Chapter 8

Third Person P.O.V.

Percy insisted to drive so for obvious reasons, they arrived 10 minutes late .

"I told you I should have drived, seaweed brain "

" but I wanted toooo! " Percy whined

" why ? "

" because we rarely ever take the lambo out ! " he said

" why ? "

" because you say so "

" why? "

" now you're just annoying me and pretending to be me " Percy whined

" that's exactly what I was aiming for " annabeth grinned

" well you did a terrible job "

Annabeth pouted , again , trying to imitate Percy

He laughed

" that was actually good " Percy admit

" haha! " annabeth smirked in triumph

After their bickering ended, they held hands and walked around the beach and Just generally talked about anything and everything.
They talked about they first met , laughed at some good old memories and remembered some special people who they wished would have been with them to celebrate .
( Charles , silena etc. ) they talked and talked and talked until

A pair of hands , they weren't as soft as Annabeth's , rather rough, like they had been working on some tough projects and had had many cuts and bruises in the past .
The hands covered both of their eyes, and put blindfolds on  .

The people ( there were 2 people ) were smart , for before either Percy or annabeth could grab their weapons , they were snatched out of their possession .

And strangely , they knew exactly where Percy and Annabeth hid them from plain sight .
They also tied their hands before either of them could knock the people out .

Percy growled

" let. us. go. " he said somewhat calmly .

The person laughed , the voice was somewhat familiar , annabeth thought ,but she couldn't quite place her finger on who it belonged to .

It seemed like the 2 people were having a silent conversation, which included a lot of grunting , nodding and moving .

" LET US GO ! " annabeth repeated , louder than Percy

" sure " the person said sarcastically and this time annabeth identified the voice

"LEO !!" She shrieked

Leo cleared his throat and said in a deeper voice

" you wish " again , his voice was filled with sarcasm

" Leo ! I command you TO unite me and take my blindfold off . I'm the birthday boy , LISTEN TO ME ! Percy shouted

" ugh , you're impossible"

"Ha! " Percy smirked in triumph

" caught you Valdez "

" shcist "

" where are you taking us anyways  " Percy said

" nowhere "

" then let us go ! "

" no "

" can't a guy take his girlfriend out on a romantic walk on the beach that too on his anniversary?? "

Percy could feel Leo sticking his tongue out . although he had a blindfold on , he rolled his eyes

As they were talking , they were walking continuously.

"I'm saying this for the last time Valdez, before I kick you in the - you know where - " annabeth growled .

" Yeah , sure wait " Leo said as he untied their hands

Anabeth was just about to kick his arse when he removed their blindfold and shouted

"TADA !!!!!" 


Aaaaaand ,


everyone shouted , including annabeth .

of course, she knew about this and played along with the act .

Percy looked around , all of the gang was there , Leo , calypso , nico , Thalia, piper ,Jason  , Frank , hazel, roni , nessa , reyana, Chris and Aaron .

They all had thrown a party for him , on the beach with blue food ,that was like his 3 favorite things combined together .

The arrangement was amazing , there were 2 big and long tables , making an 'L'
The tables in front of him contained all sorts of sweets , dishes and desserts all blue . There were 2 cakes ,1 said happy birthday and the other one said happy anniversary
The table on his left was piled up with all sorts of games , a bottle for spin the bottle , surfboards , a few board games , limbo and of course props for the photos .
As he was drinking in the scene , he didn't realize everyone was staring till piper said

" well ? What'dyou think ? "

Percy  took in a deep breath and said

" brace yourselves , this is gonna be a cheezy speech " he grinned

Everyone groaned

" first of all , thank you soooo much for doing this , I absolutely love it , I am so lucky to have you guys as my friends , I can't believe you guys did this , I'm so very lucky !

Aaaaand ,

Second thing LET'S PARTY !!! "

Everyone cheered

They all played for a while , 1 round of limbo , then the girls excused themselves to go and change into something appropriate for the day , which the guys guessed was swimsuits . They chatted for a while , then Percy excused himself and went to sit in front of the ocean , just looking at the waves .

Meanwhile , the girls were changing

Annabeth's P.O.V.

After 1 round of limbo , is girls excused yourself to change into something comfortable . Dresses were totally not the way to go at the beach .
So we changed into 2 piece swimsuits .

my swimsuit

The twins' swimsuit ( they wore matching )

Pipers swimsuits

Thalia's one piece

Hazel's one piece

Ryena's one piece

Calypso's one piece

Once we wore done , we all went out to find the guys talking to each other ,my eyes searched for Percy , and I found him, on a beach towel just looking at the sea .

Third Person P.O.V.

Percy excused himself to go and sit on a beach towel just to enjoy and look at the sea . It felt to peaceful , so calm . Percy was so lost in his own world that he didn't notice annabeth come down and sit next to him till she said

" beautiful view , huh ? "

" Yeah , but not as beautiful as you " he said cheesily

He saw that she had changed into a grey bikini which looked amazing on her . It wasn't to complicated , it was very simple yet she made it look like a masterpiece  They grey colour made her eyes look as stunning as ever .

Annabeth sighed loudly , breaking his train of thought .

" cheesy is your middle name , not that I'm complaining "

He  grinned

"Now go change , i brought your swimming trunks , in my bag "

" Yeah ok thanks " he said getting up

" and Percy , don't take long , I gotta tell you something "

" what ? "

" first go change "

" tell meeee" he whined

" change "

" tell me "

" change "

" tell me "

" change"

" tell  me "

" change "

" tell me "

" change "

" tell me "

" change"

" tell  me "

this time, along with pleading, he gave annabeth his best puppy dog eyes and pouted which made him look like a baby seal .

Annabeth knew he would do that and she was prepared .

Over the years Percy gave annabeth this look a lot . The first 5 years or so , she fell for them but after that she had taught herself how to grow immune to them . She would  give in occasionally, when he looked super cute .
she thought she was prepared but when an looked at him , she just couldn't say no .

" you're so stubborn , seaweed brain " she grumbled aloud

" and that's why you loveee meee" he teased

Annabeth tried to scowl but failed to do so miserably.

" you just can't get mad at me today " he flashed her his signature mischievous grin , the same one she had hopelessly fallen in love with

Annabeth grumbled some more

" there was something you were gonna tell me " he said batting his eyelashes innocently like the girls in the Aphrodite cabin had taught him to do
" lemmi guess , you learnt that from the girls in the Aphrodite cabin ? "

" yes and don't change the topic "

she sighed , he just knew her too well " I asked our professors if we could have the second half of the day off and they said yes , but they agreed on doing so just because we had exceptional grades and were being good students " her voice took a dangerous as he when she said the word 'but',

nevertheless, Percy was on cloud nine .

" really ? "

" really " she sighed

" really really " Percy asked again, not believing his ears

" yes Percy , for gods' sake really really " she said exasperated.

" I love you"

" I love you to now go change percy "

As Percy went to the men's changing room to change , annabeth stared at the waves . Admiring their beauty . the waves were calm , so Poseidon must have been in a good mood today .

-----------10 mins later ---------------------

Percy came out fully changed into his sea green swimming trunks , showing off his eight pack abs . Annabeth just couldn't help but state at her beautiful boyfriend.

( A/N  i didn't insert any picture of his swimsuit because I don't fancy looking at boys' swimsuits ) Percy caught her staring and smirked ,

" you just can't take your eyes off of me today , huh? "

She blushed and said

" oh , shut up "

he shut up and sat down besides annabeth .

A comfortable silence settled for a few minutes till percy got bored and broke it by saying

" thank you annabeth "

" for what "

" for this " he pointed at the party

" the gang helped , a lot "

" and thank you once more"

" for what ? "

He looked into her eyes , the eyes that many people found scary , but he just found them full of love , the eyes that people think belong to a person as hard as stone , but he just saw his perfect wise girl .

Percy tucked in a piece of stray hair being her ear

" for just being you, for being there for me , you are the most amazing person in the world and I don't know what I would do without you , heck I wouldn't have survived my 16th birthday if it wasn't for you "

She blushed , after all these years, he loved when he was able to do that .

" thank you seaweed brain too "

This time it was Percy's turn to ask

" for what ? "

" for being my seaweed brain , my soulmate , my other half " she shrugged

Percy , looking at the amazing opportunity, pulled out the promise ring

" annabeth ? "

" un hun ? "

" close your eyes "

" what are you up to "

" just close em "

She closed her eyes and Percy pulled out the ring

" open em "

As  she opened her eyes , she gasped

As soon as she opened he eyes , Percy said

" this isn't an engagement ring , it's a promise ring "

She didn't say anything , she just nodded

" and on our third anniversary , I want to promise you some things , should I go on ? "

She just nodded , dumbstruck

" annabeth Chase , I love you , you are my soulmate , the love of my life and today I want to promise you that YOU , will be my future wife , I will love you forever and ever , I will protect you forever and ever , I will never even dream of hurting you , I promise you will be the mother of my children , I promise we will have a own home of ours when a mini annabeth and a mini me will be running around . I love you , I love you so much it hurts"


" annabeth , please say something "

Annabeth didn't know what do say , she was stunned , she did NOT see this coming .
She had tears in her eyes , what he said was beautiful and she did love him, love him so much that it hurt .

Seeing that she had lost the ability to speak temporarily, she did something , something much much better than saying anything .

She kissed him .

She kissed him sweetly and gently .
This kiss was different than the others , it wasn't a ' hungry kiss ' it was one that represented their love I the purest , most raw form , the love that was more powerful than anything , the love that was a force of nature .
It was amazing .
It's was just so percabeth .

After some time ( which was very looooong ) they pulled away .

Annabeth buried her head on the crook of Percy's neck to hide her blush and whispered to him

" I love you too Percy , so much it hurts "

They stayed like that for a while till percy pulled away and put the ring on the index finger .

" it's beautiful seaweed brain "

  " check the back "

Annabeth removed it and looked at it. The words ' till death do us part ' were engraved on the back

" till death do us part " annabeth murmured

" indeed,till death do us part " said Percy grinning

Annabeth beamed at Percy

"Happy birthday "

" happy anniversary"

Then they kissed , again

This time , Leo noticed and shouted


" VALDEZ!! " Percy screamed

"eep"Leo said in a small voice

" Better run for it " roni said

" Yeah " said piper and Leo took off

Percy got up and ran towards Leo , chasing him .
They ran around in circles around the beach , Leo also used the table as props for hiding which caused Thalia to step in to stop Percy from knocking the table over

" that's enough ! Anyways , we should start with the cake cutting and eating cause I'm starving " Thalia said eyeing the table stacked with food

The others murmured or in Leo's case shouted , in agreement

" okay, so let's cut the cake " annabeth said

They  cut the cake , which was blue ( duh!) And ate
. They almost got into a food fight which piper prevented by her charmspeak .

After they were done eating , they went surfing .

" Seaweed brain ? " asked annabeth

" Yeah "

" can you teach me how to surf ? "

Percy gasped

" annabeth Chase , daughter of Athena , wants to surf ? ! "

" oh shut up seaweed brain , I wanted to try it and you know I'm always down for something new " and

" Yeah , ok wise girl "

" bring your surfboard " he said

When annabeth came back with her surfboard , Percy created a huge wave and showed her how to do it

Annabeth tried , but fell down everytime she tried getting up on her surfboard

" who knew balancing on a stupid surfboard could be so hard ! " she grumbled and she tossed her surfboard into the beach

" whoa , whoa , calm down wise girl , just give it another try and this time I'm gonna go with you " he smiled

They both surfed and this time annabeth could easily keep her balance , with Percy right behind her , holding her

She did suspect if Percy was calming or controlling the water in such a way so she wouldn't fall , but she swatted the though away almost as soon as it popped up .

They enjoyed surfing for a while , together .

This particularly huge wave came , and Percy insisted they  go together .so obviously they did go because Percy yet again used his puppy so eyes to convince annabeth and  we all know where that ends, they rode together , but the wave was just too big for annabeth so she fell midway and seeing his wise girl  wasn't with him , he also deliberately went after annabeth

They both fell down and were completely under the water . Percy saw annabeth and swam towards her and created an air bubble

" you came for me ?" annabeth asked

"always and forever, I will always come for you and be there for you " smiled Percy

" whether you like it or not " he added after an afterthought

" I love you , you know that ? "

" how could I have forgotten  that , you tell that to me like every one hour " he joked

  She rolled her eyes

" I know wise girl , and I love you too, I love you so much it hurts " he said as he hugged annabeth

" I know " she replied

Then they kissed , and it was the best underwater kiss of all time , even better than the original.


Hello guys ! I decided to post early ! Surprise ! Anyways , love you so much .
, Thank you for the reads , comments and votes , they encourage me to push myself and write these chapters ,this was a particularly long one ,  2624 words  ,After all , the sky is the limit!

I also want to thank you for 162 followers and 164 Reads , I am truly very grateful , I love every single one of you soooooo very much ..



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