily, that would be too scary , just knowing he exists and knowing how he smiles would have to suffice .
she was currently visiting new york , to look at the nyu campus . she was thinking of doing a post grad there and it just so happened that that was where his swim meet was .
it was a miracle annabeth didnt faint when she was him come out in his swin shorts. the camera really didnt do his body justice .
she heard the announcer through the megaphone in a daze . percy won. ofcourse he would .
he got out of the water, all smiles and she was so happy for him . he deserves this , she didnt know him, or what hed been going through personally but she knew he'd been having an off season.
He took the medal , proudly stood on the podium and took a few pictures. he was then handed the mic and he as always, thanked his mom first , his supporters, his coach and his little sister and dog. he then said a few things about his past season and how this was a new fresh start for him.
annabeth listened carefully. half registering his words, half focused on his rich voice and just how illegaly handsome he looked , hair dripping and tousled with water and a towel wrapped around him .
as soon as he was done, annabeth headed out . she didnt want to stay for the crazy fangirl picture clicking signing stuff.
she looked for the nearest exit, collected her stuff in her tote and rushed towards it. she was hastily putting on her cap when she bumped into someone and tripped
' careful dear oh you could hurt yourself ' said sally in a kind voice
annabeth looked up to see sally ' im so so sorry id dint see where i was going' she said getting up, dusting herself off, interally freaking out.
' are you okay? wait you dropped something right let me get that for you' she said trying to retain her calm composure
she picked up the medal sally had dropped and gave it back to her.
' im so sorry again, are you alright?'
'yes yes im perfectly fine thank you' sally shook her off,
' would you like a cookie? my son just won !' sally continued
' oh thank you id love one and also congratulations! you must be so proud ' annabeth replied , tasking a blue cookie from the box sally had opened and biting into it.
'yes , very much so . he really truly is the best son i could ever ask for'
annabeth stifled back a moan as she took another bite of the cookie ' oh my days this is so good how ? what magic is in this '
sally laughed ' would you like another one?'
' oh no no i couldn't, thank you so much though, it was so great meeting you!'
'i thought i was supposed to have the first cookie' a voice came from behind annabeth .
her eyes widened as she realised who it was from, internally having a panic attack
' oh hush i make them for you all the time , besides i think ' (she gestured to annabeth as if asking for her name)
'-annabeth' annabeth said
' annabeth needed it more' sally finished
percy rolled his eyes playfully and took a cookie
' yes mom '
sirens from all around were going off in annabeths head as she tried to remain calm, not blush and funtion like a regular human being . but that was very very hard when her crush, or for her it was like a celebroty crush was standing i from of her in his 6'2 glory with just trunks and a towel on and god help her his eyes were just as mesmerising as they looked on tv
' annabeth, dear this is my son percy . percy this is annabeth'
' hi nice to meet you' annabeth said, smiling shyly , extending her hand
' good to meet you annabeth.' he shook her hand
' so what brings you here ?'
'excuse me kids coach is calling me' sally excused herself
' oh yeah sure go ahead mom' he said
hes polite too, god save me se thought
'im sorry you were telling me about your post grad plans'
'well im looking at a post grad program and had a bit of free time and someone recommended this meet and well here i am' liar liar liar said her inner voice . it wasnt like she planned her whole say around this meet. ofcourse not
' hmm first timer , i thought i hadn't seen you before but how did you like it ?
' well my dad loved swim meets and ive grown up watching them so yeah i liked witnessing one in person' more like ive grown up watching you
' thats so cool wow ! what are you doing as a post grad here?' he asked
' well i havent decided for sure but architecture '
he sucked in a breath ' thats like smart people stuff. i personally love it here though, i hope you will too'
yeah thats definately not going to affect my decision now sheesh
' yeah i actually really love it till now' she said
' maybe i'll see you around !' he said effortlessly
' maybe ' her phone buzzed in her hand indicating her cab was here
' oh well i've got to go now but great meeting you!'
' actually um annabeth could i maybe have your number? you know incase you need someone to show you around campus ' he asked rubbing the back of his neck perfectly displaying all his arm muscles
' oh yeah um sure thank you ' annabeth replied kind of confused. she fed her number in his mobile nonetheless
he wanted her number ? HE WANTED HER NUMBERRR
'oh i really have to go now the cabs calling' she said picking the call up talking to the driver
' well do you want me to drop you? it wouldnt be much of a hassle i mean if youre comfortable with it '
' oh no i couldnt, but thank you for offering '
'well let me atleast walk you out'
' surr but arent you gonna be cold'
' the cold never bothered me anyway ' he sung quietly
funny too? and a frozen reference? annabeth was fucked . ANd a nice singing voice? oh naww he isnt real naurrr
she got in the cab, not before percy made her promise to text him when she reached her hotel.
its safe to say annabeth was grinning so hard her cheeks hurt all the way to the hotel , at the hotel. the smile didnt leave her face when she slept , memories of their conversation still coming back to her in her dreams .
well thats that. its not revised . feel free to point out mistakes i dont mind.
honestly im proud of myself for even wrtiting so yay
see you maybe? idk
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