Chapter 23

Hey y'all , so this is just a short chapter , nothing more , nothing less . I would say short and sweet , but well ........


Percy was sitting in the living room of his apartment , thinking about what do to for the date . He didn't want it to be an old , boring dinner date . He wanted to make it special , something that he would remember for the rest of his life .
After a whole half an hour of thinking what to do , he picked up his phone , scrolled through his videos , and clicked the one of Annabeth singing 'drivers license'. No matter how many times he'd listened to it , it never got old . Never .
He closed his eyes and sang along with the recording . It was amazing , what she could do , pour so much emotion into one song . And knowing it was written about it , just made it hurt about a hundred more times . He listened to it , with all his attention , not focusing on anything else .

once it finished he picked up his guitar , and let it all flow

************************************The Next Day *****************************************

Percy walked into school ,a grin settling in on his face proud of the things he planned the day before as he tried to find Annabeth , walking towards the music room . He had a feeling she would be there . As he pushed through the crowds , he was met with the not so welcoming , oh -so familiar face of Inez .

" what are you doing here ? I thought you left " He growled

" see , babe I knew you'd make the right choice eventually so , I came here , to show that bitch her place and to give you the best ride of your life " She winked , and with that pressed her lips on Percy's , and in that moment , Annabeth decided to come out of the music room , all happy , her beautiful eyes looked around in search of Percy , but only to find him pinned by the wall , by a brunette that looked suspiciously like Inez .

She felt her eyes fill with tears , that she desperately wanted to stop from spilling . She wasn't going to cry , not again , especially because of her and him . So she whispered one last thing to him , before doing the only thing she knew and did well all her life . She ran , she ran from all her problems , like she did when she was 7 . She ran , because that's what she did all her life . All the way to a small room she called home.

" I'm sorry I thought you were better than this "

She first thought of going to the beach , but that was miles away and she didn't have a car . She ran up the stairs and barged in , not bothering to close the door and collapsed besides it . Trying to control herself , her sobs and her shivers ,until she finally gave in , and cried her eyes , her heart and her soul out, till she couldn't anymore . So she brought out her guitar , and played all the songs that came to her mind .

As she played , she thought about how disappointed she was in herself . Yes, she blamed herself . Yes , she knew she wasn't good enough for him . Yes , she knew she didn't deserve him . Yes , she also knew she had lost and if the war wasn't over yet , she was fighting for a lost cause .
But like a friend should do , did he make it easier for her to deal with it ? No . Instead , he just had to rub it all in her face . So , she blamed herself , for not being good enough .

Without him she had no hand hold on to , she was almost helpless  , like a sail in a storm . She was a mess .
Without him , the fire felt cold , the summers felt cold and everything was black. Her life was like a rope , cut into pieces but he was always there to tie the knot that kept it together
 With him , even if she fell , she would know it would be okay in the end , it always was .
 With him , she was in his own words ' a beautiful mess of a wise girl '  .
With him , the winters felt warm and the black was colorful . So , without him , she was completely lost , like she was when she was back in the Laybrinth , but this time , without him.

First was Stand by you , which Percy wrote , for her .
She didn't play it ,in a happy tone , like he did . She didn't have the energy or will to do so .

Next came Umbrella , the song that was very dear to her . It was the song Percy sang to her when she had a nightmare .

Then she sang Lover , written my her music role model , Taylor Swift , who was a daughter of Apollo .

She sang another one by Taylor , called you belong with me

Another one , that shed heard on the radio , called consequences by Camila Cabello 

And another one , called a thousand years , by Christina Perri , another daughter of Apollo

She sang another song , written by her . She called it all I want .

Last , but definitely not the least she sang Drivers License .


Percy ran . As soon as he got the monster off of him , he ran . All the way to Annabeth's apartment . How you might ask he knew she went there ? He had a hunch and it was either that or the beach , and Annabeth didn't have a car .

He didn't even bother getting his car , he just ran , while the words Annabeth repeated themselves over and over again

i'm sorry , I thought you were better than this

i'm sorry

i'm sorry

no , they couldn't mean

surely not

or did he just loose his bestfriend , soulmate and lover ?

These thoughts circled his mind as he ran up the stairs and to her apartment. He stopped in front of her door from where music was playing , it was from a guitar and a person with the voice of an angel .

The person, whom he recognized as Annabeth , was playing the same song he'd written for her . But with much less energy and joy . It was almost lifeless , her voice laced with sadness , depression and disappointment . Not for him , it was directed towards herself. As if she was blaming herself . But somehow , she made it sound beautiful than ever .

He sat down besides the wall , with his back facing it .

She sang many songs , all of then carefully chosen , with a deep meaning behind them .

Then , she sang that song . The song he knew all too well . Drivers license.

As he listened to it , he began crying . Each and every word , was written for him , because of him .He had always imagined them sitting in the sun , writing songs for each other , when life would be perfect , but in reality , life was anything but perfect .It threw twists and turns towards them , expecting them to dodge every single time , coming out perfect in the end . But in reality , it was okay , to not be okay .

And oh how badly he wanted to tell her that she would be safe in those arms of his and that how he would run to her in the edge of the night even if it broke him , but how could he love her when he didn't love who he was at the moment? He was a sinking ship that was burning , without his sail ,his lifeline , his Annabeth . But he also knew , he'd hurt her , bad . And what was broken couldn't be whole anymore , could it ? And even if he did , go in there an comfort her , it would make her more angry , frustrated and confused , about her feelings , and most of all , scared , of what's to come . And he knew what she was doing now. She was building her walls higher , higher than ever . Because she let him in , and all he did was hurt her . So , he blamed himself .Because without her , he was lost , and broken on the floor , shattered , into millions of pieces . and that wasn't even probably half of what she was feeling . So , for once , he shut up , and took a step back , letting her comfort herself , and cry herself to sleep . However much it hurt him to see her do that.

Meanwhile ,  Annabeth had finished playing , she closed the door and got out her diary , she wrote , all about her day . It was something her friends had recommended she did , to cope with everything that was going around her .
She write how it was okay to not  be okay , how hurt she was , how torn she felt and how depressed and suicidal she knew she was .


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